Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

So capitalism apparently doesn't have a solution. You don't have a clue about how to resolve the elimination of wage labor with advanced automation. You will just shrug your shoulders and allow tens of millions, perhaps even hundreds of millions of Americans to become serfs to the wealthy who own everything, including the technology that replaced them in the workplace.

The solution to the elimination of wage labor by advanced 21st-century automation systems is the public ownership of the means of production. The American people take the reins of the state and the machinery and facilities of production. I gave a more detailed explanation of how this would be implemented in an earlier post on this thread. If you object, then provide us all with your capitalist solution to the elimination of wage labor by advanced technology. Enlighten us.

The Wikipedia link that was posted after you requested the link, admits that North Korea's GDP was higher than South Korea's until the 1980s. However, I've already explained to you that socialist countries are economically and militarily besieged by the United States and its vassals/allies, hence asserting that socialism doesn't work on the grounds that these countries struggled economically is misleading and disingenuous. Your line of argumentation is moot and without much merit.

According to Marx, a nation can transition from socialism to communism through a process that initially uses markets within the consumer goods sector. China is far from capitalist in view of the fact that the state owns all of the major centers of economic power (i.e. all of the heavy industries vital to China's national infrastructure), and has a centrally planned economy. All of the capitalists are under the heel of the state, whereas in a nation with an actual capitalist-run economy, the state is under the heel of the rich and powerful (privately owned corporations). Plutocracy or the rule of the rich is the natural course of governance for capitalist-run countries. China is far from that and every single billionaire in China has to pay their fair share of taxes.

If the United States becomes communist, it wouldn't have a United States Capitalist Superpower/Empire, threatening it with war, bombing it, invading it, and imposing economic and diplomatic sanctions and embargoes upon it. The communist USA would not have to worry about that, because it was the world capitalist hegemon and superpower that was doing most of the bullying against developing socialist nations. The US would be in a completely different situation if it adopted socialism than its previous socialist targets. No one is going to bully America around because it's decided to adopt socialism. The capitalist strongman and bully won't exist anymore, because he's converted to socialism.

The Wikipedia link that was posted after you requested the link, admits that North Korea's GDP was higher than South Korea's until the 1980s.

Cut and paste the section that you feel makes that claim.

According to Marx, a nation can transition from socialism to communism through a process that initially uses markets within the consumer goods sector.

Marx, the unemployable journalist, is your expert on economics? LOL!
Manufacturing has been going overseas since the 1980s, moron.. and that's all about profits and capitalism.

No it isn't. The socialists have been driving manufacturing out of this this country by enacting draconian laws and having the EPA promulgate rules that drive manufacturers away so that they can survive.

Huuuuuge difference.
Wrong old man. Those problems are entirely unrelated to socialism. Stop watching Fox News. It’s making you even more ignorant.

Talk about an ignorant fool. Stop watching whatever crap you are and go see for yourself, like I do.
No it isn't. The socialists have been driving manufacturing out of this this country by enacting draconian laws and having the EPA promulgate rules that drive manufacturers away so that they can survive.

Huuuuuge difference.

Talk about an ignorant fool. Stop watching whatever crap you are and go see for yourself, like I do.

Yeah because Reagan, Bush I,and Bush II we’re socialists. Along with all the members of Congress in both parties who did all they could to kill mfg. in the US with stupid policies.

You are so out of touch.

I bet you supported NATFA and free trade with China in 1990.

Do you scream “get on my lawn” every day?

Yeah because Reagan, Bush I,and Bush II we’re socialists. Along with all the members of Congress in both parties who did all they could to kill mfg. in the US with stupid policies.

You are so out of touch.

I bet you supported NATFA and free trade with China in 1990.

Do you scream “get on my lawn” every day?

No, I didn't you fucking retard. I could see that NAFTA would destroy the US manufacturing base.

But hey, it's all OK in the name of socialism, right nimrod?

Destroy the middle class do that everyone is equally miserable, that way lazy dipshits, like you, don't have to be jealous?

Morons, all of you.

That's how the race to communism always ends. With lots of rampant poverty, corruption, dystopian tyranny, despotic rulers, oligarchs, illiteracy, genocides, planned famines, and failed states along the way to the mass graves.

EVERY FUCKING TIME, but some of these freakishly stupid bed wetting jabbering retarded parasites will keep attempting to stuff the round peg into the square hole.


