Did You Know There Are Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones In The USA

Would you allow no-go zones in the US?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters

What was the purpose of you posting this? Do you think that because you posted it that it makes it true? The Cop never accuses the men of anything and confirms nothing that the moderator has to say, no matter how hard the moderator tried.

IF they were dancing it could have meant a few of things.

they were just plain assholes
they were happy that now America was dragged into the war with radical Islam.
they were young men without a lot of common sense.

Let Fox News Carl Cameron explain it to you

September 11, 2001 and Israeli Espionage - Carl Cameron FOX News Report Part 1


What the point? That a guy says that the Israelis had information about 9/11 prior to 9/11 yet when pressed the guy said he couldn't talk about it. What BS is that? Obama knew about 9/11 before the attack, I just can't give you details because they are classified.

Or is the point that we all should be surprised that Israel spies on and in America, really? The groups that the FOX report accuses them of spying on is Arab groups. From that perspective they naturally connect the dots and say that the Israelis had to know because it was Arabs that did 9/11. What kind of BS is that?


Doesn't the report state that Israeli "students" infiltrated government agencies, didn't the report state that government agencies telephone call records handled AMDOCS, an Israeli company?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?

Yeah, 9-11 was a Jewish plot.

You f*king Nazi twats!

What was the purpose of you posting this? Do you think that because you posted it that it makes it true? The Cop never accuses the men of anything and confirms nothing that the moderator has to say, no matter how hard the moderator tried.

IF they were dancing it could have meant a few of things.

they were just plain assholes
they were happy that now America was dragged into the war with radical Islam.
they were young men without a lot of common sense.

Let Fox News Carl Cameron explain it to you

September 11, 2001 and Israeli Espionage - Carl Cameron FOX News Report Part 1


What the point? That a guy says that the Israelis had information about 9/11 prior to 9/11 yet when pressed the guy said he couldn't talk about it. What BS is that? Obama knew about 9/11 before the attack, I just can't give you details because they are classified.

Or is the point that we all should be surprised that Israel spies on and in America, really? The groups that the FOX report accuses them of spying on is Arab groups. From that perspective they naturally connect the dots and say that the Israelis had to know because it was Arabs that did 9/11. What kind of BS is that?


Doesn't the report state that Israeli "students" infiltrated government agencies, didn't the report state that government agencies telephone call records handled AMDOCS, an Israeli company?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?

Yeah, 9-11 was a Jewish plot.

You f*king Nazi twats!

Sue Fox News, knock yourself out.

The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

These signs are being placed all over the UK

Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offences that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.

In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

If Americans don’t wake up and get their heads out of the sand fast, what’s quickly overtaking Europe will consume the United States. Muslim religious beliefs do not supersede state and federal laws; the Constitution is the law of the land. And yet, we are being invaded, and nothing is being done to stop them.

So where in all of that block post from other websites is the 'no-go' zone in the US? So far, you've cited a few lawsuits for discrimination.

Um, and?

What part of "Dearborn MI" didn't you understand? It's even bolded.

The part that anything to do with your claims of a 'muslim no-go' zone.

My bad. Not your claims. The claims of whom ever you're apeing today.
The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

These signs are being placed all over the UK

Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offences that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.

In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

If Americans don’t wake up and get their heads out of the sand fast, what’s quickly overtaking Europe will consume the United States. Muslim religious beliefs do not supersede state and federal laws; the Constitution is the law of the land. And yet, we are being invaded, and nothing is being done to stop them.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

What's so bad about the above?

Children in all schools are taught about Islam in history classes and the opportunity to learn any language is a positive.

The libturds claim it couldn't happen here. Time to wake up folks: It has already happened here. I have worked in Dearborn, and it's just as this article describes. When you walk into Walmart you see women with scarves over their head everywhere.

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

These signs are being placed all over the UK

Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offences that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.

In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

If Americans don’t wake up and get their heads out of the sand fast, what’s quickly overtaking Europe will consume the United States. Muslim religious beliefs do not supersede state and federal laws; the Constitution is the law of the land. And yet, we are being invaded, and nothing is being done to stop them.

Huh. I just read the article, and countless others from extremist Islamophobic sites.

Nowhere do I see proof that Dearborn has a Muslim "no-go" zone.

