Dismemberment abortion ban sent to WV Governors desk

The injection given the fetus before the removal begins makes sure the fetus is already dead and can't bleed to "death"
Dead has not feeling in the incident of not coming out whole.
the patient needs everything to come out completely, and if there are lots of pieces there is a greater chance bits would remain.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

She has a legal right for an abortion if she so choose. It is her body.

Her medical and life choices should never be open to you or anyone else.

You have no right to judge her or force her to follow your will

You should never even be aware of her choice.
If it is a legal operation I agree with you. Does everyone have to agree that there should be such a law on the books would be another issue. When a child is in her body it is not just her body and a child in the womb is not just another piece of tissue; it is another human being. Her medical choices and life decisions become another person's business the very moment that she asks another person to be involved. If she wants to deal with the matter as an individual without another person's involvement she needs to do that. And again there are many choices other than involving another person in that personal decision she makes. There is no reasons whatsoever to make anyone else complicit in her personal decisions.

Medical records and doctor patient discussion are privileged/private, not public.

Abortion is a legal choice so the involvement of a medical professional is not for public knowledge and permissible.
You don't get to know or interfere.

Many woman are opting for home abortions. They no longer get counted by patient numbers in procedure preformed, and never identified by name or personal identification.

In a clinic, the woman has the safety net should anything go wrong, at home they are alone and need to wait for 911 to arrive. I don't care if it is a doctor or good friend, I think the woman should have someone there with her, if to other reason to just hold her hand let her know someone cares about her no matter.

Since home abortions have been used, the safety and privacy are making them more popular, but as with anything, even walking across a room or drinking a glass of water, there is a chance for things to go wrong. A woman can choose to be alone or to have a friend around.

Birth control can fail for many reason. If she has a cold, allergies or any small infection from a paper cut it can make the birth control less effective. Even a long term use can fail if the person travels to a different time zone. Some are actually allergic to most types of condoms. Sponges, diaphragms, spermicides are poorly understood how to use. Some women can't take the pill. Natural methods have been almost forgotten in this modern medicine day and age. Most people have birth control in their own kitchens and not know it. No I don't suggest crocodile dung no matter how effective.

Even common herb and plants can be used for a day after or to induce a miscarriage if you know about them. Men and woman don't learn these at an early age any more.

An abortion is not a first line option, it is a hard choice, but it should be available and a woman's right over her own body and life. Nor should it be out of bounds t o those with low income. Every woman should have the right to choose no matter if she is rich or poor.

Petty concern over tax dollars for prenatal, birth control, health screening and family planning clinics when it come to a woman's life and rights is a truly stupid argument.

He life, ambition, hope, dreams, mental and physical well being matter. If she does not have a child when she is not ready, she can have one later when it is the right choice for her.
So the fetus is alive? They should charge the fake doctors and the so called mothers with murder.

It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

She has a legal right for an abortion if she so choose. It is her body.

Her medical and life choices should never be open to you or anyone else.

You have no right to judge her or force her to follow your will

You should never even be aware of her choice.
If it is a legal operation I agree with you. Does everyone have to agree that there should be such a law on the books would be another issue. When a child is in her body it is not just her body and a child in the womb is not just another piece of tissue; it is another human being. Her medical choices and life decisions become another person's business the very moment that she asks another person to be involved. If she wants to deal with the matter as an individual without another person's involvement she needs to do that. And again there are many choices other than involving another person in that personal decision she makes. There is no reasons whatsoever to make anyone else complicit in her personal decisions.

Medical records and doctor patient discussion are privileged/private, not public.

Abortion is a legal choice so the involvement of a medical professional is not for public knowledge and permissible.
You don't get to know or interfere.

Many woman are opting for home abortions. They no longer get counted by patient numbers in procedure preformed, and never identified by name or personal identification.

In a clinic, the woman has the safety net should anything go wrong, at home they are alone and need to wait for 911 to arrive. I don't care if it is a doctor or good friend, I think the woman should have someone there with her, if to other reason to just hold her hand let her know someone cares about her no matter.

Since home abortions have been used, the safety and privacy are making them more popular, but as with anything, even walking across a room or drinking a glass of water, there is a chance for things to go wrong. A woman can choose to be alone or to have a friend around.

