DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.
Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.

Sheesh Pogo, is that anyway to treat a Lady?

Bankrupt Bernie .. maybe not a declared communist but certainly close enough to enthusiastically suckhole for them..

. Is Bernie Sanders a Crypto-Communist? A Bayesian Analysis - Econlib

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Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.

Sheesh Pogo, is that anyway to treat a Lady?

Bankrupt Bernie .. maybe not a declared communist but certainly close enough to gladly suckhole for them..

. Is Bernie Sanders a Crypto-Communist? A Bayesian Analysis - Econlib


I'm ignoring Pogo. He is like a spoiled child, and I don't wish to waste my time and have my alerts going crazy with his nonsense. :D
They think Bernie is bad for America. For once, I would agree with them.

No, they think he won't SELL. Remember our musings about commodity propaganda? A Presidential campaign is a sales pitch just like any othe product. That's why it's crucial to know how propaganda works. "Believe me", if they thought he would $ELL, they'd be shuttling him around in a DNC-funded megajet.

WHY do you think the other party went with Rump, a loser who was abhorrent to its principles? Because he knows how to get the ATTENTION of the lowest common denominator "poorly educated", that's why. Principles are not in play here --- if you find that a orange freak moron brings you to the dance, that gives you the numbers you want, just like if naked people stranded on an island eating bugs brings your numbers you go with that. It's ENTIRELY about numbers, entirely NOT about principles.

See what I mean now? Clearly neither party gives a shit about "what's bad or good for America". Nobody gets power out of that. A political party exists to amass power, and that's all it is.

But all of that is what makes Bernie Sanders a gigantic phony.

He has zero principles. ZERO. He may tell the truth about what he really wants to see, BUT, he does not have the guts
to back it up.

They screwed him over in 2016 and then bought him out for a party unification announcement. His folks just refused to buy into

Now, four years later they are screwing him over again, and they are not hiding the fact. The fear Biden's baggage and mistakes
so they changed their debate rules to get Bloomberg more recognition. Now the DNC knows that Sanders would sink the party
if he got the nomination, so you really can't blame them. But you can blame Bernie for not making them pay.

He went out and enlisted AOC for help. She has given him help. This election is the final one for Sanders. He wants an heir to
his Socialist group. AOC is his choice. So how do they get the DNC to stop screwing them over? They have to harm the Party.
Make the party fear them. Sanders, at this moment is actually holding all the cards but he will not play them. He's afraid and gutless
to play his cards. His cards are simple. Demand that they follow their rules or pull out of the Primary and run as a third party.

The election is over if he were to do that. He would take almost 1/3 of the party with him. Certainly all the young dem voters.

His speech would be very easy to understand..."You will not allow me to attempt to win fairly, thus none of us will win."

No matter what people may say about him, he has zero guts. He won't dfend himself.

The post you quoted was about the nature of political parties, not Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been true to the same principles all his life. Political parties OTOH have no principles except self-perpetuation.

Bernie Sanders is now a democrat. So much for principles

Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
I mean how do they get zero scrutiny when they are waaaaaaaay worse than Trump on this issue.....holy shit we should need a 10 year investigation into the DNC.....They rig elections and fuck people over, but they're people love it and say thank you may I have another......I hope to God they fuck Bernie again....let's see how much they can take.....
So Bernie the millionaire con artist is such a big threat even the Super Delegates are worried, eh? lol lol lol they're going to self-destruct bigly; they can't fix the 'core base of racists and loons they've created, and it's all going off the rails for the cretins. Good riddance, and time to deport them all, to some place that needs Social Justic Warriors, like their hero regimes in Iran or North Korea, where they can impress us with their Justicing skillz n stuff.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
I mean how do they get zero scrutiny when they are waaaaaaaay worse than Trump on this issue.....holy shit we should need a 10 year investigation into the DNC.....They rig elections and fuck people over, but they're people love it and say thank you may I have another......I hope to God they fuck Bernie again....let's see how much they can take.....

