Difference between "subject" versus "target" of an investigation?

12 A


"...the investigation resulted in 14 convictions and two acquittals. Caught in the Whitewater net were: Webster Hubbell. A Clinton friend from Arkansas and former law partner of Mrs. Clinton, etc..."

NUMEROUS Clinton associates, former law firm members, friends, etc were sent to jail...and as usual the Clintons were protected from indictment / prosecution....

Caught In The Whitewater Net

Webster Hubbell. A Clinton friend from Arkansas and former law partner of Mrs. Clinton...

James McDougal. A Clinton friend and Whitewater business partner

Susan McDougal. With her former husband, James, Mrs. McDougal was a partner in the Whitewater land deal and in Madison Guaranty

Governor Jim Guy Tucker President Clinton's successor as Arkansas governor

Stephen Smith. A former Clinton aide

So Bill and Hillary go into business with friends, colleagues, former law firm partners, aides, the successor of Bill Clinton in Arkansas, and others....the Business venture turned into a massive criminal scam / case, 14 of those involved along with the Clintons in this venture end up getting convicted, and - AMAZINGLY ENOUGH - the Clintons skate out of the whole scandal as almost the ONLY 2 NOT convicted.

Wow, what a lucky break. :p

Bill Clinton declared the investigation completely 'exonerated' Hillary in the Whitewater Case.

NOT according to PolitiFact.

"Our ruling

Bill Clinton said his wife "was completely exonerated, when I was in the White House" by an official inquiry on Whitewater.

A December 1995 report by the independent law firm Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro report found no evidence of the Clintons’ and particularly Hillary Clinton’s participation in fraud. Pillsbury’s task was to assess whether federal regulators could justify a lawsuit legally and cost-effectively. The report found that they couldn't, but the report and its authors didn’t and still don’t view their findings as exoneration.

While some take issue with the word "exoneration," Bill Clinton’s broader point that his wife wasn’t found guilty is accurate. On balance, we rate his statement Mostly True."

In reality something is either TRUE or NOT True. Politifact clearly points out that the EXACT claim Bill Clinton made about the Whitewater investigation 'exonerating' his wife is NOT TRUE!

Once again, using the same 'definition of the word 'IS'' argument - SEMANTICS - Bill Clinton claims his wife was 'completely exonerated', but that is NOT the case.

While some take issue with the word "exoneration," Bill Clinton’s broader point that his wife wasn’t found guilty is accurate. On balance, we rate his statement Mostly True."

Queasy has language comprehension issues......

How is that "LOCK HER UP" mantra coming along, Queasy???
Did you purchase a T-shirt with that mantra (made in china, of course)?...................LOL
Are you a liar or just ignorant?

"...the investigation resulted in 14 convictions and two acquittals. Caught in the Whitewater net were: Webster Hubbell. A Clinton friend from Arkansas and former law partner of Mrs. Clinton, etc..."

Here's a recap that you will truly LOVE, Queasy...........lol

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.

Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.

Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.

So, let’s see where that leaves us. in the last 53 years Democrats have been in office for 25 of those years while Republicans held it for 28. in their 25yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence. that's one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership.

In the 28yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53yrs they have had a total of(a drum roll would be more than appropriate), 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down. That's more prison sentences than years in office since 1968 for Republicans. If you want to count articles of impeachment as indictments (they aren't really but we can count them as an action), both sides get one more. However, Clinton wasn't found guilty while Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford. so those only serve to make Republicans look even worse.

With everything going on with Trump and his people right now, it's a safe bet Republicans are going to be padding their numbers a bit real soon. So let's just go over the numbers one more time shall we. 120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions and 34 prison sentences. Those aren't "feelings" or "alternate facts" those are simply the stats by the numbers. Republicans are, and have been the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.”

It's not hard to have ZERO indictments / convictions of anyone on your Cabinet / administration when, as it has been proven, 'you' own the DOJ< FBI< NSA< DHS, etc....

Evidence has been presented proving:
Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, Comey, and McCabe all committed Felony Perjury....yet Obama protected them from Indictment and prosecution. Despite his best efforts to ensure his criminal administration kept a clean record Holder became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be CENSURED, by a bi-partisan Congress for his multiple counts of Felony Perjury in his attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal covered up. It was recorded / reported that Clapped committed Perjury by claiming Obama had not illegally spied on US citizens. When the truth came out Democrats gave Clapper the opportunity to appear before Congress again and 'amend his earlier testimony' to avoid Indictment for his Perjury.

Obama's was the most criminal, most treasonous in US history.....
Here's a recap that you will truly LOVE, Queasy...........lol

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.

Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.

Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.

So, let’s see where that leaves us. in the last 53 years Democrats have been in office for 25 of those years while Republicans held it for 28. in their 25yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence. that's one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership.

In the 28yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53yrs they have had a total of(a drum roll would be more than appropriate), 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down. That's more prison sentences than years in office since 1968 for Republicans. If you want to count articles of impeachment as indictments (they aren't really but we can count them as an action), both sides get one more. However, Clinton wasn't found guilty while Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford. so those only serve to make Republicans look even worse.

With everything going on with Trump and his people right now, it's a safe bet Republicans are going to be padding their numbers a bit real soon. So let's just go over the numbers one more time shall we. 120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions and 34 prison sentences. Those aren't "feelings" or "alternate facts" those are simply the stats by the numbers. Republicans are, and have been the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.”

OoooF - That's gonna leave a mark ^ ^ ^ :)
Well, that's what you surely get when we elected a half black,Kenyan, Muslim, correct Queasy??
Why are you asking me that, snowflake?

