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Gaza's Jewish History - Hebrew Love Poetry

Ydidi Ro'i Mekimi is a poem composed by Rabbi Yisrael Nagarah (1555 Safed - 1628 Gaza). The piyyut expresses the longing of the Jewish people in exile to their G-d as a flock that yearns for the guiding and supportive hand of the shepherd and for redemption.

Rabbi Yisrael Nagara was the rabbi of Gaza, buried there in an ancient Jewish cemetery, considered one of the greatest Hebrew poets of all times.

My beloved shepherd who raises me up
From being run over people of vanity

Tell me now, to whom have You abandoned a few of the herd
Return to gather Your remote, for they are seed of Your beloved

And see the peace of Your brothers and the peace of the flock

Graze me in the beautiful grass, give pasture over all the blessings
By Your hand, gather the lamb, and carry the young of the herd

Say please my redeemer my rescue, till when is my injustice
Govern me, graze me, the Shepherd of my vanity
And Abel (vanity) was a shepherd

Gather thousands, cover them and rescue them
From the hand of the hater, hasten the redeemer

Also the herd shall pass, and build the Temple and the Hall
And send the messenger of Israel, to say "redeemer came to Zion"
Rachel (ewe) comes with the flock

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