Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump

The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".

And why did the Bush Administration STOP the operation called "Wide Receiver", Seawytch? Because they discovered that they couldn't keep track of guns being smuggled across the border? So why on earth would the Obama Administration revive an operation like that?
Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".

And why did the Bush Administration STOP the operation called "Wide Receiver", Seawytch? Because they discovered that they couldn't keep track of guns being smuggled across the border? So why on earth would the Obama Administration revive an operation like that?

Read up and learn...

'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

All that proves is how spineless Sessions is. I can't believe what a bad choice he turned out to be. If any decision might produce some blowback from the left, he runs away like a scared little puppy dog.
Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.
"Inappropriate filters?" You mean they persecuted conservative groups.

True The Vote

DOJ opposition filing refuting wrongdoing in IRS v TTV lawsuit | Equal Access To Justice Act | Mootness

IRS releases list of 426 groups targeted for increased scrutiny

The IRS filed the list of 426 groups last month as part of a class action lawsuit. The names of another 40 to 45 groups that met the agency's criteria for extra scrutiny and delays were not released since they opted out of inclusion in the lawsuit.

The IRS inspector general report previously said it had reviewed 298 cases as of May 2012.

A government watchdog in April 2015 said the IRS had made "significant" progress handling issues that led to improper scrutiny of Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status. The inspector general said the IRS was no longer targeting groups.
TTV v. IRS Appeal Ruling | Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure | Mootness

Read ..........this is when Truth the Vote won the appeal..............

Justice Settles IRS Case With Conservative Groups

The Justice Department has reached settlement agreements with groups that alleged their constitutional rights were violated when their applications for tax-exempt status received extra scrutiny because their names contained words such as “tea party” or “patriots,” court filings show.

In one agreement, which still must be approved by a judge, the Internal Revenue Service admitted that its treatment of the organizations was “wrong” and expressed a “sincere apology” for what happened.

Those suing and the Justice Department in federal court agreed they would dismiss the case with a judge’s declaration that it was illegal to unevenly apply tax laws based on an organization’s name or particular political viewpoint.

The targeting of tea party organizations that applied for tax-exempt status was a major controversy of the Obama administration, as hundreds of conservative-leaning groups received scrutiny. In some cases, it delayed the processing of applications for years.

Many felt the conduct was an example of the president punishing his political enemies.
Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.
You LIE...............And I just proved it.

I can produce the other cases.....and the judgements against the IRS.

Funny thing........these groups are still getting screwed under Trump. The IRS found a backdoor to not pay after settling the cases. A legal loop whole. But the cases show that the IRS MOST CERTAINLY targeted them.
Why do these fools post their Lies when Court cases show that they are LYING............

Oh...........nevermind.........they are liberals............
No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.
"Inappropriate filters?" You mean they persecuted conservative groups.

Yet the IRS clearly applied extra scrutiny to groups that it thought might be engaged in too much politics to warrant the preferential tax designation. One way IRS personnel did that was to look for key words, such as “Tea Party.” Other words that triggered IRS scrutiny included: “Occupy,” “green energy,” “medical marijuana” and “progressive.”
IRS settled the case ...........agreed they abused these groups and cost them millions................Then found a legal back door to get out of paying.

Now the groups who had agreed to let it go if their legal fees were paid that they would Stand Down..............IRS under Trump BETRAYED THE AGREEMENT...........................

So the Now they are filing again..............so it continues...........These groups aren't backing down........IRS should have paid the fees........now they lose again they will pay much more.
Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".

And why did the Bush Administration STOP the operation called "Wide Receiver", Seawytch? Because they discovered that they couldn't keep track of guns being smuggled across the border? So why on earth would the Obama Administration revive an operation like that?

Read up and learn...

'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal

Once again...the Bush Administration stopped that program BECAUSE they found they couldn't track the guns as they'd hoped! So why would the Obama Administration choose to do something that had already been proven to be a problem? The answer to that is quite obvious...they never intended to track the guns because they WANTED them to fall into the wrong hands! They didn't stop the program even though they knew that the guns they encouraged to "walk" were ending up in the hands of narco terrorists in Mexico killing innocent Mexican citizens! Barry and his merry band of progressives didn't care though...with them it's the end that justifies the means! If a bunch of Mexicans get killed to improve their chances of getting gun control passed here in the US? No problem! It was only when Brian Terry was murdered with one of the weapons and other Border Patrol agents exposed what the Obama Justice Department was doing that they FINALLY ceased Operation Fast & Furious!
Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.

