Did you guys see the Trump supporters defending a Target store from looters last night?

They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
He had his stuff made in China, true or false:
You buy products from China. True or False?
Bingo. We are too reliant on that evil regime.

Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?
That was not remotely why I voted for him. Part of the reason was to trigger leftist assholes like you and it worked. Thank you for proving my point. Like I said, you're fat so don't call others "blob".

Didn’t mention voting. But it is good to see you get lied to by the guy you support. Again, this is why everyone laughs at you
Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?

And this is where you are wrong, Donald J. Trump couldn't have hired Americans. Obama's subservience to his Red Chinese Masters made American contractors unable to compete. And that's why Mr. Trump ran for office, to open up American industry, return the nation to greatness.
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
He had his stuff made in China, true or false:
You buy products from China. True or False?
Bingo. We are too reliant on that evil regime.

Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?
That was not remotely why I voted for him. Part of the reason was to trigger leftist assholes like you and it worked. Thank you for proving my point. Like I said, you're fat so don't call others "blob".

Didn’t mention voting. But it is good to see you get lied to by the guy you support. Again, this is why everyone laughs at you
Opinions vary. I will vote and support him again in 2020. One of the few politicians who actually kept his promises. Will you move to Canada if he wins again?
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...
Looting black owned, neighborhood, mom-and-pop stores is what puts them out of business. Defended or not, Target will survive.
And the insurance companies will run out of money before they even get to help you rebuild thanks to the lockdown and now riots.
Most insurance companies won't pay for riots. But guess who will? And watch the taxpayers pay through the nose to rebuild and clean up.
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
Moonglow is an anarchist

he hates everyone
I would assume the feeling is mutual with anyone who has come in contact with him.
There you go, stroking each other in public again...
Interesting when you attack the president for his position on China you're actually supporting China slave labor.
The same slave labor he used to make his cheap crap...right
You being anti Trump on China means you are pro slave labor

Trump used that slave labor to make his cheap wares.
Yet your pro China slave labor
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.

Trump and Ivanka products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. When is this hypocrites going to make his products here in US?
That's why the president is trying to get those jobs back here in America you pro China slave labor supporter
Dozens stand guard outside of South Philadelphia Target to protect from looters

Dozens stand guard outside of South Philadelphia Target to protect from looters
Imagine that

White supremacists gathering to stop the looting.

I wonder what hate-filled bibs will say about that?

What evidence is there that any of them are white supremacists?
The same evidence libs use to condemn whites who offend them as white supremacists

because two can play that game
Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?

And this is where you are wrong, Donald J. Trump couldn't have hired Americans. Obama's subservience to his Red Chinese Masters made American contractors unable to compete. And that's why Mr. Trump ran for office, to open up American industry, return the nation to greatness.

Your argument is that no American firm was making clothes in the US under Obama? Really?
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
He had his stuff made in China, true or false:
You buy products from China. True or False?
Bingo. We are too reliant on that evil regime.

Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?
That was not remotely why I voted for him. Part of the reason was to trigger leftist assholes like you and it worked. Thank you for proving my point. Like I said, you're fat so don't call others "blob".

Didn’t mention voting. But it is good to see you get lied to by the guy you support. Again, this is why everyone laughs at you
Opinions vary. I will vote and support him again in 2020. One of the few politicians who actually kept his promises. Will you move to Canada if he wins again?

Yeah...he’s playing you for a sucker.
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
Moonglow is an anarchist

he hates everyone
I would assume the feeling is mutual with anyone who has come in contact with him.
There you go, stroking each other in public again...
Interesting when you attack the president for his position on China you're actually supporting China slave labor.
The same slave labor he used to make his cheap crap...right
You being anti Trump on China means you are pro slave labor

Trump used that slave labor to make his cheap wares.
Yet your pro China slave labor

As is your blob
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

Stores like Target provide the economies of scale that promote efficiency as well as low prices. They also provide more choice to the consumer than Mom and/or Pop could ever provide.

Mom and/or Pop reigned supreme before most people got automobiles in the mid 20th Century
Low prices through products made by slave labor in a foreign nation to make your life better...
Yet you'll attack the president trying too bring jobs back to America and away from the slave labor.
He had his stuff made in China, true or false:
You buy products from China. True or False?
Bingo. We are too reliant on that evil regime.

Your blob sure relied on them. He could have hired Americans but he didn’t. Now he’s coaxed you into believing thathe cares about American workers.

And you wonder why the world thinks you’re stupid?
That was not remotely why I voted for him. Part of the reason was to trigger leftist assholes like you and it worked. Thank you for proving my point. Like I said, you're fat so don't call others "blob".

Didn’t mention voting. But it is good to see you get lied to by the guy you support. Again, this is why everyone laughs at you
Opinions vary. I will vote and support him again in 2020. One of the few politicians who actually kept his promises. Will you move to Canada if he wins again?

Yeah...he’s playing you for a sucker.
He has driven you and your ilk mad. This is what I wanted. Explain how that makes me a sucker? I'll patiently wait.
This thread has now been neutralized.
My work here is done.
I always enjoy giving window licking Dimwingers enough rope to hang themselves. :iyfyus.jpg:

Where did Blaine Sweeter run off to?
In his safe space as you offended him

There were 30 to 40 of them defending the entrance to the store last night as reporters were reporting live in front of them. They were chanting "4 more years & USA, USA"
I've looked for a link this morning but of course that kind of news is near impossible to find.

It was nice to see some Americans willing to stand up to this shit. No surprise it was Republicans. And no they weren't all white. Black, white, Latino, male & female.

Will continue to try to find a link.

LOL that's hilarious

i mean i like target too but not that much wtf
Target is where a 55-year old male truck driver can watch a little 9-year old girl pee in the bathroom. At least that was their position at one time. Fucking disgusting, decadent organization. Just shows what big hearts MAGA folks have.
How many 55 year old truck drivers were caught looking at 9 year old girls peeing?

I did once dress up as a 9 year old girl so I could watch a 55 year old truck driver pee. Is that almost the same thing?
The same evidence libs use to condemn whites who offend them as white supremacists

because two can play that game
So your response to liberals condemning whites who offend them as white supremacists is to condemn whites who offend you as white supremacists. Got it.
They love their big box store corporate entity that puts Mom and Pop stores out of business...

What put mom and pop stores out of business today is looting and burning them down or forcing to keep them closed for a bullshit virus.
I buy only the best Chinese brands at Target..Vietnamese products in Kohl's...All the big names sell is foreign made products..Refusing to buy American made products. I am glad people put their lives on the line for free for those foreign workers...

Every one of your leftist Democrats voted for those 'free trade' deals, starting with Jimmy Carter's MFN status for Red China to Bil Clinton's signing of the NAFTA scam, to criminal syndicate chief's promotion of his assorted scams. LEft wingers are the biggest faction supporting Wall Streets' biggest labor racketeering scams of the last 50 years.

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