DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

This is Democrats trying to be too inclusive.

Republicans don't let non Republicans run for office in their party.

Democrats would even let a Republican run for the Democratic nomination.

Democrats should only let Democrats run. Then it would be as fair as the GOP.

Besides, Bernie said he won't raise money for Democrats and he won't support Democratic candidates and he will never join the Democratic Party. So why are they inviting him in? Makes no sense to me.

They weren't inviting him in. They were forcing him to give up his integrity by having to join the party to run. He could always run as a third
party candidate.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
The superdelegates would have switched to Bernie Sanders if he had won in the primaries. He didn't. More garbage GOP propaganda..
. And our corporate media go along. All they care about is controversy and ratings.
If the Russians hadn't allegedly hacked the DNC's emails in 2016, and Wikileaks hadn't released those emails, nobody would have even known how the DNC and Hillary Clinton gave that poor old curmudgeon socialist Bernie the shaft.

So the DNC is doing it again? :laughing0301:
Those emails between DNC staffers with no power bullshiting with their peers meant absolutely nothing. Just turned into garbage GOP propaganda innuendo and spin. 60% of political coverage was about emails that in the end turned out to mean absolutely nothing our media sucks
I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.

For some reason the media has dug up Romney and quoted some rubbish or other he said recently; I guess the swindlers and hacks at RNC Central are going to attempt a revival of some kind. He's a perfect hero for many on the Right, having made a fortune bankrupting perfectly sound companies and leaving the wreckage for others to pay for.
Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.

You should ask your question to the DNC. They are the one's that set the rules, not me.

They say...you have to be a democrat to run in the democratic primaries.

btw...In Iowa they have just changed the requirements to be a democrat. First you list your party choice at registration and then you have
to show that you are competent with a calculator.

I don't need to ask that question, as I already know the answer. Apparently if they're saying "you have to be a democrat [sic] to run in the democratic [sic] primaries", all you have to do is go "okay, I'm a Democrat" and you're in. Which is what I already posted.

Hell, a Democrat could run in a Republican primary, or vice versa. Makes not a whit of difference. Lincoln's VP was a Democrat. After all when it's time to vote, the voter chooses a candidate, not a party.

Here ya go...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020

Yep, the 'Super Delegate' scam is no longer enough, the Party is fractured among the various racist and economic factions that have nothing in common with each other and thus no policies to run on, they just have their ethnic cleansing program of importing South America's unwanted and trying to get them to kill all the white proles.

When I heard about the alleged 'glitch' I knew the vote wasn't going entirely the establishment's way. I wouldn't have been surprised if by noon they had announced Hillary winning with 99.9% of the vote, and all the other candidates were found by police with dead hookers in their rooms, like that Senator in The GodFather movie, lol. Well, except for Buttplug's room; they would have found 7 dead dwarves in S&M gear.
Nope, he's never had a party. In fact his first election win was against an entrenched Democrat.
One year, the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate against him. He STILL won.

Actually nobody has a party in Vermont. You register to vote, that's it. You don't specify a party. People running for office of course can run with the Democrats or Republicans for the power structure. Bernie never did.

I used to live there. Bernie was my Congressman.

The DNC, after the 2016 election changed its rules. Only democrats could run in their primary. If he didn't join the Democratic
Party he is/was not allowed to run in the primary.

So they'd like you to believe.

Tell us, how do you "join" a political party? Is there some kind of registration form? Do you go for an interview to be accepted? Send in three boxtops? Attend a secret ritual in a dank dark cavern?

Nope, there's no such thing. You're a Democrat or a Republican or a Whig or whatever, simply because you say you are and tell the voter registration people. But in Vermont, the registration people don't even ask. And why should they.

You should ask your question to the DNC. They are the one's that set the rules, not me.

They say...you have to be a democrat to run in the democratic primaries.

btw...In Iowa they have just changed the requirements to be a democrat. First you list your party choice at registration and then you have
to show that you are competent with a calculator.

I don't need to ask that question, as I already know the answer. Apparently if they're saying "you have to be a democrat [sic] to run in the democratic [sic] primaries", all you have to do is go "okay, I'm a Democrat" and you're in. Which is what I already posted.

Hell, a Democrat could run in a Republican primary, or vice versa. Makes not a whit of difference. Lincoln's VP was a Democrat. After all when it's time to vote, the voter chooses a candidate, not a party.

Here ya go...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020

Yes, I remember that. It says there, quote:

>> In order to seek the party's nomination, a candidate must publicly announce that they are a registered Democrat, will accept the Democratic nomination, and will "run and serve" as a member of the Democratic Party. <<​

That's what I just said. "Publicly announce that they are a registered Democrat" means two things -- one, as I said you're a "Democrat" or a "Republican" or a "whatever" simply because you say you are, and two, that's technically impossible for Sanders to do, because in Vermont you don't register with a party affiliation. It's not an option. I don't know if the latter is the angle they had in mind but if it is it means no one from Vermont can seek the party's nomination because no one in Vermont can register "as a (insert political party here)". There may be other states that don't register affiliations, I don't know, but they would be excluded in the same way.

Actually the wording makes the rule intrinsically bogus, because a political party can't regulate who can seek the nomination; what they mean is 'in order to receive the party's nomination". The whole wording is vague and specious.

The second part states the obvious: "will accept the Democratic nomination" --- that's what they're seeking in the first place, DUH... and then "will run and serve as a member of the Democratic Party" is entirely meaningless. That would mean they get a D after their name instead of an I or an R and it has no bearing on what they do or say or how they vote.

