Dirty Vaccines: New study reveals prevalence of contaminants


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

As a parent or grandparent whether you want to believe this or not, one should take the time to read it one should stop believing MEDICAL AUTHORITY as your sole acceptance of safe vaccines. Many of these medical doctors don't even realize this, Many do but because they are blackmailed, threatened, or get kick backs for using big pharma meds they back themselves into a corner.

Sooner or later you do become ill .........................Vaccines can target your health years later, even skip you and target your kid RESEARCH PEOPLE RESEARCH!!!!

If you don't sooner or later you will suffer the same guilt as millions of other parents who learned a little to late and their kid paid the price.


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I believe these massive amount of vaccines that they are shoving onto the uninformed and unaware could also start epidemics.
Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

As a parent or grandparent whether you want to believe this or not, one should take the time to read it one should stop believing MEDICAL AUTHORITY as your sole acceptance of safe vaccines. Many of these medical doctors don't even realize this, Many do but because they are blackmailed, threatened, or get kick backs for using big pharma meds they back themselves into a corner.

Sooner or later you do become ill .........................Vaccines can target your health years later, even skip you and target your kid RESEARCH PEOPLE RESEARCH!!!!

If you don't sooner or later you will suffer the same guilt as millions of other parents who learned a little to late and their kid paid the price.
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For the partially Brain Dead Morons who Funny this stuff WITHOUT even BOTHERING to read the articles unless they are from Moonbat sites such as Mother Jones, The Huffington Post or some weirdo with rumours on Twitter.

This is directly from the article and I've enlarged the opening section to illustrate this is a legitimate study by legitimate scientists.

"In the study, published last week in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, the researchers led by Antonietta Gatti, of the National Council of Research of Italy and the Scientific Director of Nanodiagnostics, say their results “show the presence of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccine samples” not declared in the products’ ingredients lists.

Lead particles were found in the cervical cancer vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, for example, and in the seasonal flu vaccine Aggripal manufactured by Novartis as well as in the Meningetec vaccine meant to protect against meningitis C.

Samples of an infant vaccine called Infarix Hexa (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenzae type B) manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline was found to contain stainless steel, tungsten and a gold-zinc aggregate.

Other metal contaminants included platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, and chromium. Chromium (alone or in alloy with iron and nickel) was identified in 25 of the human vaccines from Italy and France that were tested.

GSK’s Fluarix vaccine for children three years and older contained 11 metals and aggregates of metals. Similar aggregates to those identified in the vaccines have been shown to be prevalent in cases of leukemia, the researchers noted.

Many of the vaccines contained iron and iron alloys which, according to the researchers, “can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues.”

Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

As a parent or grandparent whether you want to believe this or not, one should take the time to read it one should stop believing MEDICAL AUTHORITY as your sole acceptance of safe vaccines. Many of these medical doctors don't even realize this, Many do but because they are blackmailed, threatened, or get kick backs for using big pharma meds they back themselves into a corner.

Sooner or later you do become ill .........................Vaccines can target your health years later, even skip you and target your kid RESEARCH PEOPLE RESEARCH!!!!

If you don't sooner or later you will suffer the same guilt as millions of other parents who learned a little to late and their kid paid the price.
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For the partially Brain Dead Morons who Funny this stuff WITHOUT even BOTHERING to read the articles unless they are from Moonbat sites such as Mother Jones, The Huffington Post or some weirdo with rumours on Twitter.

This is directly from the article and I've enlarged the opening section to illustrate this is a legitimate study by legitimate scientists.

"In the study, published last week in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, the researchers led by Antonietta Gatti, of the National Council of Research of Italy and the Scientific Director of Nanodiagnostics, say their results “show the presence of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccine samples” not declared in the products’ ingredients lists.

Lead particles were found in the cervical cancer vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, for example, and in the seasonal flu vaccine Aggripal manufactured by Novartis as well as in the Meningetec vaccine meant to protect against meningitis C.

Samples of an infant vaccine called Infarix Hexa (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenzae type B) manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline was found to contain stainless steel, tungsten and a gold-zinc aggregate.

Other metal contaminants included platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, and chromium. Chromium (alone or in alloy with iron and nickel) was identified in 25 of the human vaccines from Italy and France that were tested.

GSK’s Fluarix vaccine for children three years and older contained 11 metals and aggregates of metals. Similar aggregates to those identified in the vaccines have been shown to be prevalent in cases of leukemia, the researchers noted.

Many of the vaccines contained iron and iron alloys which, according to the researchers, “can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues.”

The idiots will always think it's funny , and we can see how the vaccines have eaten holes in their brains. Not to mention the common sense and logic.

They just bend over and obey ............Cause daddy Government told them too.

The only time they believe it is when their kid ends up Dead, or Autistic, can't walk etc................

It is a shame these morons think it's so funny.
Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

As a parent or grandparent whether you want to believe this or not, one should take the time to read it one should stop believing MEDICAL AUTHORITY as your sole acceptance of safe vaccines. Many of these medical doctors don't even realize this, Many do but because they are blackmailed, threatened, or get kick backs for using big pharma meds they back themselves into a corner.

