Disability payments and fraud explode in america with Obama approval


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All govt programs are crawling with fraud and obozo lets it continue. He actually supports this fraud as it makes the unemployment rate appear lower.

Govt. Spends More on Disability than Food Stamps, Welfare Combined

25 Mar 2013
In an eye-opening six-month investigation into America’s disability program, Planet Money reporter Chana Joffe-Walt uncovered a “disability industrial complex” fraught with fraud that churns out 14 million checks every month to citizens the government has deemed disabled.
“Since the economy began its slow, slow recovery in late 2009, we’ve been averaging about 150,000 jobs created per month,” said Joffe-Walt in an Public Radio International (PRI) “This American Life” interview. “In that same period every month, almost 250,000 people have been applying for disability.”

Among Joffe-Walt’s findings are the following facts:
The federal government spends more money each year on cash payments for disabled former workers than it does on food stamps and welfare combined; America’s two largest disability programs, including health care for disabled workers, costs taxpayers $260 billion a year

As of 2011, 33.8% of newly diagnosed disabled workers cited “back pain and other musculoskeletal problems” as their reason for being unable to work. In 1961, the top reason for being disabled was “heart disease, stroke”

Disabled workers do not get counted in the unemployment figures. If they did, the numbers would be far higher

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program—which covers kids and adults—has exploded. SSI is now seven times larger than it was 30 years ago.

The report suggests that the much-touted Welfare to Work policies of the 1990s that appeared to successfully move welfare recipients off the public dole may have been a mirage. States have figured out that shifting people from welfare to disability frees up substantial funds, as states have to pay the costs of welfare, but the federal government picks up the tab for disability.
Hmmm - who says crime don't pay...
IG: $1M in Improper Disability Payments Went to Imprisoned Criminals
February 26, 2014 --- The Social Security Administration (SSA) improperly paid an estimated $1 million in disability benefits between 2000 and 2010 to criminals in prison, according to an Office of Inspector General (OIG) Report entitled Special Disability Workload Payments Made to Incarcerated Beneficiaries.
"We estimate SSA overpaid about $1 million 400 beneficiaries with periods of conviction and incarceration," said the IG report. In its investigation, the OIG identified 1,761 people receiving disability who had “conviction and confinement data” in the previous 10 years. “From the 1,761, we randomly selected and reviewed a sample of 100 beneficiaries to determine whether SSA paid DI benefits for periods when they were convicted and confined in correctional institutions,” the report states.

"Of the 100 sample cases we reviewed, SSA appropriately took action to suspend DI benefit payments for 75 beneficiaries who had periods of conviction and incarceration, but overpaid DI benefits to the remaining 25 sample beneficiaries," said the report. "Based on this sample, we estimate SSA overpaid about $1 million to 440 beneficiaries.” “We estimate SSA overpaid about $879,000 in DI benefits to about 317 beneficiaries who had periods of conviction and incarceration and about $143,000 in DI benefits to 123 beneficiaries for periods when SSI payments were suspended,” said the report. Combined, this means SSA overpaid an estimated $1,022,000 to the 440 people in question.

In an e-mail to CNSNews.com, SSA Public Affairs Specialist Andrew M. Cannarsa explained that given the way the investigation and calculations were done, "we are 90% confident that the true amount of our findings ranges somewhere in between $209,811 (statistical lower limit) and $1,547,491 (statistical upper limit)." The average of those two estimates is $878,651, or about $879,000--the "statistical point estimate, which means it's the quantity that we project we would find in a given population based on our sample findings," said Cannarsa. The SSA public affairs office told CNSNews.com the improper payments were made because the federal database on incarceration--Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS)--"was not always accurate."

Before the SSA suspends benefits, said Cannarsa, "it contacts officials in the Departments of Corrections, county, and/or local jails to verify beneficiaries' conviction and confinement periods; but staff did not make these contacts for the SDW beneficiaries that were the focus of the audit report." Cannarsa further explained that there is no need for SSA to put in place more procedures to ensure improper payments do not re-occur "because these improper payments were only made to individuals [who] became eligible for Title II benefits before January 1, 2000." Now, "SSA's systems generate an alert for SSI recipients who became eligible or will become eligible for Title II benefits after that date [Jan. 1, 2000]," said Cannarsa in an e-mail. "Because this specific type of overpayment will not re-occur, we did not recommend that SSA put into place any additional procedures."

IG: $1M in Improper Disability Payments Went to Imprisoned Criminals | CNS News
Obama supports and encourages anything that is detrimental to American society and our foundation.
All govt programs are crawling with fraud and obozo lets it continue. He actually supports this fraud as it makes the unemployment rate appear lower.

