Dismemberment abortion ban sent to WV Governors desk

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So maybe your mother should have aborted you since you seem to be just fine with it.
Why do I have a feeling you have a good reason to feel guilty?

If she had, I would never know or being around to care.
She could have made that choice. She made all the other choice in her life, and I had no say.

She was not happy with my choices to have children, but she did not have a right to anything but her opinion after I told her. She lived her life, I lived mine. I was eventually told I should not attempt any more. Since I enjoyed sex, I opted to make sure I never could get pregnant again.

It was decided that was made early, if it came to a choice, my life was more valuable. If I wanted children I could not have them later on I could have adopted.

My life and my marriage was more important than children. I had children, nearly died twice in the process before I decide not to try again.

I made choices that were right for me. I did not have to consult with half the community or family around the world. It was my body and my life.

I don't care that my mother had no part in a relationship with my children. She did not have to.

I had no say when my daughter decided to have children. It was her life. My other daughter has chosen a career as a nurse instead of raising a family. That is her decision. She is continuing her studies to become a pediatric nurse practitioner, but she has chosen not to have children, or not to have them yet. It is her body and her life.

I'm not going to care for them less with or without children. If they want to be single, married or just living with someone. I just want them to do what is right for them.

I made my choices, now it is their life to live.

I chose to have a life instead of trying to have more children.

You, or anyone else out there did not have a voice in my choices. Don't care if you have an opinion one way or the other, not your life.

I won't have a say when my grandchildren have to make life choices. Won't change my opinion of them. I can't live their lives for them.

You can't force another person to carry a fetus or to be a parent. You have to live your own life and make your own choices.

What others choose in none of your business.

If I don't choose to risk my life to have another child, that is none of your business.

Pregnancy is not always a joy and can wreck havoc on the body. Some don't want to put their life on hold at that particular time. Maybe their job would no allow them to function while pregnant.

What ever the reason, the woman has to be the one to decide about her life.

You don't get to risk my, or anyone's life to carry a fetus I/they might never know because you don't think anyone should have an abortion. Instead an abortion I opted for a hysterectomy.

If you had tried to decide for me, you probably would not be voicing an opinion on any forum right now.

You can't know the circumstances of every women or what is going on in her mind. You can't know her history or risks. You can known her family situation or financials. You don't know their hopes and dreams. You can make decision on how she lives her life.

You have a say if she chooses to have an abortion or not. You don't even have a right to know if she is pregnant.

You only have rights in the choices about your body and your life.
The injection given the fetus before the removal begins makes sure the fetus is already dead and can't bleed to "death"
Dead has not feeling in the incident of not coming out whole.
the patient needs everything to come out completely, and if there are lots of pieces there is a greater chance bits would remain.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

She has a legal right for an abortion if she so choose. It is her body.

Her medical and life choices should never be open to you or anyone else.

You have no right to judge her or force her to follow your will

You should never even be aware of her choice.

Dear aris2chat
by the same token,
neither should you nor I impose a public policy that conflicts with the sacred beliefs of others.

There is harm caused on both sides, of either abortion that causes harm and is a compromise,
and harm in forcing anyone to do something against their will or beliefs, either way.

There is no way to get around this without violating someone's beliefs, because
induced abortion is not natural.

So the only way to agree is to PREVENT abortion, so we never have to debate that.
By preventing pregnancy, this issue does not have to come up.

And if you think pregnancy can't be prevented, think again.
The acts of sex leading to pregnancy are either forced by a person by rape,
or it is consensual.

There is no such thing as an accidental pregnancy unless
the sex is truly accidental and not the conscious choice of either party.

That is where we might reach agreement on focusing on prevention.

Because people's beliefs about right to life and right to choose cannot be forced to change
by govt, this issue is not going to be resolved by outvoted, outnumbering, or overruling one side by the other.

Only by preventing unwanted pregnancy and abortion 100% by free choice
are you going to end the debate, by preventing abortion from ever having to be considered in the first place.
Then we can agree, by free choice, and not get into endless arguments
about which side is imposing their beliefs politically -- they both are.

So for there to be equal representation and protection of both sides' viewpoints,
it is clear that abortion must be prevented. otherwise the people will never agree.
The prochoice people will never agree to laws that ban abortion and force women
already in compromised situations to suffer disproportionately after the fact, when
it affects the women more than the men. The prolife people who believe that abortion
is deliberate killing and murder will never agree that
abortion is an acceptable compromise.

both sides agree the ideal is to prevent abortion in the first place.
If we agree to focus there, we can eventually eliminate this entire problem.

one person's church or god has no part in the life of someone else with their beliefs.

