Disney Fires Conservative Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear, Replaces Him with Leftist SJW

Allen has always been a mediocre actor.
I like him in home improvement but that's it.

Others agree.

He's always been primarily considered a television star, but there was a time when Tim Allen had a booming movie career. However, even at his peak, he was rarely the filmmakers' first choice: for instance, The Santa Claus was reportedly written with Bill Murray in mind, and when he passed, a long-standing rumor says it was offered to Chevy Chase. Eventually, the role fell to Allen.

Allen's other big movie franchise is the unforgettable Toy Story series. Again, he allegedly wasn't the first choice for the role of Buzz Lightyear—Pixar first wanted to cast Jim Carrey opposite Paul Newman and, when that proved too expensive, tried to land Billy Crystal. When Crystal passed on the role, it was offered to Chevy Chase; when that didn't work out, it was finally offered to Allen. After facing casting struggles at the height of his career, it's understandable that it'd be that much more difficult now that he's aged and his momentum has cooled.

Read More: Why Hollywood Won't Cast Tim Allen Anymore
Because they have been promised some sort of government subsidy.
The MSM doesn't care that they're losing money....because they figure they'll always be taken care of when socialism kicks in.
Little do they know.

CNN is lucky to be still in business, but I'm sure Pelosi has them taken care of in her wonderful $3.5 T package. They have $200 million alone set aside in it to pay for propaganda.
It's down to $1.75 trillion.
I'm sue they benefited more off of Trump's $2.3 trillion tax cut.
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It's down to $1.75 trillion.
I'm sue they benefited more off of Trump's $2.3 trillion tax cut.
That thing is a monstrosity. It is pure Prog agenda. It needs to be pared won more. I am telling you. those who get screwed over and not seeing much will decline their ways of production. If a rich man or those doing real well promote and then enforce socialism without they themselves living the same as they promote, then they are frauds. We have seen warnings for many years. You will see Trump throwing paper towle rolls in Puerto rico from a massively corrupted island living off the generous payments of the Untied States, but build a statue of Hollywood people hobnobbing with socialist/communist people in their corrupted states complaining of all the pain in our nation then going home to their mansions. There is a bullshit commercial about walking a mile in my shoes. that can mean for near everyone not of color or gender also. And for the Hollywood people and Prog shill people in media/entertainers/ politicians/elites/globalists, we know the truth.
That thing is a monstrosity. It is pure Prog agenda. It needs to be pared won more. I am telling you. those who get screwed over and not seeing much will decline their ways of production. If a rich man or those doing real well promote and then enforce socialism without they themselves living the same as they promote, then they are frauds. We have seen warnings for many years. You will see Trump throwing paper towle rolls in Puerto rico from a massively corrupted island living off the generous payments of the Untied States, but build a statue of Hollywood people hobnobbing with socialist/communist people in their corrupted states complaining of all the pain in our nation then going home to their mansions. There is a bullshit commercial about walking a mile in my shoes. that can mean for near everyone not of color or gender also. And for the Hollywood people and Prog shill people in media/entertainers/ politicians/elites/globalists, we know the truth.
Sure it is, it spread out over 10 years though.
Too small and too long of a time period.

The GQP are screaming about it, but had no problem with the trillions in tax cuts.
Deficits only matter when a democrat is in office.
Disney are dumb shits. Allen is Buzz Light Year and the audience is going to sense a failed imitation.
It'll make millions. Disney will make wads of cash and everyone will forget that Allen (who voiced a TOY character) isn't doing the voice of the character that HIS toy character is supposed to be inspired by (which they haven't even said is the case yet).
They cast Evans because it is going to make them MONEY.

Honestly, when did the right wing in this country descend into being whiners?
Sure it is, it spread out over 10 years though.
Too small and too long of a time period.

The GQP are screaming about it, but had no problem with the trillions in tax cuts.
Deficits only matter when a democrat is in office.
I can question what you say. This weekend a space company is going to send 4 astronauts to the space station many times cheaper then the government can. When the government introduces its new massive SLS rocket, the costs are going to suck. Advances come from the private sector without government mandates suffocating things. But we live permanently with Diversity, PC, Quotas, and what is the real lowered expectations. That now being called "equity". As we get poorer and we spend trillions of useless dollars on Climate Change bull, there will be massive more pollution and people using any fuel the can to survive. Coal and trees will use massively. We may look like Haiti in some areas cutting down the trees to stay warm.
All I see is conjecture. Nothing that backs up the claim.