It's an organized crime syndicate; so many RICO violations it would overwhelm the courts system, which is itself infested with their crooked judges and and AGs.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
I mean how do they get zero scrutiny when they are waaaaaaaay worse than Trump on this issue.....holy shit we should need a 10 year investigation into the DNC.....They rig elections and fuck people over, but they're people love it and say thank you may I have another......I hope to God they fuck Bernie again....let's see how much they can take.....

The DNC is no better or worse than the RNC. Remember the fiasco of the 2012 IA primaries? First they declared Romney the winner. Then many weeks later declared Santorum. Then weeks later again, come to find out that Ron Paul actually won.
This was by design. If the actual winner isn't who the establishment wants, they create confusion until no one cares any longer.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Both party leaderships tried it last time.

The disconnect between the leadership and the base is great and in both parties.
Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.
Sanders is a socialist

which within marxist ideology is the first step from capitalism to communism

the old soviets who sanders admired were unabashed communists
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
I mean how do they get zero scrutiny when they are waaaaaaaay worse than Trump on this issue.....holy shit we should need a 10 year investigation into the DNC.....They rig elections and fuck people over, but they're people love it and say thank you may I have another......I hope to God they fuck Bernie again....let's see how much they can take.....

The DNC is no better or worse than the RNC. Remember the fiasco of the 2012 IA primaries? First they declared Romney the winner. Then many weeks later declared Santorum. Then weeks later again, come to find out that Ron Paul actually won.
This was by design. If the actual winner isn't who the establishment wants, they create confusion until no one cares any longer.

I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....
Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.

Sheesh Pogo, is that anyway to treat a Lady?

What, to give her guidance? Sure it is. I do it alla time. She doesn't appreciate it though. Usually.
No, they think he won't SELL. Remember our musings about commodity propaganda? A Presidential campaign is a sales pitch just like any othe product. That's why it's crucial to know how propaganda works. "Believe me", if they thought he would $ELL, they'd be shuttling him around in a DNC-funded megajet.

WHY do you think the other party went with Rump, a loser who was abhorrent to its principles? Because he knows how to get the ATTENTION of the lowest common denominator "poorly educated", that's why. Principles are not in play here --- if you find that a orange freak moron brings you to the dance, that gives you the numbers you want, just like if naked people stranded on an island eating bugs brings your numbers you go with that. It's ENTIRELY about numbers, entirely NOT about principles.

See what I mean now? Clearly neither party gives a shit about "what's bad or good for America". Nobody gets power out of that. A political party exists to amass power, and that's all it is.

But all of that is what makes Bernie Sanders a gigantic phony.

He has zero principles. ZERO. He may tell the truth about what he really wants to see, BUT, he does not have the guts
to back it up.

They screwed him over in 2016 and then bought him out for a party unification announcement. His folks just refused to buy into

Now, four years later they are screwing him over again, and they are not hiding the fact. The fear Biden's baggage and mistakes
so they changed their debate rules to get Bloomberg more recognition. Now the DNC knows that Sanders would sink the party
if he got the nomination, so you really can't blame them. But you can blame Bernie for not making them pay.

He went out and enlisted AOC for help. She has given him help. This election is the final one for Sanders. He wants an heir to
his Socialist group. AOC is his choice. So how do they get the DNC to stop screwing them over? They have to harm the Party.
Make the party fear them. Sanders, at this moment is actually holding all the cards but he will not play them. He's afraid and gutless
to play his cards. His cards are simple. Demand that they follow their rules or pull out of the Primary and run as a third party.

The election is over if he were to do that. He would take almost 1/3 of the party with him. Certainly all the young dem voters.

His speech would be very easy to understand..."You will not allow me to attempt to win fairly, thus none of us will win."

No matter what people may say about him, he has zero guts. He won't dfend himself.

The post you quoted was about the nature of political parties, not Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been true to the same principles all his life. Political parties OTOH have no principles except self-perpetuation.

Bernie Sanders is now a democrat. So much for principles

Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.
I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.
Bernie is never going to the president. Sorry Bernie Bros. Only 18-year-old kids want communism, or those with the mentality of 18-year-old kids. Most Bernie supporters are too doped out to even make it to a voting booth anyways. Lol!