It's a stupid hissyfit rule, equivalent to the "NO GURLS" sign on the little boys' treehouse, but a political party can and will nominate whoever it wants and can certainly break its own rules any time it gets the urge. That certainly includes blocking candies in spite of their public support, as well as endorsing candies that won't wear their T-shirt when they find that course to be profitable.

Political parties are after all, ALL about profit, their currency being "power" and "seats". Clearly no party that wasn't just formed last week has any qualms about abandoning any principles in the interest of that profit. Both the DP and the RP have done it repeatedly through their shady histories. So if the party hierarchy decides a Bernie Sanders or a Teddy Roosevelt isn't going to bring them the long-term profits some other puppet will, they'll find a way to shunt that one to the side. That's the Duopoly and as long as it exists there's jack-all we can do about it.
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I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.

Nah the RNC stayed out of it, you had some Never Trump elites try do something, but the RNC didn't, Reince remined neutral the whole time. The RNC even squashed the delegate games at the convention...…..and the Never Trumpers were pissed!
For a party obsessed with Big Government, the Democrats' obsession with

"stopping Bernie whatever the cost"

is pretty puzzling....

until one realizes that Bernie told Jesse Ventura that he would re-open the 911 investigation, something bitterly opposed by

Chuck Schumer
Dianne Feinstein
Adam Schiff
Henry Waxman
Mikey Bloomberg
Tom Steyer
Steny Hoyer
Barack Obama
Michael Robinson
John Kerry

and everyone else who knows the truth and wants it buried deep....
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
I don't understand why they didn't say after 16 that anyone running as a dem has to BE a dem.
I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.

Nah the RNC stayed out of it, you had some Never Trump elites try do something, but the RNC didn't, Reince remined neutral the whole time. The RNC even squashed the delegate games at the convention...…..and the Never Trumpers were pissed!
the gop has winner take all primaries, so Trump had the delegates to win.
Apparently Dems are going to re-canvas Iowa until Sanders loses.

They count the votes, then recount them until they come out the way they want them too.

Ever seen the movie, "Key Largo," with Humphrey Bogart? That's the way it's been going on for almost a century.
I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.

Nah the RNC stayed out of it, you had some Never Trump elites try do something, but the RNC didn't, Reince remined neutral the whole time. The RNC even squashed the delegate games at the convention...…..and the Never Trumpers were pissed!

The RNC was involved in every aspect of the 2016 primaries. From the small local conventions to the National Convention. They ruled the roost. Banning any opposition to Romney. I know this for a fact because I was part of some of it. Had close friends who were in our local conventions that went to state. Our own local RNC chairwoman blacked balled 2 of our delegates because she found out they were Ron Paul supporters.
And this happened in thousands of other local and state conventions.
I don't remember that, and while I don't like the RNC, it is MUCH better than the DNC (lets face it, that is a LOW bar). The RNC let the people vote and wouldn't intervene, even though many of the elites wanted them to. The DNC did intervene in 2016 and they are openly discussing it now......it's hilarious....and a huge clown show. And the republicans have never had anything this stupid.....

Are you shitting me? THe RNC pulled out all the stops that year. From allowing Romney supporters to ballot stuff the boxes, having security, who injured the newly elected state RNC chairman and taken out of the building, after the one who was voted out, refused to leave his seat. To paying a bus driver to not stop (for like 45 minutes) at the national convention (kidnapping) when he was carrying the deciding voter to the convention. And the funny thing was, the man was a Romney supporter. He just didn't think the new rule was fair.

Don't get me wrong, the DNC leadership are a bunch of corrupt A holes. Especially the way they're doing Tulsi Gabbard.

Nah the RNC stayed out of it, you had some Never Trump elites try do something, but the RNC didn't, Reince remined neutral the whole time. The RNC even squashed the delegate games at the convention...…..and the Never Trumpers were pissed!

The RNC was involved in every aspect of the 2016 primaries. From the small local conventions to the National Convention. They ruled the roost. Banning any opposition to Romney. I know this for a fact because I was part of some of it. Had close friends who were in our local conventions that went to state. Our own local RNC chairwoman blacked balled 2 of our delegates because she found out they were Ron Paul supporters.
And this happened in thousands of other local and state conventions.
Romeny didn't run in 2016, did I miss something? He won in 2012. Nor did Ron Paul......
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
You don't actually think that the Democrats are going to allow the people to chose their candidate, do you?
There is only 1 vote that matters to the DNC, and that is Clinton's. When she votes to dump the current field and get back into the race, it will be all over for Sanders, Biden and the rest of the crew.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
Whatever method they wish to use to eliminate him in the standing, is fine with me.
He's a Marxist-Leninist Socialist and there are thousands of brave deceased soldiers in our National Cemeteries that fought against his and his followers ideology.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
Whatever method they wish to use to eliminate him in the standing, is fine with me.
He's a Marxist-Leninist Socialist and there are thousands of brave deceased soldiers in our National Cemeteries that fought against his and his followers ideology.

As much as I can't stand Sanders, I'm more in favor of honesty and no corruption. Let the people decide who they want, on a level playing field. We can't win them all. Americans are forgetful. But not that forgetful. It usually takes about 5 years for us to forget important things. Sanders, if he beats Trump (extremely impossible), it won't take long to realize that 90% of what Sanders promised, was just BS. We elect presidents. Not kings.
The ONLY thing Sanders or any POTUS can sign into law, are bills passed by both houses of congress.
There is only 1 vote that matters to the DNC, and that is Clinton's. When she votes to dump the current field and get back into the race, it will be all over for Sanders, Biden and the rest of the crew.

You're joking, right? Even the DNC is starting to realize just how toxic Hitlery is. Tulsi is suing her for $50 million bucks for her highly refuted claims that Tulsi is a Russian Asset.

Clinton, like Trump, just needs to shut her pie hole.

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