Disappointed in God

There are many voices in religion forums stating they need God to show Himself before they can believe. Some tell us they have earnestly sought God.

Other voices tell us that Biblical accounts brought them not to awe and worship, but to active disdain of God.

Specifically, what has causes disappointment in God?
Grouping for God........blindly is nothing new, we are born with an innate voice in our soul crying out, "Abba!, Abba!" (Father).

People seek God and do not find Him because they constantly look in the wrong place. God is a Spirit and one must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24). Where is Truth from God to be found? As a source of calibrating all truth one must consult the resting place of God's Truth. "Sanctify them in truth; Your (God's) Word is Truth" (John 17:17) The word of God is that source of calibrating God's truth.

The Word of God contains all that is required of any Christian to live a righteous life according to the Laws of God. "All scripture is inspired by God and is beneficial for TEACHING, for REBUKE or CORRECTION, for TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, so the man of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work". -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17

Why many seek and do not find any answers? They worship with an expectation of physical rewards from their God who is concerned with man's spirit/soul, that part of man that is eternal. God has no respect of person.........all men, Christian and Infidel face the same physical challenges that life presents .........there is nothing "extra" in this life granted to any man with the exception of following the moral advise from God (a transcending moral Code from God on how best to interact with the world (that we have been placed in charge of) and their fellowmen. When you abide by these simple codes of morality you will live a much more satisfying life span (regardless of its duration).

The Kingdom of God is a Spiritual Kingdom.........not a physical kingdom as sought by many to somehow enhance their physical lives. (Luke 17:20-21) The purpose of Jesus' life was to deliver truth from heaven........not manna to feed the body but spiritual truth to deliver the human soul. Jesus purpose was to teach the truth (John 18:37). His service to the poor was to teach the Gospel Truth..i.e., the good news from heaven (Luke 7:22)

When the people followed Him because He had just feed the 5000 with the miracle of the fish and loaves, Jesus turned them away, chastising them because they sought Him simply to be feed their physical bodies instead of their eternal souls (John 6:26-27)

And to make it even more clear.......more vivid with no room for ambiguity, the Apostle Paul explains why many group and do not find God even though He is never far from all of us. "........for IN HIM (God) we live and move and EXIST......" Acts 17:28

The physical world has its very existence WITHIN THE GOD OF CREATION....the only way to find God is allow your spirit to communicate with the Spirit of God. Today......that is accomplished via studying, reading, comprehending the Word of God in Rightly dividing that Word to establish the Gospel.......the good news, that we might have eternal life of the spirit through Christ Jesus. How do we enter into that kingdom? You are conveyed into that kingdom through the faithful act of symbolic death of the old man and a rebirth.

"For you are all son's and daughter's of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you that were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself in Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abrham's descendants, heirs according to the promise." -- Gal. 3:26-29

In lay terms. Some can't see the forest because they allow the trees to block their vision.
I know my experiences.
So does every serial killer which is what every person who misleads others to sin amounts to.

This is what you do. This is what you are. A murderer. Your own words have incriminated you.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
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I understand. I had a friend with the same belief. He referred to it as the snowflake theory.
Every element that makes up the human body and mind came from stars.

In fact you can say we were actually created by stars.
More hypocrisy. "Seek and you shall find".......but you better not!!!!

Don't seek god? Don't ask for proof?
Sounds exactly like what a scam artist, liar, cheat, fraud, DementiacRat, Snowflake, Libtard, and SJW would say!!!
They don't want you seeking, because there's no proof, because it's all a political magic act.
The best proof of God I've found is to look at the lives of the canonized Catholic saints. These are people whose service to others cast such a long shadow of good that they are universally recognized as truly great people. And they were the most devout of believers. And then I look at the lives of atheists. Filled with negativity and devotion to earthly pleasures and to self. Atheists lead all belief groups in chemical dependence, alcoholism, broken relationships, and suicide. Are there any atheist counterparts to the canonized saints in terms of universally being recognized for their service and devotion to others? I can't think of any.

This response is not to bash atheists. It is to demonstrate proof, at least circumstantially, of God's existence. "By thy fruits, they shall know ye".
I’ll try this from a personal level…

My father was the most decent, loyal, God-fearing individual I’ve ever known. He served his family, his nation, his employer and his God with equal dedication for the first 50 years of his life. He built a family and then a home for us, literally. He served everyone else’s needs before his own.
THEN, just as he reached the point in his life where he and my mother were going to be able to start to relax and do thing for themselves… BAM!!!! Cancer. Melanoma. Most likely caused by his exposure to Agent Orange while serving his nation and overexposure to the sun while working outside to help his family and others.

For three years we prayed and sought every bit of medical help we could. He refused to stop helping others and attending church regularly as he literally withered away. Especially after the Cancer moved into his brain. He died on his 54th birthday, taken far to soon and never having had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his labors.

My faith in God and Religion died with him. I’ve come to find my own Spiritual path in the last 20 years. One thst doesn’t suggest The Divine cares one whit about any of us.
"I will not believe in a God who allows bad things to happen to me," is a silly argument against God.
Proof is physical. Precisely what physical proof are you expecting to come from the spiritual realm? What non-physical proof are you wiling to accept?
Let's turn that back around on you:

What non-physical proof would you accept that Christianity is all myth, and Hinduism is correct?
I will not believe in a God who allows bad things to happen to me," is a silly argument against God.
How about this, then… “I will not follow a deity who claims to be an entity of live, support and protection who is suddenly nowhere to be found in the hour of greatest need.” I saw with my own eyes the absolute abandonment of my father by his “God”. I’m just looking for a little truth in advertising.

I know that the deity I believe exists (I don’t worship any deity) doesn’t give a fuck about me or have any interest in helping or supporting me. In fact it’s the exact opposite.
Specifically, what has causes disappointment in God?
Expectations cause disappointment.

We construct a job description for God, and when he doesn't live up to it, we get pissed at him.

"It says here you aren't supposed to let kids die from cancer!"

"Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him?"
I’ll try this from a personal level…

My father was the most decent, loyal, God-fearing individual I’ve ever known. He served his family, his nation, his employer and his God with equal dedication for the first 50 years of his life. He built a family and then a home for us, literally. He served everyone else’s needs before his own.
THEN, just as he reached the point in his life where he and my mother were going to be able to start to relax and do thing for themselves… BAM!!!! Cancer. Melanoma. Most likely caused by his exposure to Agent Orange while serving his nation and overexposure to the sun while working outside to help his family and others.

For three years we prayed and sought every bit of medical help we could. He refused to stop helping others and attending church regularly as he literally withered away. Especially after the Cancer moved into his brain. He died on his 54th birthday, taken far to soon and never having had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his labors.

My faith in God and Religion died with him. I’ve come to find my own Spiritual path in the last 20 years. One thst doesn’t suggest The Divine cares one whit about any of us.
You disappointed your father. I bet he thought he raised you better than that.

NOBODY lives forever in this physical life.

I'm old enough that the people before my generation TYPICALLY lived to 55-60. They usually dropped dead of a heart attack or cancer. Your father was typical of his generation.

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