Dismemberment abortion ban sent to WV Governors desk

This is why women are so screwed in the head.

I'd imagine they'd have to come up with all kinds of reasons why it's okay just to try and smother the guilt they feel.

Why should she feel guilt if it is the right choice for her to make. That is her legal right to decide. It is her body.

So who decides it's the right choice?

The one who wants to evict an unwanted tenant.

Damn...thats in poor taste right there.

Essentially, that is what it boils down to. No one else has the right to force a woman to continue to carry and maintain it against her will. It's her body, her choice, her life, her future, her decision.
Should men be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will?
They both contribute to it.
Embryo's can be implanted.
It's risky, but so is pregnancy in a woman.
I just can't wait till the political wind blows toward a majority seeing that abortion is murder. When supporting abortion become a political nightmare. Then the liberals on here will all of a sudden be against a woman's right to choose. It won't be long.

Women will still find a way, natural, chemical, surgical or some back street butcher.

How is saving an infant not born in love and left the the system better than to ruining a woman's life, because she not ready or able to be a mother?

Every child should be born in love, not be unwanted.
In this day and age with free birth control and Obama care there is no reason a woman should get pregnant if she doesn't want to. Quit killing the innocent baby.

There are many reason for birth control can fail

She might have been raped and did not want to report it

She might find a child at that time is not comparable, with her body or with her life.

Terminating is her right if that is what she thinks is best. You don't get to know or say, it is privileged. HIPAA.

What she does is none of your business.

Till it is born, it is not an innocent baby, it is a fetus feeding off her body. If it is not welcome, she gets to move it out.

If she does not want to be a mother.............the fetus is a vampire feeding on her, chained to her to her so she can't escape. Abortion is cutting the chain and removing the fangs.

You personally might think of it as a child, but legally, religious/ morally by others, medically, it is not yet a child.

Your perception of it's status does not matter

What you think of her choices does not matter

It is not your body.

Want a live child...............adopt one of the millions out there
You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

Go back to school, 24 weeks is nt 9 months.

You are trying to put words in my mouth. At nine months she can give birth

If you are choosing an abortion for personal reason, you have up to 24 weeks in some states.
Anything after is for medical reason.
By six month of considering the future, she should have made up her mind.

You can't decide on time and jumping all over the place. Each situation and each individual woman is different, no one shoe fits all. This is why it should not be legislated, but a private decision between doctor and patient.

The reason they abort after 24 weeks is because the treatment would kill the fetus, and toxins of the dead fetus would compromise her system and effect the treatment. Removed or aborted will be discussed by the doctor. There would be may factors to consider.

Sorry we are no lego people that one part can be removed, put on the side and put back later, or not.

One size, one rule, one options does not fit all.

It is her right, her body, her decision. Each woman has to consider her own life and live her own life, alone or with someone.
Not every woman would fit what you think she should be any more than all women could follow sharia or other beliefs.

Freedom to choose, where you live, how you live, where you work, what you do, even when to have a family. No one should take these away.
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Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

Go back to school, 24 weeks is nt 9 months.

You are trying to put words in my mouth. At nine months she can give birth

If you are choosing an abortion for personal reason, you have up to 24 weeks in some states.
Anything after is for medical reason.
By six month of considering the future, she should have made up her mind.

You can decide on time and jumping all over the place. Each situation and each individual woman is different, no one shoe fits all. This is why it should not be legislated, but a private decision between doctor and patient.

The reason they abort after 24 weeks is because the treatment would kill the fetus, and toxins of the dead fetus would compromise her system and effect the treatment. Removed or aborted will be discussed by the doctor. There would be may factors to consider.

Sorry we are no lego people that one part can be removed, put on the side and put back later, or not.

One size, one rule, one options does not fit all.

It is her right, her body, her decision. Each woman has to consider her own life and live her own life, alone or with someone.
Not every woman would fit what you think she should be any more than all women could follow sharia or other beliefs.

Freedom to choose, where you live, how you live, where you work, what you do, even when to have a family. No one should take these away.
Hypocrite evildoer.
You have not right to know of or interfere in any medical decision between her and her doctor. Done not matter if she goes to a clinic, office or hospital. In an office or clinic she pays to terminate. If the fetus dies and has to be removed out side those setting it falls on the insurance or tax payer for the cost of removal. If she needs to terminate after 24 weeks it become medical necessity and it is covered by insurance.

Fetus is dead before an removal procedure begins.

It is her legal right to decide if she wants to carry and give birth.

It has nothing to do with your taxes, nor do you have a say.

