Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump

The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
Really? Why didn't didn't Obammy's FBI investigate Hillary's illegal secret e-mail server if they were concerned about russian hackers?

You people and your bubble facts.

Hillary's Server was not illegal. Nor is there any evidence suggesting it was ever hacked.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump.
The spokesman for the Dirty Dem's coup attempt Adam Schiffty says that Obama’s Secret Police(FBI) didn’t actually illegally spy on the Trump campaign, they just put a secret “informant” inside the Trump campaign. Ooohhh that’s entirely different LMAO


Former Obama Intel Czar: 'A Good Thing' The FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign. Also, They Weren't Spying
Dirty Trumpsters slurp up Trump's lies that he was spied upon- all as part of Trump's further efforts to discredit the FBI.
The FBI leadership discredited themselves........and some were already fired for it..........poor things..........The DOJ Rosenstein even recommended it............then whines later for it...............

IG shows them lying under Oath............why are they lawyering up.........poor things.............

Will Justice be served in their direction..............time will tell........but they are exposed.................In the endless spouting of I HATE TRUMP DRAMA...........Kinda like the Taliban,...........it never ends.......................same tactics used on Nixon............who stole Milk Money in comparison on what was done during Obama.

Yes- I can remember when Nixon certainly did use the same tactics as Trump is using now.
Over a couple of Plumbers he knew nothing about.............then tried to cover it up even though he didn't really start it.

He wasn't impeached...............he was hounded til he quit............

He quit because he was going to be impeached.

For trying to cover up the illegal activities.

He would have been out of office before they finished with that...............

He had nothing to do with the plumber incident.................He would have been fine had he not tried to cover for the actions of others........

Maybe...........as the DNC would have went after him anyway............This is all Political BS.............

Same today but on a much larger scale........He failed at spying............Dems didn't.........They did it.........and now cover for it.
Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump.
The spokesman for the Dirty Dem's coup attempt Adam Schiffty says that Obama’s Secret Police(FBI) didn’t actually illegally spy on the Trump campaign, they just put a secret “informant” inside the Trump campaign. Ooohhh that’s entirely different LMAO


Former Obama Intel Czar: 'A Good Thing' The FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign. Also, They Weren't Spying
Dirty Trumpsters slurp up Trump's lies that he was spied upon- all as part of Trump's further efforts to discredit the FBI.
The FBI leadership discredited themselves........and some were already fired for it..........poor things..........The DOJ Rosenstein even recommended it............then whines later for it...............

IG shows them lying under Oath............why are they lawyering up.........poor things.............

Will Justice be served in their direction..............time will tell........but they are exposed.................In the endless spouting of I HATE TRUMP DRAMA...........Kinda like the Taliban,...........it never ends.......................same tactics used on Nixon............who stole Milk Money in comparison on what was done during Obama.

Yes- I can remember when Nixon certainly did use the same tactics as Trump is using now.
Over a couple of Plumbers he knew nothing about.............then tried to cover it up even though he didn't really start it.

He wasn't impeached...............he was hounded til he quit............

He quit because he was going to be impeached.

For trying to cover up the illegal activities.

The difference between Nixon and Clinton is that the latter had no shame and wasn't going to allow being impeached to get in his way.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

this is so fucked up i got nothing.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along
The Nixon retort - they all do it.
Nixon didn't order or know about the plumbers...............who failed to get bugs into the DNC.....

He did damage control on a scale tiny in comparison to today's BS.............and he was NEVER IMPEACHED...........He Resigned..........

This Political BS now is a Siege................hoping for the same results..........

Oh I see the similarities between Nixon and Trump very clearly.

Tell us more about the similarities between Nixon and Trump.

Nixon conspired with a for power (nationalist Chinese) to scuttle peace talks to help him in the 68 election. If Trump acted illegally with the Ruskies, that would be roughly comparable.

But I was trying to compare Trump supporters to Nixon supporters. At the time, in 1973 and directly after, many people believed all presidents directed in covering up illegalities. And JFK joked about fixing the election. LBJ's FBI infiltrated churches and peaceful college student groups. And even I sort of agreed, although the Tricky Sumbitch wanted me in Cambodia, and that was not a pleasant prospect. LOL But in the end, Nixon thought anything he did in an official presidential act was made legal by the office. Other presidents have not gone there. And we only learned later, maybe after his death, he basically committed treason in trading with the nationalist Chinese.

But if Trump loses reelection at least in part because of facts showing he cooperated in Russia's hacking the election, his supporters will bitch and moan about how unfair and fixed it all was, and "everyone does it." But if he broke the law with Russia, no not everyone does it.

The Trumpbots have already trotted out the "bill Clinton sold missile technology to China."

Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology | BWCentral

but it's fringe shit. And nothing really was there beyond the US continuing to have technology going East. And I doubt Trump will be any different

Washingtonpost.com: Key Stories on Chinese Missile Allegations
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!
What planet did you live on back then?? :lol:

In a recorded conversation in the Oval Office on May 13, 1971, Richard M. Nixon laid out for his aides the job qualifications for the next commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. “I want to be sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch, that he will do what he’s told, that every income tax return I want to see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends,” the president told H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman, according to a transcript published years later in The Washington Post. “Now it’s as simple as that. If he isn’t, he doesn’t get the job.”
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.