Govt. Spends More on Disability than Food Stamps, Welfare Combined

25 Mar 2013
In an eye-opening six-month investigation into America’s disability program, Planet Money reporter Chana Joffe-Walt uncovered a “disability industrial complex” fraught with fraud that churns out 14 million checks every month to citizens the government has deemed disabled.
“Since the economy began its slow, slow recovery in late 2009, we’ve been averaging about 150,000 jobs created per month,” said Joffe-Walt in an Public Radio International (PRI) “This American Life” interview. “In that same period every month, almost 250,000 people have been applying for disability.”
The purpose of the Right is to create Misinformation Voters who will vote for the GOP. To accomplish this they deliberately deceive you by feeding you misleading information, AKA disinformation.

The number APPLYING for disability is worthless except for the purpose of deception. It is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful. The Right leaves that number out! Three guesses why!


All govt programs are crawling with fraud and obozo lets it continue. He actually supports this fraud as it makes the unemployment rate appear lower.

Govt. Spends More on Disability than Food Stamps, Welfare Combined

25 Mar 2013
In an eye-opening six-month investigation into America’s disability program, Planet Money reporter Chana Joffe-Walt uncovered a “disability industrial complex” fraught with fraud that churns out 14 million checks every month to citizens the government has deemed disabled.
“Since the economy began its slow, slow recovery in late 2009, we’ve been averaging about 150,000 jobs created per month,” said Joffe-Walt in an Public Radio International (PRI) “This American Life” interview. “In that same period every month, almost 250,000 people have been applying for disability.”
The purpose of the Right is to create Misinformation Voters who will vote for the GOP. To accomplish this they deliberately deceive you by feeding you misleading information, AKA disinformation.

The number APPLYING for disability is worthless except for the purpose of deception. It is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful. The Right leaves that number out! Three guesses why!



Well you've shown us up to Obama taking over. Can you provide up to date data?
All govt programs are crawling with fraud and obozo lets it continue. He actually supports this fraud as it makes the unemployment rate appear lower.

Govt. Spends More on Disability than Food Stamps, Welfare Combined

25 Mar 2013
In an eye-opening six-month investigation into America’s disability program, Planet Money reporter Chana Joffe-Walt uncovered a “disability industrial complex” fraught with fraud that churns out 14 million checks every month to citizens the government has deemed disabled.
“Since the economy began its slow, slow recovery in late 2009, we’ve been averaging about 150,000 jobs created per month,” said Joffe-Walt in an Public Radio International (PRI) “This American Life” interview. “In that same period every month, almost 250,000 people have been applying for disability.”
The purpose of the Right is to create Misinformation Voters who will vote for the GOP. To accomplish this they deliberately deceive you by feeding you misleading information, AKA disinformation.

The number APPLYING for disability is worthless except for the purpose of deception. It is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful. The Right leaves that number out! Three guesses why!



Funny, those charts don't go past 2009. Meaning, that they were DROPPING UNDER BUSH. Stop spinning charts, you're just as bad as bfgrn.
All govt programs are crawling with fraud and obozo lets it continue. He actually supports this fraud as it makes the unemployment rate appear lower.
The purpose of the Right is to create Misinformation Voters who will vote for the GOP. To accomplish this they deliberately deceive you by feeding you misleading information, AKA disinformation.

The number APPLYING for disability is worthless except for the purpose of deception. It is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful. The Right leaves that number out! Three guesses why!



Funny, those charts don't go past 2009. Meaning, that they were DROPPING UNDER BUSH. Stop spinning charts, you're just as bad as bfgrn.


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The purpose of the Right is to create Misinformation Voters who will vote for the GOP. To accomplish this they deliberately deceive you by feeding you misleading information, AKA disinformation.

The number APPLYING for disability is worthless except for the purpose of deception. It is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful. The Right leaves that number out! Three guesses why!



Funny, those charts don't go past 2009. Meaning, that they were DROPPING UNDER BUSH. Stop spinning charts, you're just as bad as bfgrn.


The top chart shows approvals going down. That chart shows APPLICATIONS going up. Do you take me for a fool?

BULLSHIT! If you want to know the truth of the matter, approvals went up under the Obama administration, and are a lot higher than Bush's. Your charts tell a different story than the one you want them to tell.

Read this chart again, and quit lying.


The drop happens as Bush is elected in 2000. No sir.
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Funny, those charts don't go past 2009. Meaning, that they were DROPPING UNDER BUSH. Stop spinning charts, you're just as bad as bfgrn.


