Dims seek to "un-Pelosi" the party

At least some on the left understand why they have been losing elections if the costal elites will listen to them is another story.

Yep, they finally found someone

I would like to see Schumer and Pelosi clean up their anti gun views and attempts.

But I know this is strictly a pipe dream.

Therefore it is critical that DJ Trump nominate 2 to 4 more SCOTUS justices who are strict constructionist pro 2A.
Liberals are in complete control of the Democratic party, moderate Dem's what's left of them would have to start their own party. I remember when moderate dem's got wiped out in the 2010 election, how did the liberal wing of the party react? They were glad to finally be rid of them. :laugh:
Given Hillary destroyed the Sanders wing by cheating using many of the coastal regime I don't think it will go anywhere but the revolution inside the DNC spells good things for conservatives!
OP- ONLY on the FNN!! The Fake News Network. For dupes only...If you people knew the facts, Dems would win easily- see sig. Crooked Hillary and Obama my ass lol, the poor rich paying too much in taxes (Enjoy their next giant tax cut, morons, and even more cuts in services and investment for YOU)...
Liberals are in complete control of the Democratic party, moderate Dem's what's left of them would have to start their own party. I remember when moderate dem's got wiped out in the 2010 election, how did the liberal wing of the party react? They were glad to finally be rid of them. :laugh:
Yup, the GOP certainly came thru with "Jobs, jobs, jobs", duperino lol...
Liberals are in complete control of the Democratic party, moderate Dem's what's left of them would have to start their own party. I remember when moderate dem's got wiped out in the 2010 election, how did the liberal wing of the party react? They were glad to finally be rid of them. :laugh:

Pro life dims were kicked out of all the vagina head marches. . . Moderates ain't welcome there.
Liberals are in complete control of the Democratic party, moderate Dem's what's left of them would have to start their own party. I remember when moderate dem's got wiped out in the 2010 election, how did the liberal wing of the party react? They were glad to finally be rid of them. :laugh:
Yup, the GOP certainly came thru with "Jobs, jobs, jobs", duperino lol...

LMAO I guess you missed todays jobs report which was much higher than expected :laugh: you stepped in that one with both feet.
Liberals are in complete control of the Democratic party, moderate Dem's what's left of them would have to start their own party. I remember when moderate dem's got wiped out in the 2010 election, how did the liberal wing of the party react? They were glad to finally be rid of them. :laugh:
Yup, the GOP certainly came thru with "Jobs, jobs, jobs", duperino lol...

LMAO I guess you missed todays jobs report which was much higher than expected :laugh: you stepped in that one with both feet.
Talking about 2010...duh. Promised that, got mindless obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.
The democrat party is leaderless and floundering. The only thing they have left is support by the MSM but that ain't likely to continue as long as Trump continues to do what he said he would do and "put America first". What do you do with a party that lost the presidency and both houses of congress, most governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade? Should the party of JFK drift further left and nominate more socialists or reorganize and try to salvage what little credibility they have left?

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