Dismal earnings reports indicate the start of the Trump downturn

What good is a Russian meme when millions of people were deprived their right to vote? People were deprived the Right to vote. A meme becomes meaningless.

The Russians hacked the Supreme Court? LOL!
The Republican party did. It's why we have 868 fewer places to vote in mostly minority areas. Republicans cheated the country out of a fair election.ttps://www.thenation.com/article/there-are-868-fewer-places-to-vote-in-2016-because-the-supreme-court-gutted-the-voting-rights-act/

Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.
What good is a Russian meme when millions of people were deprived their right to vote? People were deprived the Right to vote. A meme becomes meaningless.

The Russians hacked the Supreme Court? LOL!
The Republican party did. It's why we have 868 fewer places to vote in mostly minority areas. Republicans cheated the country out of a fair election.ttps://www.thenation.com/article/there-are-868-fewer-places-to-vote-in-2016-because-the-supreme-court-gutted-the-voting-rights-act/

Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Basically. But you loved it. Just like you ,loved the Russians helping Trump.

Funny how the Republicans refused to renew the voting rights act and then started passing voter suppression in the Red States.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset which in the case of a MBS is a pool of either CRE loans or residential loans.

The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.

"Mortgage backed securities (MBS) are also known as mortgage derivatives and mortgage-backed bonds. They are a form of investment that is based upon the mortgages of home buyers. As such, they affect the mortgage interest rate and can also have a significant effect on the economy if they go wrong (more on that later.)..."

"Mortgage Derivatives
Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

"In this case, that asset is the mortgage bundle.

"The risk of such mortgage derivatives is spread over the whole bundle of loans – in this case 100,000 (this a simple figure used for example only.)"

Mortgage Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives | Alliance West Financial

Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

If Fannie or Freddie sells a billion dollars of MBS, they bought
a billion dollars of mortgages first.
A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

"What Are Futures?

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

"Here, the buyer must purchase or the seller must sell the underlying asset at the set price, regardless of the current market price at the expiration date.

"Underlying assets include physical commodities or other financial instruments. Futures contracts detail the quantity of the underlying asset and are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Futures can be used for hedging or trade speculation."

How Futures are Traded

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

The futures contract means you have to buy the asset at a predetermined future date?
When does the MBS mean you have to buy the mortgage?
The futures contract means you have to buy the asset at a predetermined future date?
When does the MBS mean you have to buy the mortgage?
Any time corn futures contracts have no underlying assets.
What good is a Russian meme when millions of people were deprived their right to vote? People were deprived the Right to vote. A meme becomes meaningless.

The Russians hacked the Supreme Court? LOL!
The Republican party did. It's why we have 868 fewer places to vote in mostly minority areas. Republicans cheated the country out of a fair election.ttps://www.thenation.com/article/there-are-868-fewer-places-to-vote-in-2016-because-the-supreme-court-gutted-the-voting-rights-act/
Of course believing you is questionable. But we have mail in balloting also. Which can affect voting habits. And frankly it can be weeks or longer before the election. If there are other ways to vote let some people chime in.
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump?
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios. Lol! Your questions cannot be answered, because you base your pre-established scenario as fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you did is create something out of thin air that has no relationship to fact.

I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump?
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios. Lol! Your questions cannot be answered, because you base your pre-established scenario as fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you did is create something out of thin air that has no relationship to fact.

I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?

They duped Republicans & independents

Republicans weren't going to vote for the corrupt old sot you guys put on the ticket.
Lower income, lower credit score, lower down payment and also a lower interest rate
and you don't see how it is riskier?

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

Come on My Economics. You can't be this silly.

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

You think banks gave worse risks lower rates....because the bank could afford it? LOL!

Have you always been clueless, or have you had a recent brain injury?

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Hilarious!! And seriously wrong.

Now you are just being an asshole.
You are twisting what was said or you are a fucking moron.

But I will try again.

Banks have a metric to measure the ability of a borrower to meet the terms of the loan.

The bank applies this metric to the lower interest rates, and this metric approves it.

You are claiming the bank metric is flawed & it spits out the wrong answer on CRA loans

not at all, what he is saying is the lower interest rate causes the bank to lose money. but fk, you knew that right?
Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money and no, that is not what Mr Economic Expert is saying at all.

Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money

You know that riskier loans should have higher interest rates, to compensate.....right?

