DNC Chair Howard Dean refers to Iraqi Prime Minister as anti-Semite


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2006
Dean Calls Iraqi PM an 'Anti-Semite'

Associated Press Writer

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean on Wednesday called Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki an "anti-Semite" for failing to denounce Hezbollah for its attacks against Israel.

Al-Maliki has condemned Israel's offensive, prompting several Democrats to boycott his address to a joint meeting of Congress and others to criticize him. Dean's comments were the strongest to date.

"The Iraqi prime minister is an anti-Semite," the Democratic leader told a gathering of business leaders in Florida. "We don't need to spend $200 and $300 and $500 billion bringing democracy to Iraq to turn it over to people who believe that Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself and who refuse to condemn Hezbollah."

On Tuesday, leading Senate Democrats said in a sharply worded letter that Al-Maliki's "failure to condemn Hezbollah's aggression and recognize Israel's right to defend itself raises serious questions about whether Iraq under your leadership can play a constructive role in resolving the current crisis and bringing stability to the Middle East."

The Republican National Committee rejected Dean's criticism of Al-Maliki, saying, "It is incredibly troubling that Howard Dean would seek to score cheap political points by attacking the democratically elected prime minister of Iraq."

On Capitol Hill, Sen. John Warner, R-Va., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said: "I dismiss Howard Dean. Really, he's a disappointment, even to Democrats. I don't care to deal with that."

Dean also used the Florida appearance to criticize President Bush, calling him "the most divisive president probably in our history" as he complained that Republican policies of deceit and finger-pointing are tearing the country apart.

"He's always talking about those people. It's always somebody else's fault. It's the gays' fault. It's the immigrants' fault. It's the liberals' fault. It's the Democrats' fault. It's Hollywood people," Dean said. "Americans are sick of that. Even if you win elections doing that, you drag down our country."

Dean spoke to about 240 business leaders in Palm Beach County at a gathering of the Democratic Professionals Forum. It is part of a nationwide grassroots campaign to get voters involved in politics on a local level ahead of the November elections.

Republicans welcomed Dean's appearance in Florida, criticizing him for the same divisiveness he accused Republicans of creating.

"Howard Dean's divisive rhetoric has done nothing more than drive the Democrat Party further to the extreme left of the political spectrum," said Carole Jean Jordan, head of the Republican Party of Florida.

I find it laughable that Dean is looking anywhere but his ideological kin for those who do not support Israel.
Dean, aside from being nothing but an absolute JOKE, is throwing this thing around to see if it will stick. It's political, and nothing more. He doesn't even know what he's saying, just that he hopes it's bad for conservatives.
Pale Rider said:
Dean, aside from being nothing but an absolute JOKE, is throwing this thing around to see if it will stick. It's political, and nothing more. He doesn't even know what he's saying, just that he hopes it's bad for conservatives.

As long as Howie Dean is DNC Chairman, Republicans will continue to win elections

The left wing kooks are running the Democrat party and, for Republicans, that is a good thing.
You know what's scary. This man could have been the President.
red states rule said:
Maybe in 08 it will be the ticket of Hillary and Howie.

What difference does it make?---they vote for anyone who is not a Republican.
dilloduck said:
What difference does it make?---they vote for anyone who is not a Republican.

With Hillary and Howie as the choice, the night will end faster then it did for Reagan in 1984.
red states rule said:
With Hillary and Howie as the choice, the night will end faster then it did for Reagan in 1984.

You don't get it--It's everybody against the Republicans--no matter WHO opposes them. I wouldn't be so sure of a Republican victory.
dilloduck said:
You don't get it--It's everybody against the Republicans--no matter WHO opposes them. I wouldn't be so sure of a Republican victory.

I do get it. I remeber all the polls be "reported" be the liberal media showing how Kerry and the Dems would sweep the 04 elections.

I have faith in the American people. They will see Dems cannot be trusted with national defense and national security.

Dems are still running on nothing but hate and rage. That will not get them a victory at the ballot box.

Just thought I come by here, see how you're living in your "right-wing" utopia...

as you were, gentlemen....:D
red states rule said:
I do get it. I remeber all the polls be "reported" be the liberal media showing how Kerry and the Dems would sweep the 04 elections.

I have faith in the American people. They will see Dems cannot be trusted with national defense and national security.

Dems are still running on nothing but hate and rage. That will not get them a victory at the ballot box.

There are a lot of good conservatives who are fed up with bush and his new world order inspired anti-american agenda. Open your eyes. The republicans are going down.
rtwngAvngr said:
There are a lot of good conservatives who are fed up with bush and his new world order inspired anti-american agenda. Open your eyes. The republicans are going down.

The only one going down was Monica, along with the Dem party

You must still be reading the Election night exit polls

What excuse will you use after the election is over and Republicans win again?

The election was stolen, Dems could not get their messsage out, or the people bought into slick marketing and packaging?

Or all the above?
red states rule said:
The only one going down was Monica, along with the Dem party

You must still be reading the Election night exit polls

What excuse will you use after the election is over and Republicans win again?

The election was stolen, Dems could not get their messsage out, or the people bought into slick marketing and packaging?

Or all the above?

It doesn't really matter who wins. Both sides are just two arms of the NWO. The left corrodes our critical thinking, disarms us, and limits our rights, while the right constructs the fascist corporate infrastructure. Any concern for real american improvement is labelled as either protectionist or racist, and dismissed out of hand. This is how the trainers have trained you monkeys, and as long as you get your banana, your happy. so sad.
rtwngAvngr said:
It doesn't really matter who wins. Both sides are just two arms of the NWO. The left corrodes our critical thinking, disarms us, and limits our rights, while the right constructs the fascist corporate infrastructure. Any concern for real american improvement is labelled as either protectionist or racist, and dismissed out of hand. This is how the trainers have trained you monkeys, and as long as you get your banana, your happy. so sad.

Well, you lasted 2 posts before going to the unsults,

Hope you enjoy your coming vacation. Get some rest and take some anger management classes
red states rule said:
Well, you lasted 2 posts before going to the unsults,

Hope you enjoy your coming vacation. Get some rest and take some anger management classes

Thanks for your concern and helpful suggestions, waldo.
rtwngAvngr said:
Try eating your own filth.;)

You are the poster child for the modern day, angry, unhinged, and del;usional liberal.

Enjoy the litle time you have left on this board
red states rule said:
You are the poster child for the modern day, angry, unhinged, and del;usional liberal.

Enjoy the litle time you have left on this board

I'm so touched that you care about my enjoyment, in my dirty place.
rtwngAvngr said:
I'm so touched that you care about my enjoyment, in my dirty place.

I find it cute that he thinks he's anyone's intellectual equal and even cuter that he thinks he can assert the mods' positions now.

Adorable ain't he? :D

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