Disgusting left-wing BIGOT Sen. Mazie Hirono calls for total ban on white people in Biden’s cabinet


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) are refusing to cooperate with any further Biden regime cabinet appointments unless the candidates are non-white.

These two racist women, both of whom are non-white Asians, say that there needs to be more “diversity” in the White House – meaning more people who look like them and have similar body parts.

There are already far too many white people in Joe Biden’s cabinet, they say, and white people are not “diverse.” The only people who are diverse are people with dark skin.

“I am a ‘no’ vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees,” Duckworth told reporters during a recent interview. “I will vote for racial minorities and LGBTQ, but anybody else I’m not voting for.”

Prog racism on display for all to see.
So here's the thing. In the most significant appointment of his Presidency, Biden stated in advance that his choice would be (a) a woman. In doing so, he categorically (look it up) excluded at least 95% of the most qualified individuals in the country from consideration. Then he announced that it would be a (b) "person of color," which eliminated at least 80% of the most qualified women in the remaining pool.

Then, after those two preposterous limitations, he chose to exclude all of the female POC's who might arguably have been better qualified, and instead chose a first-term Senator with a virtually blank resume, a woman whom his own party had enthusiastically rejected as a Presidential candidate a few months earlier.

One struggles to even imagine a more bizarre example of the naming of a pure "token" in American political history. Had Jimmy Carter named his drunken brother Billy as Secretary of Defense, it would not have been as...well...indefensible.

So how can "we" be surprised when the two most dimwitted members of Congress (Hirono, Duckworth) codify their blatant racism with this pronouncement? In a sane world, some intrepid senator would be demanding their censure.

I'm not holding my breath.
She was born in Koori, Fukushima, Japan. Her father served in the Japanese military and might have used civilians for bayonet practice. He might have even been involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor, for all we know.

She should apologize.
So here's the thing. In the most significant appointment of his Presidency, Biden stated in advance that his choice would be (a) a woman. In doing so, he categorically (look it up) excluded at least 95% of the most qualified individuals in the country from consideration. Then he announced that it would be a (b) "person of color," which eliminated at least 80% of the most qualified women in the remaining pool.

Then, after those two preposterous limitations, he chose to exclude all of the female POC's who might arguably have been better qualified, and instead chose a first-term Senator with a virtually blank resume, a woman whom his own party had enthusiastically rejected as a Presidential candidate a few months earlier.

One struggles to even imagine a more bizarre example of the naming of a pure "token" in American political history. Had Jimmy Carter named his drunken brother Billy as Secretary of Defense, it would not have been as...well...indefensible.

So how can "we" be surprised when the two most dimwitted members of Congress (Hirono, Duckworth) codify their blatant racism with this pronouncement? In a sane world, some intrepid senator would be demanding their censure.

I'm not holding my breath.
Makes you wonder how these 2 women were elected in the first place,
Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) are refusing to cooperate with any further Biden regime cabinet appointments unless the candidates are non-white.

These two racist women, both of whom are non-white Asians, say that there needs to be more “diversity” in the White House – meaning more people who look like them and have similar body parts.

There are already far too many white people in Joe Biden’s cabinet, they say, and white people are not “diverse.” The only people who are diverse are people with dark skin.

“I am a ‘no’ vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees,” Duckworth told reporters during a recent interview. “I will vote for racial minorities and LGBTQ, but anybody else I’m not voting for.”

Prog racism on display for all to see.

They are two of the most repellent creatures in Congress.

As usual you are incapable of understanding the point. They haven't changed their views son. They racist for all the world to see. Don't you ever get tired of being an asshole?

First off the original point was a total lie. They did not argue for a ban on white nominee's. They argued they would not vote for white nominee's unless Biden lived up to his promise to nominate a diverse cabinet. He assured them he would and they agreed to vote for his nominee's. Yes, even the white ones.

Should people not hold politicians to their words?
No doubt many members of our "model minority" are very much embarrassed by the comments of those two ladies.

Most Asians realize that their best friends and allies have been Caucasians and that this country needs Caucasians to continue to play a dominant role in our country.
Fellas....no matter how you are in fighting. Make sure your sons can take care of themselves. If you are young, learn to do it. A time will come where defending their lives may be paramount to surviving. Consolidate your selves to family and acquaintances to help if needed. Progs have made the rules. This has been their game for a long time. There seems to be a lot of self hate with them. If you can, move to sane areas. Even with Prog rules and laws. Make sure your children are educated if in the Public School System in the least restrictive prog ways of less Prog dominated areas. The expansion of violence can have many killed for stupidity, for being in the wrong places at the wrong time and for being to trusting in those areas. Some things of danger and safety in life for personal acts for all of us can be of luck. Increase those odds. The more the Prog passes their laws and rules, the more people suffer. Prog women do what they do because no one pushes back because of the western machismo standards we are brought up with. Do not hit a woman. Prog women have taken this issue to act like men and are now on the precipice of destroying the United States and the Western World to degrees. And no one takes them to task. China and Russia will not be so kind to them when we are reduced as a major power in a couple of decades.
I dropped $10 on Mazie for some quick time off Hotel Street in Honolulu back in '79 when she was "working" her way through school

As usual you are incapable of understanding the point. They haven't changed their views son. They racist for all the world to see. Don't you ever get tired of being an asshole?

First off the original point was a total lie. They did not argue for a ban on white nominee's. They argued they would not vote for white nominee's unless Biden lived up to his promise to nominate a diverse cabinet. He assured them he would and they agreed to vote for his nominee's. Yes, even the white ones.

Should people not hold politicians to their words?
you just proved the OP's point...
HATE whitey.....discriminate against whitey
..the problem is that RACE has warped your minds to the point you can't think properly
RACE RACE RACE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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