Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump

The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
what does any of this have to do with the spy planted in the trump camp? you try to justify it with a bogus dead investigation against trump in the hopes of what? thinking we will forget it happened? it hasn't been dead that long.
There was no spy planted in tRump campaign.
The democRATS are being ripped apart and not coordinating their lies. :p The longer the Witch Hunt goes on the more Obama is humiliated. Hussaine has no legacy except trying to make the USA into a corrupt African (or Mexican, South American, etc.) shithole controlled by unelected bureaucRATS.

Yep, the democrats and progressive liberals want America to be more like the chitholes these illegals are leaving.


Sorry to break the news to you but those 'progressive liberals' live in the wealthiest states and the wealthiest nations in the world who aren't heavily reliant on Oil and Gas extraction... The facts are the Blue States are paying for the Red States... Kansas is a mess and even the GOP had to raise taxes...

The trickle down economic model peddled by the right has been shown to be a drastic failure...
Then why are people fleeing the backwards Blue states and moving to the Red states?
Still waiting for the remotest proof that Obama “tapped his wires”
You have mistaken spin for truth... the truth came out that the Fbi did not insert a spy in the Trump campaign for political purpose.

Once again this was a lie and spin of the President's and his pawn Devin Nunes and Fox news.

Why does this President have to lie so so so so so so so so MUCH?

Why, after so many many many cries from the little boy that there is a wolf, do you still believe the lying little boy?

You all need to ask yourselves that.... :rolleyes:

The truth is that Trump is not the bad guy, he is the victim of the Dirty Democrat smear machine.
Obammy was illegally using the FBI as a political tool to dig for dirt.

I agree that Trump is not a bad guy or the bad guy. But he hired some damn shady folks to run his campaign and those folks were spied on by the FBI, some even before they were hired by Trump.

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It's illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans, especially not using the fraudulant document they used.

It is illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans? Really? So any surveillance on a suspected bank robber or domestic terrorist is illegal?

Who knew

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you honestly not know that the Police have to get warrants to wire tap suspects? It is illegal to spy on Americans without just cause presented to a judge. We have a bill of rights in this country. It used to be adhered to...but not so much when Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were running Justice. At that point it became something to get around.
You have mistaken spin for truth... the truth came out that the Fbi did not insert a spy in the Trump campaign for political purpose.

Once again this was a lie and spin of the President's and his pawn Devin Nunes and Fox news.

Why does this President have to lie so so so so so so so so MUCH?

Why, after so many many many cries from the little boy that there is a wolf, do you still believe the lying little boy?

You all need to ask yourselves that.... :rolleyes:

The truth is that Trump is not the bad guy, he is the victim of the Dirty Democrat smear machine.
Obammy was illegally using the FBI as a political tool to dig for dirt.

I agree that Trump is not a bad guy or the bad guy. But he hired some damn shady folks to run his campaign and those folks were spied on by the FBI, some even before they were hired by Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans, especially not using the fraudulant document they used.

It is illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans? Really? So any surveillance on a suspected bank robber or domestic terrorist is illegal?

Who knew

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Actually the term 'spy' is wrong.... the were gathering information...

Clapper said they were 'spying'

Still waiting for the remotest proof that Obama “tapped his wires”
to be clear - are you just trying to pin this to that 1 phrase and keep denial alive with incredible unyielding sarcasm, or do you really believe he was not spied on *at all*?
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
what does any of this have to do with the spy planted in the trump camp? you try to justify it with a bogus dead investigation against trump in the hopes of what? thinking we will forget it happened? it hasn't been dead that long.
There was no spy planted in tRump campaign.
clapper disagrees with you. who's lying now?

need to rewrite journey "who's crying now" lyrics.
Dirty Dems attempt to spin that Obama didn’t spy on Trump.
The spokesman for the Dirty Dem's coup attempt Adam Schiffty says that Obama’s Secret Police(FBI) didn’t actually illegally spy on the Trump campaign, they just put a secret “informant” inside the Trump campaign. Ooohhh that’s entirely different LMAO


Former Obama Intel Czar: 'A Good Thing' The FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign. Also, They Weren't Spying
You poor thing.
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
what does any of this have to do with the spy planted in the trump camp? you try to justify it with a bogus dead investigation against trump in the hopes of what? thinking we will forget it happened? it hasn't been dead that long.
There was no spy planted in tRump campaign.
clapper disagrees with you. who's lying now?

need to rewrite journey "who's crying now" lyrics.