Birth control can fail for many reason. If she has a cold, allergies or any small infection from a paper cut it can make the birth control less effective. Even a long term use can fail if the person travels to a different time zone. Some are actually allergic to most types of condoms. Sponges, diaphragms, spermicides are poorly understood how to use. Some women can't take the pill. Natural methods have been almost forgotten in this modern medicine day and age. Most people have birth control in their own kitchens and not know it. No I don't suggest crocodile dung no matter how effective.

Even common herb and plants can be used for a day after or to induce a miscarriage if you know about them. Men and woman don't learn these at an early age any more.

An abortion is not a first line option, it is a hard choice, but it should be available and a woman's right over her own body and life. Nor should it be out of bounds t o those with low income. Every woman should have the right to choose no matter if she is rich or poor.

Petty concern over tax dollars for prenatal, birth control, health screening and family planning clinics when it come to a woman's life and rights is a truly stupid argument.

He life, ambition, hope, dreams, mental and physical well being matter. If she does not have a child when she is not ready, she can have one later when it is the right choice for her.
Murder of a child in the womb won't always be legal for doctors to perform.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

So does that mean you are in the front of the line of those volunteering to donate their bodies to house unwanted fetus'?
Of course not. I am a male. I grew up and had sexual partners too. The women today are not the first women to go through their child bearing years. I'm actually saying that it should be far easier to prevent an unwanted pregnancy today than at any time in history. Are the women more stupid today? What has happened is that the woman has assumed the position of responsibility now where in the past it was the male's responsibility.

Males can carry a pregnancy, albeit it's more risky. If you're that concerned - donate your body to house an unwanted fetus (put your money where your dick is).

Uterus transplants, the wonders of modern medicine.
This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?

The one who wants to evict an unwanted tenant.

Damn...thats in poor taste right there.

If she does not want to share her body or change her life for a fetus, for nine months or more, that is her right. There are women who can have a child but choose to use a surrogate rather than actually own child or disrupt her life, or she wanted too long till it was right for her.
Women have many options to have a child that will be wanted and love, why should she not have options when she does not want?

Her life and hr choices should matter. A child should be brought into the world with love, not because of some accident or if it is just to be rejected after birth. Some women are just not the type that should be mothers.

Children should not be just over population, but truly wanted.

Why should abortions have ever been taboo or illegal. After the black death it might have made
sense, but apart from that, it does not.

life unloved makes no benefit or sense. When a child is wanted it is a treasure.

No child should be unwanted or resented by a mother. Better to wait till it is the right time.
I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?

The one who wants to evict an unwanted tenant.

Damn...thats in poor taste right there.

If she does not want to share her body or change her life for a fetus, for nine months or more, that is her right. There are women who can have a child but choose to use a surrogate rather than actually own child or disrupt her life, or she wanted too long till it was right for her.
Women have many options to have a child that will be wanted and love, why should she not have options when she does not want?

Her life and hr choices should matter. A child should be brought into the world with love, not because of some accident or if it is just to be rejected after birth. Some women are just not the type that should be mothers.

Children should not be just over population, but truly wanted.

Why should abortions have ever been taboo or illegal. After the black death it might have made
sense, but apart from that, it does not.

life unloved makes no benefit or sense. When a child is wanted it is a treasure.

No child should be unwanted or resented by a mother. Better to wait till it is the right time.

So your insane answer is to murder it? I feel sorry for you. You are one sick dude.
It is a woman's right and they simply make sure there is not heart beat so their is no pain or sensation.
The removal is basically the same idea and a D&C, which is common enough when the body does not release all waste each month. There are a few options but the lining is removed.
The idea of ripping a living fetus apart is incorrect. Nor can something already dead bleed to death.

Religion should not be apart of anti-abortion reason since not every one is of the same faith or more particularly of the same church or synagogue. Some women might be atheist and don't believe in the religious that attempt to impose their faith on other people. They have no right to take a woman's right or free choice from her.
For home abortions all those interfering people have no right to even know what happens.

As far as government funding, government down not pay for abortions except in time of rape. It is not yours, any church or organization and the governments business. It is a matter between the patient and the doctor. Now it is a matter of a phone call or email order and not hands of any doctor is involved. After the first week, she requires only a blood test and ultra sound or place the order which she takes herself at home.

