Schumer Urges New Leadership in Israel, Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace

The Saudis and Qatar want a 2 state solution, and without them there's no chance of peace, and without them, Israel and the US will be on their own.
There already is peace between Qatar and SA and Israel, and there is no rational basis for thinking the creation of a Palestinian state would bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Maybe you should lay off the Kool-ade for a while and take a fresh look at the situation.
Fuck the Hamas loving Schumer.
Schumer, a far-left Jew, has sided with the Muslims against the Jews before.

Trump had issued an EO to withhold federal funds from any school that allowed antisemitism on campus to fester. He wanted to make it permanent legislation, since he knew a Democrat could come in an overturn it, but the Dems wouldn’t vote for it - INCLUDING Nadler and Schumer. They said it wouldn’t be fair to the Muslims who only wanted to express their opinion.

(We’ve seen their opinion with their “Death to Jews” calls, and how Dems - such as Claudine Gay - refuse to condemn them.)
Total partisan deep state hypocrite.

Nation building Democrats! Left are bitching about American meddling in Haiti, well ……


Does juxtapose mean conduct a fair trial then hang him?
If so, I support it.
Total partisan deep state hypocrite.

Nation building Democrats! Left are bitching about American meddling in Haiti, well ……

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It’s Time to Juxtapose Schumer!​

I heard Schumer just turned the opposition to Netanyahu into supporters. Way to go dumbass.
If HAMAS had the means, they would already be exterminated.




I don't fight other countries because I want to be at peace with them,
I love all people and wish peace for them, even the Jews.

The Jews lived with us all of our lives and we never assaulted them,
and they held high positions in government and ministries.

But if they take my home and make me a refugee like 4 million
Palestinians in exile? What am I supposed to do?

Who has more right to this land? The Russian immigrant who left
this land 2000 years ago or the one who left 40 years ago?

We don't hate the Jews, we only ask for them to give us our rights."


He's looked better.
Now call him an Anti Semite or supporter of Hamas.

Schumer Urges New Leadership in Israel, Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace

The top Senate Democrat, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States, spoke from the Senate floor to condemn Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and call for elections to replace him.

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, on Thursday delivered a pointed speech on the Senate floor excoriating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East and calling for new leadership in Israel, five months into the war.

Many Democratic lawmakers have condemned Mr. Netanyahu’s leadership and his right-wing governing coalition, and President Biden has even criticized the Israeli military’s offensive in Gaza as “over the top.” But Mr. Schumer’s speech amounted to the sharpest critique yet from a senior American elected official — effectively urging Israelis to replace Mr. Netanyahu.

“I believe in his heart, his highest priority is the security of Israel,” said Mr. Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States. “However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel.He added: “He has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah.”

I have a weird idea.
How about a new government for Gaza?
Now call him an Anti Semite or supporter of Hamas.

Schumer Urges New Leadership in Israel, Calling Netanyahu an Obstacle to Peace

The top Senate Democrat, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States, spoke from the Senate floor to condemn Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and call for elections to replace him.

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, on Thursday delivered a pointed speech on the Senate floor excoriating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East and calling for new leadership in Israel, five months into the war.

Many Democratic lawmakers have condemned Mr. Netanyahu’s leadership and his right-wing governing coalition, and President Biden has even criticized the Israeli military’s offensive in Gaza as “over the top.” But Mr. Schumer’s speech amounted to the sharpest critique yet from a senior American elected official — effectively urging Israelis to replace Mr. Netanyahu.

“I believe in his heart, his highest priority is the security of Israel,” said Mr. Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States. “However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel.He added: “He has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah.”

Schumer betrays a key regional ally and meddles in the election cycle of an allied country. Shame on him.

Muzzie a$$-ki$$er. :fu:
Biden agrees. So these two want a new election to get rid of Netanyahu because they want him to negotiate a peace by ceding land to their enemy. At the same time, Biden is going to help keep the Ukraine war going by, without the consent of Congress, sending $300M to Zelensky, who cancelled his election to stay in power and vowed to not negotiate a peace.

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