The top chart shows approvals going down. That chart shows APPLICATIONS going up. Do you take me for a fool?

You ARE a fool!

The chart shows the PERCENTAGE of approvals per applications going down. Learn to read and you won't make a fool of yourself!
Funny, those charts don't go past 2009. Meaning, that they were DROPPING UNDER BUSH. Stop spinning charts, you're just as bad as bfgrn.


The top chart shows approvals going down. That chart shows APPLICATIONS going up. Do you take me for a fool?

BULLSHIT! If you want to know the truth of the matter, approvals went up under the Obama administration, and are a lot higher than Bush's. Your charts tell a different story than the one you want them to tell.

Read this chart again, and quit lying.


The drop happens as Bush is elected in 2000. No sir.
Again that chart is % approved per number of applications. The number of approvals increased steadily throughout the Bush Regime as the population aged!
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The top chart shows approvals going down. That chart shows APPLICATIONS going up. Do you take me for a fool?

You ARE a fool!

The chart shows the PERCENTAGE of approvals per applications going down. Learn to read and you won't make a fool of yourself!

I am no fool.

I know my way around charts. The percentage of approvals did go down, coincidentally under Bush. They spiked in 2010, edthecynical. It doesn't matter what went down, it wasn't under Obama. You can't face facts. SSDI approvals have been going down since Republicans were elected to the house. You have to lie to get your point across. Dishonesty is revolting. Try telling the truth once in a while. Who do you think you are trying to push this garbage on us?
The top chart shows approvals going down. That chart shows APPLICATIONS going up. Do you take me for a fool?

You ARE a fool!

The chart shows the PERCENTAGE of approvals per applications going down. Learn to read and you won't make a fool of yourself!

I am no fool.

I know my way around charts. The percentage of approvals did go down, coincidentally under Bush. They spiked in 2010, edthecynical. It doesn't matter what went down, it wasn't under Obama. You can't face facts. SSDI approvals have been going down since Republicans were elected to the house. You have to lie to get your point across. Dishonesty is revolting. Try telling the truth once in a while. Who do you think you are trying to push this garbage on us?

The chart shows the spike in 2008.

You ARE a fool!

The chart shows the PERCENTAGE of approvals per applications going down. Learn to read and you won't make a fool of yourself!

I am no fool.

I know my way around charts. The percentage of approvals did go down, coincidentally under Bush. They spiked in 2010, edthecynical. It doesn't matter what went down, it wasn't under Obama. You can't face facts. SSDI approvals have been going down since Republicans were elected to the house. You have to lie to get your point across. Dishonesty is revolting. Try telling the truth once in a while. Who do you think you are trying to push this garbage on us?

The chart shows the spike in 2008.


That's when the economy collapsed you freaking idiot. Learn to assess economic factors before you spout more lies. Any economy whether it be Bush's or Roosevelt's would have (if they existed in 1929) would have seen a sharp increase in applications.

But then again, in this chart, it shows no spike in 2008, but in 2010, in both percentage of applications received and approved. If you want to spin charts, you had better not do it with me. I've used your own weapons against you.

I am no fool.

I know my way around charts. The percentage of approvals did go down, coincidentally under Bush. They spiked in 2010, edthecynical. It doesn't matter what went down, it wasn't under Obama. You can't face facts. SSDI approvals have been going down since Republicans were elected to the house. You have to lie to get your point across. Dishonesty is revolting. Try telling the truth once in a while. Who do you think you are trying to push this garbage on us?

The chart shows the spike in 2008.


That's when the economy collapsed you freaking idiot. Learn to assess economic factors before you spout more lies. Any economy whether it be Bush's or Roosevelt's would have (if they existed in 1929) would have seen a sharp increase in applications.

But then again, in this chart, it shows no spike in 2008, but in 2010, in both percentage of applications received and approved. If you want to spin charts, you had better not do it with me. I've used your own weapons against you.

The bottom chart shows an increase in approvals throughout the Bush regime! A decline does not happen until Obama's third year.

The chart shows the spike in 2008.


That's when the economy collapsed you freaking idiot. Learn to assess economic factors before you spout more lies. Any economy whether it be Bush's or Roosevelt's would have (if they existed in 1929) would have seen a sharp increase in applications.

But then again, in this chart, it shows no spike in 2008, but in 2010, in both percentage of applications received and approved. If you want to spin charts, you had better not do it with me. I've used your own weapons against you.

The bottom chart shows an increase in approvals throughout the Bush regime! A decline does not happen until Obama's third year.

Are you kidding me? No they did not. Applications went up, but approvals remained steady. You really aren't going to win this argument, ed. Pack up. Go home. You're through.

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