In the case of deformed of brain damaged, it is a mercy rather than make an infant die a horrible death. In the case of mother's medical treatment, always, always the doctor will work to save the mother first if possible. The fetus is removed while so she can be treated. To remove after treatment begins risk infection and other complication while the immune system is compromised which could mean her death.

No one should be forced to carry and give birth against their will or if it mean endangering their health.

The woman's body, the woman's choice.

Ending a pregnancy is permitted in the religious text. The know herbs used to brew the potions are for the most part bitter, the text refers to them as bitter water which is given to the women.

In most cases the woman can give birth later on. Women who get chemo are often given the option to save their eggs in case they are all killed.

If someone objects on moral ground, they should not get an abortion, but they have no right to force their beliefs on others.

All types of exaggerations and lies used to make those not involved that somehow the fetus has any feeling at all in the process. They create imagery of butchery and brutality when that is not the case. A D&C is not a pleasant procedure, but the discomfort goes away quickly enough. It is just tissue and blood that would otherwise become toxic to the woman if not removed. If the body does not expel it naturally then the doctor needs to remove it with one of a few procedures.
If a woman does not want to be pregnant she has shitloads of options to deal with it by natural means or the day after pill. No one else has to be involved or help pay for another person to destroy a child in her womb. Its barbaric what abortion doctors do and even more barbaric to use aborted fetus cells that have been cloned in food products without ever fully identifying that is what they are doing.

She has a legal right for an abortion if she so choose. It is her body.

Her medical and life choices should never be open to you or anyone else.

You have no right to judge her or force her to follow your will

You should never even be aware of her choice.
If it is a legal operation I agree with you. Does everyone have to agree that there should be such a law on the books would be another issue. When a child is in her body it is not just her body and a child in the womb is not just another piece of tissue; it is another human being. Her medical choices and life decisions become another person's business the very moment that she asks another person to be involved. If she wants to deal with the matter as an individual without another person's involvement she needs to do that. And again there are many choices other than involving another person in that personal decision she makes. There is no reasons whatsoever to make anyone else complicit in her personal decisions.

Medical records and doctor patient discussion are privileged/private, not public.

Abortion is a legal choice so the involvement of a medical professional is not for public knowledge and permissible.
You don't get to know or interfere.

Many woman are opting for home abortions. They no longer get counted by patient numbers in procedure preformed, and never identified by name or personal identification.

In a clinic, the woman has the safety net should anything go wrong, at home they are alone and need to wait for 911 to arrive. I don't care if it is a doctor or good friend, I think the woman should have someone there with her, if to other reason to just hold her hand let her know someone cares about her no matter.

Since home abortions have been used, the safety and privacy are making them more popular, but as with anything, even walking across a room or drinking a glass of water, there is a chance for things to go wrong. A woman can choose to be alone or to have a friend around.

Birth control can fail for many reason. If she has a cold, allergies or any small infection from a paper cut it can make the birth control less effective. Even a long term use can fail if the person travels to a different time zone. Some are actually allergic to most types of condoms. Sponges, diaphragms, spermicides are poorly understood how to use. Some women can't take the pill. Natural methods have been almost forgotten in this modern medicine day and age. Most people have birth control in their own kitchens and not know it. No I don't suggest crocodile dung no matter how effective.

Even common herb and plants can be used for a day after or to induce a miscarriage if you know about them. Men and woman don't learn these at an early age any more.

An abortion is not a first line option, it is a hard choice, but it should be available and a woman's right over her own body and life. Nor should it be out of bounds t o those with low income. Every woman should have the right to choose no matter if she is rich or poor.

Petty concern over tax dollars for prenatal, birth control, health screening and family planning clinics when it come to a woman's life and rights is a truly stupid argument.

He life, ambition, hope, dreams, mental and physical well being matter. If she does not have a child when she is not ready, she can have one later when it is the right choice for her.
Murder of a child in the womb won't always be legal for doctors to perform.

It shouldn't be now. Being legal doesn't make it right. It is a barbaric act.
What it boils down to is a female who is stupid enough to get herself knocked up this day and age with contraceptives being so readily available and inexpensive, is suddenly intelligent enough to decided upon the life or death of the baby within her womb. Unwanted pregnancy except by reason or rape is totally unwarranted in this day and age.

