Disney Fires Conservative Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear, Replaces Him with Leftist SJW

This takes the cake for the biggest load of bullshit I've seen posted today.
The Dixie Chicks were ostracized for YEARS before, eventually people saw that they were lied to.
Just more right wing butthurt.
If there is an active and effective boycott against The Chicks somebody forgot to tell them
as they are harder to kill than a cockroach in a kitchen and still doing tour dates.

There was outrage against the idiots who decided to piss on George Bush when his popularity
was so high but that's all water long under the bridge.
Find something else to crap your pants about.
I didn't read your link.

I went and found the truth myself.

They recast the roll because it's the YOUNG Buzz Lightyear.

Logic would dictate that a person with a YOUNG voice would have the roll.

You don't cast a man in his mid 60s to play the roll of a young man.

Plus the franchise is moving into a different direction. They are going to make a movie that isn't animated and need a young man to play the part. Tim Allen is way too old to play the part.

They are starting a new chapter in the franchise and going in a different direction.

Toys don't age.
That's ONE example of a right wing boycott, that didn't even take hold as The Chicks are still playing
and doing shows together. Let me know when baseball and football stop playing their games.

Leftist cancel culture is so big and pervasive it can't even be adequately be addressed.

You are the elephant complaining about gnats. It's absurd.
Only some of the canceled from this year alone can even be identified. But I bet you get the message.
That would be a ban, moron.

From your link:
Simply put, cancel culture is the idea of taking away support for an individual, their career, popularity and/or fame because of something they’ve said or done that’s considered unacceptable.

Most of the time, people are “cancelled” because they are a public figure with influence over a huge audience and what they’ve done or said is alleged to have caused harm to a particular person, group of people or community. For example, many of those who have been “cancelled” have received this public backlash following accusations of violent, sexist, racist, homophobic or transphobic activities or comments.

April 5 2021
Despite railing against so-called "cancel culture" for weeks, Republicans — including Donald Trump himself — are waging a battle to punish Major League Baseball over its protest of Georgia's racist voter suppression law.

Multiple GOP lawmakers have vowed to try to revoke the league's antitrust exemption in retaliation for its decision to move the 2021 All-Star Game out of Georgia because of its recently signed voter suppression law. Others, like Trump, have urged a boycott of MLB baseball altogether.

The effort is in direct opposition to Republicans' belief that "cancel culture" — a phrase referring to cultural boycotts of people or institutions over their political views or endeavors — is real, bad, and a threat to free speech. The GOP has made cancel culture a defining issue of the party, spending weeks falsely saying that Dr. Seuss was a cancel culture victim.
Despite railing against so-called "cancel culture" for weeks, Republicans — including Donald Trump himself — are waging a battle to punish Major League Baseball over its protest of Georgia's racist voter suppression law.

Multiple GOP lawmakers have vowed to try to revoke the league's antitrust exemption in retaliation for its decision to move the 2021 All-Star Game out of Georgia because of its recently signed voter suppression law. Others, like Trump, have urged a boycott of MLB baseball altogether.

The effort is in direct opposition to Republicans' belief that "cancel culture" — a phrase referring to cultural boycotts of people or institutions over their political views or endeavors — is real, bad, and a threat to free speech. The GOP has made cancel culture a defining issue of the party, spending weeks falsely saying that Dr. Seuss was a cancel culture victim.
Nobody has revoked baseball's anti trust exemption because the commissioner of baseball took the unprecedented action of punishing Atlanta by moving the All Star game to Colorado because he doesn't
like the way Georgia closed up many loopholes making voter fraud less easy to commit.
No apologies needed. None given.

Republicans are indeed opposed to the sort of thing that cost Roseanne Barr her top rated tv program because some SJW dug up an obscure comment from her past.

And Hollywood blacklisting is, of course, partisan motivated. Trump compares Debra Messing to Roseanne Barr, says she should be fired
Barr is canned. Messing gets a pass.
It would not be a tool of the hypocritical left if it's calls for blacklisting were not applied only to
people on the right.
Your pathetic mewling is noted.
Oh...right. You have trouble with multi-syllable words. Or any sort of words, really. Idiot.
It's a synonym, asshole.
You have problems with words.
Must have learned them from the Trump pity rallies.

Blacklisted means you are punished or boycotted.
Washed up means you just just can't do the job anymore.

What a moron.
Nobody has revoked baseball's anti trust exemption because the commissioner of baseball took the unprecedented action of punishing Atlanta by moving the All Star game to Colorado because he doesn't
like the way Georgia closed up many loopholes making voter fraud less easy to commit.
No apologies needed. None given.

Republicans are indeed opposed to the sort of thing that cost Roseanne Barr her top rated tv program because some SJW dug up an obscure comment from her past.

And Hollywood blacklisting is, of course, partisan motivated. Trump compares Debra Messing to Roseanne Barr, says she should be fired
Barr is canned. Messing gets a pass.
It would not be a tool of the hypocritical left if it's calls for blacklisting were not applied only to
people on the right.
Your pathetic mewling is noted.
WOW, Debra Messing never did anything remotely disgusting as Barr did, you moron.