I'll assume the lie is predicated by this?

snopes.com City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

I think the Bundy ranch is a no-go zone now.

So was the Weaver property for several months. The feds responded by shooting their 14 year old son in the back and shooting the mother in the face while she was holding the baby.

Is that what you propose?

You sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.

Really? What did they do to deserve that?

Not show up in court?

It doesn't surprise me that you cheer government on when it kills people. Statists like you are despicable worshipers of power and blood lust.

This moron probably thinks the women and children at Waco also got what they deserved.
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed if you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Last edited:
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed of you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Lots of people being killed while visiting Dearborn?

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

What's so bad about the above?

Children in all schools are taught about Islam in history classes and the opportunity to learn any language is a positive.

You are missing the point Howie.

The zionuts encouraged 09/11 in order to manipulate US public opinion against "radical Islam".

The zionuts want the US to re-open the Japanese Concentrations camps and incarcerate the Muslims .

It wouldn't surprise me.
I have seen a few people on Hanity I think it was being interviewed
saying they don't want to follow our laws but want a Sharia court for them.
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed of you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Lots of people being killed while visiting Dearborn?

I dunno. I didn't write the article. Why don't you read it for yourself.
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed of you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Lots of people being killed while visiting Dearborn?

I dunno. I didn't write the article. Why don't you read it for yourself.
I have. Its big on bullshit, low on facts. Try not to be so gullible in the future.
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed of you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Lots of people being killed while visiting Dearborn?

I dunno. I didn't write the article. Why don't you read it for yourself.
I have. Its big on bullshit, low on facts. Try not to be so gullible in the future.

You're big on bullshit and low on facts.
There are little towns all over the USA that are sharia controlled. Every state has a sharia court. The workings are the same as in France. France has over 700 no go zones that are constantly expanding. Eventually the no go zones will expand so much that the former country is just swallowed up and no longer exists. It's working in England the same way.
There are little towns all over the USA that are sharia controlled. Every state has a sharia court. The workings are the same as in France. France has over 700 no go zones that are constantly expanding. Eventually the no go zones will expand so much that the former country is just swallowed up and no longer exists. It's working in England the same way.

Really? Where?
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed of you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.
Lots of people being killed while visiting Dearborn?

I dunno. I didn't write the article. Why don't you read it for yourself.
I have. Its big on bullshit, low on facts. Try not to be so gullible in the future.

You're big on bullshit and low on facts.
Are we in second grade?

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

What's so bad about the above?

Children in all schools are taught about Islam in history classes and the opportunity to learn any language is a positive.

You are missing the point Howie.

The zionuts encouraged 09/11 in order to manipulate US public opinion against "radical Islam".

The zionuts want the US to re-open the Japanese Concentrations camps and incarcerate the Muslims .


You're going to keep up the "9/11 was a Jewish plot" line going no matter how idiotic it makes you look.

Good plan!
At one time these places were called "communities".

Redneck trailer parks
even gay...

and The Villages in Florida is an outright no-go zone of rabid elderly teabaggers!

hmmmm . . . wrong. You won't be killed if you go to the Villages and you aren't elderly.

I haven't seen where anyone who visited the Muslim community of Dearborn was killed, either. And the Villages?

You sure can be harrassed!

The Villages Democrats Find Second-Rate Citizenry In A Billionaire s Republican Kingdom

Students at the Muslim American Youth Academy in Dearborn, Michigan follow the standard state curriculum. They also learn about Islam and take Arabic as a foreign language.

What's so bad about the above?

Children in all schools are taught about Islam in history classes and the opportunity to learn any language is a positive.

You are missing the point Howie.

The zionuts encouraged 09/11 in order to manipulate US public opinion against "radical Islam".

The zionuts want the US to re-open the Japanese Concentrations camps and incarcerate the Muslims .


You do realize I'm Jewish, right?

Although I have little regard for Zionists, you're as extremist as the Islamophobes.
There are little towns all over the USA that are sharia controlled. Every state has a sharia court. The workings are the same as in France. France has over 700 no go zones that are constantly expanding. Eventually the no go zones will expand so much that the former country is just swallowed up and no longer exists. It's working in England the same way.

Um.......which small towns? Because there's no 'Sharia court' nor a 'muslim no go' zone in Dearborn.

Do you guys ever bother to fact check any of the silly shit you tell each other?

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