I'm not forcing anyone what to choose. But no one should take that choice away from them. They are free to decide their life and their body, but not mine, yours, the kid down the street or the woman across the country.

A woman has a legal right to be free and make her choices. She is not someone's property to control. I've been making my choices since I was small. I was not restricted or told what to do. Maybe not all my choice were the best in hind sight, but they were mine. It was my life. There were many things I had no choice over. I don't control nature and I cant prevent or stop a war on my own. If I don't know there is danger I can't make the decision to avoid it.

I can't or want to control the decisions of other and I damn well don't want them making mine.

If I choose to play wit snakes or alligators no one gets to tell me I can't because I might get bit.

Everyone is free to make their choices for them, not the rest of the population.

I don't get to know the medical records of anyone without writes permission. I don't get to make choices if they are capable of understanding and saying no in some way.

I'm not telling them what to do, nor am I trying to take their rights away from them. I'm not going to let others decide or take the rights and freedoms away from other if I can help it.

I've lives in repressive societies where woman have few if any right. I've also seen what happens to woman after rape and abuse. I seen woman die in childbirth and know woman who kill themselves because they are pregnant, and seen woman killed.

I've tried to help and empower them when I could and just been a shoulder at others time.

A woman should have an absolute right to control her own body and life.
one person's church or god has no part in the life of someone else with their beliefs.

I'm not forcing anyone what to choose. But no one should take that choice away from them. They are free to decide their life and their body, but not mine, yours, the kid down the street or the woman across the country.

A woman has a legal right to be free and make her choices. She is not someone's property to control. I've been making my choices since I was small. I was not restricted or told what to do. Maybe not all my choice were the best in hind sight, but they were mine. It was my life. There were many things I had no choice over. I don't control nature and I cant prevent or stop a war on my own. If I don't know there is danger I can't make the decision to avoid it.

I can't or want to control the decisions of other and I damn well don't want them making mine.

If I choose to play wit snakes or alligators no one gets to tell me I can't because I might get bit.

Everyone is free to make their choices for them, not the rest of the population.

I don't get to know the medical records of anyone without writes permission. I don't get to make choices if they are capable of understanding and saying no in some way.

I'm not telling them what to do, nor am I trying to take their rights away from them. I'm not going to let others decide or take the rights and freedoms away from other if I can help it.

I've lives in repressive societies where woman have few if any right. I've also seen what happens to woman after rape and abuse. I seen woman die in childbirth and know woman who kill themselves because they are pregnant, and seen woman killed.

I've tried to help and empower them when I could and just been a shoulder at others time.

A woman should have an absolute right to control her own body and life.
That argument has been over played, and discredited for at least a decade.

Ignorance about what is inside the womb can no longer be excused. We now have 4D sonograms, which provides a window into the woman, and makes it clear there is a living being inside that looks very much like a human baby.

All arguments about the absolute right of a woman's right to unilaterally destroy the life in her womb are based on Roe v. Wade, which was frankly one of the most illogical and ridiculous decisions ever issued by the Supreme Court. The decision robs all 50 states and the American people from having any input into deciding a very important social issue that affects us all.

Ever since that decision, the federal courts have been playing a desperate and losing game of preserving the status quo against the repeated attempts of 50 states to decided for themselves and their people how abortion shall be regulated.

The whole point of a federal system is that the states are sovereign and the federal government is a government of limited enumeratated powers set forth in the Constitution. The abortion decision was not based on the Constitution, but on a "right to privacy" that exists nowhere.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

So does that mean you are in the front of the line of those volunteering to donate their bodies to house unwanted fetus'?
Of course not. I am a male. I grew up and had sexual partners too. The women today are not the first women to go through their child bearing years. I'm actually saying that it should be far easier to prevent an unwanted pregnancy today than at any time in history. Are the women more stupid today? What has happened is that the woman has assumed the position of responsibility now where in the past it was the male's responsibility.
It should be the right of every parent to dismember their children.

It is the right of a woman to choose not to carry a fetus, it is her womb.
Yep, rip that full term baby apart as it comes out. Fun, fun, fun.

24 week is not full term.
It is not a baby, it is fetus in "her" womb.
How the dead tissue is removed should never be disclosed to you. Records are confidential between patient and doctor.

