Did Yemenis take Obama up on his offer to "absorb another terrorist attack?"

i should hope that our enemies KNOW that we can survive another attack, vs thinking that we can not, giving them MORE INCENTIVE to attack us.

I am SO GLAD obama was not stupid enough to say, ''we can not survive as a country, if we get one more terrorist attack''....

you guys are silly willies to think obama was 'wrong' to say we are STRONG....
No, what he said was the equivalent of "Is that all you got?"
think what you wish, but you are wrong on that kind of thinking Revere....what the president said, was the RIGHT thing to say, verses saying, 'we will crumble, if we had another attack'....and the truth is, we will not crumble if we had another 9/11....we are a strong and resilient nation....not some group of wimps.
No, he said we'll absorb it. We're good for it. Not, "try it and we'll kick your ass."
The power of logistics!
It worked from 9/12/2001 until the shit head got all the way to Detroit only to find out he could not light his fuse on the plane. And then again in New York.

Is that "homeland security?" Being lucky enough that the fuses don't lit.
i should hope that our enemies KNOW that we can survive another attack, vs thinking that we can not, giving them MORE INCENTIVE to attack us.

I am SO GLAD obama was not stupid enough to say, ''we can not survive as a country, if we get one more terrorist attack''....

you guys are silly willies to think obama was 'wrong' to say we are STRONG....
They are grasping at straws, which is a clear indication of their insecure position.
Two guys who only fail to blow something up and kill people because their fuses don't light is "grasping at straws?"
Kinda looks like it. Or just a practice run.

Authorities Investigating Several Suspicious UPS Packages That Originated From Yemen - FoxNews.com

DEVELOPING: Authorities are methodically sweeping and clearing cargo flights that were held at U.S. airports in Newark and Philadelphia after foreign law enforcement agencies reported finding suspicious packages from Yemen in London and Dubai.
No, they took up Traitor Dick Cheney's advice that we are less safe now. What an America hating POS Cheney and his fellow travelers are.:up_yours:
Two guys who only fail to blow something up and kill people because their fuses don't light is "grasping at straws?"
No. But attempting to link this as-yet inconclusively defined incident to a supposedly tacit invitation by Obama is more than simply grasping at straws. It is patently childish.

Actually, there is only one way to eliminate or at least minimize the probability of another terrorist attack against us and that is to sever relations with Israel and withdraw our military forces from the Middle East. We were warned well in advance of all the attacks against us as to what the provocations are but we have contemptuously ignored those warnings, the most prominent of which came from Usama bin Laden.

I've posted the transcript of that well articulated warning many times in this forum. If you wish I will post it again. Just say so.
think what you wish, but you are wrong on that kind of thinking Revere....what the president said, was the RIGHT thing to say, verses saying, 'we will crumble, if we had another attack'....and the truth is, we will not crumble if we had another 9/11....we are a strong and resilient nation....not some group of wimps.
but how many on the left had fits over Bush saying "BRING IT"
Which approach worked? Bush's or Obama's?

Obama has been in office almost two years now and no attacks.

Bush was in office nine months befrore the biggest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

So who's got the better record?
i should hope that our enemies KNOW that we can survive another attack, vs thinking that we can not, giving them MORE INCENTIVE to attack us.

I am SO GLAD obama was not stupid enough to say, ''we can not survive as a country, if we get one more terrorist attack''....

you guys are silly willies to think obama was 'wrong' to say we are STRONG....

We can survive true, but what about those who are killed in an attack because obama pushed Muslims to do this?
Will he take responsibility?

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