Did you know...


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.
...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.
No, we can blame tax expenditures for this.
Deficit spending has ACCELERATED since the GOP regained power. Watching the tards trying to find a way to blame liberals is the height of comedy.

You can't buy this kind of entertainment at any price.

Go Trump!
...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.
I blame Bush for not paying for 2 wars during almost his entire Presidency and a recession we had to buy our way out of, Next, I blame Trump for himself and other obscenely rich folks tax cuts before making any effort to pay off the bills.
Shitforhair stacks on $2.8 Trillion bucks to the debt picture and its the Dems fault.

not a word from the RW drone collective except "who cares"

Just print more money and pay off the debt. Pretty simple concept really.
I wonder why the pseuedocons are so silent about Trump's big spending.

...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.

Ok, what about beer?

If we get them good and drunk it will be enough!
Shitforhair stacks on $2.8 Trillion bucks to the debt picture and its the Dems fault.

not a word from the RW drone collective except "who cares"

Hey, thank your boi, Obama, for the numbness and hopelessness promoted by his debt increases.

Obamaphobia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 106 times since becoming President, and that's as of March 31, 2018.

hes on the grounds alright ... crawling on his old knees and small hands.

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...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.
All of the gold in the world would fit in an Olympic sized swimming pool...that hasn't been enough to pay for our debt for a very very long time.
Shitforhair stacks on $2.8 Trillion bucks to the debt picture and its the Dems fault.

not a word from the RW drone collective except "who cares"

Hey, thank your boi, Obama, for the numbness and hopelessness promoted by his debt increases.

Obamaphobia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 106 times since becoming President, and that's as of March 31, 2018.

hes on the grounds alright ... crawling on his old knees and small hands.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how many times a President plays golf, goes on vacation, etc, is irrelevant to me, it was before and it is now. What is important is what that man does while in office and what affect it has on the country, and my life.
So, why is golf so important to you? It's a pretty boring game, IMHO. I tried it a few times and then took up knitting.
Shitforhair stacks on $2.8 Trillion bucks to the debt picture and its the Dems fault.

not a word from the RW drone collective except "who cares"

Hey, thank your boi, Obama, for the numbness and hopelessness promoted by his debt increases.

Obamaphobia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 106 times since becoming President, and that's as of March 31, 2018.

hes on the grounds alright ... crawling on his old knees and small hands.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how many times a President plays golf, goes on vacation, etc, is irrelevant to me, it was before and it is now. What is important is what that man does while in office and what affect it has on the country, and my life.
So, why is golf so important to you? It's a pretty boring game, IMHO. I tried it a few times and then took up knitting.

DERP DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^

its not the game - its the principle of him spending so much time spending so much money without a damn word from the asshat bitches that had a stroke when Obama spent $3 million bucks to go to Hawaii on vacation

knit away :abgg2q.jpg:
Shitforhair stacks on $2.8 Trillion bucks to the debt picture and its the Dems fault.

not a word from the RW drone collective except "who cares"

Hey, thank your boi, Obama, for the numbness and hopelessness promoted by his debt increases.

Obamaphobia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 106 times since becoming President, and that's as of March 31, 2018.

hes on the grounds alright ... crawling on his old knees and small hands.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how many times a President plays golf, goes on vacation, etc, is irrelevant to me, it was before and it is now. What is important is what that man does while in office and what affect it has on the country, and my life.
So, why is golf so important to you? It's a pretty boring game, IMHO. I tried it a few times and then took up knitting.

DERP DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^

its not the game - its the principle of him spending so much time spending so much money without a damn word from the asshat bitches that had a stroke when Obama spent $3 million bucks to go to Hawaii on vacation

knit away :abgg2q.jpg:
Who gives a shit? I've been informed that Obamas' vacations were well- deserved and much-needed breaks from the stress of the job. Obama played golf, too, by-the-way. I didn't care about that, either.
...That all of the gold in the world is not enough to pay of our national debt? We can thank liberalism for this.
I blame Bush for not paying for 2 wars during almost his entire Presidency and a recession we had to buy our way out of, Next, I blame Trump for himself and other obscenely rich folks tax cuts before making any effort to pay off the bills.
Let me get this straight. You don't blame liberals for overspending? You don't blame liberals for inviting illegal aliens to our country and giving them free shit? You don't blame liberals for stealing money from hard working Americans and giving it to people who are too lazy to work?

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