Sooner or later you do become ill .........................Vaccines can target your health years later, even skip you and target your kid RESEARCH PEOPLE RESEARCH!!!!

If you don't sooner or later you will suffer the same guilt as millions of other parents who learned a little to late and their kid paid the price.
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For the partially Brain Dead Morons who Funny this stuff WITHOUT even BOTHERING to read the articles unless they are from Moonbat sites such as Mother Jones, The Huffington Post or some weirdo with rumours on Twitter.

This is directly from the article and I've enlarged the opening section to illustrate this is a legitimate study by legitimate scientists.

"In the study, published last week in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, the researchers led by Antonietta Gatti, of the National Council of Research of Italy and the Scientific Director of Nanodiagnostics, say their results “show the presence of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccine samples” not declared in the products’ ingredients lists.

Lead particles were found in the cervical cancer vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, for example, and in the seasonal flu vaccine Aggripal manufactured by Novartis as well as in the Meningetec vaccine meant to protect against meningitis C.

Samples of an infant vaccine called Infarix Hexa (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenzae type B) manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline was found to contain stainless steel, tungsten and a gold-zinc aggregate.

Other metal contaminants included platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, and chromium. Chromium (alone or in alloy with iron and nickel) was identified in 25 of the human vaccines from Italy and France that were tested.

GSK’s Fluarix vaccine for children three years and older contained 11 metals and aggregates of metals. Similar aggregates to those identified in the vaccines have been shown to be prevalent in cases of leukemia, the researchers noted.

Many of the vaccines contained iron and iron alloys which, according to the researchers, “can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues.”

Know hat is funny about the HEP vaccines, ..... When in the FK do babies shoot up drugs, and funny I never knew babies were running around having sex. I mean my God these deniers can't even logically realize that.
I started this thread last year. Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing
I came across a lot of information and I was searching for answers for ways I could improve my own health and what son could use to battle brain cancer and other areas of cancer he had been diagnosed with. It sickened me when I followed through to find out more about what Novo Nordisk and the sister company have been doing. I will have to find the post I put into another thread (I think it may be in religion). I came across some places where one of their biologist/scientist was bragging that if anything went wrong it was no problem because they could fix it. One company has the majority of the market on diabetic meds and the other on feed enzymes. You can probably make a wild guess to know what was going through my head. When I come across something like that I search also for the owners and every lil tidbit I can find on it. In Denmark they can hide behind their corporate status. If we don't have disclosure laws for anyone in that or any other business doing business in this country we need one.

In that year long search I also started searching out what does what and taking herbs and such to try to minimize some damage I have from a chemical exposure. My mom said as a child I was never vaccinated. I did however get sick whenever my own children got sick and was severely sick at times when they received their vaccines. All of the chemicals, viruses, fungi and many bacteria's buildup in our systems during a life time. Some viruses, bacteria and fungi can colonize in our organs (documented at pubmed easy to search) and when chemicals are added to that mix it can and does effect our health. For some it is sooner and for others later in life. Right now it is hitting the youth very hard and most are at a lost as to why. This vaccine crap needs to be put on a very short leash.
I started this thread last year. Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing
I came across a lot of information and I was searching for answers for ways I could improve my own health and what son could use to battle brain cancer and other areas of cancer he had been diagnosed with. It sickened me when I followed through to find out more about what Novo Nordisk and the sister company have been doing. I will have to find the post I put into another thread (I think it may be in religion). I came across some places where one of their biologist/scientist was bragging that if anything went wrong it was no problem because they could fix it. One company has the majority of the market on diabetic meds and the other on feed enzymes. You can probably make a wild guess to know what was going through my head. When I come across something like that I search also for the owners and every lil tidbit I can find on it. In Denmark they can hide behind their corporate status. If we don't have disclosure laws for anyone in that or any other business doing business in this country we need one.

In that year long search I also started searching out what does what and taking herbs and such to try to minimize some damage I have from a chemical exposure. My mom said as a child I was never vaccinated. I did however get sick whenever my own children got sick and was severely sick at times when they received their vaccines. All of the chemicals, viruses, fungi and many bacteria's buildup in our systems during a life time. Some viruses, bacteria and fungi can colonize in our organs (documented at pubmed easy to search) and when chemicals are added to that mix it can and does effect our health. For some it is sooner and for others later in life. Right now it is hitting the youth very hard and most are at a lost as to why. This vaccine crap needs to be put on a very short leash.

The situation also is why are so many children these days either lethargic or hyper, it's what they are being fed, often for convenience and those pre-cooked, pre-packaged and processed foods if you read the small print contain an unusual amount of the wrong type of additives that don't need to be in a childs body.

