Did Yemenis take Obama up on his offer to "absorb another terrorist attack?"

Oh... just heard Obama proposing tax breaks for businesses to invest in certain capital purchases..

But, but, but... tax breaks never work!!! What a bunch of nitwits.
Anybody know 3000 more people ready, willing, and able to "absorb" the next attack?

And their next of kin?

You don't think you're misconstruing that just a bit? It seems rather clear that what he meant was that we'll bounce back from the next attack just as we've always done. It was a statement about the perseverence of the American people, nothing more, nothing less.
Anybody know 3000 more people ready, willing, and able to "absorb" the next attack?

And their next of kin?

You don't think you're misconstruing that just a bit? It seems rather clear that what he meant was that we'll bounce back from the next attack just as we've always done. It was a statement about the perseverence of the American people, nothing more, nothing less.

Of course we will. It was just a dumb and unecessary statement.
Stop Stop Stop! Clinton was not responsible for the WTC attack in 93 Bush was not responsible for 9/11 and Obama is not responsible for this. Our leaders can only be responsible for their response. Give the prez some time. So far I believe he is handling this. presidentially.

His comment about "absorbing an attack" was dumb. But anyone who believes that that comment has empowered the enemy hasn't been paying attention to history. This has been an on-going problem for quite some time. Geez.
Which approach worked? Bush's or Obama's?

Obama has been in office almost two years now and no attacks.

Bush was in office nine months befrore the biggest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

So who's got the better record?

Was fort hood a terrorist attackl? Yes it was
Was the underwear bomber a terrorist attack? Yes it was
Was the marine Recuriters death by a muslim a terrorist attack? Yes it was.
Was the failed car bombing in New York City a terrorist attack? Yes it was

Almost two years and obama has had 4 attacks.
Bush had one attack in 8 years


I have to save this somewhere. It's just to much.
Which approach worked? Bush's or Obama's?

Obama has been in office almost two years now and no attacks.

Bush was in office nine months befrore the biggest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

So who's got the better record?

uhm major hasan? oh wait the word terrorist never was uttered in the report out or Muslim but hey.....the underwear bomber detonated his weapon, by the grace of god he or whomever built it screwed up, and the times square bomb(er)?
Odd this shit happens a few days out from a major election...

Just sayin'...

I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked, there by averting a "man-caused" disaster. (and I object to
"man', it should be person).

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again....a person who causes man caused disaster ?
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I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked.

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again?

You're ON the correct track. ;) :lol:
I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked, there by averting a "man-caused" disaster. (and I object to
"man', it should be person).

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again....a person who causes man caused disaster ?

I smell a RAT...I really do...:eusa_whistle:
I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked, there by averting a "man-caused" disaster. (and I object to
"man', it should be person).

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again....a person who causes man caused disaster ?

Man caused disasterists... ? :eusa_eh:
i should hope that our enemies KNOW that we can survive another attack, vs thinking that we can not, giving them MORE INCENTIVE to attack us.

I am SO GLAD obama was not stupid enough to say, ''we can not survive as a country, if we get one more terrorist attack''....

you guys are silly willies to think obama was 'wrong' to say we are STRONG....

While Agree with What Obama said. I do think he could have worded it differently. Absorb was a poor choice of words. Gives the impression of taking something with out reacting to it. Not at all what he meant, but that is what some on the right have latched onto and tried to make it look like he was saying.
Obama has been in office almost two years now and no attacks.

Bush was in office nine months befrore the biggest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

So who's got the better record?
Obama has had the benefit of increased security from Bush
There might be some truth to that -- but not as implied in your comment.

First, the 9/11 attack could have been prevented if the Bush Administration had not systematically ignored a long sequence of warnings, up to and including information about suspicious hijackers taking lessons on "steering passengers airliners." Long before the 9/11 attack the Bush Administration was warned by Usama bin Laden that if the American military base (the bin Sultan Airbase) was not removed from Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and if the U.S. did not stop supporting Israel's expansion into the Gaza region there would be "serious consequences." The warnings and the intelligence information were ignored.

Shortly after the attack Bush very quietly closed down the bin Sultan Airbase and withdrew all of our troops from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Arial Sharon to withdraw the settlements from Gaza (agreeing to compensate every evicted settler with U.S. taxpayer money). That and only that is why there were no more attacks during the Bush Administration. And the peaceful effect of that (overdue) compliance with Al Qaeda's reasonable demands probably has carried over into the Obama Administration.

George W. Bush was an incompetent sonofabitch in every possible way and the 9/11 attack is manifest evidence of that fact. It was well within his means to prevent that attack but he chose to let it happen knowing it would facilitate his ambition to occupy Iraq on behalf of his oil industry sponsors.

:cuckoo:What a scared little Pathetic man you seem to be... oh my God .... Just do what they want...And everything will be fine.... oh my god... just don't hurt me...Maybe if we just accept the muslim religion as our own they'll leave us alone.... I 'd hate to have a guy like you on my side...You’d run like a scared little bitch.
I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked, there by averting a "man-caused" disaster. (and I object to
"man', it should be person).

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again....a person who causes man caused disaster ?

Man caused disasterists... ? :eusa_eh:

"disasterists"..hummm, no, as a word the press would have an issue spelling that constantly......lets keep at it....:lol:
I AM glad the intel aspect of our war on ter...wait sorry," overseas contingency operations" worked, there by averting a "man-caused" disaster. (and I object to
"man', it should be person).

the would be ...uhm what do we call them again....a person who causes man caused disaster ?

Man caused disasterists... ? :eusa_eh:

"disasterists"..hummm, no, as a word the press would have an issue spelling that constantly......lets keep at it....:lol:

How 'bout we just call them assholes? :lol:
i should hope that our enemies KNOW that we can survive another attack, vs thinking that we can not, giving them MORE INCENTIVE to attack us.

I am SO GLAD obama was not stupid enough to say, ''we can not survive as a country, if we get one more terrorist attack''....

you guys are silly willies to think obama was 'wrong' to say we are STRONG....

Obama said we could "Absorb another attack..."

United States Could 'Absorb' Another Terror Attack, Obama Says in Woodward Book

The book depicts the contentious debate the Obama administration endured to craft a new strategy in Afghanistan. According to the Post, Obama spent the bulk of the exhaustive sessions pressing for an exit strategy and resisting efforts to prolong and escalate the war.

Despite warnings of another attack, he suggested the United States could weather a new strike.


In an effort to craft EXIT STRATEGY from Astan...

In other words? We get out? We can suffer the Consequences.

My question is why not finish the job to the extent that the Islamists will cringe at the thought of going after any American target?

NOPE. Obama thinks we get out we can suffer another 9/11...


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