Barr elicited criticism in July 2009 when she posed as Adolf Hitler in a feature for the satirical Jewish publication Heeb magazine, called "That Oven Feelin'

In late March 2018, Barr tweeted about a conspiracy theory involving David Hogg, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. The conspiracy theory falsely claims Hogg gave a Nazi salute at a March for Our Lives rally on March 24. Barr later deleted her tweet.

On May 29, 2018, Barr responded to a thread on Twitter about Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor to former President Obama.[93] It reads "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj" [sic]. The tweet was widely criticized as being racist about Jarrett ("vj").
Barr was initially defensive, but later posted an apology "for making a bad joke about [Jarrett's] politics and her looks.

Stupid Q NUT.
You have problems with words.
Must have learned them from the Trump pity rallies.

Blacklisted means you are punished or boycotted.
Washed up means you just just can't do the job anymore.

What a moron.
Go back and read my source post, moron.

When the mob attacks you, for whatever crazy reason, you get blacklisted, and your career usually ends
BECAUSE you can't get work and BECOME washed up!

It's cause and effect, numb nuts. Lots of very talented performers have become washed up
not due to a lack of skill but because the ultra left rabble have made them unemployable.

I shouldn't have to explain this to an average human being so you must be so stupid you can't
even find your ass in the dark. Go fuck yourself, dimwit! You waste my time.
WOW, Debra Messing never did anything remotely disgusting as Barr did, you moron.
That's a matter of opinion.

Barr was the star of the most popular comedy on tv and it still didn't save her because of the
Valerie Jerrett comment dug up from years earlier.

Try making one post without the ad hom garbage. See how it feels.
Chris Evans is a hot property...and younger. Why wouldn't they go with that?
I enjoyed Last Man Standing. But I would say Disney probably went with the bankable star that just had a hand in carrying a franchise for 10 years.
If this were Toy Story 5, then Allen would probably be cast as Buzz.
Who the fuck is Chris Evans? Tim Allen, I know. But Evans? Who?...lol
Go back and read my source post, moron.

When the mob attacks you, for whatever crazy reason, you get blacklisted, and your career usually ends
BECAUSE you can't get work and BECOME washed up!

It's cause and effect, numb nuts. Lots of very talented performers have become washed up
not due to a lack of skill but because the ultra left rabble have made them unemployable.

I shouldn't have to explain this to an average human being so you must be so stupid you can't
even find your ass in the dark. Go fuck yourself, dimwit! You waste my time.
You're making up definitions again, dumbass.
Of course, Trumptards blame everything but themselves for their failures, just like your dear leader.
You're a waste of everyone's time, to stupid to converse with.
That's a matter of opinion.

Barr was the star of the most popular comedy on tv and it still didn't save her because of the
Valerie Jerrett comment dug up from years earlier.

Try making one post without the ad hom garbage. See how it feels.
Sure Q NUT.
Valerie Jarrett made Barr sing the national anthem, grab her crotch and spit when she was through?
Jarrett exposed Barr from comments made, 'years' earlier?

Barr made those comments/tweets in 2018 numbnuts.
Barr was fired in 2018, dumbass.

The GQP make more shit up than Trump.
Valerie Jarrett made Barr sing the national anthem, grab her crotch and spit when she was through?
Jarrett exposed Barr from comments made, 'years' earlier?
Who claims this...beside you?
Wake up and smell your b.s.
Barr made those comments/tweets in 2018 numbnuts.
Barr was fired in 2018, dumbass.

The GQP make more shit up than Trump.
Got a link, by any chance, not that I don't believe you...but I don't.
The point is Barr was victimized by leftist cancel culture even though her
program was tremendously popular at the time.
You're making up definitions again, dumbass.
Maybe it just seems that way to you, because you just aren't very bright. Nothing was "made up".
Have your mom explain what cause and effect is...if she knows.
Of course, Trumptards blame everything but themselves for their failures, just like your dear leader.
You're a waste of everyone's time, to stupid to converse with.
And you're too stupid to spell a word most of us learned in the second grade.
But I'm not going to make fun of mentally handicapped fools.
Who claims this...beside you?
Wake up and smell your b.s.

Got a link, by any chance, not that I don't believe you...but I don't.
The point is Barr was victimized by leftist cancel culture even though her
program was tremendously popular at the time.
WOW, you're such a dumbass.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RoseanneRoseanne - Wikipedia

abcnews.go.com › Politics › roseanne-barr-obama'Roseanne' canceled after Roseanne Barr's racist tweet about ...

May 30, 2018 · The hit revival of the ABC sitcom "Roseanne" was canceled Tuesday, hours after the show's star Roseanne Barr's racist tweet about former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett.. Barr's post
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Maybe it just seems that way to you, because you just aren't very bright. Nothing was "made up".
Have your mom explain what cause and effect is...if she knows.

And you're too stupid to spell a word most of us learned in the second grade.
But I'm not going to make fun of mentally handicapped fools.
You're FOS, as usual.
I don't have to make fun of the mentally handicapped, just show their errors, dumbass.

www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › blacklistBlacklist | Definition of Blacklist by Merriam-Webster

Definition of blacklist

(Entry 1 of 2)
1: a list of persons who are disapproved of or are to be punished or boycotted
2: a list of banned or excluded things of disreputable character

Definition of washed-up

: no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed

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