You can shut down every hospital and clinic in the country which means all women are without all services including prenatal and child birth, and the death rates will go up dramatically, but it is still her right to choose for her body and her life.

You would have accomplished nothing but to kill other woman that wanted to have a child.

closing clinics our of some spite because she does not share your values or obey your dictates for her life makes no sense.

It is her body and you have no right to know if she is pregnant or if she does choose to have an
abortion or not. You should not have access to her medical records. You have not part in her choices.

You should not know if she got to a clinic of office for advice, information, a check up, birth control, prenatal care, cancer screening or an abortion. Her medical recorders are private. You don't get to know what happens in the exam room or office. You certainly don't get a vote or force her to do anything or prevent her.

None of your business.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

You can't curse me some place that does not exist in some afterlife.
Beside I've seen hell on earth and managed to live through it
The discussion was on abortions, but you seem to want to drag everything including the kitchen sink into this.

I'm supporting a womans right to control her body and make her own choices.
Legally it is her body. The fetus does not have a status till it is actually born, in some cases there are "limited" recognition after six months but it is not yet a person/citizen.

The procedure that this thread is about, the fetus is already dead. Why use a more risky procedure instead of a safer one to remove the dead fetus? It does not rip a live child to pieces so it bleeds to death, can't kill what is already dead, it removes a dead one from the mother before it begins to poison her.

By what ever means, abortions will continue, in the home or in the clinic, you should have no right to know and no right to say ............................. and no right to judge

Follow your church a beliefs for your life
Don't impose them on the rest of the world
I'm supporting a womans right to control her body and make her own choices.
Legally it is her body. The fetus does not have a status till it is actually born, in some cases there are "limited" recognition after six months but it is not yet a person/citizen.
You're the one all over the place. I said you were for abortions at 9 months, you called me a liar, then bingo here you are again supporting abortions at 9 months.

You are a liar. A fetus is a human being BEFORE it is born. Law and morality say so.
Who interfered with her medical decision?
View attachment 65555

Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

You can't curse me some place that does not exist in some afterlife.
Beside I've seen hell on earth and managed to live through it
The discussion was on abortions, but you seem to want to drag everything including the kitchen sink into this.

I'm supporting a womans right to control her body and make her own choices.
Legally it is her body. The fetus does not have a status till it is actually born, in some cases there are "limited" recognition after six months but it is not yet a person/citizen.

The procedure that this thread is about, the fetus is already dead. Why use a more risky procedure instead of a safer one to remove the dead fetus? It does not rip a live child to pieces so it bleeds to death, can't kill what is already dead, it removes a dead one from the mother before it begins to poison her.

By what ever means, abortions will continue, in the home or in the clinic, you should have no right to know and no right to say ............................. and no right to judge

Follow your church a beliefs for your life
Don't impose them on the rest of the world
A fetus is a human being before birth in every State.
- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
Fake picture and lies are not worthy of a rational discussion.
That is not at all what a fetus looks like.

Serious life choices should not be made by emotions alone, and especially not based on lies

The picture is of a cheep toy. If you knew, you are dishonest. If you didn't know you are truly ignorant.

If the latter, you have no place in such a discussion, because you don't know what you are talking about. If the former, you lost your credibility.

You really expect someone to fall for that??
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

Go back to school, 24 weeks is nt 9 months.

You are trying to put words in my mouth. At nine months she can give birth

If you are choosing an abortion for personal reason, you have up to 24 weeks in some states.
Anything after is for medical reason.
By six month of considering the future, she should have made up her mind.

You can decide on time and jumping all over the place. Each situation and each individual woman is different, no one shoe fits all. This is why it should not be legislated, but a private decision between doctor and patient.

The reason they abort after 24 weeks is because the treatment would kill the fetus, and toxins of the dead fetus would compromise her system and effect the treatment. Removed or aborted will be discussed by the doctor. There would be may factors to consider.

Sorry we are no lego people that one part can be removed, put on the side and put back later, or not.

One size, one rule, one options does not fit all.

It is her right, her body, her decision. Each woman has to consider her own life and live her own life, alone or with someone.
Not every woman would fit what you think she should be any more than all women could follow sharia or other beliefs.

Freedom to choose, where you live, how you live, where you work, what you do, even when to have a family. No one should take these away.
Hypocrite evildoer.

You have reading problem or just like creating your fiction?
Her body her choice. Why would I want to take any ones womb unless she had a problem or reason to have a doctor remove it?

She has the right to decide, not you.
I'm not taking anything away from her. I'm against letting anyone take her freedom of choice or to choose her options for a medical procedure. She has the choice not to share her womb with an unwanted fetus, if she wants to.
Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself and say they are fake pictures?
Nope, just real lumps of tissue waiting for their limbs to be ripped off.
View attachment 65631

The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

Go back to school, 24 weeks is nt 9 months.

