DirectTV and Fox go at it.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
And now things have gotten even uglier. Deadline reports that DirecTV executive vice president Derek Chang has taken the dispute to the FCC. In a letter to the commission, Change claims that Fox's ads have been misleading customers by suggesting that they may lose their local Fox channels after the November 1st deadline. According to his letter, these local channels are handled under an entirely different contract and don't expire until December 31st. Chang says Fox is intentionally trying to create confusion over the issue, as well as refusing to negotiate in good faith

DirecTV Files FCC Complaint Over Fox Ads

My feelings on this are that it most likely won't hurt DirectTV if they lose FX and some of the channels like NatGEO. However, if they were to lose the local Fox Channels it would be a blow to DirectTV. If the Fox news channel were to go off air for a while, I suppose it would depend on one's political leanings. Personally, I could care less. It does seem a bit of a blackmail for Fox to hold DirectTV hostage especially for a 40% rate hike that the customers will pay, considering the content you get in return, however, I suppose that does depend on one's opinion.
Update: it seems that Fox and DirectTV have reached an agreement on their little battle and it's yet to be seen if the rates for DirectTV customers will rise as a result of this. As a suggestion for DirectTV customers, why not give them the choice as to what channels they wish to purchase rather than package them together so that customers are not subject to rate hikes if those channels happen to fall within the basic package?
As a suggestion for DirectTV customers, why not give them the choice as to what channels they wish to purchase rather than package them together so that customers are not subject to rate hikes if those channels happen to fall within the basic package?
If we, as consumers, were allowed to order channels "a la carte" as you suggest cable TV would probably be too expensive.

Channels are bundled just for that reason. Cable companies have agreements with all the channels and do their own version of "revenue sharing" among all the channels.

I have basic cable but I'm watching it less and less. I get the vast majority of my news, and even entertainment, from the Internet. I have for quite some time now.
These kind of shenanigans is why I dumped my ATT Uverse plan.
I just can't stomach paying for 300 channels to get the 15 or so I want.
So now...I get it a great deal of it free in various places around the net...and signed up for less than $10 a month for Amazon Prime.
As a suggestion for DirectTV customers, why not give them the choice as to what channels they wish to purchase rather than package them together so that customers are not subject to rate hikes if those channels happen to fall within the basic package?
If we, as consumers, were allowed to order channels "a la carte" as you suggest cable TV would probably be too expensive.

Channels are bundled just for that reason. Cable companies have agreements with all the channels and do their own version of "revenue sharing" among all the channels.

I have basic cable but I'm watching it less and less. I get the vast majority of my news, and even entertainment, from the Internet. I have for quite some time now.

As do I actually, it's one of the reasons why I suggested it, the internet I believe is moving to the point where it will be a large source of most peoples information and entertainment, so by allowing people like me to just select the channels we want, much like iTunes, then perhaps , DirectTV might have more leverage with those networks like Fox.
As a suggestion for DirectTV customers, why not give them the choice as to what channels they wish to purchase rather than package them together so that customers are not subject to rate hikes if those channels happen to fall within the basic package?
If we, as consumers, were allowed to order channels "a la carte" as you suggest cable TV would probably be too expensive.

Channels are bundled just for that reason. Cable companies have agreements with all the channels and do their own version of "revenue sharing" among all the channels.

I have basic cable but I'm watching it less and less. I get the vast majority of my news, and even entertainment, from the Internet. I have for quite some time now.

There you go.
I also have basic plan only. Like $9.99 per month.
I watch everything else on NUMEROUS sites that have a plethora of free and high quality episodes/movies.
The cable/satellite people are missing the boat the same as the record industry missed the boat years ago.
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As a suggestion for DirectTV customers, why not give them the choice as to what channels they wish to purchase rather than package them together so that customers are not subject to rate hikes if those channels happen to fall within the basic package?
If we, as consumers, were allowed to order channels "a la carte" as you suggest cable TV would probably be too expensive.

Channels are bundled just for that reason. Cable companies have agreements with all the channels and do their own version of "revenue sharing" among all the channels.

I have basic cable but I'm watching it less and less. I get the vast majority of my news, and even entertainment, from the Internet. I have for quite some time now.

There you go.
I also have basic plan only. Like $9.99 per month.
I watch everything else on NUMEROUS sites that have a plethora of free and high quality episodes/movies.
The cable/satellite people are missing the boat the same as the record industry missed the boat years ago.

You know that made me think about something I heard the other day, and that is that Apple is working on a TV which is it's rumored to be much like what we are talking about. I do agree though on your last statement.
If we, as consumers, were allowed to order channels "a la carte" as you suggest cable TV would probably be too expensive.

