Difference between a criminal and a tool - liberals are just one of the tools of our enemy


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
If we cannot identify the root of the enemy, we are like investigators who just blame the gun for the mass murder and close the case.
If we for example blame the US soldiers for being ignorant not to understand that they are fighting to protect those who rape their nation, then it’s like blaming kids for believing in Satan Claus: there is a reason why young men around the world are best fit to be soldiers, and when fighting in our modern world is carried out by technological weapons rather than waving swords, age should not really matter that much.
New World Government - an Alternative to the New World Order
To find the real culprit we must question the welfare class, because how can it be that some people are getting all the freebies while others struggle to survive. No, not the welfare class that is shown on the mass media - the fat baboons looting stores and pimping women – these are just a hybrid of humanity that have been taken away from their land and specially raised by MTV and movies, raised to be used as distracters, a buffer for the REAL welfare class of billionaires who live on private islands, bypass traffic by getting around in their helicopters, have private jets and literally hundreds of slaves whom they call free masons, plumbers, carpenters and hookers. We must question, did these people invent the prosperity we have today to earn such wealth? And am I really a communist for asking such questions? Did they invent internet? Are they more closely connected to god than me? Are they in fact gods?

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