Discrimination of Ukranian Roma Refugees in Europe

You're wrong, professional skills of Gypsies are well approved in Europa.
Thieves, burglars, betrayers, money launderers, pickpockters, pimps, murders, social parasites # 1.

They right place of Gypsies is Africa, not civilized world.
If you're disagree with me show me a link please about an only Gypsy in Germany who does any right work except crime

Most Gypsies I know, do right work. My mum worked 40 years hard labour before she retired, my sister by now works 20 years and she has a diploma in accounting and works in a office. Most Gypsies I know even if they dont have a high education work hard, manual labour.
I didnt know they were brutalised or that it happened because it was not on mass media, if another minority were brutalised like black, or lgbtq it would be in the news or if roma brutalised or stole from white people it would have made it into the news... i guess majority of non-roma in europe and maybe in america approve of this secretly, not even the very liberal media reports on such brutality.

Bratislava, Brussels, 2 June 2022: the Slovak Government reached a friendly settlement agreement today with eight Romani men who were brutalised by police officers in 2013 during a police raid on a Romani community in Moldava nad Bodvou. The Government will pay €110,000 in non-pecuniary damages jointly to the Romani applicants (plus any taxes due). The case before the European Court of Human Rights was settled out of court after negotiations between the Ministry of Justice, a representative of the applicants, and lawyers from the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) who litigated the case.
“We are glad that the applicants finally achieved justice and we welcome the approach taken by the Ministry of Justice. However, it sadly took nine whole years and several sets of proceedings before domestic authorities and courts for it to be served. In the meantime, the applicants suffered persecution by investigating authorities only because they dared to claim their rights and complain about police brutality.” said Michal Zálešák, the ERRC Legal Consultant who worked on the case during the proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights.
On 19thJune 2013, 63 police officers entered a Romani neighbourhood in Moldava nad Bodvou (Slovakia) to search for an individual suspect (whom they did not find). They carried out a brutally violent raid, indiscriminately injuring over 30 Romani people including children and people with disabilities.
The ERRC facilitated legal representation for the Romani people who were injured in their complaints against the police before the Prosecutor’s office. The initial investigation by the police inspectorate was short and refused to accept testimony of the injured people. After eight months the investigation was reopened, and victims allowed to testify, but the proceedings were ineffective. During the second investigation, irregularities in the victims’ statements were attributed by a psychologist and the investigating officer to their so-called “Roma mentality”, which they said is characterised by features as: a lack of self-discipline, neglect of commitments towards others, aggression, being asocial, and an inability to adapt to social standards. After the investigation was concluded, criminal charges of perjury were brought against some of the Romani people who were beaten by the police. The ERRC supported the applicants through the Slovak judicial system up until the Constitutional Court, which ruled against them in 2017. The case was brought before the European Court of Human Rights on 19thMarch 2018.
The Government have already issued a formal apology in June 2021 “for the injustice and suffering inflicted on the victims and their families”. The Government emphasised that the apology is “not only a human gesture in relation to the victims, but also means a commitment for the State to avoid similar failures in the future. The apology is likewise a signal that law-enforcement authorities are sincerely interested in regaining the trust of civil society.” Whilst this friendly settlement and the previous apology do not make up for the actions of the Slovak Police in Moldava nad Bodvou (nor the subsequent persecution of victims by the Slovak judicial system), the Government’s apparent willingness to reform which they expressed in the resolution to this case is duly recognised and appreciated by the ERRC.
The Government have three months in which to pay the settlement to the applicants.
This press release is also available in Slovak.
For more information, or to arrange an interview contact:
Jonathan Lee (in English)
Advocacy & Communications Manager
European Roma Rights Centre


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Please do so
Here is a link about their poor treatment in Hungary when trying to find safety.

Apparently about 10-20% are Stateless. I don't know if you know but they were slaves for about 5 centuries in Romania being freed about 180 years ago.

Eastern Europe has not been helpful to non whites seeking help.

