Difference between "subject" versus "target" of an investigation?

LOL. ANY day now......

Perhaps there a grownup to explain to you the chart below???...............lol

The average investigation lasts 2 years and 4 months plus..

View attachment 186254

It took less than a year to prove there was no evidence of a crime warranting a criminal investigation.

It has taken far less than 2 years for the Special Counsel to openly admit he has no evidence against the President and no evidence of a crime regarding the basis for his entire investigation.....but is still going to continue the witch hunt.

t has taken far less than 2 years for the Special Counsel to openly admit he has no evidence against the President and no evidence of a crime regarding the basis for his entire investigation.....but is still going to continue the witch hunt.

Moron, two little factors that your half brain is "forgetting".....

First, Mueller was appointed about TEN months ago.

Second, Mueller well knows that a president cannot be charged with a crime while in office(take THAT up with the SCOTUS)...............HOWEVER, a listing of ethical breaches could warrant impeachment and THAT is what Mueller may be going toward......PRAY that the House remains in GOP hands, otherwise the fun (and your tantrums) will really start next year........LOL
t has taken far less than 2 years for the Special Counsel to openly admit he has no evidence against the President and no evidence of a crime regarding the basis for his entire investigation.....but is still going to continue the witch hunt.

Moron, two little factors that your half brain is "forgetting".....

First, Mueller was appointed about TEN months ago.

Second, Mueller well knows that a president cannot be charged with a crime while in office(take THAT up with the SCOTUS)...............HOWEVER, a listing of ethical breaches could warrant impeachment and THAT is what Mueller may be going toward......PRAY that the House remains in GOP hands, otherwise the fun (and your tantrums) will really start next year........LOL
1. The multiple investigations have been going on for more than a year now, and before Mueller was ever appointed it was obvious that there was no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump - not even of a crime warranting a Special Counsel....which Muller just admitted to by declaring he has NOTHING on Russian collusion and NOTHING on Trump.

2. Mueller did not just declare Trump is not being indicted now because he is a sitting President. He said Trump is not a 'criminal target' because he has ZERO evidence....like you.
Mueller declared Trump is NOT a 'CRIMINAL TARGET'.

Nitwit, you're forgetting the adverb, "YET"........lol
So you are trying to speak for Mueller now because he is saying things you don't like to hear - the truth?! Bwuhahaha

Get it through your thick skull that the investigation is NOT to discover "crimes"....but to probe and expose unethical behavior by the moron in chief......lol
t was obvious that there was no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump - not even of a crime warranting a Special Counsel..

Read it and weep...........

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
Get it through your thick skull that the investigation is NOT to discover "crimes"....but to probe and expose unethical behavior by the moron in chief......lol

That's right, snowflake, MOVE THOSE GOAL POSTS......

The investigation was all about NON-EXISTENT RUSSIAN COLLUSION, specifically that involving - according to butt-hurt liberals / snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the election - involving Donald Trump. It was quickly PROVED no such illegal collusion occurred ... by the President...and that there wasn't even any evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel.

NOW, after Mueller comes out publicly and admits he has no evidence to support the claims of crimes he was appointed to investigate, suddenly snowflakes and Mueller want to declare the investigation is now - and always has been - about the President's reaction to the fact that a special Counsel was appointed to investigate a non-existent crime.

Bwuhahaha.....Priceless! :p
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)

Mueller might also not consider Donald a target because he doesn't want to indict a sitting president.

it has zero to do with the recommendation he makes to congress about this criminally corrupt administration.
t was obvious that there was no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump - not even of a crime warranting a Special Counsel..

Read it and weep...........

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

sergei doesn't care. and it's not like he'd tell the truth anyway.
Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."


I don't care who the President told he had just fired Comey, who has been proven to have leaked classified, committed Perjury, Obstructed justice by protecting the Democrats' Felon candidate from Indictment, who committed Sedition / Treason by being a member of Barry's 'Secret Society' tasked with using 'Insurance Policy' information , according to McCabe, to take down the newly elected President.
Morons (and Trump cult members) like Queasy, refuse to consider that Mueller is NOT a judge but an investigator........The prosecution of this corrupt administration is left up to judges for the Trump entourage and left up to Congress to determine if Trump's behavior warrants impeachment hearings

It is actually "good" that these idiots keep on deluding themselves ....lol.
All trump did was follow the FBI recommendations (of Obama hold overs)
Morons (and Trump cult members) like Queasy, refuse to consider that Mueller is NOT a judge but an investigator........The prosecution of this corrupt administration is left up to judges for the Trump entourage and left up to Congress to determine if Trump's behavior warrants impeachment hearings

It is actually "good" that these idiots keep on deluding themselves ....lol.
Mueller is a hired / appointed political partisan 'Hit Man'. Everything about him and his Special Counsel, one huge 'Conflict of Interest', proves it.