I know, why am I asking you? You're completely clueless.
The Russians hacked the Supreme Court? LOL!
The Republican party did. It's why we have 868 fewer places to vote in mostly minority areas. Republicans cheated the country out of a fair election.ttps://www.thenation.com/article/there-are-868-fewer-places-to-vote-in-2016-because-the-supreme-court-gutted-the-voting-rights-act/

Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.
The value of a derivative depends upon another underlying asset

I underlined your confusion.

"Mortgage backed securities (MBS) are also known as mortgage derivatives and mortgage-backed bonds. They are a form of investment that is based upon the mortgages of home buyers. As such, they affect the mortgage interest rate and can also have a significant effect on the economy if they go wrong (more on that later.)..."

"Mortgage Derivatives
Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

"In this case, that asset is the mortgage bundle.

"The risk of such mortgage derivatives is spread over the whole bundle of loans – in this case 100,000 (this a simple figure used for example only.)"

Mortgage Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives | Alliance West Financial

Mortgage-backed bonds belong to a class of securities known as derivatives whose value lies in an underlying asset.

A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

If Fannie or Freddie sells a billion dollars of MBS, they bought
a billion dollars of mortgages first.
A corn futures contract doesn't have an underlying asset.
Neither does an IBM options contract.
I don't need to buy corn or IBM shares to sell those derivatives.

"What Are Futures?

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

"Here, the buyer must purchase or the seller must sell the underlying asset at the set price, regardless of the current market price at the expiration date.

"Underlying assets include physical commodities or other financial instruments. Futures contracts detail the quantity of the underlying asset and are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Futures can be used for hedging or trade speculation."

How Futures are Traded

"Futures are derivative financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

The futures contract means you have to buy the asset at a predetermined future date?
When does the MBS mean you have to buy the mortgage?
The futures contract means you have to buy the asset at a predetermined future date?
When does the MBS mean you have to buy the mortgage?
Any time corn futures contracts have no underlying assets.

How many mortgages does FNMA own? Why did they buy them?
Why didn't they just sell MBS?
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios. Lol! Your questions cannot be answered, because you base your pre-established scenario as fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you did is create something out of thin air that has no relationship to fact.

I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
So you lied about it. Thanks for the admission. No one can believe anything you say. You're a fake and a liar.
The Republican party did. It's why we have 868 fewer places to vote in mostly minority areas. Republicans cheated the country out of a fair election.ttps://www.thenation.com/article/there-are-868-fewer-places-to-vote-in-2016-because-the-supreme-court-gutted-the-voting-rights-act/

Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?

1) Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation. They may need to apply for their birth certificate. All to get a photo id when there are NO statistics that show voter fraud that a photo IS would prevent. Thertrhotre the onloy readon to demsand it is for voter suppression.

2) People without drivers licenses are older & poorer Americans. As for voting under other people's names, you are lying. see above.

3) Voter suppression is any action the reduces the number of people voting.

4) 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

5)) If you were really concerned about voter security, you would enable people to get a photo ID in local communities, etc.

Whjat is one thing you can always get with out a photo ID? A Photo ID. Think about it.
Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

Come on My Economics. You can't be this silly.

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

You think banks gave worse risks lower rates....because the bank could afford it? LOL!

Have you always been clueless, or have you had a recent brain injury?

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Hilarious!! And seriously wrong.

Now you are just being an asshole.
You are twisting what was said or you are a fucking moron.

But I will try again.

Banks have a metric to measure the ability of a borrower to meet the terms of the loan.

The bank applies this metric to the lower interest rates, and this metric approves it.

You are claiming the bank metric is flawed & it spits out the wrong answer on CRA loans

not at all, what he is saying is the lower interest rate causes the bank to lose money. but fk, you knew that right?
Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money and no, that is not what Mr Economic Expert is saying at all.

Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money

You know that riskier loans should have higher interest rates, to compensate.....right?

I know, why am I asking you? You're completely clueless.

Why are they riskier. The bank approved them using the same metric as they would for standard rates.

Say a couple looks at a home where the payments would be $1000 a onth. The bank works the numbers & says no.

This same couple, finds another home where the payments are $750/month. The bank works the numbers & they are appoived.

Why are you claiming that this couple became riskier because they bought a cheaper house?
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.
Truckers are pissed as well; ttps://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/truckers-hit-hard-by-trump-gop-tax-plan-61363269759

Um, I'm a trucker. My paycheck went up substantially since Trump's tax cuts went into effect. Only a small portion of my paycheck is taxed. The rest is tax free. We get free money per day, or per diem, tax free. It's wonderful. You don't get per Diem if you're an O/O.