7 Of The Most Dangerous Gangs in Europe​

The Roma, otherwise known as Gypsies, have been part of the Eastern European landscape for centuries. However, as more eastern European countries have joined the EU, cities like Paris, London, and Dublin are having a difficult time with the large influx of Roma, many of whom don’t have jobs and are living in large tent camps on the outskirts of towns. While there is no doubt that the Roma have suffered from discrimination and prejudice over the years, the professional gangs of Roma thieves who are working the streets and tourist attractions of popular European cities are only exacerbating these prejudices, leading to further stigmatization.

The Daily Mail has featured numerous stories on sophisticated gangs of Roma thieves targeting cashpoint customers in Paris. “There are so many Roma working on scams that it is almost impossible for us to do anything about it,” said a Paris police source. “They have look-outs everywhere, and use minors to do the stealing.” In 2011, a network of 27 Roma were accused of committing more than 100 crimes across France, Belgium and Germany, using children as young as 10 as part of a “criminal army.”







I didnt know they were brutalised or that it happened because it was not on mass media, if another minority were brutalised like black, or lgbtq it would be in the news or if roma brutalised or stole from white people it would have made it into the news... i guess majority of non-roma in europe and maybe in america approve of this secretly, not even the very liberal media reports on such brutality.

Bratislava, Brussels, 2 June 2022: the Slovak Government reached a friendly settlement agreement today with eight Romani men who were brutalised by police officers in 2013 during a police raid on a Romani community in Moldava nad Bodvou. The Government will pay €110,000 in non-pecuniary damages jointly to the Romani applicants (plus any taxes due). The case before the European Court of Human Rights was settled out of court after negotiations between the Ministry of Justice, a representative of the applicants, and lawyers from the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) who litigated the case.
“We are glad that the applicants finally achieved justice and we welcome the approach taken by the Ministry of Justice. However, it sadly took nine whole years and several sets of proceedings before domestic authorities and courts for it to be served. In the meantime, the applicants suffered persecution by investigating authorities only because they dared to claim their rights and complain about police brutality.” said Michal Zálešák, the ERRC Legal Consultant who worked on the case during the proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights.
On 19thJune 2013, 63 police officers entered a Romani neighbourhood in Moldava nad Bodvou (Slovakia) to search for an individual suspect (whom they did not find). They carried out a brutally violent raid, indiscriminately injuring over 30 Romani people including children and people with disabilities.
The ERRC facilitated legal representation for the Romani people who were injured in their complaints against the police before the Prosecutor’s office. The initial investigation by the police inspectorate was short and refused to accept testimony of the injured people. After eight months the investigation was reopened, and victims allowed to testify, but the proceedings were ineffective. During the second investigation, irregularities in the victims’ statements were attributed by a psychologist and the investigating officer to their so-called “Roma mentality”, which they said is characterised by features as: a lack of self-discipline, neglect of commitments towards others, aggression, being asocial, and an inability to adapt to social standards. After the investigation was concluded, criminal charges of perjury were brought against some of the Romani people who were beaten by the police. The ERRC supported the applicants through the Slovak judicial system up until the Constitutional Court, which ruled against them in 2017. The case was brought before the European Court of Human Rights on 19thMarch 2018.
The Government have already issued a formal apology in June 2021 “for the injustice and suffering inflicted on the victims and their families”. The Government emphasised that the apology is “not only a human gesture in relation to the victims, but also means a commitment for the State to avoid similar failures in the future. The apology is likewise a signal that law-enforcement authorities are sincerely interested in regaining the trust of civil society.” Whilst this friendly settlement and the previous apology do not make up for the actions of the Slovak Police in Moldava nad Bodvou (nor the subsequent persecution of victims by the Slovak judicial system), the Government’s apparent willingness to reform which they expressed in the resolution to this case is duly recognised and appreciated by the ERRC.
The Government have three months in which to pay the settlement to the applicants.
This press release is also available in Slovak.
For more information, or to arrange an interview contact:
Jonathan Lee (in English)
Advocacy & Communications Manager
European Roma Rights Centre
The Roma have had a dreadful past.

Apart from being slaves for around 500 years they were one of the ethnic groups the Nazi's were keen on getting rid of

Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies), 1939–1945

They never seem to have learned to integrate because they never had the opportunity. I seem to remember at one time the EU was thinking that some sort of program needed to be created for them because they do seem to come to countries and not join in very much. Obviously any such thing would need to be created in conjunction with the Roma according to their needs.

