DNC Deputy chair poses with antifa handbook


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook.
DNC Deputy Chair Poses With Antifa Handbook

What a pos see these Democratic assholes are all freaking losers LIARS, CHEATERS, STEALING pricks.
KARMA please find this asshole ASAP
Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook.
DNC Deputy Chair Poses With Antifa Handbook

What a pos see these Democratic assholes are all freaking losers LIARS, CHEATERS, STEALING pricks.
KARMA please find this asshole ASAP
Only Republicans get made at a picture being posted with
“The Anti-Fascist Handbook” .
Because Republicans are Fascists. They feel insulted. They admire Fascism. They don't want those "fine people" maligned.
Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook.
DNC Deputy Chair Poses With Antifa Handbook

What a pos see these Democratic assholes are all freaking losers LIARS, CHEATERS, STEALING pricks.
KARMA please find this asshole ASAP
Only Republicans get made at a picture being posted with
“The Anti-Fascist Handbook” .
Because Republicans are Fascists. They feel insulted. They admire Fascism. They don't want those "fine people" maligned.
Only goofy twats think that.
Good. Antifa is an excellent group.

Antifa became fascist years and years ago. Anyone believing they are anti have really had the wool pulled over their eyes. All you have to do is dig into its history.
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Fascist are bad.

You can't be anti-government and be a fascist...Do you realize that? Oh'yess you're only anti-poor and you're as big government imaginable as long as it works in the richmans favor.
Fascist are bad.

You can't be anti-government and be a fascist...Do you realize that? Oh'yess you're only anti-poor and you're as big government imaginable as long as it works in the richmans favor.

Good. Antifa is an excellent group
ANTIFA is anti freedom anti American and anti capitalism...why don't you just move to North Korea and get it over with? I'm sure you will be as happy as a clam there...
Fascist are bad.

You can't be anti-government and be a fascist...Do you realize that? Oh'yess you're only anti-poor and you're as big government imaginable as long as it works in the richmans favor.

Dude. These people are not ant-fascist.

They are the ones that will use you to provide political cover for their crimes, and then will kill you if your side ever gets it way.

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