Dismemberment abortion ban sent to WV Governors desk

So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.
Murder of a child, plain and simple. Cold hearted evil beings women are.
And I suppose you, arid, want tax payers money to pay for the murder of that Child? More stupid evil thinking.

Tax payers don't pay now, except in cases of rape. Tax, government funds have not been used in decades, hyde amendment.

Cold hearted? What of the world being cold hearted to all the millions of children in need of homes living now? What of people killing the planet with over population. What of all those starving or dying of disease? You want to worry about chidren? Adopt a few million yourself.
It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.
Murder of a child, plain and simple. Cold hearted evil beings women are.
And I suppose you, arid, want tax payers money to pay for the murder of that Child? More stupid evil thinking.

Tax payers don't pay now, except in cases of rape. Tax, government funds have not been used in decades, hyde amendment.

Cold hearted? What of the world being cold hearted to all the millions of children in need of homes living now? What of people killing the planet with over population. What of all those starving or dying of disease? You want to worry about chidren? Adopt a few million yourself.
Excuses to try,and fail, to justify the cold hearted murder of a child. If my wife decided to abort my child without my consent she would be my ex real quick.
The injection given the fetus before the removal begins makes sure the fetus is already dead and can't bleed to "death"
Dead has not feeling in the incident of not coming out whole.
the patient needs everything to come out completely, and if there are lots of pieces there is a greater chance bits would remain.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

When you start pulling a kid out in pieces it's nothing short of murder.
Are there exceptions? Of course,but i'd rather see em hand out birth control and the morning after pill like skittles.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.
It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.
Aris obviously isn't comprehending that.

I understand you have no right to decide what she can and cannot do. You have not right to enslave her to do what you think is right.

The only person that can decide what she does to her body or her life is her.

You have not right to take her freedom or choice away from her.

You want a baby, go have your own, or adopt. If she does not want to carry or give birth to a baby, she does not have to.

If there is actually any such god that you believe in, it will judge your actions and sins. If she does not believe in your god or any god, what she does will be judged her her god or there is no one to judge. If there is a god, her choices will be judge in the total balance of her life.

Your god, her god, no god, legally or morally in no scenario do you get to decide or judge her. She is free to make her choices. You interfere and deny her her rights or her freedom, you become the criminal.
Don't want a child? Then say NO in the bedroom....VAST majority of pregnancies are CONSENSUAL ACTS so just say no. Get sterilized,use protection of some kind me and my wife didn't use protection but we knew damn well the risk we were taking and we were OK with it. We have 4 beautiful children and don't regret a damn one of them. The irresponsibility that the country allows people to get away with needs to END. You shoot a gun and "accidentally" hit someone is it OK because it was an accident? NOPE! You are held responsible for your actions it should be the same EVERYWHERE and for EVERYTHING.

Good for you, that is your right.

Everyone else has the right to their choices and their life. When your children are of age, they have the right to make their choices even if you disagree.

You get not right to deny any other person their rights or freedoms. You do not get to decide or control their life.

Till it is no long part of her body and able to breath and the body functions on it's own, what she does is her choice

If you don't want an abortion, that is your right to choose. Everyone else has the right to make their own choices.

Their body, their life, their freedom. Your opinions does not matter, it is just so much hot air.

You get no say in her choices.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.
Murder of a child, plain and simple. Cold hearted evil beings women are.
And I suppose you, arid, want tax payers money to pay for the murder of that Child? More stupid evil thinking.

Taxes play no part in her choices. Taxes don't pay for abortions except in the case of rape. Been more than thirty years that tax money has not been involved. She chooses, she pays out of pocket.

Her life choices are hers alone.

The taxes you are so worried about pay for everyone woman and some men to get information about birth control and family planning, exams and screening for disease and cancers as well as sexual health and ability to function. Blood tests, ultra sounds, prescription. You precious tax money does not pay for abortions.

Clinics and doctors have to be staffed and operate normally. The woman's right to choose has nothing to do with you. Denying her the right and freedom to choose does however make you a criminal. Your opinion does not matter. If you interfere, you can be arrested.

If she chooses a home abortion, you still have no say, nor to you or your taxes pay. If she goes to some back alley and has complication, you end up paying.

If she carries the fetus, you and insurance pay. If she rejects the baby you pay. If she has an abortion you have no part in her life, legally, morally or financially. None.
If she has an abortion and donates the tissue, you still have no say at all.

You get to make your choices for your body and everyone else gets to make theirs.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

You must be carrying some serious guilt....
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.
You have to have some deep rooted issues to support abortion but if you support dismemberment abortion you're just sick and should probably reevaluate your life to see what went wrong
It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.
Murder of a child, plain and simple. Cold hearted evil beings women are.
And I suppose you, arid, want tax payers money to pay for the murder of that Child? More stupid evil thinking.

Taxes play no part in her choices. Taxes don't pay for abortions except in the case of rape. Been more than thirty years that tax money has not been involved. She chooses, she pays out of pocket.

Her life choices are hers alone.

The taxes you are so worried about pay for everyone woman and some men to get information about birth control and family planning, exams and screening for disease and cancers as well as sexual health and ability to function. Blood tests, ultra sounds, prescription. You precious tax money does not pay for abortions.

Clinics and doctors have to be staffed and operate normally. The woman's right to choose has nothing to do with you. Denying her the right and freedom to choose does however make you a criminal. Your opinion does not matter. If you interfere, you can be arrested.