The only way that they got screwed is if they were owner operators. And then their taxes went down but they're pissed and jealous that they don't get the per diem that the company drivers do. Trust me, I forgot more about this industry than you will ever know.

Truckers for Trump!
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios. Lol! Your questions cannot be answered, because you base your pre-established scenario as fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you did is create something out of thin air that has no relationship to fact.

I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
Actually you did. Not all Republicans wanted to vote for a fraud, business cheat, liar, woman abusing piece of shit. So the Russians pit out a campaign to help Trump by spreading lies about his opponents so they would vote more against the opponent than for Trump.

After all, not even the Russians make Trump into a respectable person.
I don't think I have ever seen someone ask so many stupid questions based on make believe scenarios.

Russian interference was a make believe scenario? Ok. Thanks!
That's not what you asked. Go back and quote word for word what you asked, then provide a link from where that quote of yours came from?

Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump? Yes/No?
Did Russian memes on Facebook trick Dems into staying home? Yes/No?
:auiqs.jpg:So, now you ask it as a question. Before you stated it as fact. Damn you're fos;
We know the Republicans voted for him, how did the Russians trick Hillary supporters to vote for Trump? Don't you just love make believe bs people?

I've heard libs whining, endlessly, that Russians helped Trump get elected.
We didn't need Russians to tell Republicans to vote for Trump, so they must have gotten
Dems to vote for Trump.

Or maybe whiney Dems twats were lying for 2.5 years?

Either one works for me.
So you lied about it. Thanks for the admission. No one can believe anything you say. You're a fake and a liar.

Why would I lie about moronic Dem whiners?
That's all you guys have done since Trump beat the most qualified candidate in history. LOL!
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.
Truckers are pissed as well; ttps://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/truckers-hit-hard-by-trump-gop-tax-plan-61363269759

Um, I'm a trucker. My paycheck went up substantially since Trump's tax cuts went into effect. Only a small portion of my paycheck is taxed. The rest is tax free. We get free money per day, or per diem, tax free. It's wonderful. You don't get per Diem if you're an O/O.

The only way that they got screwed is if they were owner operators.
"The law (tax cut) removed the allowance for most industries not just the trucking world. However, it left a special provision in place for business owners, where owner-operators fall, that allows individuals subject to Hours of Service (HOS) regulations to deduct 80 percent of the per diem rate from their taxes. Since the provision is intact, the per diem allowance effectively remains unchanged for owner-operators, or self-employed truck drivers that receive a 1099. If you are an actual W-2 employee driver, you cannot take the per diem per sec 1312 of the new tax code. All business expenses associated with employees have been eliminated from Sch 2106 on Sch A of the 1040.
Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?

1) Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation. They may need to apply for their birth certificate. All to get a photo id when there are NO statistics that show voter fraud that a photo IS would prevent. Thertrhotre the onloy readon to demsand it is for voter suppression.

2) People without drivers licenses are older & poorer Americans. As for voting under other people's names, you are lying. see above.

3) Voter suppression is any action the reduces the number of people voting.

4) 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

5)) If you were really concerned about voter security, you would enable people to get a photo ID in local communities, etc.

Whjat is one thing you can always get with out a photo ID? A Photo ID. Think about it.
Too bad that those 'older poorer Americans' that you talk about can't get Medicare without a photo ID. :rolleyes-41:
See where I'm going with this?
Republicans in Republican states stopped minorities from voting?
Sounds serious!
Yep. Voter suppression. through programs like voter photo ID.

I know. How can we expect minorities to obtain government ID in this day and age?
So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one while most already have one. Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

That is voter suppression.

Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

Why do you think Republicans need to cheat to win elections?

Why do you want to piss on one of the foundations of America.

I guess when your partty can not come up with better ideas or can't manage shit, they have to cheat.

So, you want to make people currently without an accepted photo ID jump though a hoop to get one

Hoops? I know, asking minorities to get an ID, crazy!

Those currently without that accepted photo ID are disproportionately Democrat voters.

I know, dead voters and illegal aliens have low rates of photo ID.
Not to mention the frauds voting under other voter's names.

That is voter suppression.


Republicans erect that hurdle knowing not everyone will jump over it.

If there are really a large number of minority Dem voters too dumb or lazy to get off the sofa
and get a state ID, you're free to go door to door and help them obtain one.

Why do you think Democrats need lazy, helpless, stupid voters to win elections?

1) Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation. They may need to apply for their birth certificate. All to get a photo id when there are NO statistics that show voter fraud that a photo IS would prevent. Thertrhotre the onloy readon to demsand it is for voter suppression.

2) People without drivers licenses are older & poorer Americans. As for voting under other people's names, you are lying. see above.

3) Voter suppression is any action the reduces the number of people voting.

4) 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

5)) If you were really concerned about voter security, you would enable people to get a photo ID in local communities, etc.

Whjat is one thing you can always get with out a photo ID? A Photo ID. Think about it.

Here in PA there is one place in most counties to get one. I would need to drive 25 miles & there is no public transportation

Drive....without a drivers license?
How could you ever manage such a thing?

They may need to apply for their birth certificate.

Ridiculous! None of these poor people could have been born.

10-12% of eligible voters did not have an accepted photo ID.

Not to mention nearly 100% of the illegal aliens and dead voters.
The Mall Meltdown Continues

Retailers’ earnings season has gone from bad to worse. The bleeding intensified last week, with shares of Abercrombie & Fitch plummeting 26% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage decline since the company went public. PVH Corp., owner of brands including Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfilger, and Calvin Klein, dropped 10% that day, too. On Thursday, women’s wear chain J.Jill was down a jaw-dropping 53% and on Friday, Gap Inc. slid 9%.

Definitely bad news for the economy. If Trump wants to run on the economy to get reelected he might want to pass over this bit of bad news.

For Abercrombie and Fitch to plummet 26% is unprecedented.
Truckers are pissed as well; ttps://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/truckers-hit-hard-by-trump-gop-tax-plan-61363269759

Um, I'm a trucker. My paycheck went up substantially since Trump's tax cuts went into effect. Only a small portion of my paycheck is taxed. The rest is tax free. We get free money per day, or per diem, tax free. It's wonderful. You don't get per Diem if you're an O/O.

The only way that they got screwed is if they were owner operators.
"The law (tax cut) removed the allowance for most industries not just the trucking world. However, it left a special provision in place for business owners, where owner-operators fall, that allows individuals subject to Hours of Service (HOS) regulations to deduct 80 percent of the per diem rate from their taxes. Since the provision is intact, the per diem allowance effectively remains unchanged for owner-operators, or self-employed truck drivers that receive a 1099. If you are an actual W-2 employee driver, you cannot take the per diem per sec 1312 of the new tax code. All business expenses associated with employees have been eliminated from Sch 2106 on Sch A of the 1040.

That is not correct. I have per diem in my paycheck and I'm a company driver. I can show you.

Yes it remains unchanged for OO. They don't get the new stuff like we company drivers do. They were able to do per diem before, and still can but not like we company drivers can.
Because the bank cleared them at lower interest rates. If they could not afford it, the bsnk would not have OK'd the loan.

You think banks gave worse risks lower rates....because the bank could afford it? LOL!

Have you always been clueless, or have you had a recent brain injury?

The bank uses the same metric for both the standard & the adjusted rate. They would have equal risk of failure.

Hilarious!! And seriously wrong.

Now you are just being an asshole.
You are twisting what was said or you are a fucking moron.

But I will try again.

Banks have a metric to measure the ability of a borrower to meet the terms of the loan.

The bank applies this metric to the lower interest rates, and this metric approves it.

You are claiming the bank metric is flawed & it spits out the wrong answer on CRA loans

not at all, what he is saying is the lower interest rate causes the bank to lose money. but fk, you knew that right?
Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money and no, that is not what Mr Economic Expert is saying at all.

Nope, they made less money but they did mot lose money

You know that riskier loans should have higher interest rates, to compensate.....right?

I know, why am I asking you? You're completely clueless.

Why are they riskier. The bank approved them using the same metric as they would for standard rates.

Say a couple looks at a home where the payments would be $1000 a onth. The bank works the numbers & says no.

This same couple, finds another home where the payments are $750/month. The bank works the numbers & they are appoived.

Why are you claiming that this couple became riskier because they bought a cheaper house?

Why are they riskier.

You understand some people default on their mortgages, right?

The bank approved them using the same metric as they would for standard rates.

You're wrong. Otherwise they wouldn't need CRA help.

This same couple, finds another home where the payments are $750/month. The bank works the numbers & they are appoived.

Taking out a $75,000 mortgage is less risky than a $100,000 mortgage for that couple.

Why are you claiming that this couple became riskier because they bought a cheaper house?

The loan bigger than they can afford is more risky.

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