Sheesh Iceberg.... you would think you would have learned by now not to repeat the President's rhetoric before checking it, yourself.

No, clapper did not say they INSERTED A SPY IN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN for political purpose.
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russian connections and contacts.... this was very suspicious.....(as it would be to any American....) While the Trump campaign lied over and over and over again claiming they had NO CONNECTIONS what so ever with any Russians? (The Trump campaign had over 70 contacts with the Russians during the campaign)

Please spare the sane, from all of your insanity.

The FBI would have been remiss, would have committed a dereliction of duty if they had not investigated the Russians and what they were up to, especially after their theft of the DNC and Podesta emails, and with all the other information they were receiving from others about the Russians involved in our election process.
what does any of this have to do with the spy planted in the trump camp? you try to justify it with a bogus dead investigation against trump in the hopes of what? thinking we will forget it happened? it hasn't been dead that long.
There was no spy planted in tRump campaign.
clapper disagrees with you. who's lying now?

need to rewrite journey "who's crying now" lyrics.


Sheesh Iceberg.... you would think you would have learned by now not to repeat the President's rhetoric before checking it, yourself.

No, clapper did not say they INSERTED A SPY IN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN for political purpose.
then why did they?

keep excuse hunting to justify bullshit. if trump now goes off and does the very same thing to democrats over a made up charge and then says it's all legal cause they said so - you'd NOT have it at all, would you?

yet here, it's ok?

i don't give a shit who's doing it or why - it's wrong. this isn't partisan politics this is our country here. if bush did to the clintons i'd be just as pissed. we as a country DO NOT DO THIS.

well we used to not do this. hell nixon just suggested it and look what happened to him. obama does it and feeds out lines of shit like crack at a meth house and the left snorts it up. but you and i know if trump did it - you'd be furious and not look for "political purpose" to hide behind.
The democRATS are being ripped apart and not coordinating their lies. :p The longer the Witch Hunt goes on the more Obama is humiliated. Hussaine has no legacy except trying to make the USA into a corrupt African (or Mexican, South American, etc.) shithole controlled by unelected bureaucRATS.

Yep, the democrats and progressive liberals want America to be more like the chitholes these illegals are leaving.


Sorry to break the news to you but those 'progressive liberals' live in the wealthiest states and the wealthiest nations in the world who aren't heavily reliant on Oil and Gas extraction... The facts are the Blue States are paying for the Red States... Kansas is a mess and even the GOP had to raise taxes...

The trickle down economic model peddled by the right has been shown to be a drastic failure...
Then why are people fleeing the backwards Blue states and moving to the Red states?
to turn Red States in to Blue States!!! :D
You have mistaken spin for truth... the truth came out that the Fbi did not insert a spy in the Trump campaign for political purpose.

Once again this was a lie and spin of the President's and his pawn Devin Nunes and Fox news.

Why does this President have to lie so so so so so so so so MUCH?

Why, after so many many many cries from the little boy that there is a wolf, do you still believe the lying little boy?

You all need to ask yourselves that.... :rolleyes:

The truth is that Trump is not the bad guy, he is the victim of the Dirty Democrat smear machine.
Obammy was illegally using the FBI as a political tool to dig for dirt.
That's such a ridiculous lie.

If Trump was spied on for a political tool, then why didnt they use the political tool? Dummy!
Because you fucking MUTT! The spy wasn't able to come up with any 'collusion' evidence.
Once again the DEMs drilled a 'dry hole'.
You're going to be taken to the funny farm when Mueller's report says he couldn't find/create any evidence of collusion.
Still waiting for the remotest proof that Obama “tapped his wires”
to be clear - are you just trying to pin this to that 1 phrase and keep denial alive with incredible unyielding sarcasm, or do you really believe he was not spied on *at all*?
the campaign team, as reported on March 17th, 2017 in a congressional hearing, were added to the counter intelligence investigation on the Russian interference back in July of 2016.... kind of hard to investigate without human sources.

However, no one was inserted in to the Trump campaign to spy on them for political purposes..... that would be a scandal if it were for political purpose.

And what the gang of 8 viewed yesterday showed, the Republican informant questioning the Trump campaigners, was ALL ABOUT Russia and their connections to the Russian gvt operatives....

were these men witting or unwitting agents of the Russian operatives in communication with them?