Evidence shows he is connected to the Obama administration - former FBI Director - who hid Russian crimes while they acquired Uranium One, with help from him, Hillary, Barry, and Holder.
- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST INVOLVING MUELLER: Ties to Obama, Hillary, Holder, the FBI, & the Russians

His entire Staff is composed of huge Liberal DNC / Hillary donors and supporters and even a lawyer that worked / works for the Clinton Foundation.
- His entire staff screams 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST'

Further Conflicts of Interest Involving Mueller:
- The FBI: He used to run it, they are thick as thieves, and he wants to defend it.
- Comey: Comey is his protégé, and Trump fired him justifiably for his proven crimes, supported by evidence.
- McCabe: Mueller, Comey, and McCabe are old Buds

Furthermore, YOU still have no evidence, you say 'wait and see', but Mueller himself just declared he has NOTHING - NO EV|IDENCE of Illegal Russian Collusion, ZERO evidence involving Trump with non-existent Russian Collusion, and no evidence of a crime that warranted his investigation. he declared any evidence and suspicion of criminal activity he has - involving others - does not involve the reason he was appointed a Special Counsel . He even stated his only interest in Trump is his behavior AFTER he was appointed, meaning there was no reason t appoint him and therefore none of this now should have been a factor.

By Mueller's own admission, there is anything to the reason why he was appointed to begin with and that all he is doing now is 'fishing'.
All trump did was follow the FBI recommendations (of Obama hold overs)

All MUELLER has done is:

- Highlight how Obama, his administration, and his Cabinet Obstructed Justice and protected Hillary from Prison.
-- Exposed Comey's collusion and coordination with Lynch, exonerating Clinton well before the investigation was over.
-- Exposed Strzok's Obstruction by re-writing the FBIs report to eliminate incriminating verbage that would have ensured Hillary went to jail.
-- Exposed Strzok's illegal protecting of Abedin and mills from Indictment.
-- Exposed the treasonous 'Secret Society' within the FBI / Obama administration and the plot to use 'Insurance policy' info to take down the President.

- Expose the Treason committed by Hillary (and the FBI) through coordinating / paying a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked report Hillary illegally used in an election and which the FBI - working for Hillary (Both Comey's and McCabe's wife received Clinton Cash) - illegally used that material from and foreign spy and the Russians to obtain FISA warrants to spy on political opposition candidate during an election (Watergate o Megs steroids)!

- Highlighted how Hillary did not even win her own party's nomination; how she bought the DNC Obama left $24 million in debt, rigged primaries, stacked the deck against Sanders, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, threatened the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to overturn the results of the democratic election results, exposed how Hillary illegally used DNC donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign, and how instead of being on the ballot on election day she should have been in prison....

EVERY single trick, every single ploy they attempted only boomeranged back and exposed more and more Democrat criminal collusion, criminal connections, and crime.

So Mueller's witch hunt has been far from a complete failure....
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)

In its final death throes. Keep up that desperation. Lol.
Morons (and Trump cult members) like Queasy, refuse to consider that Mueller is NOT a judge but an investigator........The prosecution of this corrupt administration is left up to judges for the Trump entourage and left up to Congress to determine if Trump's behavior warrants impeachment hearings

It is actually "good" that these idiots keep on deluding themselves ....lol.
Mueller is a hired / appointed political partisan 'Hit Man'. Everything about him and his Special Counsel, one huge 'Conflict of Interest', proves it.

Evidence shows he is connected to the Obama administration - former FBI Director - who hid Russian crimes while they acquired Uranium One, with help from him, Hillary, Barry, and Holder.
- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST INVOLVING MUELLER: Ties to Obama, Hillary, Holder, the FBI, & the Russians

His entire Staff is composed of huge Liberal DNC / Hillary donors and supporters and even a lawyer that worked / works for the Clinton Foundation.
- His entire staff screams 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST'

Further Conflicts of Interest Involving Mueller:
- The FBI: He used to run it, they are thick as thieves, and he wants to defend it.
- Comey: Comey is his protégé, and Trump fired him justifiably for his proven crimes, supported by evidence.
- McCabe: Mueller, Comey, and McCabe are old Buds

Furthermore, YOU still have no evidence, you say 'wait and see', but Mueller himself just declared he has NOTHING - NO EV|IDENCE of Illegal Russian Collusion, ZERO evidence involving Trump with non-existent Russian Collusion, and no evidence of a crime that warranted his investigation. he declared any evidence and suspicion of criminal activity he has - involving others - does not involve the reason he was appointed a Special Counsel . He even stated his only interest in Trump is his behavior AFTER he was appointed, meaning there was no reason t appoint him and therefore none of this now should have been a factor.

By Mueller's own admission, there is anything to the reason why he was appointed to begin with and that all he is doing now is 'fishing'.

Mueller went fishing, caught a couple minnows and now he's just floating around doing nothing.
I'm reminded of Ali's famous "rope-a-dope" strategy in the boxing ring.

Bear in mind that when you're a "subject" of an investigation, and are asked to testify under oath, the distinction that you're safe from prosecution is tenuous, at best.......One can become an easy "target" once questions are answered with lies.

The Constitutional issue has always been whether a sitting president could ever be charged with a crime....and Mueller is well aware that the SCOTUS would have to rule on that issue....HOWEVER, the ethical fallout if and when a president perjures himself has long been decided in the court of public opinion (the result is better known as, impeachment.)

I believe that the difference is, the target is the predicate of the subject, but not in a compound sentence.

No, that can't be right.

Screw it, I hated Enlgish.
His entire fishing expedition pretty much now depends on his ability to challenge the President's ego to get him to agree to a one-on-one interview where he will use his vast experience as a corrupt prosecutor and former Director of the FBI to successfully play 'Stump the Interviewee' / 'Gottcha'!

He has already declared he has no evidence of illegal Russian Collusion BY TRUMP, so pinning a 'Scooter Libby' indictment on the President is all he has left. "p

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