Disney +: We Need To Be Reminded Who Is The Real Threat To Our Children

No deflection it is the truth....Yet, God leaves the transgendered people alone unlike the Repubs who seek to destroy. To a Republican the Log Cabin members are normal gays while the Democratic Party gays are the bad ones.
Disney is doing nothing worse than the hate that flows from the Repubs in their bloodlust in a campaign season. Now we have Repubs who want to destroy an industry to push their political narrative, so much for freedom during the reign of the oppressive Republicans.
Talking to God now...delusional.
Disney planting the seeds of evil in the minds of our children. Unfortunately, the almighty dollar will trump morality every time. In past centuries certain degrees of evil could be tolerated along with the continuation of the human species. Back then technology was dim and limited in its scope of influence; the printing press was the internet of the day, and if evil motherfuckers wanted to spread their filth to impressionable minds they'd run off a few hundred books and distribute them by hand, often winning notice of the local constabulary who would forthrightly and with extreme prejudice burn down their black operations. Nowadays, however, technology affords the instantaneous dissemination of evil to billions of minds in the privacy of their own homes. Conclusion: the human species can no longer tolerate such evil and expect to survive.

You know, it's not so much that Disney is intentionally planting the seeds of evil into the minds of children (no, there isn't some secret cabal meeting in a room looking for ways to corrupt kids), but rather that Disney has grown from the family friendly company they started out as, into a mega corporation that is looking to grab as much ground as they can in as many forms of media as they can find (looking to make more of the almighty dollar). And you're kinda right. In the old days, people had to take time out to publish their stuff and distribute it to people. It took time, effort and money to do so. Now? It's very easy for someone to type something on their computer and put it out on the 'net. Requires almost no effort other than typing it, as the distribution is taken care of by the internet. And, it can be much more widely distributed, as the only thing holding it back is who will and won't allow their stuff on their servers. Not nearly as much effort as getting it published and distributed, or copying the stuff yourself and getting it out to the people. Publishing or copying and distributing your thoughts and rhetoric was much more expensive than getting an internet connection. Because of the cost and effort required, people spent a bit more time thinking about what they wanted to say back then. Now? They can distribute whatever random thought comes to their heads in minutes rather than days or weeks, and it's not that expensive to do so. And no, the local constable didn't always burn down people distributing aberrant thoughts, as many times they agreed with them, as in the KKK distributing their newsletters in the South and various other places in the country.
Grow up

I’ve been in a soft lockdown
A hard lockdown

Have you?
You want to condemn the man because of a few, well that certainly is cutting off yer nose to spite yer face. Maybe you should get that log out of yer eye with church child abuses before you point at the sliver of wood in the school's eye?
The teachers union and their agenda is the biggest threat our children face in this country. That and government mandated, gain of function, gene altering serum. One teacher isn't teaching one thing and another teacher teaching something else. They work with one accord. And academia isn't it. Indoctrination is.
The teachers union and their agenda is the biggest threat our children face in this country. That and government mandated, gain of function, gene altering serum. One teacher isn't teaching one thing and another teacher teaching something else. They work with one accord. And academia isn't it. Indoctrination is.
My child just graduated from a public high school and everything you people claim is going on never happened. So, my experience with kids and public schools and QAnon freaks is that the QAnon freaks are still freaks but not the school system.
My child just graduated from a public high school and everything you people claim is going on never happened. So, my experience with kids and public schools and QAnon freaks is that the QAnon freaks are still freaks but not the school system.
Not every school system is the same.
Just because your kid went to a school doesn't mean he or she or it knows everything that's happening all over the country!!!
Not every school system is the same.
Just because your kid went to a school doesn't mean he or she or it knows everything that's happening all over the country!!!
I damn sure know you do not know and are lying to support the repression of people, where it is happening you refuse to recognize.
So, I gotta' wonder: Where was the outrage a year ago?

I'm not defending Disney+ at all, but it just seems odd that this programming has been available for a year now, but Disney is just now being taken to task for it...

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