DJT Impeachment Trial May Be Overshadowed In Still Other Trials(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The lady ambassador was being targeted by Trump Administration friendlies. In other new evidence, the Personal Attorney of DJT was on a personal advantage mission on behalf of that office-holder, DJT. What the rules allow to be put into evidence is now even likely a separate sideshow at the Senate Trial. Then there are legal issues--more sideshow--likely to wind up in litigation, during all 2020--daily, and about the lack of candor of the President of the United States--Impeached.

Speaker Pelosi appears to have been properly motivated in finally setting the January events in motion, and in a timely manner to accommodate all the new evidence.

Explosive new documents involving Rudy Giuliani and a Ukrainian associate show the shocking extent of Trump's pressure campaign

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Evidence of the Moses Atrocity, (Deut 23:19-20) would surface only 1500 years later--give or take--in Matthew 25: 14-30. Only 2000 years later--give or take--the Keynesian model would be shattered by President Ronald Raygun--sending all the deficit financing to the already prosperous. Finally, only 35 years later--give or take--DJT the Impeachable would go more lethal with the usury economics: Than anyone else before!)
If Senator McConnell tries to interfere with proceedings in a Courthouse: Then he will go to prison.

Crow, James Cow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
($1.0 tril. deficits in Obama/Biden were to bail-out from the GOP-induced recession--(The Bush Tax Cuts For The Rich). $1.0 tril. deficits of DJT The Impeachable are clearly intended to start one, (See in Parentheses: The Bush Tax Cuts For The Rich)!)
The lady ambassador was being targeted by Trump Administration friendlies. In other new evidence, the Personal Attorney of DJT was on a personal advantage mission on behalf of that office-holder, DJT. What the rules allow to be put into evidence is now even likely a separate sideshow at the Senate Trial. Then there are legal issues--more sideshow--likely to wind up in litigation, during all 2020--daily, and about the lack of candor of the President of the United States--Impeached.

Speaker Pelosi appears to have been properly motivated in finally setting the January events in motion, and in a timely manner to accommodate all the new evidence.

Explosive new documents involving Rudy Giuliani and a Ukrainian associate show the shocking extent of Trump's pressure campaign

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Evidence of the Moses Atrocity, (Deut 23:19-20) would surface only 1500 years later--give or take--in Matthew 25: 14-30. Only 2000 years later--give or take--the Keynesian model would be shattered by President Ronald Raygun--sending all the deficit financing to the already prosperous. Finally, only 35 years later--give or take--DJT the Impeachable would go more lethal with the usury economics: Than anyone else before!)
Yeah....those documents are laughable regarding the authenticity. But,'s normal from the left.
Nothing to see here, folks...just move along
Oh good, another thread about this nonsense. That's what, 3 in the first 10 threads on this forum? As I pointed out in another thread, unless Lutsenko agrees to appear at the Senate trial to testify consistent with his "supposed" statements to Parnas in those documents (he's a foreigner and thus can't be compelled to appear via subpoena), none of that is going to be a factor or even see the light of day in the impeachment trial because those written statements are wholly inadmissible under Federal Rule of Evidence 802. There is no way to authenticate those statements short of him testifying. The documents themselves are inadmissible. In other words, this is nothing but a shiny object intended to stir up the rabble rousing, as those documents are completely irrelevant to the Senate impeachment trial.

As shady as Schiff is, even he knows this. Won't stop them from playing it up in the media though.
The relevance of corroborating evidence (807) likely does come. Redy Giuliani is a US National, the Parnas memos (US National), look alarming. The data in the OP link cites stuff from Parnas and from Giuliani. By now the "trial" is sufficiently political to be more concerned with how "Evidence" looks on TV(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Moses growing up a Prince of Egypt had even created for himself an understanding of subjugation, and it uses in Usury Economics--not so-stated, before or since(?)!
The lady ambassador was being targeted by Trump Administration friendlies. In other new evidence, the Personal Attorney of DJT was on a personal advantage mission on behalf of that office-holder, DJT. What the rules allow to be put into evidence is now even likely a separate sideshow at the Senate Trial. Then there are legal issues--more sideshow--likely to wind up in litigation, during all 2020--daily, and about the lack of candor of the President of the United States--Impeached.

Speaker Pelosi appears to have been properly motivated in finally setting the January events in motion, and in a timely manner to accommodate all the new evidence.

Explosive new documents involving Rudy Giuliani and a Ukrainian associate show the shocking extent of Trump's pressure campaign

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Evidence of the Moses Atrocity, (Deut 23:19-20) would surface only 1500 years later--give or take--in Matthew 25: 14-30. Only 2000 years later--give or take--the Keynesian model would be shattered by President Ronald Raygun--sending all the deficit financing to the already prosperous. Finally, only 35 years later--give or take--DJT the Impeachable would go more lethal with the usury economics: Than anyone else before!)

Trump's in yer head for evah!
Poor you.
You're cooked!!
Like saying Hitler died--that is not usually thought a problem, but B. Kidd poster makes the apparent comparison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Subjugation became a famous trait in the Third German Republic, even!)

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