Channels are bundled just for that reason. Cable companies have agreements with all the channels and do their own version of "revenue sharing" among all the channels.

I have basic cable but I'm watching it less and less. I get the vast majority of my news, and even entertainment, from the Internet. I have for quite some time now.

There you go.
I also have basic plan only. Like $9.99 per month.
I watch everything else on NUMEROUS sites that have a plethora of free and high quality episodes/movies.
The cable/satellite people are missing the boat the same as the record industry missed the boat years ago.

You know that made me think about something I heard the other day, and that is that Apple is working on a TV which is it's rumored to be much like what we are talking about. I do agree though on your last statement.

According to Steve Jobs, yes they are.
Pieces of it are already out there such as "Boxee"...which is cool - but not quite there.
Mythbuntu along with mythtv is getting closer...but requires a standalone PC.

Steve Jobs idea of AppleTV is one I have been saying for years...why the hell has no one incorporated all the video that is available on the net - organize it, then have a partnership with ATUverse etc. and have all of it, including music sites such as grooveshark - in one easy to use system.
I'd buy it.
There you go.
I also have basic plan only. Like $9.99 per month.
I watch everything else on NUMEROUS sites that have a plethora of free and high quality episodes/movies.
The cable/satellite people are missing the boat the same as the record industry missed the boat years ago.

You know that made me think about something I heard the other day, and that is that Apple is working on a TV which is it's rumored to be much like what we are talking about. I do agree though on your last statement.

According to Steve Jobs, yes they are.
Pieces of it are already out there such as "Boxee"...which is cool - but not quite there.
Mythbuntu along with mythtv is getting closer...but requires a standalone PC.

Steve Jobs idea of AppleTV is one I have been saying for years...why the hell has no one incorporated all the video that is available on the net - organize it, then have a partnership with ATUverse etc. and have all of it, including music sites such as grooveshark - in one easy to use system.
I'd buy it.

Would be a nice lasting legacy for the man if the last thing he inspired was the TV entertainment industry. I must admit the only thing I did hear on this was that, Apple was to develop the whole thing in house like they do everything else. I for one tend to think something like that is going to be a huge hit for them.
You know that made me think about something I heard the other day, and that is that Apple is working on a TV which is it's rumored to be much like what we are talking about. I do agree though on your last statement.

According to Steve Jobs, yes they are.
Pieces of it are already out there such as "Boxee"...which is cool - but not quite there.
Mythbuntu along with mythtv is getting closer...but requires a standalone PC.

Steve Jobs idea of AppleTV is one I have been saying for years...why the hell has no one incorporated all the video that is available on the net - organize it, then have a partnership with ATUverse etc. and have all of it, including music sites such as grooveshark - in one easy to use system.
I'd buy it.

Would be a nice lasting legacy for the man if the last thing he inspired was the TV entertainment industry. I must admit the only thing I did hear on this was that, Apple was to develop the whole thing in house like they do everything else. I for one tend to think something like that is going to be a huge hit for them.

The iPhone has some apps that are getting close.
I have a buddy who is a super Apple geek. He does video for the US Military, all on his super Mac...anyhow...through his iPhone he can totally control his stereo...which is also hooked up to his his entire library of music can be accessed anywhere...and even play it through someone else's stereo if their system has WiFi.
Plus he can use the phone as a remote for his TV...and search for movies while watching a show and program it to DVR that movie from anywhere.

But from what I heard - what Steve was wanting to fix is the horrible and primitive search features on all cable/satellite systems.
Imagine being able to have voice command..."DVR - search for first Walking Dead...[TV displays result] record Walking dead 8pm"
Wouldn't that be awesome?
Fox pulled this crap with Cablevision last year

My view is if you are showing commercials, I shouldn't have to pay for content
Fox pulled this crap with Cablevision last year

My view is if you are showing commercials, I shouldn't have to pay for content

On the Internet I agree. At the same time, again on the internet, if I pay to watch it - I want it commercial free.
I guess for the same reason everyone uses Microsoft, everyone still pays megabuck$ for TV. They don't know any better.
With all of the available and waaaaaaaay cheaper options for quality programing all over the net - I simply don't know why people continue to pay as much as $125 a month for channels they never watch
Read in the Grand Rapids Press last night the whole thing between Fox and DirecTV has been solved.
The whole thing was solved between them but you know after even more thought on this thing, and the Apple TV thing, it does make more sense that if people were allowed more choice in the matter it might result in content that reflects the wants and needs of the viewers. I'm sure that in some area's that Fox News is not all that popular and in others, there are people who would enjoy more content like that. My opinion is that allowing the viewer enhances competetion and thats a good thing regardless of what your feelings are on the political scene. Would be nice to have like a CNET channel for example.

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