It's a question any investigator would want answered, to know, how to proceed....in search of the truth.
Trump WON because the left chose a POLITCAL DIRT BAG for their Candidate...............

Known LIAR..................Self Serving Politician................

People in this country are SICK of the choices they have..................and they elected Trump.

In the North where Obama Won................the Unions turned the tide..........Because Trump opposed TPP and wanted to go after China's abuses on Trade....................this WON THE DAY...............NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Countries have been trying to rig elections FOREVER..........this is NOTHING NEW.................

HELL under Obama he got caught SPYING ON MERKLE..................

This FALSE OUTRAGE by the Left is a JOKE.

Let me ask you, do you think that ads on TV influence people to buy products or are those companies just waiting millions of dollars to fill up time for no reason?
What's your point? Were you as outraged to find that Barack Obama meddled in Israeli election?


The point is that these sorts of things influence people and to deny it is to deny reality.

As for election meddling, not outraged at all by anyone doing it, it happens all the time. I think it is in our best interest to mitigate it as much as possible, believe it or not Russia does not have our best interest in mind when they do these things.

I do have a question for you though, is it your stance that since we did it to Israel that it is ok for other countries to do it to us? Since we invaded Iraq it is ok for other countries to invade us? Is that your logic?

No, it is quite logical that I point out the double standard. Russia has been meddling (actually what we used to call espionage) for decades. This is nothing new. Lets be honest, voters are influenced by lying politicians on the campaign trail, the Russian meme trolls are just another example of something voters needed to sort through.


It is true that Russia has been trying to meddle in our elections for decades. What's different this time is that they seem to have had help. In the past, patriots turned down the Russian help.

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Is that what Ted Kennedy was doing when he asked the Russian's to intervene in the 1984 elections?

I can't say this enough: snowflakes are all douchebags.

I didn't vote for Hillary, nor her husband. I have always thought they were below my set standards of who I would vote for.
Their actions confirm my decision.
I also could not vote for Trump because he was even further lower than my set moral standard than even the Clintons.
Multi bankruptcies, lawsuits and judgements for not paying his bills, his apparent sex predator tendencies, his hyper-narcissism and his pathological lying. Wow, just wow.
How haters of the Clintons, who they call "dirtbags", how canthis folks loyally defend Trump? Trump makes the Clinton's look like Sunday School teachers.
On top of that, Trump made fun of his loyal supporters, when he stated he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters would still support him. That comment, that obviously and predictably, went over his blind supporters heads.
That's a pretty sad scenario and commentary of hypocritical ultra-Trump loyalist.
Still waiting for the remotest proof that Obama “tapped his wires”
to be clear - are you just trying to pin this to that 1 phrase and keep denial alive with incredible unyielding sarcasm, or do you really believe he was not spied on *at all*?
the campaign team, as reported on March 17th, 2017 in a congressional hearing, were added to the counter intelligence investigation on the Russian interference back in July of 2016.... kind of hard to investigate without human sources.

However, no one was inserted in to the Trump campaign to spy on them for political purposes..... that would be a scandal if it were for political purpose.

And what the gang of 8 viewed yesterday showed, the Republican informant questioning the Trump campaigners, was ALL ABOUT Russia and their connections to the Russian gvt operatives....

were these men witting or unwitting agents of the Russian operatives in communication with them?

It's a question any investigator would want answered, to know, how to proceed....in search of the truth.
um hm... so now the other side will pull a bullshit excuse out of their ass to sell you when they do it.

itbwas political. period. wrap yourself in whatever lie makes you happy.
blame this

'That’s ridiculous': Key Obama adviser dismisses Trump's 'Spygate' claim

“We didn’t even know at the time there was an [FBI] investigation as such,” she said. Haines said the FBI briefed the National Security Council “on a regular basis” about what she termed “counterintelligence issues” but that it had not told the council that any formal probe of the Trump campaign had been initiated.

fake president Trump's bullshit.
Trump WON because the left chose a POLITCAL DIRT BAG for their Candidate...............

Known LIAR..................Self Serving Politician................

People in this country are SICK of the choices they have..................and they elected Trump.

In the North where Obama Won................the Unions turned the tide..........Because Trump opposed TPP and wanted to go after China's abuses on Trade....................this WON THE DAY...............NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Countries have been trying to rig elections FOREVER..........this is NOTHING NEW.................

HELL under Obama he got caught SPYING ON MERKLE..................

