Dismal earnings reports indicate the start of the Trump downturn

That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
So you lied about it. Thanks for the admission. No one can believe anything you say. You're a fake and a liar.

Why would I lie about moronic Dem whiners?
That's all you guys have done since Trump beat the most qualified candidate in history. LOL!
It's simple. It's your Mo.
Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?

1) Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation. They may need to apply for their birth certificate. All to get a photo id when there are NO statistics that show voter fraud that a photo IS would prevent. Thertrhotre the onloy readon to demsand it is for voter suppression.

2) People without drivers licenses are older & poorer Americans. As for voting under other people's names, you are lying. see above.

3) Voter suppression is any action the reduces the number of people voting.

4) 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

5)) If you were really concerned about voter security, you would enable people to get a photo ID in local communities, etc.

Whjat is one thing you can always get with out a photo ID? A Photo ID. Think about it.
If you have no ID you are a moron. Does welfare need ID? Does food stamps need ID? You Progs would make sure everyone got their ID's. You'd kill your mothers for the cause. Or at least after they were of no use anymore.
Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
You really do not know anything about this topic and should stop posting about it immediately.
Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
You really do not know anything about this topic and should stop posting about it immediately.

Exactly, because the more loans to poor risks, the better, eh?
What could go wrong?
Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
You really do not know anything about this topic and should stop posting about it immediately.

Exactly, because the more loans to poor risks, the better, eh?
What could go wrong?
Yes Todd, you can understand complicated economic events by reciting a half page from your high school econ book.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

Sorry you were dumb enough to buy their stock. I wouldn't touch something like that with a ten pole. It's a dumb trader stock used by the street to fleece the sheep.
Banks with loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
will have larger losses than banks which do not have loans to low and moderate income people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan
You really do not know anything about this topic and should stop posting about it immediately.

Exactly, because the more loans to poor risks, the better, eh?
What could go wrong?
Yes Todd, you can understand complicated economic events by reciting a half page from your high school econ book.

Half a page more than you know.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.

Sorry you were dumb enough to buy their stock. I wouldn't touch something like that with a ten pole. It's a dumb trader stock used by the street to fleece the sheep.

Who said I bought anyones stock?
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
So you lied about it. Thanks for the admission. No one can believe anything you say. You're a fake and a liar.
What was the lie?
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?

1) Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation. They may need to apply for their birth certificate. All to get a photo id when there are NO statistics that show voter fraud that a photo IS would prevent. Thertrhotre the onloy readon to demsand it is for voter suppression.

2) People without drivers licenses are older & poorer Americans. As for voting under other people's names, you are lying. see above.

3) Voter suppression is any action the reduces the number of people voting.

4) 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

5)) If you were really concerned about voter security, you would enable people to get a photo ID in local communities, etc.

Whjat is one thing you can always get with out a photo ID? A Photo ID. Think about it.
Too bad that those 'older poorer Americans' that you talk about can't get Medicare without a photo ID. :rolleyes-41:
See where I'm going with this?
I want to know how they drive? Or, are poor blacks that incompetent? So, now the left insult the blacks as too stupid! And we’re racist . Can’t make it up
The Russians hacked the Supreme Court? LOL!
The supreme court hacked the right to vote, along with Kobach, and his employer Trump, who used CrossCheck to purge voters.

We're off the Russian thing suddenly?
There never was a Russian thing. That's your fantasy you want to pedal.

There never was a Russian thing.

Thanks for playing. Be sure to tell all your lib friends.
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Your quote, not mine. This information came from where again, with proof?
You are so stupid, you miss the point. Only another group could push trump to victory, and since gopers would vote for trump, the only remaining votes needed to come from democrats. Are you too stupid to understand that? Sure you are
If they made less money, they fking lost money stupid fk. Explain this then, why do people need a minimum wage then? Less money is good. You just said so. See how stupid you are? Naw
Only if you had the worst President doing the worst job.

Maybe we'd have done better if he added another 100,000 pages of regulations?
Maybe 200,000 pages?
Come on now. The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Pile on the housing collapse & near financial meltdown.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

The worse the recession, the longer the recovery.

Especially when new regulations are being piled on.
Capital requirements are raised and raised again.
When banks are being fined hundreds of billions of dollars.

To do nothing to prevent another wall street fueled economic meltdown would have been really stupid.

I agree, all the requirements to make subprime loans or buy subprime mortgages should have been eliminated.

Regulations are basically written to plug loopholes.

And when the "loopholes" are previous regulations?

Except the feds were Obama's best friend. They kept interest rates at nearly zero for his entire 8 years. The first thing they did to Trump was raise them. And Trump is STILL setting records despite this.

There was a rumor yesterday that the feds might lower interest rates if the economy takes a hit due to Trumps tariff war and the stock market jumped over 500 points in one day. Imagine what the economy would do if the feds would treat Trump like they treated Obama.
That's because the economy was strong and growing when trump became president.
Lets get wha tyou want. A stock market collapse. Come on! Let it happen. Then we will see what we all really are. We will see the American version of "through the looking glass". Since this is wha tyou want i expect all love and unicorns and rainbow lovw from all of the progressives. Even if the checks and medical treatment/pills are greatly reduced and the loans collapse also. You promoted yourselves this way. Now live it if the time comes.
More evidence the right is retarded. I point out the economy was strong and growing when trump became president, and an idiot translates that into me wanting to see the stock market collapse. :cuckoo:

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