It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631
Aris2chat is an evil retard.
I just can't wait till the political wind blows toward a majority seeing that abortion is murder. When supporting abortion become a political nightmare. Then the liberals on here will all of a sudden be against a woman's right to choose. It won't be long.
Liberals like to portray themselves as the compassionate people:

Compassion for the poor, compassion for the disabled, compassion for battered women, compassion for rape victims, compassion for disadvantaged minorities, even compassion for capital murder convicts sentenced to death.

But then they throw it all away when they support abortion on demand, during all nine months, for any reason, or no reason at all.

Were it not for liberals' support for abortion, I might be a liberal myself. I am a Catholic, and Catholic Church teachings are similar to what liberals pretend to believe: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, curing the sick, visiting the prisoner, welcoming the stranger. Many (perhaps most) bishops, priests and nuns, and the Pope, are liberal because they think liberalism and Catholicism are one and the same.

But they are not.

Liberals' support of abortion makes everything they say they believe a lie.

If you are compassionate for your fellow human beings, you cannot carve out an exception. That exception is a hole that like a cancer, eats away and destroys the rest.

Liberalism, as it now stands, is a combination of Communist economic ideas, combined with Nazi ideas on who should be allowed to live.
It is "her" womb. Her right to her choice. If she wants to remove part or whole of her womb, that is her right. You get no say if she gets a D&C, takes birth control, has sex, has a her tubes tied, has a hysterectomy or has an abortion.

It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
I just can't wait till the political wind blows toward a majority seeing that abortion is murder. When supporting abortion become a political nightmare. Then the liberals on here will all of a sudden be against a woman's right to choose. It won't be long.

Women will still find a way, natural, chemical, surgical or some back street butcher.

How is saving an infant not born in love and left the the system better than to ruining a woman's life, because she not ready or able to be a mother?

Every child should be born in love, not be unwanted.
Liberals like to portray themselves as the compassionate people:

Compassion for the poor, compassion for the disabled, compassion for battered women, compassion for rape victims, compassion for disadvantaged minorities, even compassion for capital murder convicts sentenced to death.

But then they throw it all away when they support abortion on demand, during all nine months, for any reason, or no reason at all.

Were it not for liberals' support for abortion, I might be a liberal myself. I am a Catholic, and Catholic Church teachings are similar to what liberals pretend to believe: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, curing the sick, visiting the prisoner, welcoming the stranger. Many (perhaps most) bishops, priests and nuns, and the Pope, are liberal because they think liberalism and Catholicism are one and the same.

But they are not.

Liberals' support of abortion makes everything they say they believe a lie.

If you are compassionate for your fellow human beings, you cannot carve out an exception. That exception is a hole that like a cancer, eats away and destroys the rest.

Liberalism, as it now stands, is a combination of Communist economic ideas, combined with Nazi ideas on who should be allowed to live.

>>Historically, under both English Common Law and U.S. law, the fetus has not been recognized as a person with full rights. Instead, legal rights have centered on the mother, with the fetus treated as a part of her.<<

>>it's never ethical to supersede the autonomy and freedoms of a woman simply because she is pregnant. The woman is the patient, she has the right to decide for herself what her treatment should be, the practitioner dose not have the moral authority to override that.<<

>>ethical conundrums to laypeople is that "the mother is the life support of the baby."

I can't think of a clinical scenario where one would save the life of the baby OVER the life of a mother anyway, because generally speaking, promoting the health of the mother in effect promotes the health of the baby. <<

Handbook for Health Care Ethics Committees

Woman before fetus.
Woman's rights to abort

Moral, medical, ethical, legal..............................................

You emotions and religious morality don't count

Abortion and Mental Health: Myths and Realities

Abortion: Every woman's right | SocialistWorker.org
Nov 1, 2013 - The Freedom of Choice Act now before Congress should be viewed in this light--an important first step in restoring abortion rights in the U.S. ...
BBC - Ethics - Abortion: Arguments in favour of abortion
Here are some of the women's rights arguments in favour of abortion: ... Furthermore, they say, women's freedom and life choices are limited by bearing children, ...
Freedom of Choice Acts (FOCA) - NARAL Pro-Choice America
NARAL Pro‑Choice America
What are Freedom of Choice Acts, and why do states need to codify Roe's ... pass legislation banning abortion nationwide, trumping state codifications of Roe's ...
The Freedom to Choose - A Woman's Fundamental Right to ...
Women have the right to choose either abortion or to deliver and raise a child. This basic and important reproductive choice should not be made by the ...

Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ... like the fetal “flinching” during an amniocentesis — are reflexive, not experiential. Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
It is my business if she is having it done at Planned Parenthood which is receiving my tax dollars and donating those dollars toward Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. No, the murder of her baby is not on my hands. She will answer for that decision.

You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.
You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

The bill is about 24 weeks a particular method. The fetus is dead so the method it is removed should not be an issue.

As far as late term abortion, the mother's life always take priority.

The pregnant woman had a right to life and a right to be protected from assault. This was never questioned. But these rights implied other rights, particularly, a right to medical treatment in the event of illness. An important distinction was introduced in the sixteenth century by Antonius de Corduba, a Franciscan theologian, between medicine for the health of the mother (de se salutifera) and medicine for what would directly cause the death of the fetus (de se mortifera). Corduba reasoned that since the mother has a greater or prior right to life (ius potius), she has a right to therapeutic treatment even if that treatment results in the accidental death of the fetus.<<

>>Tertullian, a 2nd- and 3rd-century Christian theologian argued that abortion should be performed only in cases in which abnormal positioning of the fetus in the womb would endanger the life of the pregnant women. Saint Augustine, in Enchiridion, makes passing mention of surgical procedures being performed to remove fetuses which have expired in utero<<

>>abortion is considered from a social perspective more than from a theological perspective. The mother's life is considered as a priority.<<

>>In 1967, 21 members of the clergy announced in the New York Times that they would help women find safe abortion providers<<

Instruction on health including directions for birth control and abortions.
Thesaurus Pauperum by Pope John XXI

Any abortions that late in term are done for health reason, to save the life of the woman. Then you want a bill that actually is less safe for a woman?
aris2chat, you seem like a nice person, but you are wrong to believe that a mother has a right to kill her child.

Sex has consequences. When a man or a woman engages in sexual intercourse, both are taking the risk that there will be a conception that creates new life in the womb.

As the law stands, if a woman decides to keep her baby, the man has financial responsibility for the child until it turns 18-years-old. Men cannot opt out of their responsibilities if they become fathers.

By that same logic, women shouldn't be able to opt out of their responsibilities either.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

The bill is about 24 weeks a particular method. The fetus is dead so the method it is removed should not be an issue.

As far as late term abortion, the mother's life always take priority.

The pregnant woman had a right to life and a right to be protected from assault. This was never questioned. But these rights implied other rights, particularly, a right to medical treatment in the event of illness. An important distinction was introduced in the sixteenth century by Antonius de Corduba, a Franciscan theologian, between medicine for the health of the mother (de se salutifera) and medicine for what would directly cause the death of the fetus (de se mortifera). Corduba reasoned that since the mother has a greater or prior right to life (ius potius), she has a right to therapeutic treatment even if that treatment results in the accidental death of the fetus.<<

>>Tertullian, a 2nd- and 3rd-century Christian theologian argued that abortion should be performed only in cases in which abnormal positioning of the fetus in the womb would endanger the life of the pregnant women. Saint Augustine, in Enchiridion, makes passing mention of surgical procedures being performed to remove fetuses which have expired in utero<<

>>abortion is considered from a social perspective more than from a theological perspective. The mother's life is considered as a priority.<<

>>In 1967, 21 members of the clergy announced in the New York Times that they would help women find safe abortion providers<<

Instruction on health including directions for birth control and abortions.
Thesaurus Pauperum by Pope John XXI

Any abortions that late in term are done for health reason, to save the life of the woman. Then you want a bill that actually is less safe for a woman?
How many weeks is irrelevant to you.
"An abortion is medical privacy and not subject to debate by those out side.
Life, liberty and happiness of those living, and the rights of woman should never be subject to the mob."
You're for murdering babies at 9 months too. Your words condemn you.
I just can't wait till the political wind blows toward a majority seeing that abortion is murder. When supporting abortion become a political nightmare. Then the liberals on here will all of a sudden be against a woman's right to choose. It won't be long.

Women will still find a way, natural, chemical, surgical or some back street butcher.

How is saving an infant not born in love and left the the system better than to ruining a woman's life, because she not ready or able to be a mother?

Every child should be born in love, not be unwanted.
In this day and age with free birth control and Obama care there is no reason a woman should get pregnant if she doesn't want to. Quit killing the innocent baby.
It is not
aris2chat, you seem like a nice person, but you are wrong to believe that a mother has a right to kill her child.

