Did Y'all Notice Many Big Cities Are Headed By Afro American (or some variation of non-white) Females?

One thing about the Fauci Fraud Epidemic is that it exposed a trend that apparently has been ongoing for years. Incompetent, stupid, low IQ, Europhobic, anti-American scum have literally taken over our once great cities. Combine that with Europhobic governors and even if President Trump wins in another landslide victory, where the hell is a safe place to live?
There are black mayors in the USA but there is not one black governor in any of the 50 states and governors are more powerful than mayors because they're the ones who decide the allocation of resources and there is only one black senator.

So white needs are met from top to bottom and even the odd black mayors that you have tend to be under the umbrella of the white supremacists.

Governors in general are laying FAR back from the destruction and suffering in these cities. Not their job to police or order mayors around.. In AMERICA -- the power is SUPPOSED TO BE reserved at the "bottom" of govt.. Govt wasn't DESIGNED to get more powerful as you rise in levels -- in terms of choices and options for living freely.. Shame ya don't know that..

These mental midget mayors (who ARE NOT ALL BLACK FEMALES BTW) are POLITICALLY driven to USE the rioting, looting, resultant economic suffering to piss on Donald Trump and BAIT him into "doin' sumting 'bout it"... In HOPES he'll screw up and get defeated in Nov... Their EVIL PLAN is simple.. Get the Don to bite off MORE FEDERAL POWER than he should and kill someone in the process.. Then BIDEN gets elected and makes ME PAY for all the damage and suffering these moron mayors caused themselves.

That plan aint gonna work... Welcome to Dystopia if you live in one those cratered cities...
And here's me thinking mods are meant to be neutral.

Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
And I thank God every day that I left California when I did.. I knew a one party government is just ASKING for problems. And here we are discussing DEEP BLUE cities with minions of mental midgets running them into the ground.. Its ALL POLITICAL FOLKS... Aint NOTHING RACIAL HERE at all.. It the same lust for power, bleeding heart club that's dropping bail and abolishing police and telling us that arson and looting is not violence and that LOOTING in particular is just a valid form of reparations,.. No matter what color the looter is -- ask them if they NEEDED that 52" TV that hauled out of burning building with no fire dept responding...
Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
Look. Anyone that is trying argue that Governors have less power or are on an equal footing with Mayors is not to be taken seriously.

I just can't take you seriously and that's the last thing I'll say to you on it because your point is so stupid that you'll just start to annoy me and then I'll write something which will cause me to get banned.
lol at the silly attempt at babbling about 'Governors n stuff'. Another obvious admission they have no excuses for their own failures.

As for mods they only have to be neutral re enforcing rules; they can have all the opinions and beliefs they want to, even if they're demonstrably wrong.
Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
Look. Anyone that is trying argue that Governors have less power or are on an equal footing with Mayors is not to be taken seriously.

I just can't take you seriously and that's the last thing I'll say to you on it because your point is so stupid that you'll just start to annoy me and then I'll write something which will cause me to get banned.

Rubbish. They haven't banned me for disagreeing with them. You just don't have a credible rebuttal of the fact that black people elect crappy pols and are their own worst enemies, is all.
Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
Look. Anyone that is trying argue that Governors have less power or are on an equal footing with Mayors is not to be taken seriously.

I just can't take you seriously and that's the last thing I'll say to you on it because your point is so stupid that you'll just start to annoy me and then I'll write something which will cause me to get banned.

It's fundamental to the US governmental structure.. Constitutions are LIMITATIONS OF GOVT POWERS.. With (as the 10th Amendment states) all OTHER powers reserved to the states and the PEOPLE respectively. The Fed and state all have them.. Only way a governor TRUMPS a mayor is by declaring an emergency basically,... I find it odd that folks that hate America the most -- have NO CLUE what how the current govt works..