You are trying to put words in my mouth. At nine months she can give birth

If you are choosing an abortion for personal reason, you have up to 24 weeks in some states.
Anything after is for medical reason.
By six month of considering the future, she should have made up her mind.

You can decide on time and jumping all over the place. Each situation and each individual woman is different, no one shoe fits all. This is why it should not be legislated, but a private decision between doctor and patient.

The reason they abort after 24 weeks is because the treatment would kill the fetus, and toxins of the dead fetus would compromise her system and effect the treatment. Removed or aborted will be discussed by the doctor. There would be may factors to consider.

Sorry we are no lego people that one part can be removed, put on the side and put back later, or not.

One size, one rule, one options does not fit all.

It is her right, her body, her decision. Each woman has to consider her own life and live her own life, alone or with someone.
Not every woman would fit what you think she should be any more than all women could follow sharia or other beliefs.

Freedom to choose, where you live, how you live, where you work, what you do, even when to have a family. No one should take these away.
Hypocrite evildoer.

You have reading problem or just like creating your fiction?
Her body her choice. Why would I want to take any ones womb unless she had a problem or reason to have a doctor remove it?

She has the right to decide, not you.
I'm not taking anything away from her. I'm against letting anyone take her freedom of choice or to choose her options for a medical procedure. She has the choice not to share her womb with an unwanted fetus, if she wants to.
There you go again, supporting tearing off the limbs of a 9 month old fetus before its born.

You're a sick freak.
aris2chat, I've heard all your arguments before, which are based on a radical notion of individuality that excludes the brotherhood and sisterhood of the human race. We are all brothers and sisters with Christ, but even if you don't believe that, we are still brothers and sisters scientifically because we all share a common mother who has been named "mitochondrial Eve" and lived 200,000 years ago.

Age Confirmed for 'Eve,' Mother of All Humans

So, yes it is my business what you do with your unborn child, and it is also the business of the entire human race. When members of the human race are hungry, poor, sick, naked, and in prison, it is all of our business.

Today I listened to NPR, and they were discussing lead poisoning in paint, pipes, gasoline. The letters between the corporations involved in lead poisoning this expressed the thought that there was no way to save black and Puerto Rican children from lead poisoning because the parents were ignorant and could not be taught.

Fighting for lead-free paint, pipes and gasoline was a liberal cause during the 1950's, and it is justified cause.

I have said many times that if it weren't for abortion, I might be a liberal, especially when liberals are fighting for social justice for the poor and disadvantaged.

But abortion turns the entire liberal movement on its head. Instead of fighting for the innocent, you are fighting to kill the innocent. It makes everything else you believe in a lie.
Oh, and another thing: you do not legally own your body.

You can't sell your body organs.

You can't ask a doctor to amputate a limb if there is no medical reason.

It is illegal to commit suicide.

In most states, you can't ask a doctor to kill you or assist in your suicide.
I'm supporting a womans right to control her body and make her own choices.
Legally it is her body. The fetus does not have a status till it is actually born, in some cases there are "limited" recognition after six months but it is not yet a person/citizen.
You're the one all over the place. I said you were for abortions at 9 months, you called me a liar, then bingo here you are again supporting abortions at 9 months.

You are a liar. A fetus is a human being BEFORE it is born. Law and morality say so.

We are not taking about a nine month fetus. At that age out side the womb, it would probably be viable. At seven months it would be very risky and complicate support and still might die. At eight months, it would need special care and a longer hospital stay but would have a good chance.
Each case is different and there are a lot of factors. There would be a concern about her health and if there was any crossover.

The subject was about a small incision D&C at 24 weeks as part of an abortion.

If the fetus was dead (stillborn) and she did not spontaneously abort within a few hours, she would need it removed. A baby might die for many reason during the birth, if it is in distress a doctor will usually do a C-section.

There are a few reason if the child would have suffered and die to terminate, most such problems are seen by 6th or 7th month if not sooner.

A mothers life without explicit written order from her other wise, doctors will save her life first. She is the patient of record until after the birth. If she dies, then it become a race to save the infant before it dies as well.

I'm not supporting abortion, that is a difficult private choice she has to make, but I do absolutely support her right to make that choice, and if she does choose, for her to have a safe abortion.

You don't get know if she has an abortion or to interfere in that choice. Her medical visit and treatment are private.
Should men be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will?
They both contribute to it.
Embryo's can be implanted.
It's risky, but so is pregnancy in a woman.
You're dumber than a rock. Go implant an embryo.