Sex has consequences. When a man or a woman engages in sexual intercourse, both are taking the risk that there will be a conception that creates new life in the womb.

As the law stands, if a woman decides to keep her baby, the man has financial responsibility for the child until it turns 18-years-old. Men cannot opt out of their responsibilities if they become fathers.

By that same logic, women shouldn't be able to opt out of their responsibilities either.

In the womb it is not a child but a fetus. I've already present legal, medical and religious ground including the status of the fetus.

You personally might not see it that way, but the law and medical ethic, even the church do.

You decide for "you" based on what you believe, let others do the same.

If a woman wants an abortion, her records are closed to you. You don't get the know and don't get to decide.

If you go to a dermatologist to remove a mole, should the government being the room with saying a 2 min procedure has to be done in the hospital and cost 90% more and it to surgically removal instead of a simple laser treatment and you will be left with a scar.

If you have ED, do you want someone saying you can't have sex because we are making it illegal to be treated

If you have worms, should the church demand that you not remove them because they are living beings and need your body to feed and protect them, no matter how sick you get or how much pain you are in?

No one should be in your medical room with you, and you don't get to be in the rooms with a women who might be considering an abortion.

What happens in the exam room between doctor and patient, stays in the exam room.

You don't get to know or say what is right for her.

In every field, the woman's life, needs and health will take priority, she is the patient and it is her womb, her body. Fetus is a temporary guest, but she has a right to kick it out if she wants or need to. She cannot be forced to keep the guest for nine months. She cannot be chained to someone she does not want to be with. If she chooses, she is divorcing herself from a fetus she does not want to live with.
If she gives birth and Does not want to live with the child, there are places to leave it. If a teen is disrupting and misbehaving, she can kick it out for it to find a way, or not, out on its own.
You can sent a kid off to boarding school and summer camp and never see or speak to it. You can sent it to boot camp. You can turn it over to social services and foster care.
If she needs treatment, you don't get to with hold that till after she gives birth.

A pregnant women has the option for in abortion, and not be chained to the fetus.

I don't care what a woman chooses, as long as it is "her" choice and it is best for her. If it was my daughter or a stranger, it would be the same. Her choice.

The woman is the patient, it is her life to live, and that might be not to carry or give birth to a child, or not yet.
Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

The bill is about 24 weeks a particular method. The fetus is dead so the method it is removed should not be an issue.

As far as late term abortion, the mother's life always take priority.

The pregnant woman had a right to life and a right to be protected from assault. This was never questioned. But these rights implied other rights, particularly, a right to medical treatment in the event of illness. An important distinction was introduced in the sixteenth century by Antonius de Corduba, a Franciscan theologian, between medicine for the health of the mother (de se salutifera) and medicine for what would directly cause the death of the fetus (de se mortifera). Corduba reasoned that since the mother has a greater or prior right to life (ius potius), she has a right to therapeutic treatment even if that treatment results in the accidental death of the fetus.<<

>>Tertullian, a 2nd- and 3rd-century Christian theologian argued that abortion should be performed only in cases in which abnormal positioning of the fetus in the womb would endanger the life of the pregnant women. Saint Augustine, in Enchiridion, makes passing mention of surgical procedures being performed to remove fetuses which have expired in utero<<

>>abortion is considered from a social perspective more than from a theological perspective. The mother's life is considered as a priority.<<

>>In 1967, 21 members of the clergy announced in the New York Times that they would help women find safe abortion providers<<

Instruction on health including directions for birth control and abortions.
Thesaurus Pauperum by Pope John XXI

Any abortions that late in term are done for health reason, to save the life of the woman. Then you want a bill that actually is less safe for a woman?
How many weeks is irrelevant to you.
"An abortion is medical privacy and not subject to debate by those out side.
Life, liberty and happiness of those living, and the rights of woman should never be subject to the mob."
You're for murdering babies at 9 months too. Your words condemn you.
View attachment 65711

At 8-9 months the fetus can be removed if that is her choice. Doctors can induce labor or she can have a C-section. If she is removing it and she needs treatment, a C-section might dely the start date.

If she leaves the fetus-baby for the month or two and begins treatment, the fetus will die.

Doctors will discuss her options....................not you or anyone else

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