Difference between John Lewis and Herman Cain

Embracing our capitalist system is part of being an American patriot. Capitalism is big part of what defines this country. Socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC are not patriotic

Not saying Capitalists are necessarily not patriotic but unrestrained capitalism can also be destructive.

Is a Drug Company that increases the price of a drug people need to survive from $13 a dose to $1200 a dose being patriotic?

Is a company that exploits the environment or safety regulations being patriotic?
Embracing our capitalist system is part of being an American patriot. Capitalism is big part of what defines this country. Socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC are not patriotic

Not saying Capitalists are necessarily not patriotic but unrestrained capitalism can also be destructive.

Is a Drug Company that increases the price of a drug people need to survive from $13 a dose to $1200 a dose being patriotic?

Is a company that exploits the environment or safety regulations being patriotic?

Unfettered capitalism is dangerous, but we don’t have that.
Let’s compare the civil rights activism of John Lewis and Herman Cain

John Lewis fought to integrate lunch counters in Nashville. He was a Freedom Rider who faced a mob of angry terrorists who beat him. He spoke eloquently at the March on Washington. In Selma, he led a march on voting rights. State Police smashed his skull as he marched peacefully.

Herman Cain gave his life in his Civil Rights campaign. He attended Trumps Tulsa Rally and bravely urged others not to wear masks or socially distance. He fought for the right to infect others with COVID. He fought for the right of people not to be forced to wear masks and bravely exposed himself to the disease that killed him

While both fought their own Civil Rights battles

John Lewis’ were more selfless
John Lewis's claim to fame is that he walked across a bridge while clinging onto M.L. King's coat tail. After that he spent the next several decades bitching and moaning about white people.
Whereas, Herman Cain earned a Masters degree in Computer Science, was the CEO of a multi million dollar corporation and several trade organizations, plus was chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Yet the black community rejects Herman Cain as a role model for their youth.
While idolizing John Lewis who never had a job, and lived off the taxpayer his entire life.
Go figure..... :cuckoo:
Lewis is being honored for his devotion to public service and equality for blacks. You think Herman Cain enriching himself through business is in the same ball park?

I got nothing against Cain, I wish his family well, but there is not comparison... your vision is clouded my friend.
What exactly did he do for blacks? He spent his entire life as a politician and blacks still live in poverty. Even obama did nothing for them.
John Lewis's claim to fame is that he walked across a bridge while clinging onto M.L. King's coat tail. After that he spent the next several decades bitching and moaning about white people.
Whereas, Herman Cain earned a Masters degree in Computer Science, was the CEO of a multi million dollar corporation and several trade organizations, plus was chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Yet the black community rejects Herman Cain as a role model for their youth.
While idolizing John Lewis who never had a job, and lived off the taxpayer his entire life.
Go figure..... :cuckoo:
Lewis is being honored for his devotion to public service and equality for blacks. You think Herman Cain enriching himself through business is in the same ball park?

I got nothing against Cain, I wish his family well, but there is not comparison... your vision is clouded my friend.
What exactly did he do for blacks? He spent his entire life as a politician and blacks still live in poverty. Even obama did nothing for them.
Haha. Wow you’re a moron. As if one person can fix all the problems. If you’re asking the question then it means you’re not paying attention or not open to the answers. There has been nonstop coverage about Lewis and his life. It doesn’t sound like you’ve watched any of it. Are we really supposed to think you’re asking a sincere question looking for real answers?
The bitterness and shallow ness and immaturity of Right Wingers is bottomless. They know that John Lewis fought for civil rights. But these bottom feeders choose to shit on hum as he is lowered into his grave. Why?

Because they are in constant grief and anger. The least well adjusted people on earth. And they have the gall, the temerity to point their crippled fingers at others just to demean others as 'indoctrinated'.

Fuck them! Pay no attention to the bigots under the MAGA hats! They will dissolve as other fads dissolved. Their time is short, their appeal is constricted and their voices are like the sounding brass.
I am conservative. I saw no one sh*****g on John Lewis. All I saw was a comparison of people and their accomplishments. Herman Cain accomplished much more than John Lewis.
Herman Cain accomplished as a Capitalist. John Lewis accomplished as a patriot. It kinda shows what Conservatives value and what they don't.
Herman Cain was more than just a capitalist. He was a black capitalist in the fine tradition of Booker T Washington. Leftists insist that blacks cannot succeed without Democrat help. Herman Cain proved those leftists, liars.
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The bitterness and shallow ness and immaturity of Right Wingers is bottomless. They know that John Lewis fought for civil rights. But these bottom feeders choose to shit on hum as he is lowered into his grave. Why?

Because they are in constant grief and anger. The least well adjusted people on earth. And they have the gall, the temerity to point their crippled fingers at others just to demean others as 'indoctrinated'.

Fuck them! Pay no attention to the bigots under the MAGA hats! They will dissolve as other fads dissolved. Their time is short, their appeal is constricted and their voices are like the sounding brass.
I am conservative. I saw no one sh*****g on John Lewis. All I saw was a comparison of people and their accomplishments. Herman Cain accomplished much more than John Lewis.
Herman Cain accomplished as a Capitalist. John Lewis accomplished as a patriot. It kinda shows what Conservatives value and what they don't.
Herman Cain was more than just a capitalist. He was a black capitalist in the fine tradition of Booker T Washington. Leftists insist that blacks cannot succeed without Democrat help. Herman Cain proved those leftists, liars.
No one ever insisted that Black success is predicated on the Democrat party except idiots clumsily trying to score cheap, racist political points.
The bitterness and shallow ness and immaturity of Right Wingers is bottomless. They know that John Lewis fought for civil rights. But these bottom feeders choose to shit on hum as he is lowered into his grave. Why?

