Diplomatic source to Post: Gaza maritime route was Netanyahu’s idea - exclusive


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus to provide humanitarian assistance for Palestinians was initiated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in collaboration with US President Joe Biden, a senior diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday night.

"Netanyahu took the initiative to establish maritime humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, in collaboration with the Biden administration,” the source stated.

According to the source, on October 22, two weeks following the war's outbreak, Netanyahu discussed with President Biden the concept of "delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza via the sea, contingent on an Israeli inspection in Cyprus."

"Then, on October 31, Prime Minister Netanyahu outlined this strategy to Cypriot President [Nikos] Christodoulides," the source added.

In addition, "The matter was revisited on January 19 during a dialogue between Prime Minister Netanyahu and the President of the United States, where Netanyahu proposed, according to the source, "I want to suggest setting up a team to explore maritime supply through Cyprus, after a thorough inspection of all goods.”

This source, close to the Prime Minister, insinuated that Biden was simply implementing a plan by Netanyahu, not actually initiating anything new.

Here we see both common sense and ruthless political ambition combined in Biden's SOTU. In an appeal for votes from anti Israel elements in the US, Biden falsely accuses Israel of holding up humanitarian aid while adopting an Israeli plan to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Here we see both common sense and ruthless political ambition combined in Biden's SOTU. In an appeal for votes from anti Israel elements in the US, Biden falsely accuses Israel of holding up humanitarian aid while adopting an Israeli plan to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza.
and just how do you see that workin' out TMT?

and just how do you see that workin' out TMT?

I see it helping Netanyahu. The Biden administration attacking Israel in its campaign rhetoric at the same time it invites Gantz for talks can only weaken Gantz and help Netanyahu.
I'm not sure how Gantz meeting with team biden (not Biden) helps Netandyahoo. And if you believe a word bibi says you are a fool. He NEEDS this war to go on until he dies of natural causes, a free man.
This can only help Israel, because Hamas can't control their own fighters, and sooner or later some of them would be stupid enough to attack US forces in the area, bringing us into the conflict.
I'm not sure how Gantz meeting with team biden (not Biden) helps Netandyahoo. And if you believe a word bibi says you are a fool. He NEEDS this war to go on until he dies of natural causes, a free man.
Silly stuff. The intelligence failure that allowed the Oct 7 attack did great harm to Netanyahu's chances for reelection, and the successful eradication of Hamas and other terrorist elements in Gaza will greatly benefit his chances of being reelection, but an endless war in Gaza will end his political career.

Gantz's trip to the US was purely political, but visiting the US while the Biden administration is heaping abuse on Israel and the conduct of the IDF is making Biden less popular in Israel and this will make Gantz less popular in Israel.

The fact that Gantz felt the need to make this trip when he had had such a great lead in the polls shows he understands that Israel's victory in Gaza will be seen by voters as Netanyahu's victory and just as a grateful US electorate reelected FDR after the US victory in WWII despite his failure to protect the fleet at Pearl Harbor, so Israel's victory in Gaza under Netanyahu's bold leadership may well give him another success at the polls. This is why his political opponents are clamoring for elections before the war is over.

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