Sanders is not a 'communist'. Never has been. Take your head out of whatever toilet you're reading. Probably somewhere on this site.
Sanders is a socialist

which within marxist ideology is the first step from capitalism to communism

the old soviets who sanders admired were unabashed communists

Who will donate to democrat party if their guy is a socialist?

The college students the socialists indoctrinate... but they don't have any money.

Sanders offers nothing to anyone who is successful.
But all of that is what makes Bernie Sanders a gigantic phony.

He has zero principles. ZERO. He may tell the truth about what he really wants to see, BUT, he does not have the guts
to back it up.

They screwed him over in 2016 and then bought him out for a party unification announcement. His folks just refused to buy into

Now, four years later they are screwing him over again, and they are not hiding the fact. The fear Biden's baggage and mistakes
so they changed their debate rules to get Bloomberg more recognition. Now the DNC knows that Sanders would sink the party
if he got the nomination, so you really can't blame them. But you can blame Bernie for not making them pay.

He went out and enlisted AOC for help. She has given him help. This election is the final one for Sanders. He wants an heir to
his Socialist group. AOC is his choice. So how do they get the DNC to stop screwing them over? They have to harm the Party.
Make the party fear them. Sanders, at this moment is actually holding all the cards but he will not play them. He's afraid and gutless
to play his cards. His cards are simple. Demand that they follow their rules or pull out of the Primary and run as a third party.

The election is over if he were to do that. He would take almost 1/3 of the party with him. Certainly all the young dem voters.

His speech would be very easy to understand..."You will not allow me to attempt to win fairly, thus none of us will win."

No matter what people may say about him, he has zero guts. He won't dfend himself.

The post you quoted was about the nature of political parties, not Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been true to the same principles all his life. Political parties OTOH have no principles except self-perpetuation.

Bernie Sanders is now a democrat. So much for principles

Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.

You should ask your question to the DNC. They are the one's that set the rules, not me.

They say...you have to be a democrat to run in the democratic primaries.

btw...In Iowa they have just changed the requirements to be a democrat. First you list your party choice at registration and then you have
to show that you are competent with a calculator.
The post you quoted was about the nature of political parties, not Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has been true to the same principles all his life. Political parties OTOH have no principles except self-perpetuation.

Bernie Sanders is now a democrat. So much for principles

Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.

You should ask your question to the DNC. They are the one's that set the rules, not me.

They say...you have to be a democrat to run in the democratic primaries.

btw...In Iowa they have just changed the requirements to be a democrat. First you list your party choice at registration and then you have
to show that you are competent with a calculator.

I don't need to ask that question, as I already know the answer. Apparently if they're saying "you have to be a democrat [sic] to run in the democratic [sic] primaries", all you have to do is go "okay, I'm a Democrat" and you're in. Which is what I already posted.

Hell, a Democrat could run in a Republican primary, or vice versa. Makes not a whit of difference. Lincoln's VP was a Democrat. After all when it's time to vote, the voter chooses a candidate, not a party.
Bernie Sanders is now a democrat. So much for principles

Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.

You should ask your question to the DNC. They are the one's that set the rules, not me.

They say...you have to be a democrat to run in the democratic primaries.

btw...In Iowa they have just changed the requirements to be a democrat. First you list your party choice at registration and then you have
to show that you are competent with a calculator.

I don't need to ask that question, as I already know the answer. Apparently if they're saying "you have to be a democrat [sic] to run in the democratic [sic] primaries", all you have to do is go "okay, I'm a Democrat" and you're in. Which is what I already posted.

Hell, a Democrat could run in a Republican primary, or vice versa. Makes not a whit of difference. Lincoln's VP was a Democrat. After all when it's time to vote, the voter chooses a candidate, not a party.

Here ya go...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020
This is Democrats trying to be too inclusive.

Republicans don't let non Republicans run for office in their party.

Democrats would even let a Republican run for the Democratic nomination.

Democrats should only let Democrats run. Then it would be as fair as the GOP.

Besides, Bernie said he won't raise money for Democrats and he won't support Democratic candidates and he will never join the Democratic Party. So why are they inviting him in? Makes no sense to me.

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