Basically what we're seeing happen out in the wild of the www, especially recently, is that a lot of WEF propaganda being spread around on places like this by new acounts that align with the WEF narrative/agenda.

It's just regurgitation, really.

The most recent WEF narrative is ''stakeholder capitalism'' as a path toward socialism/communism.

That narrative requires a hive mind. So that's why you'll tend to see em stick to the woes of ''capitalism'' (even though We're technically Keynesians..which actually is the direct pathway to socialism and ultimately communism...it's designed to fail in that regard) rather than actually touching on the real problem. Which is the lack of sound money, monetary policy, and free-markets. They don't want that discussion.

The 'capitalism' discussion is useful to them in seeding the hive mind scenario where the wrong terms of controversy are debated. Especially at a time when so many corporations are promoting and enforcing 'leftist' models for society.

That's why the poster keeps tryiing to slide the discussion into that direction. That people bite that bobber reflects poorly on their own understanding of what's going on, really. But whatever. I'm just a casual observer.

To these modern socialist/communist sympathizers, corporations are these days seen as a utility or tool to progress socialism and eventually communism in an effort to further destroy any kind of free market structure and to interject in any discussion of that philosophy.

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Really, this thread shouldn't even have gone this far. OP can be quite easily dismissed and basically crushed in one post if someone actually felt like it. Unfortunately, OP has been placated and provided the precise ''opposing'' talking points that he/she wants and needs in order to continue promoting that particular WEF narrative. Until folks figure out that Keynesiansim (often omitted from behind the cloak of ''capitalism'' is antithetical to free markets the right debate wonlt be had. And that shortcoming is in OPs interest, honestly.

The correct opposing arguments should focus entirely on free markets. Not ''capitalism.'' We don't have free-market capitalism. We have nothing of the sort. We have central economic planning by a central bank. A belief in deficit finance. a welfare state. A planned economy. Our money isn't even money, it's just a claim check on an IOU.
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No, I didn't you fucking retard. I could see that NAFTA would destroy the US manufacturing base.

But hey, it's all OK in the name of socialism, right nimrod?

Destroy the middle class do that everyone is equally miserable, that way lazy dipshits, like you, don't have to be jealous?

Morons, all of you.
Nimrod do you know who initially pushed for NAFTA and the WTO? I know you don‘t because it was your beloved Republicans. The CIA cuck sucker Poppy Bush started it. He was a fucking globalist. Was he a socialist too?

You partisan idiots of the duopoly are the ones destroying the nation, but are too dumb to know it.
Nimrod do you know who initially pushed for NAFTA and the WTO? I know you don‘t because it was your beloved Republicans. The CIA cuck sucker Poppy Bush started it. He was a fucking globalist. Was he a socialist too?

You partisan idiots of the duopoly are the ones destroying the nation, but are too dumb to know it.

Don't any of these pinheads know what globalist means?
Nimrod do you know who initially pushed for NAFTA and the WTO? I know you don‘t because it was your beloved Republicans. The CIA cuck sucker Poppy Bush started it. He was a fucking globalist. Was he a socialist too?

You partisan idiots of the duopoly are the ones destroying the nation, but are too dumb to know it.

Don't any of these pinheads know what globalist means?
The Wikipedia link that was posted after you requested the link, admits that North Korea's GDP was higher than South Korea's until the 1980s.

Cut and paste the section that you feel makes that claim.

According to Marx, a nation can transition from socialism to communism through a process that initially uses markets within the consumer goods sector.

Marx, the unemployable journalist, is your expert on economics? LOL!

Marx was a correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune, a Republican newspaper. He was a philosopher and writer, who to this day still has an audience and people, including economists, studying his writings. You're obviously desperate.

North Korea had a similar GDP per capita to its neighbor South Korea from the aftermath of the Korean War until the mid-1970s,[21][22] but had a GDP per capita of less than $2,000 in the late 1990s and early 21st century.

