Difference between "subject" versus "target" of an investigation?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)
Sir, we just want to ask a few questions and you will be in your way

How many criminals have fallen for that one?
Mueller declared Trump is NOT a 'CRIMINAL TARGET'.

'NOT a 'Criminal Target'' is Comey's admission that he has ZERO evidence of non-existent Russian Collusion, that he has ZERO evidence that the non-existent crime of Russian Collusion ever happened, and that he has ZERO evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting his witch hunt. 'NOT a CRIMINAL TARGET' means NO EVIDENCE of a crime having been committed by 'THIS' individual.

'SUSPECT' is the butt-hurt refusal to let the witch hunt die. Mueller stated he doesn't like Trump's behavior since becoming President:

"The Post’s report also states that Mueller informed Trump’s lawyers that he’s working on a report about Trump’s conduct since becoming president."

Yeah, I bet Mueller doesn't like it. Trump fired his protégé Comey for leaking classified, committing Perjury, Obstruction - protecting Hillary from Indictment, Sedition / Treason (being a member of the 'Secret Society', 'Insurance Policies', collaborating with forign spoies who were working with the Russians, and for WORKING FOR HILLARY during the election), etc...

Mueller doesn't like how his beloved FBI's reputation has been destroyed because of their criminal partisanship and crimes have been exposed. He doesn't like how the IG's Report flamed the FBI for all of it, further exposing them. He hates that he has nothing but desperate 'Scooter Libby' indictments...and he doesn't want to let go.

Mueller just admitted he has NOTHING on Trump....
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)
You got him this time!

all this crap for what????????................NOTHING !
all the anti-Trump threads are worthless crap
People every day that are not criminals, make statements that can be misconstrued, when in actuality it was just a simple nuance, as it made no difference to the overall point. Tell me otherwise.

Now, these are lies. Do you hold yours to the same standard-

“Your insurance will go down by $2500 a year”.

“The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me.”

“Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change.”

Obama's Untrue Anecdote - FactCheck.org

"Every piece of legislation, just about, that I ever introduced (in the U.S. Senate) had a Republican co-sponsor."

"We now have more jobs in solar than we do in oil."

The Benghazi probe is "the longest-running congressional investigation ever."

It had two l’s, which is how she thought she was supposed to spell Hillary,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters after the brief meeting on the tarmac, minutes before her Air Force jet flew past the peak of Everest itself. “So when I was born, she called me Hillary, and she always told me it’s because of Sir Edmund Hillary.”
all this crap for what????????................NOTHING !
all the anti-Trump threads are worthless crap
The 'death throes of butt-hurt partisans who refuse to accept the outcome of an election they lost.
People every day that are not criminals, make statements that can be misconstrued, when in actuality it was just a simple nuance, as it made no difference to the overall point. Tell me otherwise.

Now, these are lies. Do you hold yours to the same standard-

“Your insurance will go down by $2500 a year”.

“The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me.”

“Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change.”

Obama's Untrue Anecdote - FactCheck.org

"Every piece of legislation, just about, that I ever introduced (in the U.S. Senate) had a Republican co-sponsor."

"We now have more jobs in solar than we do in oil."

The Benghazi probe is "the longest-running congressional investigation ever."

It had two l’s, which is how she thought she was supposed to spell Hillary,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters after the brief meeting on the tarmac, minutes before her Air Force jet flew past the peak of Everest itself. “So when I was born, she called me Hillary, and she always told me it’s because of Sir Edmund Hillary.”
Yeah, it was all a simple misunderstanding .. like when she said she and her daughter landed under sniper fire and had to run, duck, and cover. What she REALLY meant was they landed where OTHER people had been under sniper fire, at the same location, and that IF they had come under sniper fire they, too, would have had to run, duck, and cover....

Sir, we just want to ask a few questions and you will be in your way

How many criminals have fallen for that one?

How many criminals have fallen for that one?

Including Clinton?
Bill Clinton didn't fall for anything such as "Sir, we just want to ask a few questions and you will be in your way." He was subpoenaed.

As goes a federal investigator's modes of inquiry, there are basically two:
  • An interview --> This is questioning that happens absent a subpoena. The person being interviewed (a witness) agrees voluntarily to show up and answer questions.
  • A subpoena --> Investigators request of a court (or agent of the court) the compelling of a witness' testimony or other types of information. There are two types of subpoenas:
    • Subpoena ad testificandum --> Forces oral evidence be produced by the witness to whom the subpoena is issued.
    • Subpoena duces tecum --> Forces a witness to produce evidence other than his/her own oral testimony
To date, we've only heard of Mueller desiring to obtain Trump's oral evidence via an interview session. Attorneys generally advise their clients to refrain from participating in interviews, but clients are free to accept that advice or not. On the other hand, attorneys, pretty much without exception, advise their clients to respond positively to subpoenas. Why? Because there's no penalty for no agreeing to participate in an interview whereas failing to respond positively to a subpoena constitutes the crime of contempt of court.
Sir, we just want to ask a few questions and you will be in your way

How many criminals have fallen for that one?

How many criminals have fallen for that one?

Including Clinton?
Bill Clinton didn't fall for anything such as "Sir, we just want to ask a few questions and you will be in your way." He was subpoenaed.

As goes a federal investigator's modes of inquiry, there are basically two:
  • An interview --> This is questioning that happens absent a subpoena. The person being interviewed (a witness) agrees voluntarily to show up and answer questions.
  • A subpoena --> Investigators request of a court (or agent of the court) the compelling of a witness' testimony or other types of information. There are two types of subpoenas:
    • Subpoena ad testificandum --> Forces oral evidence be produced by the witness to whom the subpoena is issued.
    • Subpoena duces tecum --> Forces a witness to produce evidence other than his/her own oral testimony
To date, we've only heard of Mueller desiring to obtain Trump's oral evidence via an interview session. Attorneys generally advise their clients to refrain from participating in interviews, but clients are free to accept that advice or not. On the other hand, attorneys, pretty much without exception, advise their clients to respond positively to subpoenas. Why? Because there's no penalty for no agreeing to participate in an interview whereas failing to respond positively to a subpoena constitutes the crime of contempt of court.

When Hillary was subpoenaed and ordered to turn over her server, her devices, and all documents / files the FBI gave her all the time she wanted, all the time she needed to tell THEM which files were personal or not, to delete anything she wanted, and even time to BleachBit the crap out of everything in a failed attempt to delete evidence.

When Manafort was subpoenaed and ordered to turn over his server, her devices, and all documents / files the FBI stormed his home, rushed in and seized everything - even items NOT listed on the subpoena, leaving him no time to sort through his things to determine which were personal or not and to delete things, which Hillary was allowed to do.

Your definitions above don't exactly cover THAT. :p
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)

LOL. ANY day now......
LOL. ANY day now......

Perhaps there a grownup to explain to you the chart below???...............lol

The average investigation lasts 2 years and 4 months plus..


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