Did You Know There Are Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones In The USA

Would you allow no-go zones in the US?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored


The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein

Horseshit. Muslims are anti-semitic.

You failed to answer the question: When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?
It will all too soon denigrate into who has the fastest draw.

Just remember this... shoot high, aim low:

I always loved Mel Gibson with his kids in the Patriot. Aim small. Miss small. I'm big on powder so I always loved that line.

You do lines of powder? ;)

Come on Nutz. Surely you know me by now.

I don't know...you seem to ignore the muslim problem in canada.

I'm taking a break from the boards for a bit. I need some fun. Dead of winter. Old style Ukrainian Christmas. I made sure I partied down. My one daughter flew in from Sweden. New Years coming now. Wanting to just embrace a time from a place and time that was simple. Found out the dancers are only going to be in Winnipeg. Pity.

I'm going to make pyrohy tomorrow. Saurekraut. Old school. By the end of New Years the line up around the house will be two fold lolol.

Not many know how to make old school pyrohy.

To those out there. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Party down you old Uks.

The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:

The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored


The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein

Horseshit. Muslims are anti-semitic.

You failed to answer the question: When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?

Is Norman G Finkelstein , a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors "anti-semitic?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.
The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored


The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein

Horseshit. Muslims are anti-semitic.

You failed to answer the question: When was the last time Jews massacred anyone?

Is Norman G Finkelstein , a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors "anti-semitic?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Did Finkelstein kill anyone? Who have the Jews massacred recently?
It will all too soon denigrate into who has the fastest draw.

Just remember this... shoot high, aim low:

I always loved Mel Gibson with his kids in the Patriot. Aim small. Miss small. I'm big on powder so I always loved that line.

You do lines of powder? ;)

Come on Nutz. Surely you know me by now.

I don't know...you seem to ignore the muslim problem in canada.

I'm taking a break from the boards for a bit. I need some fun. Dead of winter. Old style Ukrainian Christmas. I made sure I partied down. My one daughter flew in from Sweden. New Years coming now. Wanting to just embrace a time from a place and time that was simple. Found out the dancers are only going to be in Winnipeg. Pity.

I'm going to make pyrohy tomorrow. Saurekraut. Old school. By the end of New Years the line up around the house will be two fold lolol.

Not many know how to make old school pyrohy.

To those out there. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Party down you old Uks.

You will be missed...BTW, what is PYROHY?
I always loved Mel Gibson with his kids in the Patriot. Aim small. Miss small. I'm big on powder so I always loved that line.
You do lines of powder? ;)

Come on Nutz. Surely you know me by now.
I don't know...you seem to ignore the muslim problem in canada.

I'm taking a break from the boards for a bit. I need some fun. Dead of winter. Old style Ukrainian Christmas. I made sure I partied down. My one daughter flew in from Sweden. New Years coming now. Wanting to just embrace a time from a place and time that was simple. Found out the dancers are only going to be in Winnipeg. Pity.

I'm going to make pyrohy tomorrow. Saurekraut. Old school. By the end of New Years the line up around the house will be two fold lolol.

Not many know how to make old school pyrohy.

To those out there. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Party down you old Uks.
You will be missed...BTW, what is PYROHY?

Perogies I guess is the term for regulars. And geeze louize I haven't been in for a bit but it looks like Dante has been going wild.

Hehehehehe I love that guy.. He's crazy but super smart like you. Carry on.
The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

These signs are being placed all over the UK

Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offences that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.

In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

If Americans don’t wake up and get their heads out of the sand fast, what’s quickly overtaking Europe will consume the United States. Muslim religious beliefs do not supersede state and federal laws; the Constitution is the law of the land. And yet, we are being invaded, and nothing is being done to stop them.

So where in all of that block post from other websites is the 'no-go' zone in the US? So far, you've cited a few lawsuits for discrimination.

Um, and?

The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


So let me get this straight, Israel, by spying on the US, knew more about the threat to the US then the US says they knew, how is that possible? Really, what would be the purpose of Israel spying on the US? I am sure they do but for what end? Or is this just another, the muslims didn't do it the Israelis did it.

The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.