Barak Obama was born in Hawaii and is an American citizen. Unlike Hillary, whose 1st election campaign team came up with the Birther movement idea when Barry came out of nowhere to start kicking her ass, I never delved into the 'Birther realm'. After Obama was elected President I found the idea of entertaining the 'Birther' BS moot / a waste of time. He was President. When he was elected he was PRESIDENT. Unlike today's snowflakes, I fully accepted election results. You should try it - it's liberating. It will free you from your HATE.
12 A


"...the investigation resulted in 14 convictions and two acquittals. Caught in the Whitewater net were: Webster Hubbell. A Clinton friend from Arkansas and former law partner of Mrs. Clinton, etc..."

NUMEROUS Clinton associates, former law firm members, friends, etc were sent to jail...and as usual the Clintons were protected from indictment / prosecution....

Caught In The Whitewater Net

Webster Hubbell. A Clinton friend from Arkansas and former law partner of Mrs. Clinton...

James McDougal. A Clinton friend and Whitewater business partner

Susan McDougal. With her former husband, James, Mrs. McDougal was a partner in the Whitewater land deal and in Madison Guaranty

Governor Jim Guy Tucker President Clinton's successor as Arkansas governor

Stephen Smith. A former Clinton aide

So Bill and Hillary go into business with friends, colleagues, former law firm partners, aides, the successor of Bill Clinton in Arkansas, and others....the Business venture turned into a massive criminal scam / case, 14 of those involved along with the Clintons in this venture end up getting convicted, and - AMAZINGLY ENOUGH - the Clintons skate out of the whole scandal as almost the ONLY 2 NOT convicted.

Wow, what a lucky break. :p

Bill Clinton declared the investigation completely 'exonerated' Hillary in the Whitewater Case.

NOT according to PolitiFact.

"Our ruling

Bill Clinton said his wife "was completely exonerated, when I was in the White House" by an official inquiry on Whitewater.

A December 1995 report by the independent law firm Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro report found no evidence of the Clintons’ and particularly Hillary Clinton’s participation in fraud. Pillsbury’s task was to assess whether federal regulators could justify a lawsuit legally and cost-effectively. The report found that they couldn't, but the report and its authors didn’t and still don’t view their findings as exoneration.

While some take issue with the word "exoneration," Bill Clinton’s broader point that his wife wasn’t found guilty is accurate. On balance, we rate his statement Mostly True."

In reality something is either TRUE or NOT True. Politifact clearly points out that the EXACT claim Bill Clinton made about the Whitewater investigation 'exonerating' his wife is NOT TRUE!

Once again, using the same 'definition of the word 'IS'' argument - SEMANTICS - Bill Clinton claims his wife was 'completely exonerated', but that is NOT the case.

Bill Clinton says Hillary was 'completely exonerated' in Whitewater

Read the article you are quoting
Well, that's what you surely get when we elected a half black,Kenyan, Muslim, correct Queasy??
Why are you asking me that, snowflake?

Barak Obama was born in Hawaii and is an American citizen. Unlike Hillary, whose 1st election campaign team came up with the Birther movement idea when Barry came out of nowhere to start kicking her ass, I never delved into the 'Birther realm'. After Obama was elected President I found the idea of entertaining the 'Birther' BS moot / a waste of time. He was President. When he was elected he was PRESIDENT. Unlike today's snowflakes, I fully accepted election results. You should try it - it's liberating. It will free you from your HATE.

Again bullshit:
Trump again tries to pin birtherism on Clinton insiders
all this crap for what????????................NOTHING !
all the anti-Trump threads are worthless crap

Most threads on this forum are worthless partisan crap, what's your point?
the ones with evidence and facts are not

And how many threads on this forum have evidence and facts that are used PROPERLY?

About 0.1%

I wouldn't expect too much, actually this forum is start becoming a joke... easy, brtpat and other don't want the truth they want lie to back their guy...

We ask them for evidence and they give insult pages later... When will the man up an actually negotiate..
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)

How is it like a rope a dope? That makes no sense. Then again, you never do. You don't even know what rope-a-dope actually means, do you?

There's an old story where a woman leaves her cat with her sister and goes on vacation. The first night she calls and the sister says the cat died. She gets all upset and hangs up.

When she got home from vacation, she went to her sister and said you really needed to give me a chance to prepare. Say my cat is on the roof and you can't get it down. The next night say my cat fell off the roof, we're not sure how it's going to go. The third night say the cat didn't make it. That way, I have a chance to prepare and am not shocked.

Mueller announcing that Trump is not a criminal suspect in the investigation is Mueller telling leftists that your hope of the investigation indicting Trump is on the roof and he can't get it down ...
all this crap for what????????................NOTHING !
all the anti-Trump threads are worthless crap

Most threads on this forum are worthless partisan crap, what's your point?
the ones with evidence and facts are not

And how many threads on this forum have evidence and facts that are used PROPERLY?

About 0.1%

I wouldn't expect too much, actually this forum is start becoming a joke... easy, brtpat and other don't want the truth they want lie to back their guy...

We ask them for evidence and they give insult pages later... When will the man up an actually negotiate..

Well, I actually quit the forum a while back and then came back.

I quit because of the insults and because I was doing it too (fighting back rather than initiating it) and I didn't like it.

I went to another forum with much less people, quit that (then it closed down anyway).

The reality is these types of people just need to be put on ignore. Instead of getting angry and fighting back, just click a button and they go away.

But it's terrifying how many people can't even make a basic argument, how many can't or won't go through a logical process for their own thoughts. How many people simply follow other people's thoughts. And they can vote.

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