She has the right to choose a hysterectomy, ripped apart her womb and/or ovaries into small pieces and sucked out two tiny holes near her belly button instead if vaginally or a large abdominal incision. Why should her womb lining be any different?

You don't get to see her medical records or know her choices.

There is no such thing as a "fetus". That word was coined to shield the mother from the actual fact that what she is murdering is a baby.
It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So maybe your mother should have aborted you since you seem to be just fine with it.
Why do I have a feeling you have a good reason to feel guilty?

My mother had the right to choose. She has made many choices in her life I don't agree with, but they are her choices. Every woman does. When she give me her proxy, then I make the choices, but giving her proxy was her choice. She decided if she was DNR. She choose what measures she wanted or didn't. She had the right to refuse care. She had the right to donate organs and tissue. When she gives her proxy she had the right to make sure I follow her choices legally written. If there is anything not specified, then I decide. I had everything she wanted spelled out before she signed. She knew at some point she would not have the mental capacity to make her own choices. I followed her choices. It was her life.

If someone decides they don't want to fight cancer, they have the right to hospice and in some places even euthanasia.

If someone choose not to have surgery, that is their choice. They want to refuse meds, their choice. The can choose not to go to physical therapy.

People have the right to not go to work, to not eat, to over use alcohol or misuse drugs.

Even if they are arrested, put through a drug program and released, they choose to return to self abusive behavior.

We make choices everyday we have to live that impact the rest of our lives. That is our right.

You can help people if they are willing, but you cannot force them or control their life.

Unless the person gives you the written right to access their medical records, you should never know if they decide to get an abortion.

What choice does the baby have in all this?
Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

When you start pulling a kid out in pieces it's nothing short of murder.
Are there exceptions? Of course,but i'd rather see em hand out birth control and the morning after pill like skittles.

fetus is already dead before any procedure to remove it begins. It is dead tissue
You are not preventing the death only changing how dead tissue is removed.

Women can take pills at home up to 24 weeks, inducing a miscarriage, then it goes to a hospital with this bill for removal instead of clinic. You are not preventing anything. The dead tissue still needs to be removed.

If she takes pills she get by mail or gets an injection from a doctor, the fetus is still dead.

The substance for the injection can be bought a number of laces for a few dollars. Mix with water and inject with syringe. A mid wife or nurse would know where to inject. An ultra sound could be rented at most medical supply stores. Someone could stick the needle in and the woman can inject herself.

You are not stopping anything. If she wants to terminate, she will. By pills, injection or throwing her self down the stairs or wrapping her car round a lamp post. You cannot stop her.

Once the fetus is dead, any doctor is obligated by some procedure to remove it.

She can pay $600 at a clinic for an abortion, $50 for a home kit or terminate on her own for $3-4 and let insurance or the state pick up the cost for the removal.

Your bill has accomplished nothing.

Keep making it harder and she will end up finding some back alley doctor.

There are too many natural and openly available means from herbs, pills, injections or a coat hanger.

Break the water, start the bleeding, make the heart stop and she can walk into any emergency room or call 911.

My first choice would always be birth control. You don't even need to go to a pharmacy and purchase it. People are not taught to use what can be found in any home, or even found on the street, garden or public park for free.

If you know how to kill sperm cells you have birth control. You just have to use it before sex.

After sex there are many ways that work relatively well to prevent pregnancy. It still only take one sperm out of millions involved in each coupling

Every form has at least a 0.01% change of failure. Even a cold or allergy can cause birth control to fail.

You are not going to force a woman to be a mother if she does not want to carry or give birth.

A mountain of paper is not going to stop her finding a way to terminate.

So who created the "dead flesh"?

Her legal choice to terminate, or share her body for nine months

Her body, her womb, her life, her decision.

You should never know or have any part in her decision.

It's not her body that is being butchered and murdered.
So because they feel no pain,not sure how you'd know that considering no ones around to say different,it makes killing okay?

It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

When you start pulling a kid out in pieces it's nothing short of murder.
Are there exceptions? Of course,but i'd rather see em hand out birth control and the morning after pill like skittles.

It is not a kid, it is dead tissue that would become toxic if not removed.

Fetus is dead before any removal procedure. The woman has the legal right of her body and every right to terminate.

You can keep blowing but you can't force anyone to carry and give birth. Not your say.

Who killed the baby in the first place?
It is dead tissue before removal even begins. The whole lining of the woman is removed.

Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

You must be carrying some serious guilt....