It is Disney so it would not surprise me.

After all the dumb woke shit Disney is doing this is a example of when I don't really need hard proof to consider something is possibly true.

In the 90s I'd never had believed it at all, but now? It's not hard to see given their proven record of being pussy ass bitches about even the tiniest of things.
When Betty White did Lake Placid, a lot of younger viewers were surprised that this woman who was the funny, clean cut woman in her roles uttered a curse word in that film (I believe it was motherfucker). She pulled off the crazy woman role, showing some versatility many didn’t think she had at that age.
This reminds me of country music legend Dwight Yoakam when his Sling Blade film was released 25 years ago. Can you believe its been that long! He did the Prime Time Country TV show on the TNN network at some point and when that film was addressed, he apologized for all of the swearing. I am sure that playing a bad guy is more of a challenge compared to a good one and so I forgive him. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!

Holly (a girl who was raised on his music since the age of four when he first started 35 years ago)

P.S. He couldn't have done a better job writing this song which was released in 1988.

Cancel Culture lives LARGE in the RWI community.

They HATE cancel culture, but do it daily.
POS hypocrites.

Dixie Chicks were 'cancelled' way before it was a RWI talking point.
POS hypocrites.
One person refusing to use a product is not cancel culture. Now, if he organized a million people to boycott Disney until they gave in to their demands....THAT would be cancel culture.
Allen has always been a mediocre actor.
I like him in home improvement but that's it.

Others agree.

He's always been primarily considered a television star, but there was a time when Tim Allen had a booming movie career. However, even at his peak, he was rarely the filmmakers' first choice: for instance, The Santa Claus was reportedly written with Bill Murray in mind, and when he passed, a long-standing rumor says it was offered to Chevy Chase. Eventually, the role fell to Allen.

Allen's other big movie franchise is the unforgettable Toy Story series. Again, he allegedly wasn't the first choice for the role of Buzz Lightyear—Pixar first wanted to cast Jim Carrey opposite Paul Newman and, when that proved too expensive, tried to land Billy Crystal. When Crystal passed on the role, it was offered to Chevy Chase; when that didn't work out, it was finally offered to Allen. After facing casting struggles at the height of his career, it's understandable that it'd be that much more difficult now that he's aged and his momentum has cooled.

Read More: Why Hollywood Won't Cast Tim Allen Anymore
Excuses....excuses.....if his career has cooled they can get him for less.
Most of the reason his career has cooled isn't because of lack of talent...but lack of offers from pedophile directors and producers that support the Democrat Party.
Evans is a liberal - he's not remotely leftist.

If Evans were a leftist, he'd never get work in Hollywood.

But yeah: Disney is INCREDIBLY into liberal/Democrat fascism and likely did this due to Allen's conservatism.

Someone REALLY needs to sue them; it should have been that Baby Yoda chick...
Evans isn't a liberal.
Liberals don't trash people in public over political differences or support fascism.
Liberals are liberal-minded.
I don't think there are many real liberals in America anymore.
One person refusing to use a product is not cancel culture. Now, if he organized a million people to boycott Disney until they gave in to their demands....THAT would be cancel culture.
Getting people fired because they don't think the way you do is cancel culture, which at one time was called McCarthyism....whether it's one person or millions of people.
Basically that's what mandates do.
It's down to $1.75 trillion.
I'm sue they benefited more off of Trump's $2.3 trillion tax cut.
Trump's tax cut benefited everyone, but particularly by doubling our standard deduction on income tax. "Crumbs" as Nancy Pelosi called them.
CNN employees would fall under that.
The company pays corporate taxes which were dropped as well...which they now want to raise considerably.
I'm sure Pelosi will give her media friends a break tho.
Getting people fired because they don't think the way you do is cancel culture, which at one time was called McCarthyism....whether it's one person or millions of people.
Basically that's what mandates do.
Sure I agree with that. I was merely responding to winco calling it cancel culture when it was just one person saying they wouldn't be back to Disney.

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