Because they are in constant grief and anger. The least well adjusted people on earth. And they have the gall, the temerity to point their crippled fingers at others just to demean others as 'indoctrinated'.

Fuck them! Pay no attention to the bigots under the MAGA hats! They will dissolve as other fads dissolved. Their time is short, their appeal is constricted and their voices are like the sounding brass.
I am conservative. I saw no one sh*****g on John Lewis. All I saw was a comparison of people and their accomplishments. Herman Cain accomplished much more than John Lewis.
Herman Cain accomplished as a Capitalist. John Lewis accomplished as a patriot. It kinda shows what Conservatives value and what they don't.
Herman Cain was more than just a capitalist. He was a black capitalist in the fine tradition of Booker T Washington. Leftists insist that blacks cannot succeed without Democrat help. Herman Cain proved those leftists, liars.
No one ever insisted that Black success is predicated on the Democrat party except idiots clumsily trying to score cheap, racist political points.


John Lewis's claim to fame is that he walked across a bridge while clinging onto M.L. King's coat tail. After that he spent the next several decades bitching and moaning about white people.
Whereas, Herman Cain earned a Masters degree in Computer Science, was the CEO of a multi million dollar corporation and several trade organizations, plus was chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Yet the black community rejects Herman Cain as a role model for their youth.
While idolizing John Lewis who never had a job, and lived off the taxpayer his entire life.
Go figure..... :cuckoo:
Lewis is being honored for his devotion to public service and equality for blacks. You think Herman Cain enriching himself through business is in the same ball park?

I got nothing against Cain, I wish his family well, but there is not comparison... your vision is clouded my friend.
What exactly did he do for blacks? He spent his entire life as a politician and blacks still live in poverty. Even obama did nothing for them.
Haha. Wow you’re a moron. As if one person can fix all the problems. If you’re asking the question then it means you’re not paying attention or not open to the answers. There has been nonstop coverage about Lewis and his life. It doesn’t sound like you’ve watched any of it. Are we really supposed to think you’re asking a sincere question looking for real answers?
He got rich while his fellow black Americans got poorer. You loons think that kneeling for the national athem is heroic, so you opinion of him means nothing to me. He was a racist, therefore he was a piece of crap.
John Lewis's claim to fame is that he walked across a bridge while clinging onto M.L. King's coat tail. After that he spent the next several decades bitching and moaning about white people.
Whereas, Herman Cain earned a Masters degree in Computer Science, was the CEO of a multi million dollar corporation and several trade organizations, plus was chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Yet the black community rejects Herman Cain as a role model for their youth.
While idolizing John Lewis who never had a job, and lived off the taxpayer his entire life.
Go figure..... :cuckoo:
Lewis is being honored for his devotion to public service and equality for blacks. You think Herman Cain enriching himself through business is in the same ball park?

I got nothing against Cain, I wish his family well, but there is not comparison... your vision is clouded my friend.
What exactly did he do for blacks? He spent his entire life as a politician and blacks still live in poverty. Even obama did nothing for them.
Haha. Wow you’re a moron. As if one person can fix all the problems. If you’re asking the question then it means you’re not paying attention or not open to the answers. There has been nonstop coverage about Lewis and his life. It doesn’t sound like you’ve watched any of it. Are we really supposed to think you’re asking a sincere question looking for real answers?
He got rich while his fellow black Americans got poorer. You loons think that kneeling for the national athem is heroic, so you opinion of him means nothing to me. He was a racist, therefore he was a piece of crap.
Great thanks for sharing :cuckoo:
John Lewis's claim to fame is that he walked across a bridge while clinging onto M.L. King's coat tail. After that he spent the next several decades bitching and moaning about white people.
Whereas, Herman Cain earned a Masters degree in Computer Science, was the CEO of a multi million dollar corporation and several trade organizations, plus was chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Yet the black community rejects Herman Cain as a role model for their youth.
While idolizing John Lewis who never had a job, and lived off the taxpayer his entire life.
Go figure..... :cuckoo:

I'm not ready to cast any aspersions about someone recently passing on, but did you see the WaPo obituary?

"Drawing on his up-from-poverty story, his experience as a pizza-chain executive and even his resonant singing voice, Herman Cain launched an unlikely run for the presidency that briefly landed him at the top of the polls for the Republican nomination early in the 2012 campaign.

If nominated, he would have been the first Black GOP presidential nominee, but his candidacy soon ran aground amid charges of sexual harassment. By the end of 2011, Mr. Cain had dropped out of the race, and the GOP nomination ultimately went to Mitt Romney."

Second sentence in the obituary....".charges of sexual harassment."

What do you suppose, Sunni....in that distant day when Joe Biden passes on, will Tara Reade be mentioned in the second sentence?

How disgusting these Liberals are.
Second sentence in the obituary....".charges of sexual harassment."

What do you suppose, Sunni....in that distant day when Joe Biden passes on, will Tara Reade be mentioned in the second sentence?

Well, no, because he will have accomplished more than Cain did, being vice-president and in all probability president.

Tara Reade isn't being mentioned now, because it was determined she had no credibility, being a serial grifter convicted of check kiting, fraud, squatting and petty theft.

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