Did you notice how Obama never called Fox News “an enemy of the people”?

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Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.

Another Fake News zombie. Obama went after Fox all the time. He tried to exclude them from press events, didn't call on them when they got in anyway. He continually bashed Sean Hannity personally.

Fox doesn't lie either. Of course you're like what and your head explodes when I say that, but you consider anything anyone says a lie if it's not a leftist lie. That's just how you roll. No, they aren't leftist. But unlike the Fake News you worship, they have the opposition on all the time to speak for themselves
Telling the truth about Trump isn’t “attacking” him

No, but lying about Trump is attacking him and that's what Fake News does.

But ding, ding, ding, give the little lady a gold star. Now you get what we say about Fake News. Telling the truth about their lies isn't "attacking" them ...
Well, Obama didn't spend his days communicating almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole and saying anything it took to please his base, so.....

OMG you're brainwashed. Obama constantly did that
Even thought Fox constantly debased him, as they still do today, he never said the news was the enemy of the people , but then he was not trying to be a dictator, and he respected the Constitution, which the one in the oval office does not.

You live in a fantasy world
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.
That's because Obama's critics weren't fake news. About the only thing wrong with the is they didn't criticize him hard enough. Should have walloped him on Nidal Hasan, 2011 Iraq troop pullout, al Baghdadi (ISIS) collusion, and instigating race riots.
See what makes you so retarded is thinking any negative coverage about Trump is fake news.

They have their problems. Shepard Smith has morphed into authentic asswipe, doing a show more worthy of MSNBC.

Yes, there are leftists on Fox all the time. There are very few conservatives in fake news and they are on a tight leash. I don't see any libertarians. Fox has quite a few libertarians. Fox has diverse viewpoints. Fake News is leftist propaganda
Well, Obama didn't spend his days communicating almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole and saying anything it took to please his base, so.....
OMG you're brainwashed. Obama constantly did that
Yeah, that's true, Obama's and Trump's communication techniques are SO SIMILAR



Obama spoke in cartoonish hyperbole and spoke to his base. You mis-phrased it. Not sure if you were lying or just stupid
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.
Fox is just one network you fukin moron. There's at least 15 networks spewing lies and hate at Trump on a daily basis.
Well, Obama didn't spend his days communicating almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole and saying anything it took to please his base, so.....
OMG you're brainwashed. Obama constantly did that
Yeah, that's true, Obama's and Trump's communication techniques are SO SIMILAR



Obama spoke in cartoonish hyperbole and spoke to his base. You mis-phrased it. Not sure if you were lying or just stupid
You're crazed.

I like that about you.
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He bitched non stop about Fox News just as you nuts do!

Yes he bitched about the press. Every President does that. But he didn’t insult them, call them names, accuse them of lying, say they were “fake news” or the “enemy of the people”.

On those rare occasions when Trump deigns to soeakbto the press, he takes special care to call out CNN and tell them he won’t answer their question because they’re “fake news”.

Obama didn’t point to the press at his campaign rallies and tell his followers they were “horrible, disgusting fake news”, or “all lies”.

Trump consistently tries to paint his behaviour as no different than other Presidents but it’s like nightband day.

“But Hillary” is one of his favourite mantras, especially in regards to the dossier. “But Hillary got dirt on me from the Russians”. No. Hillary got dirt on you from her lawyers. Her lawyers got it from an American research firm. The research firm got the dirt from a retired British agent. The British agent got it from the Russians. Neither Hillary nor her staff had any contact with Fusion GPS, Steele or his contacts. As Trump would say “No collusion”.

Of course now that Trump has admitted collusion with Russians the new mantra is “collusion isn’t illegal”. No it isn’t but Conspiracy against the USA is, as is asking to find Hillary’s emails.

As I have stated the press has always attacked President Trump a minimum of 90% negative and sometimes downright false reporting. They ate not Reporters any longer they have become a pack of attack dogs!

Telling the truth about Trump isn’t “attacking” him. More than 90% of what Trump does is ill-advised at best, and criminal at worst.

Ever single day, we watch Trump obstructing justice in real time. We watched him sell out to Putin in Helsinki, and get all handsy and friendly with Kim.

And then he lies. He has no deal with Kim. He has an agreement to negotiate. That and $1.50 will get you a coffee. All he got out of that meeting is some old bone fragments which will take years of DNA testing to sort out.

Kim had doubled his nuclear capability since that meeting. But Trump is still going on about how Kim is no longer a threat.

They are not telling the truth!
In the Obama years the fake media changed Obama's diaper and powdered his behind.while he screwed the pooch.

One thing about Fake News .. guaranteed pathetic... :lol:
Even thought Fox constantly debased him, as they still do today, he never said the news was the enemy of the people , but then he was not trying to be a dictator, and he respected the Constitution, which the one in the oval office does not.

He banned them; you are wrong!!


He banned them, explain. He didn't ban them!! Non stop they debased him and his admin.
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.
Fox is just one network you fukin moron. There's at least 15 networks spewing lies and hate at Trump on a daily basis.

Fox is the one lying. Not all of them, Shep, Baier, and Cavuto do not stretch the truth.
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.

A minor and unimportant distinction.

The media, as a whole has taken sides against the Democratically elected President.

It is completely reasonable to call them the Enemy of the People, for that and other reasons.
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.
Fox is just one network you fukin moron. There's at least 15 networks spewing lies and hate at Trump on a daily basis.

Fox is the one lying. Not all of them, Shep, Baier, and Cavuto do not stretch the truth.
On Oct. 22, 2009, Dag Vega, the White House director of broadcast media, wrote to a Treasury official that “we’d prefer if you skip Fox please.” Deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki wrote the official, Jenni LeCompte, and other colleagues about a report by Fox anchor Bret Baier on the network’s exclusion that “brett baier just did a stupid piece on it -- but he is a lunatic.”

The next day, Psaki wrote: “I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby – just cause.” And deputy press secretary Josh Earnest wrote LeCompte that day: “We’ve demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews…”

White House Targeted Fox News


I miss the days when news was news and networks were not propaganda machines.

Separating the signal from the noise has always been an intellectual challenge.

Hopefully our collective brains will get smarter with all this exercise :5_1_12024:
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.
That's because Obama's critics weren't fake news. About the only thing wrong with the is they didn't criticize him hard enough. Should have walloped him on Nidal Hasan, 2011 Iraq troop pullout, al Baghdadi (ISIS) collusion, and instigating race riots.
See what makes you so retarded is thinking any negative coverage about Trump is fake news. You’re so goddamn childish.
Sure they fundamentally disagreed, but Obama didn’t try to undermine their freedom of expression by calling them “fake news” or “enemies of the people”. He even appeared on Fox multiple times for interviews on their terms. Trump is too much of a pussy to go to any news source that isn’t Fox. He’s a pathetic, whiny little bitch who doesn’t care if what he says contradicts the 1st amendment. All that matters to him is his tender sensibility.

Nah. He just tried to ban them from the briefings.

What a guy.
I remember the Obama DOJ going after James Rosen of FOX and the same DOJ spying on AP reporters that was far more troubling than anything Trump has said.
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