Now STATE LEGISLATORS can force cities to do ANYTHING THEY WANT by changing law, regardless of whether it's in their power or not to do so -- and the courts will sort that out --- but not Governors..
Bill Clinton was the first black POTUS they said... Maybe Northam? :dunno:

Well, Biden is now the man to see about being black these days. He decides who is and who isn't, and lots of black folk agree, obviously.
Most Democrats are totally ignorant of anything negative about Biden. Most Democrats have no clue what a sick fuck Biden is and the ones that do give him a pass because they are just as bad or worse.
One thing about the Fauci Fraud Epidemic is that it exposed a trend that apparently has been ongoing for years. Incompetent, stupid, low IQ, Europhobic, anti-American scum have literally taken over our once great cities. Combine that with Europhobic governors and even if President Trump wins in another landslide victory, where the hell is a safe place to live?
White Folk abandoned most of those places decades ago, in response to the so-called Great Migration.

Mind you, a shrinking number of Whites held onto local political power long after the 'majority' had flipped in those places...

But, eventually, once you get an unfortunate Ethnic Flip, you can't hold onto political power within those Neo Planation Zones forever...

So, eventually, you get what we have now... "colorful" local administrations that are largely incompetent and not supported beyond their boundaries...

Meanwhile, White America is too busy living life and enjoying itself and working hard, to bother with those clusters of underperorming excuse-making losers.
Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
Look. Anyone that is trying argue that Governors have less power or are on an equal footing with Mayors is not to be taken seriously.

I just can't take you seriously and that's the last thing I'll say to you on it because your point is so stupid that you'll just start to annoy me and then I'll write something which will cause me to get banned.

It's fundamental to the US governmental structure.. Constitutions are LIMITATIONS OF GOVT POWERS.. With (as the 10th Amendment states) all OTHER powers reserved to the states and the PEOPLE respectively. The Fed and state all have them.. Only way a governor TRUMPS a mayor is by declaring an emergency basically,... I find it odd that folks that hate America the most -- have NO CLUE what how the current govt works..

Now STATE LEGISLATORS can force cities to do ANYTHING THEY WANT by changing law, regardless of whether it's in their power or not to do so -- and the courts will sort that out --- but not Governors..
Governors are more powerful than Mayors. Fact.
Paul Essien, most Governors who might be lighter skin than you demand, are Europhobic and or have even more Europhobic Lt. Governors. Killer Cuomo of New York for example called the Kung Flu from China which was introduced into Westchester County, NY and Fairfield County, CT by Jewish Rabbis, the "European Flu." :p
All governors are white or not black. They are the ones with the power. There is only one black senator in the USA.

Not to mention the president of the USA is white.

So if you have a problem with any city in the USA then look to your own people.
I don’t care if the mayor is white, black, man, woman, they have the power to call in the guard or law enforcement to take control of their cites and are failing. The two worst mayors are in Seattle and Portland. One male, one female and I believe both are white, and I blame them for allowing their cities allowing riots. Disgraceful.
Not here as a mod.. I'm off duty.. Did ya really NOT KNOW that the entire COnsitution is about LIMITING the scope of Government at the Federal level? And the SAME THING at the Governor or state level?? The basic STRUCTURE of society and life is STILL determined at the city/county level... If we can KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVT from expanding BEYOND what it's primary duties are -- WE CAN ALL choose to live in places that are GOVERNED quite differently...

How's that for being helpful AND neutral... LOL
Look. Anyone that is trying argue that Governors have less power or are on an equal footing with Mayors is not to be taken seriously.

I just can't take you seriously and that's the last thing I'll say to you on it because your point is so stupid that you'll just start to annoy me and then I'll write something which will cause me to get banned.

It's fundamental to the US governmental structure.. Constitutions are LIMITATIONS OF GOVT POWERS.. With (as the 10th Amendment states) all OTHER powers reserved to the states and the PEOPLE respectively. The Fed and state all have them.. Only way a governor TRUMPS a mayor is by declaring an emergency basically,... I find it odd that folks that hate America the most -- have NO CLUE what how the current govt works..

