Dingy Harry Reid Compares Fake Russian Hacking To Watergate And 911


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This pathetic POS is making up more unbelievable crap and throwing around wild claims about Hillary's "Russian Hackers" claims:


Harry Reid: Russian hacking ‘as big a deal as’ 9/11

"Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday compared the purported Russian hacking of the U.S. election to the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

“I think this is as big a deal as Watergate, as 9/11,” the retiring Nevada Democrat told BuzzFeed at an event in Washington, D.C.

“I think they should have a 9/11-type commission. I know that [Sen.] Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), [Sen.] Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and others are calling for that. I think it’s a step in the right direction. This is a scandal that’s been uncovered,” he added."

This piece of human fecal-matter needs to get in another fight with his exercise equipment.


"To think that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has such good relations with the president-elect and now his new secretary of state,” Reid said, referring to ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, whom Trump has chosen to be the next top diplomat. Tillerson’s close ties to Russia as an international businessman have lawmakers on both sides of the aisle concerned.

Another human sphincter, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Grahmnesty, said that TREX, Trump's Sec. Of State nominee will be front and center:

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday that he expects Tillerson’s Russian connections to be “front and center” during the Senate confirmation process, Politico reported."
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You'd think the countries without borders morons would be dancing in the streets.

We'll get to that right after we investigate how a middle class person became a US Senator and multi millionaire while in office on a salary that would never make him a millionaire.
The Democrats' recent flip-flop to hating Russia is the most surprising outcome of this election.
You'd think the countries without borders morons would be dancing in the streets.

We'll get to that right after we investigate how a middle class person became a US Senator and multi millionaire while in office on a salary that would never make him a millionaire.
Oh.......he just found the Golden Goose. He made money off of his book. Nothing suspicious about Obama owning 5 homes and 2 muli-million dollar properties on a salary of $400k/yr.
You'd think the countries without borders morons would be dancing in the streets.

We'll get to that right after we investigate how a middle class person became a US Senator and multi millionaire while in office on a salary that would never make him a millionaire.
Oh.......he just found the Golden Goose. He made money off of his book. Nothing suspicious about Obama owning 5 homes and 2 muli-million dollar properties on a salary of $400k/yr.

Nobel Peace Prize pays a million...
The old piece of lying garbage Harry Reid needs to shut the fuck up and just retire. He's a pathetic piece of shit.
You'd think the countries without borders morons would be dancing in the streets.

We'll get to that right after we investigate how a middle class person became a US Senator and multi millionaire while in office on a salary that would never make him a millionaire.
Oh.......he just found the Golden Goose. He made money off of his book. Nothing suspicious about Obama owning 5 homes and 2 muli-million dollar properties on a salary of $400k/yr.

Nobel Peace Prize pays a million...
That about covers one of Michelle's birthday parties.
This pathetic POS is making up more unbelievable crap and throwing around wild claims about Hillary's "Russian Hackers" claims:


Harry Reid: Russian hacking ‘as big a deal as’ 9/11

"Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday compared the purported Russian hacking of the U.S. election to the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

“I think this is as big a deal as Watergate, as 9/11,” the retiring Nevada Democrat told BuzzFeed at an event in Washington, D.C.

“I think they should have a 9/11-type commission. I know that [Sen.] Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), [Sen.] Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and others are calling for that. I think it’s a step in the right direction. This is a scandal that’s been uncovered,” he added."

This piece of human fecal-matter needs to get in another fight with his exercise equipment.


"To think that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has such good relations with the president-elect and now his new secretary of state,” Reid said, referring to ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, whom Trump has chosen to be the next top diplomat. Tillerson’s close ties to Russia as an international businessman have lawmakers on both sides of the aisle concerned.

Another human sphincter, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Grahmnesty, said that TREX, Trump's Sec. Of State nominee will be front and center:

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday that he expects Tillerson’s Russian connections to be “front and center” during the Senate confirmation process, Politico reported."

as big a deal as Watergate, as 9/11

It's almost as big as Romney paying no taxes...ever.
Once again I am reminded that this is the THIRD time Russians are given the opportunity to call Democrats - "Useful Idiots".

They are quite literally rolling in the aisles over this. What clowns
Reid and crew should be upset, the leaked documents disclose the elitist attitude, lies, deceit, and corruption of his party.
Face it Reid is delusional to say the least, hacking emails is not hacking the election. But then again it is Reid after all, and he is the mouth and intellect of the party that once was.

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