Disgraceful Trump Coverage, Episode XXX


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
From my Saturday morning Yahoo "news" round-up:

Michael Cohen, the disgraced, prevaricating, opportunistic, disbarred former personal lawyer of Donald Trump says that Trump will do "anything" to remain in office. NBC News reports this as "news." Not gossip.

Various reactions to the uncorroborated - and DENIED - comments of President Trump about fallen soldiers. Again, reactions to an uncorroborated off-hand remark are reported as "news." Second story - totally made up - about how Trump's alleged comments hit Marines especially hard.

LA Times reports on Stacy Adams' - possibly the worst political "loser" of the past hundred years - reaction to the intentionally mis-reported statement in which President Trump is said to have encouraged voters to vote twice. Again, "news."

One must ask, once Trump is out of office, Can American Media EVER recover their lost credibility?
Several sources have already confirmed it. It isn't gossip and totally consistent with Trump's beliefs. Not sure why this is a surprise. I would worry more about how the right wing in this country moves on after the Trump years. None of us sane and reasonable
people are going to want to listen to anything you people have to say. If this individual's character is agreeable and supportable to you, your side has completely lost it. Perspective, compassion, reason, common sense. A sad day for this country indeed.
Various reactions to the uncorroborated - and DENIED - comments of President Trump about fallen soldiers. Again, reactions to an uncorroborated off-hand remark are reported as "news." Second story - totally made up - about how Trump's alleged comments hit Marines especially hard.
If Trump didn't lie so much he might have some credibility. However, he does lie, he lies compulsively and continuously.
He lies so much, people make jokes about his lying and mock him. Various sources have compiled long lists of his tens of thousands of lies he has told in the last few years as President. His denial is worthless. What is of great value are the many videos of him disparaging veterans, including Gold Star families, and his disrespect for those who have served in the military. Reporting on this issue has made clear these stories of comments by Trump are provided by anonymous sources, leaving it up to readers to decide whether to believe the stories or not. Of course, everyone and anyone have a right to whine and cry about the free press. Trump does it all the time.
From my Saturday morning Yahoo "news" round-up:

Michael Cohen, the disgraced, prevaricating, opportunistic, disbarred former personal lawyer of Donald Trump says that Trump will do "anything" to remain in office. NBC News reports this as "news." Not gossip.

Various reactions to the uncorroborated - and DENIED - comments of President Trump about fallen soldiers. Again, reactions to an uncorroborated off-hand remark are reported as "news." Second story - totally made up - about how Trump's alleged comments hit Marines especially hard.

LA Times reports on Stacy Adams' - possibly the worst political "loser" of the past hundred years - reaction to the intentionally mis-reported statement in which President Trump is said to have encouraged voters to vote twice. Again, "news."

One must ask, once Trump is out of office, Can American Media EVER recover their lost credibility?
Can American Media EVER recover their lost credibility?
they lost it long before Trump ran for office
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Respect for the troops is just about the only bipartisan issue left. For the left that respect does not extend to the MIC or politicians who want to waste more American lives in stupid useless wars.
Trumpers will never believe a negative story about Trump. NEVER. They have surrendered their souls to Trump.

Nope. They're just on to your game. You people have all the attraction of a pustulant, itchy, burning anus.
Yeah. Media reporting on the utter disgrace the Orange dunce is. Lick-spittles take umbrage. Find it "disgraceful" - the population being made aware the Orange dunce has more personality flaws than a street dog has fleas.

The most embarrassing thing about all that is, of course, manly men joining together collectively to whine and howl about the Orange dunce's ill-treatment by way of a press confronting the Orange dunce with the truth about himself. Having surrounded himself with lick-spittles and sycophants, he isn't used to that kind of experience, you know?
Trumpers will never believe a negative story about Trump. NEVER. They have surrendered their souls to Trump.

Very true. It will be interesting to see the reckoning (when it comes in November or 4 years from now) when they have to start disavoing the blob.
You love a man who has no respect for the troops and their sacrifice. Live with it.

Not only troops, this man has disdain for everyone but his butt licking follower's just keep licking. He waves to them at rally's and speaks their language and they believe he loves them. They are mesmerized with his every word and actions and they call libs sheep. They'd follow this piece of shit of a human off a cliff.

If he did say the things reported about troops it doesn't change how they will vote, even the vets who vote for him are sitting at home saying to themselves, damn I think I was a sucker.
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Respect for the troops is just about the only bipartisan issue left. For the left that respect does not extend to the MIC or politicians who want to waste more American lives in stupid useless wars.
It also doesn’t extend to the budget for the military.
why was everyone so excited about 44 and his wars or his failure to help Ukraine
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Try many DECADES.
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Respect for the troops is just about the only bipartisan issue left. For the left that respect does not extend to the MIC or politicians who want to waste more American lives in stupid useless wars.
You do realize you just helped trumpeters in their case for why they should vote for trump again don’t you? Lol I have always stated both parties are corrupt and one in the same which is why I never have voted for decades. That was until this past election because oF a pleasant surprise thst for once,we had a candidate who was not a career politician running against one that was not only that but a globalist as well and a mass murderer.