So, I'm guessing you're one of those who demand control of women's bodies for some "greater good" but are too cowardly to step in and offer to shelter the evicted embryo's. Mysogonist coward.
Oh, and another thing: you do not legally own your body.

You can't sell your body organs.

You can't ask a doctor to amputate a limb if there is no medical reason.

It is illegal to commit suicide.

In most states, you can't ask a doctor to kill you or assist in your suicide.

You have no right to force another to do something against their conscience. That is true.

But yes, you DO own your body. If you don't - then tell me - WHO does?
I'm supporting a womans right to control her body and make her own choices.
Legally it is her body. The fetus does not have a status till it is actually born, in some cases there are "limited" recognition after six months but it is not yet a person/citizen.
You're the one all over the place. I said you were for abortions at 9 months, you called me a liar, then bingo here you are again supporting abortions at 9 months.

You are a liar. A fetus is a human being BEFORE it is born. Law and morality say so.

No. She's totally honest.

A fetus has no STATUS until it's born. Read what she wrote.

9 months, it's a birth.
The other image was a miniature doll. $10-25 depending on clay or resin, plastic bulk about $0.50 a piece.

An infant born/miscarriage at 27 weeks looks more like this, with bones the consistency of a gummy bear, and skin almost as thin as tissue paper.

If you use photos, you should know if they are true to life or propaganda.

There have been a few born at 27 weeks but they usually have complication, dependent on machines and odds of survival are poor but improving in the last few years.

No way a 12 or 20 weeks looks so well developed and perfect.

When there is no available medical care, I've seen miscarriages and abortions in camps and during war. I've also been there for premature births at various weeks early.

There are some far too pretty images and some rather nauseating images out there, and far too many misrepresented and even total fakes.

I care about the women and their choices. Their lives matter. If they loose the fetus or choose to abort, they can usually carry one to term when the time for them is right. With limited tools and supplies many immature fetuses had no chance. In war miscarriages were common. In cases of rape, an abortion was saving the woman's life.

I've witnessed pregnant women not just raped but the fetus ripped from their open abdomen just for the fun of it. Children raped so brutally they died. Even men mutilated with their organs stuffed in their mouth. I'm no bothered by the images of a premature or aborted fetus. I tried to save the living so they could go on to have a family later on.

My experience and comment are not to cruel or evil, I've seen far to much evil. From a strict;y point of view, an tiny infant with no mother or sometimes no family to take it will die. We did not have millions in neonatal equipment or even electricity most of the time. No diapers or food not even clean water to remove the blood and mucus. I'm not heartless, but I am practical. There are times when an abortions is truly the best, safest, most rational answer.
There options today in the US, but there are still reason for a woman to decide she cannot have a child at that time. They are just as valid as someone during war, disaster or hardship.

Bloody images of a fetus, abortions or miscarried will not help the woman put her life on the right tract.
The images of the dead won't help the living. There are good sound reason for the life of the women and her well being taking priority. he fetus first, you will likely loose both. To safe the woman, she can have or adopt at a later time.

For all those fiscal conservatives, it is more economical for a woman who can work than caring fir a small infant 24/7. You don't want to pay for an abortion but want to pay for all that raising a child by the state or foster service, or welfare, or food stamps for health care, etc.

Every woman, very situation is different. It does not make sense to try and out right ban something like abortion, without considering each story or why she might actually be doing the right thing.

Tax money for clinics is minimal to the cost of a infant for the next twenty years. We don't need poor and foster kids that are failed by the system while when a woman or couple are ready they pay for the support of the child on their income and even higher education.

Just crying it a life, don't consider what type of life the infant might have without a mother or the cost to society in the end. Quality over quantity makes ore sense for a prosperous and productive country. If it is a life on drugs, in and out of jail, unable to hold a job what have your really achived?

Not heartless, it is caring about what the infant would become. We do not live in some ideal utopia. we are in debt, not enough jobs, to high social services costs, too high a poor or delinquent population and a number of other things we can't afford.

I care more that each child born is wanted, loved and well cared for. We know not all children are adopted and warehousing them can be a horror for them and society.

I'll take love and quality every time.

You can't care for the children already in the system and you want to add more? That is not a life, that is barely and existence.

You can't create a one rule without exceptions. We are all loving are own life and have our own reason for the choices we make. You want robots, go live a factory that uses them, and leave people to do what is right for them.

close clinics and hurt all women, abortions will still happen.