This FALSE OUTRAGE by the Left is a JOKE.

What's your point? Were you as outraged to find that Barack Obama meddled in Israeli election?


The point is that these sorts of things influence people and to deny it is to deny reality.

As for election meddling, not outraged at all by anyone doing it, it happens all the time. I think it is in our best interest to mitigate it as much as possible, believe it or not Russia does not have our best interest in mind when they do these things.

I do have a question for you though, is it your stance that since we did it to Israel that it is ok for other countries to do it to us? Since we invaded Iraq it is ok for other countries to invade us? Is that your logic?

No, it is quite logical that I point out the double standard. Russia has been meddling (actually what we used to call espionage) for decades. This is nothing new. Lets be honest, voters are influenced by lying politicians on the campaign trail, the Russian meme trolls are just another example of something voters needed to sort through.


It is true that Russia has been trying to meddle in our elections for decades. What's different this time is that they seem to have had help. In the past, patriots turned down the Russian help.

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Is that what Ted Kennedy was doing when he asked the Russian's to intervene in the 1984 elections?

I can't say this enough: snowflakes are all douchebags.

I didn't vote for Hillary, nor her husband. I have always thought they were below my set standards of who I would vote for.
Their actions confirm my decision.
I also could not vote for Trump because he was even further lower than my set moral standard than even the Clintons.
Multi bankruptcies, lawsuits and judgements for not paying his bills, his apparent sex predator tendencies, his hyper-narcissism and his pathological lying. Wow, just wow.
How haters of the Clintons, who they call "dirtbags", how canthis folks loyally defend Trump? Trump makes the Clinton's look like Sunday School teachers.
On top of that, Trump made fun of his loyal supporters, when he stated he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters would still support him. That comment, that obviously and predictably, went over his blind supporters heads.
That's a pretty sad scenario and commentary of hypocritical ultra-Trump loyalist.
aka You wasted your vote and chose No one.

He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises......Regardless of all this BS.........

Your just another Never Trumper who tries to sound like a Saint.

What I have posted is correct.............It is shown in the courts and in the information that is posted over and over again. Exposing those dirty ass tactics of the last POTUS and the DNC, RNC, and Hillary.............Whining their bloody heads off when they are far more guilty than Trump who they accuse..........

Keep crying............I really don't care..........while your crying he's fulfilling promises that I agree with..........and so it goes on.
Trump WON because the left chose a POLITCAL DIRT BAG for their Candidate...............

Known LIAR..................Self Serving Politician................

People in this country are SICK of the choices they have..................and they elected Trump.

In the North where Obama Won................the Unions turned the tide..........Because Trump opposed TPP and wanted to go after China's abuses on Trade....................this WON THE DAY...............NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Countries have been trying to rig elections FOREVER..........this is NOTHING NEW.................

HELL under Obama he got caught SPYING ON MERKLE..................

This FALSE OUTRAGE by the Left is a JOKE.

The point is that these sorts of things influence people and to deny it is to deny reality.

As for election meddling, not outraged at all by anyone doing it, it happens all the time. I think it is in our best interest to mitigate it as much as possible, believe it or not Russia does not have our best interest in mind when they do these things.

I do have a question for you though, is it your stance that since we did it to Israel that it is ok for other countries to do it to us? Since we invaded Iraq it is ok for other countries to invade us? Is that your logic?

No, it is quite logical that I point out the double standard. Russia has been meddling (actually what we used to call espionage) for decades. This is nothing new. Lets be honest, voters are influenced by lying politicians on the campaign trail, the Russian meme trolls are just another example of something voters needed to sort through.


It is true that Russia has been trying to meddle in our elections for decades. What's different this time is that they seem to have had help. In the past, patriots turned down the Russian help.

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Is that what Ted Kennedy was doing when he asked the Russian's to intervene in the 1984 elections?

I can't say this enough: snowflakes are all douchebags.

I didn't vote for Hillary, nor her husband. I have always thought they were below my set standards of who I would vote for.
Their actions confirm my decision.
I also could not vote for Trump because he was even further lower than my set moral standard than even the Clintons.
Multi bankruptcies, lawsuits and judgements for not paying his bills, his apparent sex predator tendencies, his hyper-narcissism and his pathological lying. Wow, just wow.
How haters of the Clintons, who they call "dirtbags", how canthis folks loyally defend Trump? Trump makes the Clinton's look like Sunday School teachers.
On top of that, Trump made fun of his loyal supporters, when he stated he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters would still support him. That comment, that obviously and predictably, went over his blind supporters heads.
That's a pretty sad scenario and commentary of hypocritical ultra-Trump loyalist.
aka You wasted your vote and chose No one.