Why was border patrol agent Brian Terry murdered by one of the guns that Obama sold to the Mexican drug cartel?

Why did Lois Lerner resign if she was innocent? How could we trust Obama to investigate his own people?

How can we believe that Obama was not directing his FBI and DOJ in the Dossiergate scandal?

Man Claims To Have Shot U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
what does any of this have to do with the spy planted in the trump camp? you try to justify it with a bogus dead investigation against trump in the hopes of what? thinking we will forget it happened? it hasn't been dead that long.
There was no spy planted in tRump campaign.
clapper disagrees with you. who's lying now?

need to rewrite journey "who's crying now" lyrics.
No, he doesn't. That's a rwnj misquote.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.

Lois Lerner deliberately targeted conservative groups...got caught doing so...and took the 5th when called on to answer for what she did. If she was simply following the law she would have happily testified to that. She didn't because she knew damn well that what she'd done was wrong.

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign? Did anyone in the Obama Administration see the results of that spying? I'd like to know the answer to that question. If so...I'd like to see someone held accountable for that.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!
What planet did you live on back then?? :lol:

In a recorded conversation in the Oval Office on May 13, 1971, Richard M. Nixon laid out for his aides the job qualifications for the next commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. “I want to be sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch, that he will do what he’s told, that every income tax return I want to see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends,” the president told H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman, according to a transcript published years later in The Washington Post. “Now it’s as simple as that. If he isn’t, he doesn’t get the job.”

And yet when Nixon TRIED to get the Commissioner of the IRS, Republican Johnnie Walters, to go after his political enemies...Walters refused. Unlike Lois Lerner...that man wasn't a political hack!
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

Hey you forgot all those weapons he and Holders smuggled into Mexico for their pals in the Drug Cartels </sarcasm>

Except you forgot your facts to back those phony allegations, again.

Lois Lerner admitted to devising the selection criteria for verification purposes on the multitude of new applications for tax-free status for groups who, by law, are supposed to be limited in their political activities.

The FBI was never directed to illegally spy on anyone by President Obama.
Yea, what was that? Why did Obama want to smuggle guns into Mexico?
And being new to Oval Office, how could he find people to do it?

Make it good, I need a funny laugh.

It seems that Barry and Eric Holder came up with the brilliant idea that showing how guns cross the border illegally and end up in the hands of dangerous criminals would help push gun control legislation...and they showed it by encouraging that to happen without a care in the world what could happen with those weapons once they crossed the border. Then when scores of Mexican nationals were killed with those weapons...they did nothing. When a US border patrol officer was killed with one of those weapons...they did nothing. It wasn't until a few Border Patrol agents went public with what was going on and the shit hit the fan...ONLY THEN...did the Obama Administration stop Operation Fast & Furious!

Also incorrect. The idea wasn't new and it certainly wasn't Obama or Holder's idea. It is called gun walking and the Bush administration did it as well in a similar operation called "wide receiver".
The Dirty Don, the So-Called President, is the only president since Nixon who would meddle in the working of the FBI or DOJ.

The real question is why did an investigation into Russian Activity lead to members of Trumpybears campaign?

When did Russian Agents approach the Dirty Don anyway. Miss Universe?

Barack Obama did things with his IRS and his Justice Department that Richard Nixon could only dream about! Barry actually got the IRS to target his political opponents and the FBI to spy on them. I hate to point out the obvious here, Boo...but Obama out tricky dicked Tricky Dick!

No he did not. Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal that wasn't.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

Fake news? How so? Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS conspired with the Obama White House to target conservative groups. It's why she took the 5th.

You didn't bother to read the link did you? Here's another...

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The IRS scandal came to a pathetic, whimpering conclusion earlier this month. For half a decade the scandal had kept delinquent members of Congress occupied and served up reliable programming to Fox News and other conservative media. But when Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen walked out of his office on Nov. 9, of his own volition, on schedule, his fine reputation intact, the whole greasy production quietly expired.[...]

Contrary to the Republican story, the IRS never targeted conservatives. The IRS targeted politics, which was pretty much what it was supposed to do.

In September, the Trump Justice Department reaffirmed the decision of the Obama Justice Department not to prosecute Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat whom Republicans settled on as a criminal mastermind after they had failed to find an exploitable connection to Obama.

“The great thing about it for the Freedom Caucus and Capitol Hill,” Koskinen said of the GOP’s investigative shtick, “was that it could keep going. You start with the substance of the issue and, when that runs out, you go to the process. And when that runs out, you go after the messenger.”

I read the link. The author calling Koskinen's reputation "fine" reveals exactly what a puff piece THAT was! Koskinen's the guy that Obama brought in to oversee the coverup of what took place in the IRS! He's the guy who got rid of the evidence and didn't tell Congressional investigators that it was gone for months.

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