Now STATE LEGISLATORS can force cities to do ANYTHING THEY WANT by changing law, regardless of whether it's in their power or not to do so -- and the courts will sort that out --- but not Governors..
Governors are more powerful than Mayors. Fact.

Maybe Democrat ones that dont respect the Constitution of their state.. The feud between Cuomo and Big Bird deBlasio is a great example of that. Big Bird fucked everything up on Covid, so Cuomo essentially ran the entire statewide Covid response from Albany.. Not happening in the VAST majority of states that RESPECT constitutional limits on power..

For riots, looting and things like school desegregation, we've sent in actual FEDERAL TROOPS about 15 times in the past 50 years.. Not just Nat Guard.. And almost EVERY TIME -- this was decided at the Federal level, because either the Governor (Lester Maddux or Wallace ) was blocking school doors -- OR the governors requested Federal troops in LIEU of dispatching their citizen Nat Guard.

All the blame for the looting, destruction, anarchy lies with the MAYORS of those DEEP BLUE cities who are LIKING the Antifa./BLM alliance and using it to BAIT Trump into intervening.. Not EVEN CONSIDERING that the Gov of Oregon/Washington/California/etc will get off their PARTISAN ASS and put THEIR neck out to intervene.. That's WHY all the suffering and decay and bleak futures is all the MAYOR'S fault...
One thing about the Fauci Fraud Epidemic is that it exposed a trend that apparently has been ongoing for years. Incompetent, stupid, low IQ, Europhobic, anti-American scum have literally taken over our once great cities. Combine that with Europhobic governors and even if President Trump wins in another landslide victory, where the hell is a safe place to live?
Got to love affirmative action lol
Mr.Meatballs and Lasagna has turned NY into Somalia
Mayor Light Head has made Chicago more dangerous than the Congo
Maybe Democrat ones that dont respect the Constitution of their state.. The feud between Cuomo and Big Bird deBlasio is a great example of that. Big Bird fucked everything up on Covid, so Cuomo essentially ran the entire statewide Covid response from Albany.. Not happening in the VAST majority of states that RESPECT constitutional limits on power..

For riots, looting and things like school desegregation, we've sent in actual FEDERAL TROOPS about 15 times in the past 50 years.. Not just Nat Guard.. And almost EVERY TIME -- this was decided at the Federal level, because either the Governor (Lester Maddux or Wallace ) was blocking school doors -- OR the governors requested Federal troops in LIEU of dispatching their citizen Nat Guard.

All the blame for the looting, destruction, anarchy lies with the MAYORS of those DEEP BLUE cities who are LIKING the Antifa./BLM alliance and using it to BAIT Trump into intervening.. Not EVEN CONSIDERING that the Gov of Oregon/Washington/California/etc will get off their PARTISAN ASS and put THEIR neck out to intervene.. That's WHY all the suffering and decay and bleak futures is all the MAYOR'S fault...
What's this "we" business ? ("we've sent in actual FEDERAL TROOPS")

You didn't do anything.
I don’t care if the mayor is white, black, man, woman, they have the power to call in the guard or law enforcement to take control of their cites and are failing.
If they treated Derick Chauvin (Killer of George Floyd) just like they treated Mohamed Noor, Minneapolis and other cities would not have been be out of control, businesses would still be standing, and mostly operational right now.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder. It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.
I don’t care if the mayor is white, black, man, woman, they have the power to call in the guard or law enforcement to take control of their cites and are failing.
If they treated Derick Chauvin (Killer of George Floyd) just like they treated Mohamed Noor, Minneapolis and other cities would not have been be out of control, businesses would still be standing, and mostly operational right now.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder. It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

So you want injustice for one group based on skin color and justice for another group, based on skin color or you threaten violence and burn and loot. So innocent victims pay with their loss of life, pay with businesses burned down, pay because one group of people wants to dictate justice. Isn’t that what we have currently and it is not working.

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