Why? I have had a very full and accomplished life? Most of my life has been helping other and saving lives. In any emergency or doctors office the first concern would always be for the woman's mental, and physical well being. If she is not ready to be a mother, that is her right. If she has other plans and ambitions, that is her choice.

HER choice, not yours or anyone else's.

You can't force her not to have an abortion and I am not trying to force anyone to have an abortion.

Neither of us have that right. It has to be her choice, her body and her life.

If you interfere or try to take those right away from her then you are are the evil one.

I'm not judging her choices, but you and a few others seem determined to judge her and force her to feel guilt for her legal choices or force her to endure the pregnancy she does not want.

Maybe if she used birth control rather than abortion?
Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.

When you start pulling a kid out in pieces it's nothing short of murder.
Are there exceptions? Of course,but i'd rather see em hand out birth control and the morning after pill like skittles.

fetus is already dead before any procedure to remove it begins. It is dead tissue
You are not preventing the death only changing how dead tissue is removed.

Women can take pills at home up to 24 weeks, inducing a miscarriage, then it goes to a hospital with this bill for removal instead of clinic. You are not preventing anything. The dead tissue still needs to be removed.

If she takes pills she get by mail or gets an injection from a doctor, the fetus is still dead.

The substance for the injection can be bought a number of laces for a few dollars. Mix with water and inject with syringe. A mid wife or nurse would know where to inject. An ultra sound could be rented at most medical supply stores. Someone could stick the needle in and the woman can inject herself.

You are not stopping anything. If she wants to terminate, she will. By pills, injection or throwing her self down the stairs or wrapping her car round a lamp post. You cannot stop her.

Once the fetus is dead, any doctor is obligated by some procedure to remove it.

She can pay $600 at a clinic for an abortion, $50 for a home kit or terminate on her own for $3-4 and let insurance or the state pick up the cost for the removal.

Your bill has accomplished nothing.

Keep making it harder and she will end up finding some back alley doctor.

There are too many natural and openly available means from herbs, pills, injections or a coat hanger.

Break the water, start the bleeding, make the heart stop and she can walk into any emergency room or call 911.

My first choice would always be birth control. You don't even need to go to a pharmacy and purchase it. People are not taught to use what can be found in any home, or even found on the street, garden or public park for free.

If you know how to kill sperm cells you have birth control. You just have to use it before sex.

After sex there are many ways that work relatively well to prevent pregnancy. It still only take one sperm out of millions involved in each coupling

Every form has at least a 0.01% change of failure. Even a cold or allergy can cause birth control to fail.

You are not going to force a woman to be a mother if she does not want to carry or give birth.

A mountain of paper is not going to stop her finding a way to terminate.

So who created the "dead flesh"?

Her legal choice to terminate, or share her body for nine months

Her body, her womb, her life, her decision.

You should never know or have any part in her decision.

Well that was a pathetic dodge...
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

You must be carrying some serious guilt....

Why? I have had a very full and accomplished life? Most of my life has been helping other and saving lives. In any emergency or doctors office the first concern would always be for the woman's mental, and physical well being. If she is not ready to be a mother, that is her right. If she has other plans and ambitions, that is her choice.

HER choice, not yours or anyone else's.

You can't force her not to have an abortion and I am not trying to force anyone to have an abortion.

Neither of us have that right. It has to be her choice, her body and her life.

If you interfere or try to take those right away from her then you are are the evil one.

I'm not judging her choices, but you and a few others seem determined to judge her and force her to feel guilt for her legal choices or force her to endure the pregnancy she does not want.

Maybe if she used birth control rather than abortion?

Yes, all could have been avoided had she stopped by Walmart and spent $1.00.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

You must be carrying some serious guilt....

Why? I have had a very full and accomplished life? Most of my life has been helping other and saving lives. In any emergency or doctors office the first concern would always be for the woman's mental, and physical well being. If she is not ready to be a mother, that is her right. If she has other plans and ambitions, that is her choice.

HER choice, not yours or anyone else's.

You can't force her not to have an abortion and I am not trying to force anyone to have an abortion.

Neither of us have that right. It has to be her choice, her body and her life.

If you interfere or try to take those right away from her then you are are the evil one.

I'm not judging her choices, but you and a few others seem determined to judge her and force her to feel guilt for her legal choices or force her to endure the pregnancy she does not want.

Maybe if she used birth control rather than abortion?

Yes, all could have been avoided had she stopped by Walmart and spent $1.00.

