Schumer Urges New Leadership in Israel, Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace

Joe Lieberman: Schumer Attack on Netanyahu ‘Outrageous​

he.... for what it's worth ... tells it like it is

"Lieberman, who was the Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 2000 election, was incensed that Schumer would interfere in Israeli democracy."


Joe Lieberman: Schumer Attack on Netanyahu ‘Outrageous​

he.... for what it's worth ... tells it like it is

"Lieberman, who was the Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 2000 election, was incensed that Schumer would interfere in Israeli democracy."

Lieberman is apparently not incensed with the 3 billion is military aid we give Israel every year, rain or shine, likud or no likud
Lieberman is apparently not incensed with the 3 billion is military aid we give Israel every year, rain or shine, likud or no likud
Unlike you, Lieberman understands that money is the US investment in peace in the ME dating from the Israel Egypt peace treaty and is the bedrock upon which US influence in the ME is based.
Unlike you, Lieberman understands that money is the US investment in peace in the ME dating from the Israel Egypt peace treaty and is the bedrock upon which US influence in the ME is based.
lots a peace in bombs ... that the IDF dropped on civilians
I'm pretty sure Shumer would welcome sinwar's head on a pike, but I asked earlier WTF did hamas think was going to happen after its attack?

Bibi's got 30k dead Pales, and anti-semitism is again PC! And scholtz just told him no one believes the IDF can evacuate civilians from Raffa. Well done, my man. And even in Israel they know that for every dead Pale, hamas recruits more than one new volunteer.

Not that hamas is doing well. The saudis are still on board with econ cooperation with Israel and recognition for some, still ambiguous, Pale State. The mullahs in Iran are scrambling to hold onto control.

Redrawing borders now isn't going to work any better than in 1947.

I say we cut em all off of American money, and president's families don't get paid either.

The Gaza War: The Real Problem​

With Friends Like Chuck Schumer, Who Needs Enemies?​

  • Rather than taking tangible steps towards peace, [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas has done nothing but bypass and evade bilateral negotiations with Israel, while taking extremely tangible steps toward terrorism – from rewarding terrorists, or the families of those who murder Jews, with "$345-$1200" a month for life, to repeating that terrorist murderers are "heroes" -- all the while admitting that Palestinians are not the indigenous people there.

  • As for Schumer's "two-state solution," 64% of Palestinians said they are opposed to the idea. Those polled would like a one-state solution: a Palestinian state with no "Israel" anywhere in sight. More than 60% also expressed support for an "armed struggle" against Israel.

  • "[T]he only thing we should be focused on is changing the regime in Gaza, bringing down the terrorist regime of Hamas, and not the duly elected government of Israel." — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Fox News, March 17, 2024,

  • The reason [the Palestinians] just keep "saying no" is because they do not want a Palestinian State next to Israel, they want a Palestinian State instead of Israel.

  • The Gaza War: The Real Problem


The Gaza War: The Real Problem​

With Friends Like Chuck Schumer, Who Needs Enemies?​

  • Rather than taking tangible steps towards peace, [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas has done nothing but bypass and evade bilateral negotiations with Israel, while taking extremely tangible steps toward terrorism – from rewarding terrorists, or the families of those who murder Jews, with "$345-$1200" a month for life, to repeating that terrorist murderers are "heroes" -- all the while admitting that Palestinians are not the indigenous people there.

  • As for Schumer's "two-state solution," 64% of Palestinians said they are opposed to the idea. Those polled would like a one-state solution: a Palestinian state with no "Israel" anywhere in sight. More than 60% also expressed support for an "armed struggle" against Israel.

  • "[T]he only thing we should be focused on is changing the regime in Gaza, bringing down the terrorist regime of Hamas, and not the duly elected government of Israel." — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Fox News, March 17, 2024,

  • The reason [the Palestinians] just keep "saying no" is because they do not want a Palestinian State next to Israel, they want a Palestinian State instead of Israel.

  • The Gaza War: The Real Problem

Maybe US neocons should take a seat this time around

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