So Lois Lerner took the 5th because she knew she hadn't done anything wrong? That's laughable...and you know it! She took the 5th because she didn't want to answer questions about who she was working with in the Obama White House. "Inappropriate filters"? That's double talk for "We targeted people unfairly"!
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".

And why did the Bush Administration STOP the operation called "Wide Receiver", Seawytch? Because they discovered that they couldn't keep track of guns being smuggled across the border? So why on earth would the Obama Administration revive an operation like that?

Read up and learn...

'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal

Once again...the Bush Administration stopped that program BECAUSE they found they couldn't track the guns as they'd hoped! So why would the Obama Administration choose to do something that had already been proven to be a problem? The answer to that is quite obvious...they never intended to track the guns because they WANTED them to fall into the wrong hands! They didn't stop the program even though they knew that the guns they encouraged to "walk" were ending up in the hands of narco terrorists in Mexico killing innocent Mexican citizens! Barry and his merry band of progressives didn't care though...with them it's the end that justifies the means! If a bunch of Mexicans get killed to improve their chances of getting gun control passed here in the US? No problem! It was only when Brian Terry was murdered with one of the weapons and other Border Patrol agents exposed what the Obama Justice Department was doing that they FINALLY ceased Operation Fast & Furious!

Oh for crying out loud...you people from Earth X are insane.
It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".

And why did the Bush Administration STOP the operation called "Wide Receiver", Seawytch? Because they discovered that they couldn't keep track of guns being smuggled across the border? So why on earth would the Obama Administration revive an operation like that?

Read up and learn...

'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal

Once again...the Bush Administration stopped that program BECAUSE they found they couldn't track the guns as they'd hoped! So why would the Obama Administration choose to do something that had already been proven to be a problem? The answer to that is quite obvious...they never intended to track the guns because they WANTED them to fall into the wrong hands! They didn't stop the program even though they knew that the guns they encouraged to "walk" were ending up in the hands of narco terrorists in Mexico killing innocent Mexican citizens! Barry and his merry band of progressives didn't care though...with them it's the end that justifies the means! If a bunch of Mexicans get killed to improve their chances of getting gun control passed here in the US? No problem! It was only when Brian Terry was murdered with one of the weapons and other Border Patrol agents exposed what the Obama Justice Department was doing that they FINALLY ceased Operation Fast & Furious!

Oh for crying out loud...you people from Earth X are insane.
Oliver North ring a bell...............Contra.............money to get hostages back................

In this case the sting was to sell guns to the Cartels to try and trace them to their leaders...............The same weapons sold ended up killing people including Americans................

So we in fact Armed our enemies..........the cartels...........Of course they would get the weapons from somewhere else but this operation was a failure...............We only sold weapons cheaply to the Cartels...........

We didn't need to do this to find the location of the Cartels...........there operations are easy to find.....but the Corrupt gov'ts South of the border are in bed with them........and many times part of the Cartels........which is the main malfunction South of the Border............and why people flee.
Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.
"Inappropriate filters?" You mean they persecuted conservative groups.

Yet the IRS clearly applied extra scrutiny to groups that it thought might be engaged in too much politics to warrant the preferential tax designation. One way IRS personnel did that was to look for key words, such as “Tea Party.” Other words that triggered IRS scrutiny included: “Occupy,” “green energy,” “medical marijuana” and “progressive.”
Uh, right. That's why there were something like 2 leftwing groups that came under additional scrutiny.
No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.

So Lois Lerner took the 5th because she knew she hadn't done anything wrong? That's laughable...and you know it! She took the 5th because she didn't want to answer questions about who she was working with in the Obama White House. "Inappropriate filters"? That's double talk for "We targeted people unfairly"!
That's also why she resigned. You can't take the 5th before Congress if you're a government employee. You're obligated to answer their questions. She knew her goose was cooked.
Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

There was no "evidence" because there was no crime nor was there a scandal. The IRS used inappropriate filters, that's it.

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.

So Lois Lerner took the 5th because she knew she hadn't done anything wrong? That's laughable...and you know it! She took the 5th because she didn't want to answer questions about who she was working with in the Obama White House. "Inappropriate filters"? That's double talk for "We targeted people unfairly"!
That's also why she resigned. You can't take the 5th before Congress if you're a government employee. You're obligated to answer their questions. She knew her goose was cooked.
she took the 5th according to her lawyer, because it was a witch hunt, congress critters were saying they were going to ''lock her up'' before she even testified so the lawyer told her not to.... and he was right.

When Trump takes the 5th, will he be fired automatically as a government employee? :rolleyes:

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