Thats the thing that kills me.
People that have such disregard for a human life that birth control is to much trouble to avoid killing a child.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
“The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn apart limb by limb,” Justice Kennedy wrote in his dissent in the 2000 case Stenberg v. Carhart. “The fetus can be alive at the beginning of the dismemberment process and can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.”

jesus christ...how the hell can anyone support this disgusting practice!?

The injection given the fetus before the removal begins makes sure the fetus is already dead and can't bleed to "death"
Dead has not feeling in the incident of not coming out whole.
the patient needs everything to come out completely, and if there are lots of pieces there is a greater chance bits would remain.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

She has a legal right for an abortion if she so choose. It is her body.

Her medical and life choices should never be open to you or anyone else.

You have no right to judge her or force her to follow your will

You should never even be aware of her choice.
If it is a legal operation I agree with you. Does everyone have to agree that there should be such a law on the books would be another issue. When a child is in her body it is not just her body and a child in the womb is not just another piece of tissue; it is another human being. Her medical choices and life decisions become another person's business the very moment that she asks another person to be involved. If she wants to deal with the matter as an individual without another person's involvement she needs to do that. And again there are many choices other than involving another person in that personal decision she makes. There is no reasons whatsoever to make anyone else complicit in her personal decisions.
one person's church or god has no part in the life of someone else with their beliefs.

I'm not forcing anyone what to choose. But no one should take that choice away from them. They are free to decide their life and their body, but not mine, yours, the kid down the street or the woman across the country.

A woman has a legal right to be free and make her choices. She is not someone's property to control. I've been making my choices since I was small. I was not restricted or told what to do. Maybe not all my choice were the best in hind sight, but they were mine. It was my life. There were many things I had no choice over. I don't control nature and I cant prevent or stop a war on my own. If I don't know there is danger I can't make the decision to avoid it.

I can't or want to control the decisions of other and I damn well don't want them making mine.

If I choose to play wit snakes or alligators no one gets to tell me I can't because I might get bit.

Everyone is free to make their choices for them, not the rest of the population.

I don't get to know the medical records of anyone without writes permission. I don't get to make choices if they are capable of understanding and saying no in some way.

I'm not telling them what to do, nor am I trying to take their rights away from them. I'm not going to let others decide or take the rights and freedoms away from other if I can help it.

I've lives in repressive societies where woman have few if any right. I've also seen what happens to woman after rape and abuse. I seen woman die in childbirth and know woman who kill themselves because they are pregnant, and seen woman killed.

I've tried to help and empower them when I could and just been a shoulder at others time.

A woman should have an absolute right to control her own body and life.
That argument has been over played, and discredited for at least a decade.

Ignorance about what is inside the womb can no longer be excused. We now have 4D sonograms, which provides a window into the woman, and makes it clear there is a living being inside that looks very much like a human baby.

All arguments about the absolute right of a woman's right to unilaterally destroy the life in her womb are based on Roe v. Wade, which was frankly one of the most illogical and ridiculous decisions ever issued by the Supreme Court. The decision robs all 50 states and the American people from having any input into deciding a very important social issue that affects us all.

Ever since that decision, the federal courts have been playing a desperate and losing game of preserving the status quo against the repeated attempts of 50 states to decided for themselves and their people how abortion shall be regulated.

The whole point of a federal system is that the states are sovereign and the federal government is a government of limited enumeratated powers set forth in the Constitution. The abortion decision was not based on the Constitution, but on a "right to privacy" that exists nowhere.

An abortion is medical privacy and not subject to debate by those out side.
Life, liberty and happiness of those living, and the rights of woman should never be subject to the mob.
Each woman has her own unique reason for choosing to be a mother or not. The family circumstances, ambitions, health, emotion maturity, age, risks.............
Woman have since the dawn of civilization been making their choices about pregnancy. You can't ban natural form of inducing a miscarriage, nor birth control.
Churches of all type should have no influence on the courts decisions, or impose themselves on others.
You should have no knowledge of who has had an abortion and no right to deny a woman her rights.
It is not a child till it can breath, control it's heartbeat and eat apart from the woman.
Nor can you deny a woman for medical reason, the necessity for an abortion.

Take your miss reading and lack of understanding of the bible and shove it. We don't impose religion on people, or legislation in the country. Not everyone reads or cares about your book. Guilt should not be part of a decision, life and concern for the woman should.

Children are wonders and joys when it is the right time for them. Sometime for some people it is not right.

On paper or not, women will have abortions. Better they are allowed information, options and if they choose a safe place to have an abortion.