My eldest two, aged 4 years-old and 2 years-old, they are only fed fresh organic produce with no chemicals sprayed on them, vegetables, fruit, free range and organic dairy products etc.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat and especially with children parents should be careful what they feed their children and not feed them anything because it's more convenient.
I started this thread last year. Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing
I came across a lot of information and I was searching for answers for ways I could improve my own health and what son could use to battle brain cancer and other areas of cancer he had been diagnosed with. It sickened me when I followed through to find out more about what Novo Nordisk and the sister company have been doing. I will have to find the post I put into another thread (I think it may be in religion). I came across some places where one of their biologist/scientist was bragging that if anything went wrong it was no problem because they could fix it. One company has the majority of the market on diabetic meds and the other on feed enzymes. You can probably make a wild guess to know what was going through my head. When I come across something like that I search also for the owners and every lil tidbit I can find on it. In Denmark they can hide behind their corporate status. If we don't have disclosure laws for anyone in that or any other business doing business in this country we need one.

In that year long search I also started searching out what does what and taking herbs and such to try to minimize some damage I have from a chemical exposure. My mom said as a child I was never vaccinated. I did however get sick whenever my own children got sick and was severely sick at times when they received their vaccines. All of the chemicals, viruses, fungi and many bacteria's buildup in our systems during a life time. Some viruses, bacteria and fungi can colonize in our organs (documented at pubmed easy to search) and when chemicals are added to that mix it can and does effect our health. For some it is sooner and for others later in life. Right now it is hitting the youth very hard and most are at a lost as to why. This vaccine crap needs to be put on a very short leash.

The situation also is why are so many children these days either lethargic or hyper, it's what they are being fed, often for convenience and those pre-cooked, pre-packaged and processed foods if you read the small print contain an unusual amount of the wrong type of additives that don't need to be in a childs body.

My eldest two, aged 4 years-old and 2 years-old, they are only fed fresh organic produce with no chemicals sprayed on them, vegetables, fruit, free range and organic dairy products etc.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat and especially with children parents should be careful what they feed their children and not feed them anything because it's more convenient.
Yes many are nutrient deficient. Adults too (for adults and some children their intestines are too damaged to digest or uptake the nutrients they do get). The food is lacking substance. I did a lil' post in religion on it. That is a portion of the Pale horse that is manifested in the flesh. Pale actually is speaking of a sickly green (lack of sustenance can't sustain life- many churches have for the most part became the same way). The green (heme) is taken out of the crops prior to harvest with chemical spraying. They desiccate the crops to make them easier to harvest.
I believe these massive amount of vaccines that they are shoving onto the uninformed and unaware could also start epidemics.

You should read this and then share the hell out of it LOL

Welcome conspirazzi.com - Hostmonster.com

View attachment 112878
Downloaded. It looks very interesting I will read it later.
I wonder why I cannot download it. Is it my firewall? A 404 Error comes up.
I don't know? I checked it again as it was not showing in my recent files and so I downloaded again. Now I have two copies showing in recent...lol Some pages I have to try a few times to get whatever. If the website was too busy for the service it purchased this can also give a 404.
I believe these massive amount of vaccines that they are shoving onto the uninformed and unaware could also start epidemics.

You should read this and then share the hell out of it LOL

Welcome conspirazzi.com - Hostmonster.com

View attachment 112878
Downloaded. It looks very interesting I will read it later.
I wonder why I cannot download it. Is it my firewall? A 404 Error comes up.
I don't know? I checked it again as it was not showing in my recent files and so I downloaded again. Now I have two copies showing in recent...lol Some pages I have to try a few times to get whatever. If the website was too busy for the service it purchased this can also give a 404.
Ah..I see..thank you. I'll check again.
Hmmm, you guys can't d.l it I myself haven't tried maybe an ad blocker could be keeping it from down loading?
I believe these massive amount of vaccines that they are shoving onto the uninformed and unaware could also start epidemics.

You should read this and then share the hell out of it LOL

Welcome conspirazzi.com - Hostmonster.com

View attachment 112878
Downloaded. It looks very interesting I will read it later.
I wonder why I cannot download it. Is it my firewall? A 404 Error comes up.

Maybe this link will work for you

http://verontrustemoeders.nl/Murder by Injection.pdf
I believe these massive amount of vaccines that they are shoving onto the uninformed and unaware could also start epidemics.

You should read this and then share the hell out of it LOL

Welcome conspirazzi.com - Hostmonster.com

View attachment 112878
Downloaded. It looks very interesting I will read it later.
I wonder why I cannot download it. Is it my firewall? A 404 Error comes up.

Maybe this link will work for you

http://verontrustemoeders.nl/Murder by Injection.pdf
It did work! Thank you. I saved it. I just love Mac, it always gives the print option as saving it to pdf.
My eldest two, aged 4 years-old and 2 years-old, they are only fed fresh organic produce with no chemicals sprayed on them, vegetables, fruit, free range and organic dairy products etc.
Sounds like a good way to have an unnecessarily bloated grocery budget.
FYI = believing everything your conspiracy sites tell you, while outright rejecting anything else, doesn't really fit the definition of research.

A researcher should be trying to establish facts or prove a theory using systematic examination of all information without bias. Jerking off to Infowars every day is neither systematic nor without bias.

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