He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises......Regardless of all this BS.........

Your just another Never Trumper who tries to sound like a Saint.

What I have posted is correct.............It is shown in the courts and in the information that is posted over and over again. Exposing those dirty ass tactics of the last POTUS and the DNC, RNC, and Hillary.............Whining their bloody heads off when they are far more guilty than Trump who they accuse..........

Keep crying............I really don't care..........while your crying he's fulfilling promises that I agree with..........and so it goes on.

No, I didn't waste my vote, I voted my conscience and didn't vote for a proven "dirtbag". I'm not a whore like those who voted for either "dirtbag".
I'm sure you're aware, that keeping some outlandish and ignorant promises were not wise.
Take for instance, pulling out of the Iran. One, he some reasons were factually, incorrect. Second, he went against Mattis, his generals, Israeli generals and a huge majority of ME experts.
How about his corporate tax cuts? About 10% of corporations have raised wages and many companies have had dividend increase and stock buyback. is unrelated to the tax savings..And of course Trump claimed he would get hurt by the tax cut, but in reality, Trump and the top 1% did better than any other group. In other words, he lied again.
You little Trumpsters, are so easily manipulated, it's unbelievable.
Trump WON because the left chose a POLITCAL DIRT BAG for their Candidate...............

Known LIAR..................Self Serving Politician................

People in this country are SICK of the choices they have..................and they elected Trump.

In the North where Obama Won................the Unions turned the tide..........Because Trump opposed TPP and wanted to go after China's abuses on Trade....................this WON THE DAY...............NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Countries have been trying to rig elections FOREVER..........this is NOTHING NEW.................

HELL under Obama he got caught SPYING ON MERKLE..................

This FALSE OUTRAGE by the Left is a JOKE.

No, it is quite logical that I point out the double standard. Russia has been meddling (actually what we used to call espionage) for decades. This is nothing new. Lets be honest, voters are influenced by lying politicians on the campaign trail, the Russian meme trolls are just another example of something voters needed to sort through.


It is true that Russia has been trying to meddle in our elections for decades. What's different this time is that they seem to have had help. In the past, patriots turned down the Russian help.

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Is that what Ted Kennedy was doing when he asked the Russian's to intervene in the 1984 elections?

I can't say this enough: snowflakes are all douchebags.

I didn't vote for Hillary, nor her husband. I have always thought they were below my set standards of who I would vote for.
Their actions confirm my decision.
I also could not vote for Trump because he was even further lower than my set moral standard than even the Clintons.
Multi bankruptcies, lawsuits and judgements for not paying his bills, his apparent sex predator tendencies, his hyper-narcissism and his pathological lying. Wow, just wow.
How haters of the Clintons, who they call "dirtbags", how canthis folks loyally defend Trump? Trump makes the Clinton's look like Sunday School teachers.
On top of that, Trump made fun of his loyal supporters, when he stated he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters would still support him. That comment, that obviously and predictably, went over his blind supporters heads.
That's a pretty sad scenario and commentary of hypocritical ultra-Trump loyalist.
aka You wasted your vote and chose No one.

He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises......Regardless of all this BS.........

Your just another Never Trumper who tries to sound like a Saint.

What I have posted is correct.............It is shown in the courts and in the information that is posted over and over again. Exposing those dirty ass tactics of the last POTUS and the DNC, RNC, and Hillary.............Whining their bloody heads off when they are far more guilty than Trump who they accuse..........

Keep crying............I really don't care..........while your crying he's fulfilling promises that I agree with..........and so it goes on.