Pain and suffering of a fetus, the heart is all ready stopped. ripping, bleeding, false imagery without understanding the facts

Care about life? What of all the lives now being wasted in poverty, school drop outs, gangs, drugs, welfare?

even the religious argument does not fly when nt all people follow the same faith and rigid morality, some don't believe in god so the idea of guilt, judgement and sin have no meaning.

What else do you want to try and come up with?

I've seen and heard so many stories of women and the brutality out there in the world, I have more empathy for the life now than a life not developed. Ive seen women who kept children and those who aborted. It is a hard choice but when weighing all things, there are times when an abortion is the right choice for some women.

You have no right constitutionally, morally, financially, etc. to force a woman to do what you say.

Her life, her right, her choice, her freedom.

I'm not forcing any to get an abortion, but I will fight for her right to control her own body and her life. The right to choose her freedom if that is what she wants.
Irrelivent. We can post pics all day what the different stages look like. The fact remains you stand for butchering a baby at 9 months, and we all know what the child looks like then.
You and Gosnell can burn in hell together. Best investment I ever made was to help fund the upcoming movie on Gosnell so people know what Americas biggest mass murderer did.

Go back to school, 24 weeks is nt 9 months.

You are trying to put words in my mouth. At nine months she can give birth

If you are choosing an abortion for personal reason, you have up to 24 weeks in some states.
Anything after is for medical reason.
By six month of considering the future, she should have made up her mind.

You can decide on time and jumping all over the place. Each situation and each individual woman is different, no one shoe fits all. This is why it should not be legislated, but a private decision between doctor and patient.

The reason they abort after 24 weeks is because the treatment would kill the fetus, and toxins of the dead fetus would compromise her system and effect the treatment. Removed or aborted will be discussed by the doctor. There would be may factors to consider.

Sorry we are no lego people that one part can be removed, put on the side and put back later, or not.

One size, one rule, one options does not fit all.

It is her right, her body, her decision. Each woman has to consider her own life and live her own life, alone or with someone.
Not every woman would fit what you think she should be any more than all women could follow sharia or other beliefs.

Freedom to choose, where you live, how you live, where you work, what you do, even when to have a family. No one should take these away.
Hypocrite evildoer.

You have reading problem or just like creating your fiction?
Her body her choice. Why would I want to take any ones womb unless she had a problem or reason to have a doctor remove it?

She has the right to decide, not you.
I'm not taking anything away from her. I'm against letting anyone take her freedom of choice or to choose her options for a medical procedure. She has the choice not to share her womb with an unwanted fetus, if she wants to.
There you go again, supporting tearing off the limbs of a 9 month old fetus before its born.

You're a sick freak.

Are you really this retarded????

At 9 months, a baby is born. Third trimester abortions are very rare, and none are performed that late.

Quite being such a drama queen.
aris2chat, I've heard all your arguments before, which are based on a radical notion of individuality that excludes the brotherhood and sisterhood of the human race. We are all brothers and sisters with Christ, but even if you don't believe that, we are still brothers and sisters scientifically because we all share a common mother who has been named "mitochondrial Eve" and lived 200,000 years ago.

Age Confirmed for 'Eve,' Mother of All Humans

So, yes it is my business what you do with your unborn child, and it is also the business of the entire human race. When members of the human race are hungry, poor, sick, naked, and in prison, it is all of our business.

Today I listened to NPR, and they were discussing lead poisoning in paint, pipes, gasoline. The letters between the corporations involved in lead poisoning this expressed the thought that there was no way to save black and Puerto Rican children from lead poisoning because the parents were ignorant and could not be taught.

Fighting for lead-free paint, pipes and gasoline was a liberal cause during the 1950's, and it is justified cause.

I have said many times that if it weren't for abortion, I might be a liberal, especially when liberals are fighting for social justice for the poor and disadvantaged.

But abortion turns the entire liberal movement on its head. Instead of fighting for the innocent, you are fighting to kill the innocent. It makes everything else you believe in a lie.

Legally and medically, you never get to know. You might object in principle, but you have no right to know who gets an abortion and who is getting an annual pap smear.

Till after 24 weeks, it is not a child with legal rights or recognition. It is not the patient, the mother is.
After 24 weeks if it dies, it is stillborn. If it can be save, doctors can try, but mother first. Till it is born it is still part of her body. If she is dead then a fetus becomes the patient.

Morally, having access to her medical records is a crime. You have no say because you should never know even if she is pregnant or what she decides in her doctor's office.

You have no right to know if she has a toe amputated or a rib removed. These are medical decisions and protected. You should never have that information. Even if you did, you have no right to force her to give up rights to her own body.

Interfering in her medical treatment her choices makes you the criminal.

Till the baby is born it is her body and you have no rights over her.

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