Yep, supporting Justice, Due Process of Law, and Disclosure makes me an "anti-semitic" king-sized kookburger. Go fig.
The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

These signs are being placed all over the UK

Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offences that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.

In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

If Americans don’t wake up and get their heads out of the sand fast, what’s quickly overtaking Europe will consume the United States. Muslim religious beliefs do not supersede state and federal laws; the Constitution is the law of the land. And yet, we are being invaded, and nothing is being done to stop them.

So where in all of that block post from other websites is the 'no-go' zone in the US? So far, you've cited a few lawsuits for discrimination.

Um, and?

What part of "Dearborn MI" didn't you understand? It's even bolded.

The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.

Yep, supporting Justice, Due Process of Law, and Disclosure makes me an "anti-semitic" king-sized kookburger. Go fig.

No, being anti-semitic and a kookburger makes you an anti-semetic kookburger.

The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


So let me get this straight, Israel, by spying on the US, knew more about the threat to the US then the US says they knew, how is that possible? Really, what would be the purpose of Israel spying on the US? I am sure they do but for what end? Or is this just another, the muslims didn't do it the Israelis did it.

Suter, you'll remember, is the fellow behind the mysterious Urban Moving Systems, whose employees were arrested after neighbors reported them laughing and cheering as they watched the World Trade Center burn. These five "Middle Eastern-looking men," as described by witnesses, were Israelis: they were found with box cutters in their van, $4,000 in cash, and multiple passports. Police interrogated them for hours, and transferred them to a maximum security facility, where they were held for months.

Their van was registered as the property of Urban Moving Systems: A raid on the Urban Moving Systems warehouse yielded computers, documents, and other evidence – of what, we don't know. Suter, the owner of the company, refused all comment, and soon fled the country – to Israel."


The Rise and Decline of the American Ghetto

Should we also view with suspicion the Jewish Zones in the US?

If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.

Yep, supporting Justice, Due Process of Law, and Disclosure makes me an "anti-semitic" king-sized kookburger. Go fig.

No, being anti-semitic and a kookburger makes you an anti-semetic kookburger.

Ignoring the FACTS as exposed by historian Norman Finkelstein and your favorite network Fox News makes you a ZIONUT.


If they start killing people for insulting them, abusing their women and children, threatening others who enter their neighborhoods or living under their own laws, then yes, they should be shut down.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.

Yep, supporting Justice, Due Process of Law, and Disclosure makes me an "anti-semitic" king-sized kookburger. Go fig.

No, being anti-semitic and a kookburger makes you an anti-semetic kookburger.

Ignoring the FACTS as exposed by historian Norman Finkelstein and your favorite network Fox News makes you a ZIONUT.



New documentary evidence points to an Israeli connection to 9/11

Just how far does Israeli malevolence go?

One of the great unsolved mysteries of the period leading up to 9/11 is the extent of an Israeli spy operation in the US uncovered by Carl Cameron of Fox News and widely reported, including in this space. As we all know, everybody spies on everybody, "friends" and foes alike. But this operation is believed to have been so extensive, and wide-ranging, that the real question in regard to Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11 is, as one US federal agent put it to Cameron, "How could they not have known?" Now, however, more evidence of the Israeli connection is emerging….

Both Israeli and US government officials scoffed at these charges as an "urban myth." Their denials, however, were somewhat undermined by the leaking of the US government's own report on "suspicious activities" by Israelis around US government offices and military installations. The report, culled from information supplied by numerous federal agencies, documents what is obviously a large-scale intelligence operation directed against US government facilities. Now more documentary evidence of the Israeli connection to 9/11 comes with the emergence of the US government's own list of terrorist suspects, two versions of which Cryptome.com has obtained and posted, with the following information as to their provenance:


Oh puhleeze! You are fucking kidding, right?

I never realized what kind of king-sized kookburger you were until now.

Yep, supporting Justice, Due Process of Law, and Disclosure makes me an "anti-semitic" king-sized kookburger. Go fig.

No, being anti-semitic and a kookburger makes you an anti-semetic kookburger.

Ignoring the FACTS as exposed by historian Norman Finkelstein and your favorite network Fox News makes you a ZIONUT.



Are you one of the dancing zionuts who celebrated after the WTC collapsed?

And the truth shall set you free.....


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