dims Get Together To Discuss Income Inequality At


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The Ritz Carlton in Chicago! :lmao:

I've been to a couple of them. One time was for my wife's Boss's wedding. The night we got there we were sitting in a mezzanine and decided to order a glass of Port and some Brie. Why not?

It came and we were presented a bill for $160

And this was back in 1987!!!

They ain't cheap, people. Believe it.

Anyway..... I wonder if any dimocraps see this for what it is? I doubt it.

The Politburo gets fat while the Proles -- Well, who cares about them anyway, right dims?

The Democracy Alliance Assembles | Washington Free Beacon


Security Tight at Secretive Democracy Alliance Meeting
Billionaires and millionaires rub elbows behind closed doors with Democratic pols and progressive foundations

Democrats have long railed against the lack of transparency in political funding, but security was airtight this week as a hush-hush network of progressive moneymen and activists held a closed-door conference to map out their plan to shift U.S. policy to the left.

At the elegant Ritz Carlton hotel in downtown Chicago, wealthy donors, Democratic politicians, and representatives from left-leaning activist groups met for a conference hosted by the Democracy Alliance, a progressive donor network that funnels millions of dollars to undisclosed activist groups and political causes.


But even most of the invited attendees were barred from a room marked “Partners Only.” There, Democracy Alliance’s deep-pocketed donors listened to contribution pitches, announced new funding pledges, and viewed power-point presentations evaluating the finances and performances of Democracy Alliance-funded groups, according to two sources in the room.

Most attendees were not allowed in the “Partners Only” room.

Partners in the Democracy Alliance are reportedly required to contribute a minimum of $200,000 per year to activist groups approved by the organization and pay annual dues of $30,000.

Yeah, right.

Whatever. dimocraps...... unreal

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