Economic Growth in North Korea in the 1950s and 60s

Until the 1960s, North Korea's economy grew much faster than South Korea's. Although Pyongyang was behind in total national output, it was ahead of Seoul in per capita national output, because of its smaller population relative to South Korea. For example, in 1960 North Korea's population was slightly over 10 million persons, while South Korea's population was almost 25 million persons. Phenomenal annual economic growth rates of 30 percent and 21 percent during the Three-Year Plan of 1954-56 and the Five-Year Plan of 1957-60, respectively, were reported. After claiming early fulfillment of the Five-Year Plan in 1959, North Korea officially designated 1960 a "buffer year"--a year of adjustment to restore balances among sectors before the next plan became effective in 1961. Not surprisingly the same phenomenon recurred in subsequent plans. Because the Five-Year Plan was fulfilled early, it became a de facto four-year plan. Beginning in the early 1960s, however, Pyongyang's economic growth slowed until it was stagnant at the beginning of the 1990s. [Source: Andrea Matles Savada, Library of Congress, 1993 *]


There's a lot of information in the above article and in Wikipedia. Most of the information that you will get here in the West about North Korea's history and their economy is designed to discredit them as much as possible, however, even with that strong bias, they admit that the DPRK/North Korea wasn't destitute until the 1990s.

The economy slowed down from astronomical growth in the 1950s to more nominal growth, but it still grew in the 1960s and 70s and maintained a decent standard of living for its people, until the 1990s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and China's focus on growing its economy and relationship with its Western clients, North Korea was left on its own, under a brutal sanctions regime enforced internationally by the United States. The US had nukes deployed in South Korea, pointed at North Korea for decades and America's saber-rattling got even worse in the 1990s. The US was emboldened by the collapse of the Soviet Union. All of that negatively affected North Korea's economy, how can it not?

All of your arguments are completely fabricated or half-truths, at best. More, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and levy your charges against communists, due to how destructive capitalist imperialism has been in the last 200 years. Your mountain of rotting corpses is just as high as ours, hence you don't have that halo glowing over your head. You also have horns, it's not just us. We all have horns, so adopt a new line of argumentation or tactical approach to your criticism. The "uuuu you commies are so bad, so bad uuuuuu, you're so bad....", doesn't convince the genuine truth seeker who is well informed.

Now I ask you again for the 14th time, what is your capitalist solution to the widely forecasted and acknowledged crisis of capitalists replacing their human labor/employees with advanced, 21st-century automation technology? How does capitalism, which relies on the private accumulation of capital (i.e. profits), to meet the demands of consumers, produce capital without wage labor/paying consumers? Hello? Do you have a solution? You know what the solution is, you just don't want to admit it.

The solution is self-evident. You and I and everybody else, own the means of production, together. We all own the machinery, facilities, and technology and we together, organize production to meet our needs, not to make money. There is no more need for markets or money when technology can efficiently produce everything we consume. No need for it. Using socialist jargon " we socialize and democratize production". For those interested in learning how we would carry that out, let me know and I will explain it in more detail.

What is your capitalist solution to the elimination of human labor and drudgery? Does that even need a solution? It doesn't for communists. We love technology, even if it replaces human labor and drudgery. The capitalists are pooping in their fruit of the looms, not us. We love the idea of robots, AI, automated systems, self-driving autonomous vehicles, atomic precision manufacturing, nanotech, and space colonization. We welcome it whereas the capitalists are telling us this is a crisis. This might be a crisis for them not for us.

Again, what's your capitalist solution? Democratic, Libertarian, high-tech communism.

American-born, libertarian, high-tech communism. That's the solution and you know it, but your ego refuses to accept it.
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The Middle East, North Africa and Europe. None of them are shit holes or socialist.

Libya was socialist and had the highest standard of living in Africa. Syria and Iraq, both Baath Party-run Socialist countries, used to be, before being plunged into civil war by Western, hegemonic powers, two of the most developed nations in the middle east. You can do the research yourself. Wherever socialism is allowed to function without being sabotaged by capitalist powers like the United States and its vassals/allies, it flourishes. Does well. In Latin America, we see the same thing. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Chile, whenever socialism is allowed to function without being embargoed and overrun by American-funded rebels or invaded, or bombed by the US, that country does well.
Marx was a correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune, a Republican newspaper. He was a philosopher and writer, who to this day still has an audience and people, including economists, studying his writings. You're obviously desperate.

North Korea had a similar GDP per capita to its neighbor South Korea from the aftermath of the Korean War until the mid-1970s,[21][22] but had a GDP per capita of less than $2,000 in the late 1990s and early 21st century.