No, I didn't waste my vote, I voted my conscience and didn't vote for a proven "dirtbag". I'm not a whore like those who voted for either "dirtbag".
I'm sure you're aware, that keeping some outlandish and ignorant promises were not wise.
Take for instance, pulling out of the Iran. One, he some reasons were factually, incorrect. Second, he went against Mattis, his generals, Israeli generals and a huge majority of ME experts.
How about his corporate tax cuts? About 10% of corporations have raised wages and many companies have had dividend increase and stock buyback. is unrelated to the tax savings..And of course Trump claimed he would get hurt by the tax cut, but in reality, Trump and the top 1% did better than any other group. In other words, he lied again.
You little Trumpsters, are so easily manipulated, it's unbelievable.
I Never agreed with the Iran deal...........and the way it was it was passed ................boogles the mind.......It wasn't passed ...........it was some goose stepp[ing method made by corrupt politicians.............you have to vote it down to stop it................LOL

It was such a good deal...........gave them billions..........didn't stop them from giving out IED's............didn't stop them from funding terrorism..........and really didn't do squat to stop their Nukes............just allowed more money in to help them fund it.............STUPID AGREEMENT........

The cuts were Uniform...................and that is normal banter of the leftist on tax cuts........tax cuts generally produce jobs and revenues through increased money into the Nation...........Many states use tax cuts or no taxes at all to promote Business...........Texas versus California being a great example. Business is leaving California.........they are coming into Texas.........

Trumpsters..........Plenty of good things happening...........if you get out of the HATE ZONE........Non stop I HATE MARATHON AGAINST TRUMP........

Problem is...........no one is really listening to you............and the left will pay for it in the next election.
Trump WON because the left chose a POLITCAL DIRT BAG for their Candidate...............

Known LIAR..................Self Serving Politician................

People in this country are SICK of the choices they have..................and they elected Trump.

In the North where Obama Won................the Unions turned the tide..........Because Trump opposed TPP and wanted to go after China's abuses on Trade....................this WON THE DAY...............NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Countries have been trying to rig elections FOREVER..........this is NOTHING NEW.................

HELL under Obama he got caught SPYING ON MERKLE..................

This FALSE OUTRAGE by the Left is a JOKE.

No, it is quite logical that I point out the double standard. Russia has been meddling (actually what we used to call espionage) for decades. This is nothing new. Lets be honest, voters are influenced by lying politicians on the campaign trail, the Russian meme trolls are just another example of something voters needed to sort through.


It is true that Russia has been trying to meddle in our elections for decades. What's different this time is that they seem to have had help. In the past, patriots turned down the Russian help.

How Adlai Stevenson Stopped Russian Interference in the 1960 Election | Smart News | Smithsonian
Is that what Ted Kennedy was doing when he asked the Russian's to intervene in the 1984 elections?

I can't say this enough: snowflakes are all douchebags.

I didn't vote for Hillary, nor her husband. I have always thought they were below my set standards of who I would vote for.
Their actions confirm my decision.
I also could not vote for Trump because he was even further lower than my set moral standard than even the Clintons.
Multi bankruptcies, lawsuits and judgements for not paying his bills, his apparent sex predator tendencies, his hyper-narcissism and his pathological lying. Wow, just wow.
How haters of the Clintons, who they call "dirtbags", how canthis folks loyally defend Trump? Trump makes the Clinton's look like Sunday School teachers.
On top of that, Trump made fun of his loyal supporters, when he stated he could shoot someone on the street and his supporters would still support him. That comment, that obviously and predictably, went over his blind supporters heads.
That's a pretty sad scenario and commentary of hypocritical ultra-Trump loyalist.
aka You wasted your vote and chose No one.

He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises......Regardless of all this BS.........

Your just another Never Trumper who tries to sound like a Saint.

What I have posted is correct.............It is shown in the courts and in the information that is posted over and over again. Exposing those dirty ass tactics of the last POTUS and the DNC, RNC, and Hillary.............Whining their bloody heads off when they are far more guilty than Trump who they accuse..........

Keep crying............I really don't care..........while your crying he's fulfilling promises that I agree with..........and so it goes on.

No, I didn't waste my vote, I voted my conscience and didn't vote for a proven "dirtbag". I'm not a whore like those who voted for either "dirtbag".
I'm sure you're aware, that keeping some outlandish and ignorant promises were not wise.
Take for instance, pulling out of the Iran. One, he some reasons were factually, incorrect. Second, he went against Mattis, his generals, Israeli generals and a huge majority of ME experts.
How about his corporate tax cuts? About 10% of corporations have raised wages and many companies have had dividend increase and stock buyback. is unrelated to the tax savings..And of course Trump claimed he would get hurt by the tax cut, but in reality, Trump and the top 1% did better than any other group. In other words, he lied again.
You little Trumpsters, are so easily manipulated, it's unbelievable.

Wow...that was a whole lot of "STUPID" to pack into one post, Kiwi!

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