Disney Fires Conservative Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear, Replaces Him with Leftist SJW

I’m glad I used to live close to Disneyland. Got my fill in I guess, never going back.

Evans is a liberal - he's not remotely leftist.

If Evans were a leftist, he'd never get work in Hollywood.

But yeah: Disney is INCREDIBLY into liberal/Democrat fascism and likely did this due to Allen's conservatism.

Someone REALLY needs to sue them; it should have been that Baby Yoda chick...
There is always the chance that maybe Tim doesn't have the time for another film right now. Last Man Standing is done, yes, but if the show named Assembly Required is still on his plate, it could be the only project that he has room for right now.

God bless you and him always!!!

Holly (one of his many fans)

P.S. Regardless of why his voice will not be used, the matter could end up being just like the second film that was done on the Aladdin Disney character. Return Of Jafar was the name and if it didn't do as well as the first film or the next, I am guessing that someone else doing the Genie's voice could be the reason why. When the third film was done, the late and legendary Robin Williams got to have his name be a part of the film's picture. :) :) :)
Robin Williams was Genie just like Allen is Buzz and no matter my opinion on politics Allen is talented man even if we disagree.
Allen is 68 years old. Don't pop stars ever retire? The post is much ado about nothing.
Cancel Culture lives LARGE in the RWI community.

They HATE cancel culture, but do it daily.
POS hypocrites.

Dixie Chicks were 'cancelled' way before it was a RWI talking point.
POS hypocrites.
Yet another leftist that has no idea what cancel culture is.
Allen is 68 years old. Don't pop stars ever retire? The post is much ado about nothing.
Betty White started doing the Hot In Cleveland show the year that she hit 88. She was 93 when she wrapped up her appearance in 2015.

God bless you and her and Tim Allen always!!!


P.S. Betty's last project was just two years ago according to this page here. If she can make it to January 17th of next year, she will then be 100 years old. :) :) :)
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I’m glad I used to live close to Disneyland. Got my fill in I guess, never going back.

I didn't read your link.

I went and found the truth myself.

They recast the roll because it's the YOUNG Buzz Lightyear.

Logic would dictate that a person with a YOUNG voice would have the roll.

You don't cast a man in his mid 60s to play the roll of a young man.

Plus the franchise is moving into a different direction. They are going to make a movie that isn't animated and need a young man to play the part. Tim Allen is way too old to play the part.

They are starting a new chapter in the franchise and going in a different direction.

No, you just think you do
Why do I know?
Because I can read.
Red Shirt days, several Disney employees arrested for Pedophilia, firing Geno Carano twice for tweets they didn't agree with......

...you get the picture.

You'd have to be either living a very sheltered life, or willfully-ignorant, to not know why Allen was fired.
At the end of the day, Disney is about one thing and one thing only. Making money. Evans just played a character for a decade that made them a lot of money.
Political leanings had nothing to do with it.
If you say so.
I'm sure it didn't hurt that his penchant for virtue-signaling made headlines.
In Hollywood you either open your mouth and say something anti-Trump at an awards ceremony, or release a statement trashing anti-vaxxers.....and you'll usually get a better gig.
Cancel Culture lives LARGE in the RWI community.

They HATE cancel culture, but do it daily.
POS hypocrites.

Dixie Chicks were 'cancelled' way before it was a RWI talking point.
POS hypocrites.
Nobody fired the Dixie Chicks.
They abandoned their fans.
Betty White started doing the Hot In Cleveland show the year that she hit 88. She was 93 when she wrapped up her appearance in 2015.

God bless you and her and Tim Allen always!!!


P.S. Betty's last project was just two years ago according to this page here. If she can make it to January 17th of next year, she will then be 100 years old. :) :) :)
When Betty White did Lake Placid, a lot of younger viewers were surprised that this woman who was the funny, clean cut woman in her roles uttered a curse word in that film (I believe it was motherfucker). She pulled off the crazy woman role, showing some versatility many didn’t think she had at that age.
At the end of the day, Disney is about one thing and one thing only. Making money. Evans just played a character for a decade that made them a lot of money.
Political leanings had nothing to do with it.

Then why do they keep making decisions that hurt their bottom line?
I didn't read your link.

I went and found the truth myself.

They recast the roll because it's the YOUNG Buzz Lightyear.

Logic would dictate that a person with a YOUNG voice would have the roll.

You don't cast a man in his mid 60s to play the roll of a young man.

Plus the franchise is moving into a different direction. They are going to make a movie that isn't animated and need a young man to play the part. Tim Allen is way too old to play the part.

They are starting a new chapter in the franchise and going in a different direction.

My voice hasn't changed much since I was 20.....and I'm 65. If Tim Allen isn't Buzz Lightyear....it won't be Buzz Lightyear anymore.
You're just making up excuses.
Then why do they keep making decisions that hurt their bottom line?
Because they have been promised some sort of government subsidy.
The MSM doesn't care that they're losing money....because they figure they'll always be taken care of when socialism kicks in.
Little do they know.

CNN is lucky to be still in business, but I'm sure Pelosi has them taken care of in her wonderful $3.5 T package. They have $200 million alone set aside in it to pay for propaganda.
Chris Evans is a hot property...and younger. Why wouldn't they go with that?
I enjoyed Last Man Standing. But I would say Disney probably went with the bankable star that just had a hand in carrying a franchise for 10 years.
If this were Toy Story 5, then Allen would probably be cast as Buzz.
Disney for decades is the Anti Walt. Walt has even demonized by the Progs over the years. Allen is Buzz Lightyear. He made the character. It is not live action. Allen is another person who paid for being a scumbag earlier in life, but wise up and lived clean. Unlike George Floyd who died a scumbag never improving himself.

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