Economic Growth in North Korea in the 1950s and 60s

Until the 1960s, North Korea's economy grew much faster than South Korea's. Although Pyongyang was behind in total national output, it was ahead of Seoul in per capita national output, because of its smaller population relative to South Korea. For example, in 1960 North Korea's population was slightly over 10 million persons, while South Korea's population was almost 25 million persons. Phenomenal annual economic growth rates of 30 percent and 21 percent during the Three-Year Plan of 1954-56 and the Five-Year Plan of 1957-60, respectively, were reported. After claiming early fulfillment of the Five-Year Plan in 1959, North Korea officially designated 1960 a "buffer year"--a year of adjustment to restore balances among sectors before the next plan became effective in 1961. Not surprisingly the same phenomenon recurred in subsequent plans. Because the Five-Year Plan was fulfilled early, it became a de facto four-year plan. Beginning in the early 1960s, however, Pyongyang's economic growth slowed until it was stagnant at the beginning of the 1990s. [Source: Andrea Matles Savada, Library of Congress, 1993 *]


There's a lot of information in the above article and in Wikipedia. Most of the information that you will get here in the West about North Korea's history and their economy is designed to discredit them as much as possible, however, even with that strong bias, they admit that the DPRK/North Korea wasn't destitute until the 1990s.

The economy slowed down from astronomical growth in the 1950s to more nominal growth, but it still grew in the 1960s and 70s and maintained a decent standard of living for its people, until the 1990s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and China's focus on growing its economy and relationship with its Western clients, North Korea was left on its own, under a brutal sanctions regime enforced internationally by the United States. The US had nukes deployed in South Korea, pointed at North Korea for decades and America's saber-rattling got even worse in the 1990s. The US was emboldened by the collapse of the Soviet Union. All of that negatively affected North Korea's economy, how can it not?

All of your arguments are completely fabricated or half-truths, at best. More, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and levy your charges against communists, due to how destructive capitalist imperialism has been in the last 200 years. Your mountain of rotting corpses is just as high as ours, hence you don't have that halo glowing over your head. You also have horns, it's not just us. We all have horns, so adopt a new line of argumentation or tactical approach to your criticism. The "uuuu you commies are so bad, so bad uuuuuu, you're so bad....", doesn't convince the genuine truth seeker who is well informed.

Now I ask you again for the 14th time, what is your capitalist solution to the widely forecasted and acknowledged crisis of capitalist replacing their human labor/employees with advanced, 21st-century automation technology? How does capitalism, which relies on the private accumulation of capital (i.e. profits), to meet the demands of consumers, produce capital without wage labor/paying consumers? Hello? Do you have a solution? You know what the solution is, you just don't want to admit it.

The solution is self-evident. You and I and everybody else, own the means of production, together. We all own the machinery, facilities, and technology and we together, organize production to meet our needs, not to make money. There is no more need for markets or money when technology can efficiently produce everything we consume. No need for it. Using socialist jargon " we socialize and democratize production". For those interested in learning how we would carry that out, let me know and I will explain in more detail.

What is your capitalist solution to the elimination of human labor and drudgery? Does that even need a solution? It doesn't for communists. We love technology, even if it replaces human labor and drudgery. The capitalists are pooping in their fruit of the looms, not us. We love the idea of robots, AI, automated systems, self-driving autonomous vehicles, atomic precision manufacturing, nanotech, and space colonization. We welcome it whereas the capitalists are telling us this is a crisis. This might be a crisis for them not for us.

Again, what's your capitalist solution? Democratic, Libertarian, high-tech communism.

American-born, libertarian, high-tech communism. That's the solution and you know it, but your ego refuses to accept it.

Development was impeded, however, by the rigid economic system,

No kidding. Miss your quota, your entire family is killed.

and the economy severely affected by a loss of trading partners after the collapse of East European Communism.

When your crappy commie products are only bought by other commie shitholes.....LOL!

By 2002, South Korea had a GDP or $505 billion while North Korea’s was only $15 billion.

Geez, the capitalist economy is over 30 times larger than the commie economy.
You're really convincing me of the superiority of communism. Marx really nailed it.

We love technology, even if it replaces human labor and drudgery.

Commie drudgery, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

I loved your nuclear technology at Chernobyl. Containment structures are so bourgeoisie.

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