Did you notice .......While Obama is in office!


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
The Pentagon Says That North Korea Is Capable of a Nuclear Strike on the U.S.
Officials in Washington are of the opinion that North Korea's nuclear arsenal holds missiles that could reach the mainland U.S.A. — but stress that it is a threat that the Pentagon is adequately prepared to face, according to one senior military official quoted by Reuters.
You guys on the "LEFT" coast are in the crosshairs of those ballistic missiles that Bill Clinton gave the technology to put them on target. Do you feel okay knowing that Crazy Kim just might use those missiles? I mean Christopher Stevens, Ambassador to Libya, was left to die from the crazy Al Qaeda that was on the run with Obama's war on manmade disasters. How is that "HOPE AND CHANGE" working out for you today?
What's really crazy is Wendy Sherman was chosen to negotiate the Iran agreement. After all, her deal with the North Koreans turned out so well. Talk about rewarding failure.

Back in October 1994, then-President Bill Clinton said, "this is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons.”

"The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of nations."

In a remarkable echo, US President Barack Obama said on April 2, "international inspectors will have unprecedented access not only to Iranian nuclear facilities, but to the entire supply chain that supports Iran’s nuclear program - from uranium mills that provide the raw materials, to the centrifuge production and storage facilities that support the program.”

“I am confident that we can show that this deal is good for the security of the United States, for our allies, and for the world," added Obama. "There is no daylight, when it comes to our support for Israel’s security and our concerns about Iran’s destabilizing policies and threats toward Israel."

Comparing the North Korea and Iran Nuclear Deals

but stress that it is a threat that the Pentagon is adequately prepared to face
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Anyone remember Video: President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
I say the pussy in RAINBOW HOUSE will "YIELD" as typical of any liberal weenie.

I doubt North Korea will attack America. They care more about developing & maintaining their status. Building a nuclear weapon was in line with that. It was a symbol of technological development & power. They don't really intend to use it although they would probably use it against America if there is a serious violation (which likely won't happen), even if it means the end of North Korea. When you think of North Korea, it is more accurate to think of a Harlem gang who values stance over life or any other interest.
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Anyone remember Video: President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
I say the pussy in RAINBOW HOUSE will "YIELD" as typical of any liberal weenie.

View attachment 51834

all those red lines were worse than a Chinese traffic jam going nowhere

US has lost any voice in the world. We can throw money and go more indebt but it is becoming as if no one care to listen anymore, even our European allies pay us little heed. This administration has nothing worth listening to. Even our friends wish we would keep out mouth shut and stay out of the way.

War, invasion, economic disaster have swept the world during this watch. No muscle, no money, no intelligent ideas, even our own cities are on the verge of imploding. The US is not a super anything any more. Any wonder the world is turning to Putin, iran and china? Even mother nature is laughing at the US.
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Russia’s Syria intervention may force choice on Obama: Act or yield
Anyone remember Video: President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
President Obama Draws 'Red Line' on Syria in 2012
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
I say the pussy in RAINBOW HOUSE will "YIELD" as typical of any liberal weenie.

View attachment 51834
Wary of Escalation, the U.S. Is Waiting Out Putin’s Moves
WASHINGTON — President Obama this year defined his approach to crises like the civil war in Syria as “strategic patience and persistence.” But with Russian jets and missiles now rocketing through the skies over Syria, what he calls patience looks to many critics like paralysis.
Neville Chamberlain came home to Britain with an agreement that Hitler wastn going to conquer the world. The people cheered him. After Czechoslovakia and Poland fell, Winston Churchill became the new prime minister. I think there needs to be a regime change in America. Maybe if we can get Speaker of the House, with a backbone and not drunk all the time, impeachment proceedings will soon follow.
Bush, Clinton are Wall Street's favorites, donations show
Bush, Clinton are Wall Street's favorites, donations show.
Employees from Bank of America, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and UBS gave Bush a combined $107,000.
The second most popular candidate on Wall Street according to giving patterns is Democratic front-runner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She took in nearly $84,000 from employees of the same banks.
When you have a liberal (R) and (D) running for the highest position in the U.S. the big banks, who screwed over America by being too big to fail, will continue to funnel money to those same liberals who caused the bail out in the first place. Conservatives though, see this as more of the bullshit insider dealings , and why Trump, and Carson are the front runners of the Republicans, and Jeb, is around 2%. But it will be up to the liberals who supposedly hate big banks, but willing to take the banks money and run with it. Double standards, for without those liberals would have no standards at all.
Despite Cuts, U.S. Army Readies for Threats in Europe
HOHENFELS, Germany — Less than three years after the United States Army sent home the last of its tanks that were permanently based in Europe, American commanders have been forced to rely on weapons shipped back temporarily or hardware borrowed from allies in the expanding effort to deter the latest threats from Russia with a fraction of the forces it had once deployed across the Continent.
Just a reminder about the first 1/2 white president in the Rainbow House.
Nobel Committee Asks Obama “Nicely” To Return Peace Prize
Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, said today that President Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal immediately, including the “really nice” case it came in.
And for you idiots who voted for him not once but twice. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

I doubt North Korea will attack America. They care more about developing & maintaining their status. Building a nuclear weapon was in line with that. It was a symbol of technological development & power. They don't really intend to use it although they would probably use it against America if there is a serious violation (which likely won't happen), even if it means the end of North Korea. When you think of North Korea, it is more accurate to think of a Harlem gang who values stance over life or any other interest.
If there ever was a good time to attack us....it's now. Obama has relaxed our defenses and the media refuses to second-guess anything the does.