Had the choice been between another bush or Clinton I would not have voted,two peas in a pod,no differerence, Same if it had been Romney, not thrilled with the choice of trump as one of the choices I voted for him anyways because the alternative again was a mass murderer who started a war while in office for her husband.

Trump did something no president sense carter has done,not start any new wars which is why so many shills from Langley that has penetrated this site,hate him.lol you put globalist Biden and fellow globalist Harris in as potus,we are guaranteed new stupid useless wars again and a waste of many American lives.Lol comedy gold.
The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Respect for the troops is just about the only bipartisan issue left. For the left that respect does not extend to the MIC or politicians who want to waste more American lives in stupid useless wars.
You do realize you just helped trumpeters in their case for why they should vote for trump again don’t you? Lol I have always stated both parties are corrupt and one in the same which is why I never have voted for decades. That was until this past election because oF a pleasant surprise thst for once,we had a candidate who was not a career politician running against one that was not only that but a globalist as well and a mass murderer.

Had the choice been between another bush or Clinton I would not have voted,two peas in a pod,no differerence, Same if it had been Romney, not thrilled with the choice of trump as one of the choices I voted for him anyways because the alternative again was a mass murderer who started a war while in office for her husband.

Trump did something no president sense carter has done,not start any new wars which is why so many shills from Langley that has penetrated this site,hate him.lol you put globalist Biden and fellow globalist Harris in as potus,we are guaranteed new stupid useless wars again and a waste of many American lives.Lol comedy gold.
I know some on the left actually want to believe that they are all for the military but history proves that not to be the case.
When Turkey told us we could either stand aside or start a war. Trump pulled our Troops back. We had people yelling that we should have started a war.
Every time I talk about the lefts favorite talking point Medicare for all and the cost they all come back with take the money from the military.
When I dare to point out that it would rob the military of needed funds and still not cover it they go on a rampage about how we need it more then they do.
From my Saturday morning Yahoo "news" round-up:

Michael Cohen, the disgraced, prevaricating, opportunistic, disbarred former personal lawyer of Donald Trump says that Trump will do "anything" to remain in office. NBC News reports this as "news." Not gossip.

Various reactions to the uncorroborated - and DENIED - comments of President Trump about fallen soldiers. Again, reactions to an uncorroborated off-hand remark are reported as "news." Second story - totally made up - about how Trump's alleged comments hit Marines especially hard.

LA Times reports on Stacy Adams' - possibly the worst political "loser" of the past hundred years - reaction to the intentionally mis-reported statement in which President Trump is said to have encouraged voters to vote twice. Again, "news."

One must ask, once Trump is out of office, Can American Media EVER recover their lost credibility?

That Trump supporters don’t like what’s being reported neither makes it untrue nor disgraceful.
Yes, Trump will do ANYTHING to remain in office. Beg for help from Putin, tell his followers to commit a felony and vote twice, start a war, start filing lawsuits over voter fraud. Mr Cohen is right - ANYTHING ... and he proves it on a daily basis.

Btw, Cohen (Donald's co-conspirator and fellow campaign finance felon) will be on with Rachel Tuesday night! :D
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The so called media has been nothing but gossip and opinion for many years.
You really have to laugh at the lefts faux outrage about the so called fallen soldiers denigration. They were all for 44 and his idea of defunding the military. They praised him when he had to hand out memorabilia for him to sign. But they blew up when Trump signed things for the military that they already had in their possession.
They support the military as long as politics make it look good but the moment it doesn’t matter politically they will be back saying we need to take from the military budget. They don’t need that.
Respect for the troops is just about the only bipartisan issue left. For the left that respect does not extend to the MIC or politicians who want to waste more American lives in stupid useless wars.
You do realize you just helped trumpeters in their case for why they should vote for trump again don’t you? Lol I have always stated both parties are corrupt and one in the same which is why I never have voted for decades. That was until this past election because oF a pleasant surprise thst for once,we had a candidate who was not a career politician running against one that was not only that but a globalist as well and a mass murderer.

Had the choice been between another bush or Clinton I would not have voted,two peas in a pod,no differerence, Same if it had been Romney, not thrilled with the choice of trump as one of the choices I voted for him anyways because the alternative again was a mass murderer who started a war while in office for her husband.

Trump did something no president sense carter has done,not start any new wars which is why so many shills from Langley that has penetrated this site,hate him.lol you put globalist Biden and fellow globalist Harris in as potus,we are guaranteed new stupid useless wars again and a waste of many American lives.Lol comedy gold.
I know some on the left actually want to believe that they are all for the military but history proves that not to be the case.
When Turkey told us we could either stand aside or start a war. Trump pulled our Troops back. We had people yelling that we should have started a war.
Every time I talk about the lefts favorite talking point Medicare for all and the cost they all come back with take the money from the military.
When I dare to point out that it would rob the military of needed funds and still not cover it they go on a rampage about how we need it more then they do.
I did not know about that part that trump pulled our troops back in turkey,thanks for the info.
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