7 Of The Most Dangerous Gangs in Europe​

The Roma, otherwise known as Gypsies, have been part of the Eastern European landscape for centuries. However, as more eastern European countries have joined the EU, cities like Paris, London, and Dublin are having a difficult time with the large influx of Roma, many of whom don’t have jobs and are living in large tent camps on the outskirts of towns. While there is no doubt that the Roma have suffered from discrimination and prejudice over the years, the professional gangs of Roma thieves who are working the streets and tourist attractions of popular European cities are only exacerbating these prejudices, leading to further stigmatization.

The Daily Mail has featured numerous stories on sophisticated gangs of Roma thieves targeting cashpoint customers in Paris. “There are so many Roma working on scams that it is almost impossible for us to do anything about it,” said a Paris police source. “They have look-outs everywhere, and use minors to do the stealing.” In 2011, a network of 27 Roma were accused of committing more than 100 crimes across France, Belgium and Germany, using children as young as 10 as part of a “criminal army.”








There are 20 million Roma world wide, the criminals dont represent all roma, the media portrays them like that, the media didnt reported on the brutale police attack on roma in slovakia where they injured children and disabled. I posted it one post above yours. Did you saw it in the news? But if i google roma or gypsy criminal, the news are full of it.

Of course there should be zero roma criminals, but there are roma criminals, but equaling a whole ethnicity with being a criminal is something which happens only to roma.
It is in your butt, up your boyhole buttpirate

Go back to India together with your criminal people!

The Roma have had a dreadful past.

All in the East Europa have dreadful past.
But only Gypsies are the biggest criminal group which is involved in any crime except intellectual ones
Can you name a country in the world where native peoples love Gypsies and have not problems with them?

Because gypsies are powerless and dont have a country, or any protection, it is easy to hate them and prey on them, similar as that jews were kicked out of 365 countries like people like you claim often, until they found israel now and have the support of the USA/UK now it changed they cannot be killed and persecuted anymore.
Gypsies shall start to work like another peoples than alleged 'discrimination' ceases out to exist
All in the East Europa have dreadful past.
But only Gypsies are the biggest criminal group which is involved in any crime except intellectual ones

There are criminals among every ethnicity, you call roma a criminal group, calling a whole ethnicity criminal group is like calling all slavics as criminal group or drunks. Every sane person will tell you that is terribly wrong.
Gypsies shall start to work like another peoples than alleged 'discrimination' ceases out to exist
Gypsies do work. And if they dont work it is because of discrimination segregation etc. people dont even want that their kids go to the same school as gypsies, do you think they would accept a gypsy teacher or gypsy principal? If they dont accept it, how can gypsies be then? Parents pull out their kids from school if there is a gypsy in the classroom
All in the East Europa have dreadful past.
But only Gypsies are the biggest criminal group which is involved in any crime except intellectual ones
Not compared to the Roma. Show me evidence of one group in Eastern Europe who were held as slaves for 500 years and who the Nazis tried to destroy (genocide)
Because gypsies are powerless and dont have a country, or any protection, it is easy to hate them and prey on them, similar as that jews were kicked out of 365 countries like people like you claim often, until they found israel now and have the support of the USA/UK now it changed they cannot be killed and persecuted anymore.

Don't compare your people to Jews who are twenty times more brainy as your thugs.
Send your criminals to prisons and start to work like everyone else.
For example almost 99,99% of Gypsies in former USSR earned their money honestly and it wasn't any Gypsies problem.
Even movies were shoot which admires Gypsies.
And USSR people deal with Gypsies like with an other nation
The word like Roma wasn't know, anyone called Gypsies as Gypsies

Don't compare your people to Jews who are twenty times more brainy as your thugs.
Send your criminals to prisons and start to work like everyone else.
For example almost 99,99% of Gypsies in former USSR earned their money honestly and it gad been not any Gypsies problem.
So there is no genetic problem as you appear to be suggesting
The word like Roma wasn't know, anyone called Gypsies as Gypsies
That was because it was believed they came from Egypt. Roma is more accurate.

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