If SF were to be swallowed up by a Mushroom cloud the press would try to ignore it to keep Obama out of trouble. The media we have has to ignore alot of truth to keep America from running Big-Ears out of Washington on a rail.
If SF were to be swallowed up by a Mushroom cloud the press would try to ignore it to keep Obama out of trouble. The media we have has to ignore alot of truth to keep America from running Big-Ears out of Washington on a rail.

It would be hard to ignore the vaporization of all those Pelosi supporters. But in keeping with their modus operandi, the media would push the DNC-approved narrative that the Republicans in Congress blocked the Obidiot's efforts to protect the Gay Bay. And 40% of the brain dead population would swallow it hook, line and sinker.
Obama doesn`t allow crazy people to hijack jetliners and fly them into our skyscrapers anymore and muslims are killing muslims in a far away land. No longer are our troops getting killed because of outrageous lies about wmds. This makes the rightwing loons so unhappy that they`re hoping we`re attacked so they can scream about the secret muslim in the Whitehouse. Thanks for the entertainment children and you can now get back to hiding under your beds in fear of Kim Jong-Un.
Obama doesn`t allow crazy people to hijack jetliners and fly them into our skyscrapers anymore and muslims are killing muslims in a far away land. No longer are our troops getting killed because of outrageous lies about wmds. This makes the rightwing loons so unhappy that they`re hoping we`re attacked so they can scream about the secret muslim in the Whitehouse. Thanks for the entertainment children and you can now get back to hiding under your beds in fear of Kim Jong-Un.
If I am not mistaken but 4 Americans(1 an Ambassador) were killed on the same day, but different year from Al Qaeda. Also with Mr. Hope and Change, more people are out there killing each other in the inner cities, but don't bother seeing it on ABC, or other liberal NEWS orgs. But with the Nobel Peace Prize winner, why is the Army building up, when all he had to do was allow the missile defense system to be put in Ukraine? Oh yeah, once Obummer was re-elected, anyone else would be considered a traitor, but for you libs, it was fool you twice.

Yes, killed in a nation that is largely lawless. But your fellows allowed 3000 Americans to be killed in one day withing our nation. And then allowed the mastermind of that horror to continue to exist for seven more years. It took President Obama to make the decision to collect that blood debt.

I think this election is going to be a watershed in our nations politics. The frenzied far right wing has finally created a situation where they may get to present their addled agenda to the voters. And I do believe the voters will reject that vision of a Fascist America resoundingly.
Yes, killed in a nation that is largely lawless. But your fellows allowed 3000 Americans to be killed in one day withing our nation. And then allowed the mastermind of that horror to continue to exist for seven more years. It took President Obama to make the decision to collect that blood debt.

I think this election is going to be a watershed in our nations politics. The frenzied far right wing has finally created a situation where they may get to present their addled agenda to the voters. And I do believe the voters will reject that vision of a Fascist America resoundingly.
Articles: Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick
Imagine ending, ruining or at least causing signficant quality deterioration in the lives of millions of people, most of whom will never know your name. Imagine counting your millions of dollars while people who tried to stop you from causing all this mayhem were getting blamed for most of the ills you actually contributed to.

This is not a bad millineums's work, when you think about it. Gorelick, an appointee of Bill Clinton, is the one who constructed the wall of separation that kept the CIA and the FBI from comparing notes and therefore invading the privacy of nice young men like, say, Muhammed Atta and Zacarius Moussaoui. While countless problems were uncovered in our intelligence operations in the wake of 9-11, no single factor comes close to in importance to Jamie Gorelick's wall.
Jamie Gorelick was appointed of her position by William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman), and because of her WALL, 3000+ innocent lives were lost. You libtards can continue to try to rewrite history, but I personally wont allow you. Also when you have a feckless President(1/2 white one) who draws a bunch of red lines in the sand, and keeps backing up, you can see what is happening in the world. Just ask Neville Chamberlain how well pacifism works with liberals who want to take over the world.
I noticed less Americans dying in combat and less Americans dying at the hands of terrorist than the previous administration by factors of 10 to 100.
I noticed less Americans dying in combat and less Americans dying at the hands of terrorist than the previous administration by factors of 10 to 100.
How easy to forget Boston, Fort Hood, and many other loan wolf Muslims(notice the word Muslims) who have gone out of their way to impart their religious zealotry on the rest of US. But then again, since Mr. Hope and Change took office, a RASH of inner city killings has increased at an alarming rate. I thought the oceans were lowering and the planet healing, once the community agitator took office?
Obama doesn`t allow crazy people to hijack jetliners and fly them into our skyscrapers anymore and muslims are killing muslims in a far away land. No longer are our troops getting killed because of outrageous lies about wmds. This makes the rightwing loons so unhappy that they`re hoping we`re attacked so they can scream about the secret muslim in the Whitehouse. Thanks for the entertainment children and you can now get back to hiding under your beds in fear of Kim Jong-Un.

"No longer are our troops getting killed . . ."

I guess that's why over 70% of deaths in Afghanistan happened under Obama.

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