You can't know the fluctuation and changes that go on in every women that gets pregnant.
You get sick, you go to a doctor to make it stop. You have pains, trouble breathing and moving, you go to a doctor. Emotional highs and low, you go to a doctor. Some woman cannot tolerate a pregnancy, some just don't want to. Nine months can seem an eternity if you are in pain physically or mentally. There are times when the fetus is simply not comparable with the women's body. If she already has some under line condition, pregnancy can be more difficult and even risky.

It does not matter the reason, and there are millions, it is the woman's body and her life, the decision should always be hers. You should, legally and morally, never even know or have a voice in the matter.

Not your right to know why a woman goes to a clinic and what treatment she might discuss with her doctor, nor should you decide her body or her life, especially when you can't know her whole story.

Not your business to know what happens inside to exam room or what she thinks is best for her.

Emotionally charged ignorant legislators should not be making laws on a woman's physical and mental health. Each case should be on an individual basis, not a widespread wide-reaching paper, written mostly by men.

Every woman and every pregnancy is different. A woman has the first few months to decide if she can or should change her life, even for nine months to carry a fetus term.

No state or federal capital can decide for all women.

It will happen anyway if a woman is determined, it should be a safe choice. If and when she is ready, she can become pregnant or adopt later in time.

Some women have a need to be a mother, many do not, some never want or cannot care for themselves or even do what is necessary for a safe and healthy delivery.

Now there is also the spread of disease and even life threatening and painful deformity and if is fair for a fetus/infant to be born under those circumstances.

When it is right, have and enjoy children, but they should be wanted and able to be cared for, not just produced and discarded to the state.

Ever decision for or against should be carefully weighed, but in the end the woman has to do what is right for her.

Either way, when a woman does decide, her friends and family should accept and support her decision.

If there is some higher force or judgement in death, that is for her to deal with at that time, not by you, or your church, or strangers. We all make choices, some make mistakes, but it is the individual's life to live.

This bill is not about banning abortions, just trying to deny a woman the choice for an easier, safer, quicker and less expense procedure for one with more risk, longer recover, higher cost because somehow they worry about dead tissue being cut apart so it can be extracted for some reason.

It is not living during the procedure and he fetus is not ripped apart and bleeding to death.

Why do you offer more options and less judgement for pets than a woman with her own mind and choices have non of your been raised or worked on a farm? None of your had pets?

If the dead fetus is not removed in a timely manner, the woman will die. If you are so concerned with life, why make it harder or riskier for her?

You want to make it harder and some are even making it free by mail in some cases.

At home they don't have to be judge by busy bodies that feel they have the right to know a woman's health and choices. It is a cocktail of pills over a two day period and the body aborts the fetus in the privacy and security of her own home.

How it is done is irrelevant in the end, the results are the same, if a woman wants an abortion, she will have one.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

So does that mean you are in the front of the line of those volunteering to donate their bodies to house unwanted fetus'?
Of course not. I am a male. I grew up and had sexual partners too. The women today are not the first women to go through their child bearing years. I'm actually saying that it should be far easier to prevent an unwanted pregnancy today than at any time in history. Are the women more stupid today? What has happened is that the woman has assumed the position of responsibility now where in the past it was the male's responsibility.

Males can carry a pregnancy, albeit it's more risky. If you're that concerned - donate your body to house an unwanted fetus (put your money where your dick is).
Ya still had to kill them first.

It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?

The one who wants to evict an unwanted tenant.
It is her body, her tissue, her nourishment, her blood, her life, her mind, her choice.

I she wants to have a breast removed, it is her tissue that is being killed. If she wants her womb removed, that is her decision. If she wants part of her womb removed, it her choice.
Till it is living on it's own outside her body, it is still part of her and she can do what she wants.
If it cannot breath and function apart from her, it is not an independent life and what happens is her decision.

You have no part in her decision or what she does. When it is your body, you can decide. Her body, you don't get a vote. As long as it is inside her, it is her body. When it is outside her body, she can walk away. No one can make her choices for her.

Even the bible does not give a value for a life till it is at least a month old.

If she is does not believe in god or have any faith, you cannot impose yours on her against her will.

Either way you have no say at all

She has the right to control her own body. If she chooses not to share her body, that is her right.

Morally and legally, you get no part in her life or what she thinks is best for her.

You can only decide for your body.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?

The one who wants to evict an unwanted tenant.

Damn...thats in poor taste right there.

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