If she chooses a home abortion, you still have no say, nor to you or your taxes pay. If she goes to some back alley and has complication, you end up paying.

If she carries the fetus, you and insurance pay. If she rejects the baby you pay. If she has an abortion you have no part in her life, legally, morally or financially. None.
If she has an abortion and donates the tissue, you still have no say at all.

You get to make your choices for your body and everyone else gets to make theirs.

That's a lot of BS. My tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood. It helps keep their doors open.
It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.

So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

You have no right to decide what she talks to her doctor about or what procedure she decides to have.
You have no part in her decisions
No moral, legal, financial or medical reason to know or interfere.


Try and interfere and you can go to jail.

Her body, her decision.

When it is "your" body you get to make the choices.

Passing this bill is irrelevant unless she needs an abortions for medical reason after 24 weeks.

Your bill amounts to 0.05% that would need to go to hospital instead of a clinic. It would then have a higher cost to the insurance, everyone's insurance as it is medical. Roe v wade still stands.

You still cannot stop abortions, only a particular method of D&C, and to so it is no longer a self pay but become medical necessity under insurance.

The method might change but not her right to choose.

Anything after 24 weeks already required a three day process and an injection first day to terminate, then on the third day to remove the dead tissue. You also just made the procedure more complicated and painful for the woman with a longer healing time instead of very small incisions where she could go home the same day.

The fetus is already dead before any clinic or hospital procedure begins, so what do you think this bill accomplishes? You also just made the tissue more viable for donation because the doctor removes a whole fetus. If she is getting the abortions so she can under go medical treatment, you delayed her start time which puts her life at a higher risk.

and this makes you feel proud of yourself and your state?

It is an empty bill as she can cross state lines if she wants.

it was a worthless statement that probably won't stand.

Taking the fetus apart is making it easier to remove the tissue. It is not ripping a living to pieces. The fetus would have been dead after the injection two days before.

Bravo, you wasted time and paper to put the mother at higher risk for a procedure she will still be needing and increased medical cost in the process.

How did this accomplish any thing?
You have to have some deep rooted issues to support abortion but if you support dismemberment abortion you're just sick and should probably reevaluate your life to see what went wrong

A small incision with less down time that could be done in a clinic, now requires a surgical theater and hospital stay. It also delays the woman getting needed treatment until she is completely healed and infection free, risking her life.

wow, take a bow for an idiotic bill that will actually cost the state more.

you have accomplished nothing.
So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.
Murder of a child, plain and simple. Cold hearted evil beings women are.
And I suppose you, arid, want tax payers money to pay for the murder of that Child? More stupid evil thinking.

Tax payers don't pay now, except in cases of rape. Tax, government funds have not been used in decades, hyde amendment.

Cold hearted? What of the world being cold hearted to all the millions of children in need of homes living now? What of people killing the planet with over population. What of all those starving or dying of disease? You want to worry about chidren? Adopt a few million yourself.
Excuses to try,and fail, to justify the cold hearted murder of a child. If my wife decided to abort my child without my consent she would be my ex real quick.

It makes more sense to let a woman die, taking the fetus with her than for her to have an abortion?

the bill is only for 24 weeks or later. It does not prevent abortions, just makes them more medically complicated and expensive for the insurance and state.

A dead fetus is still being removed one way or the other. The bill just moved the location from clinic to hospital.
So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

You have no right to decide what she talks to her doctor about or what procedure she decides to have.
You have no part in her decisions
No moral, legal, financial or medical reason to know or interfere.


Try and interfere and you can go to jail.

Her body, her decision.

When it is "your" body you get to make the choices.

Passing this bill is irrelevant unless she needs an abortions for medical reason after 24 weeks.

Your bill amounts to 0.05% that would need to go to hospital instead of a clinic. It would then have a higher cost to the insurance, everyone's insurance as it is medical. Roe v wade still stands.

You still cannot stop abortions, only a particular method of D&C, and to so it is no longer a self pay but become medical necessity under insurance.

The method might change but not her right to choose.

Anything after 24 weeks already required a three day process and an injection first day to terminate, then on the third day to remove the dead tissue. You also just made the procedure more complicated and painful for the woman with a longer healing time instead of very small incisions where she could go home the same day.

The fetus is already dead before any clinic or hospital procedure begins, so what do you think this bill accomplishes? You also just made the tissue more viable for donation because the doctor removes a whole fetus. If she is getting the abortions so she can under go medical treatment, you delayed her start time which puts her life at a higher risk.

and this makes you feel proud of yourself and your state?

It is an empty bill as she can cross state lines if she wants.

it was a worthless statement that probably won't stand.

Taking the fetus apart is making it easier to remove the tissue. It is not ripping a living to pieces. The fetus would have been dead after the injection two days before.

Bravo, you wasted time and paper to put the mother at higher risk for a procedure she will still be needing and increased medical cost in the process.

How did this accomplish any thing?
Liar. If it is my Child I have every right and obligation. You are a cold evil woman.
“The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn apart limb by limb,” Justice Kennedy wrote in his dissent in the 2000 case Stenberg v. Carhart. “The fetus can be alive at the beginning of the dismemberment process and can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.”

jesus christ...how the hell can anyone support this disgusting practice!?

The injection given the fetus before the removal begins makes sure the fetus is already dead and can't bleed to "death"
Dead has not feeling in the incident of not coming out whole.
the patient needs everything to come out completely, and if there are lots of pieces there is a greater chance bits would remain.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

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