DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

The DNC has supported this anarchy from the beginning. They staged riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and are now openly supporting a group that supports random killing of cops.

This is corruption in a nut-shell. They feel that supporting Black Lives Matter while ignoring their activities won't effect them.

Al Sharpton didn't visit Obama over 60 times to sit there and pray with him. will the people Finally WAKE up. gawd only knows I guess. but this has been the worst I've seen things in our country, under THE ONE who they told us would be the Great UNITER. I don't know if we'll ever RECOVER from this or him and his fellow traitorous snakes in this Progressive, so called Democrat party

Al Sharpton had only 5 one-on-one meetings with the President, so lets get your facts straight.
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

No they support cops having warm bedding
The DNC has supported this anarchy from the beginning. They staged riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and are now openly supporting a group that supports random killing of cops.

This is corruption in a nut-shell. They feel that supporting Black Lives Matter while ignoring their activities won't effect them.

Al Sharpton didn't visit Obama over 60 times to sit there and pray with him. will the people Finally WAKE up. gawd only knows I guess. but this has been the worst I've seen things in our country, under THE ONE who they told us would be the Great UNITER. I don't know if we'll ever RECOVER from this or him and his fellow traitorous snakes in this Progressive, so called Democrat party

Al Sharpton had only 5 one-on-one meetings with the President, so lets get your facts straight.

5 or 60 Whats the Difference to a demagogue?
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.
Oh look the police at morning call

^^ And here ya go folks. May as well be the Democrats 2016 campaign slogan "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon!"

Guno...by all means...you liberal retards should embrace that phrase and the entire anti cop movement with all your effort.

Its much better when you just say everyone is anti-cop since you speak for everyone. You're going to say it anyway so why bother.
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

No they support cops having warm bedding

I dont do vids just dropped into posts with no explanation.
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.

just think if a white supremacist group was marching around chanting that.
How these BLM is getting away with this, that is now causing innocent people to be murdered, instigating riots and lootings. Just look at what party has control of attorney general and who is President: and you will see how

anyone supporting this behavior from them now has blood on their hands
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.

just think if a white supremacist group was marching around chanting that.
How these BLM is getting away with this, that is now causing innocent people to be murdered, instigating riots and lootings. Just look at what party has control of attorney general and who is President: and you will see how

anyone supporting this behavior from them now has blood on their hands

White groups have actually killed people...but in your mind blacks chanting something is just like whites killing people
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.
Oh look the police at morning call

^^ And here ya go folks. May as well be the Democrats 2016 campaign slogan "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon!"

Guno...by all means...you liberal retards should embrace that phrase and the entire anti cop movement with all your effort.

Its much better when you just say everyone is anti-cop since you speak for everyone. You're going to say it anyway so why bother.

Everyone isn't. Just leftist retards mostly. An occasional far right radical. But mostly leftist retards, leftist commies, leftist anarchists and of course just leftist homos like you.

The silent majority of America supports the cops. Which is why you leftards should DEFINITELY keep it up!
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?

Um....yes actually. Racial tension was slowly slipping away. Bit by bit...we were slowly moving past all this nonsense.

Then January 20th, 2009 happened.
Poor excuse.

The title on the video is a summary of the content.

Your problem is you 're afraid to hear the truth.
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?

Um....yes actually. Racial tension was slowly slipping away. Bit by bit...we were slowly moving past all this nonsense.

Then January 20th, 2009 happened.
exactly, it started with the college professor that refused to give ID when the police were investigating a possible break in at his home. Remember? the police acted stupidly? then every time some black thug criminal acts up and gets shot, HNIC makes a comment about the killing of innocent blacks and send representation to the funerals. Not once has he done this for whites.
His obamacare is basically designed for the blacks in the inner cities to get the same coverage as those that work,
Everything this stupid shoeshine boy does is aimed at stirring racial discontent
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.
Oh look the police at morning call

^^ And here ya go folks. May as well be the Democrats 2016 campaign slogan "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon!"

Guno...by all means...you liberal retards should embrace that phrase and the entire anti cop movement with all your effort.

Its much better when you just say everyone is anti-cop since you speak for everyone. You're going to say it anyway so why bother.

Everyone isn't. Just leftist retards mostly. An occasional far right radical. But mostly leftist retards, leftist commies, leftist anarchists and of course just leftist homos like you.

The silent majority of America supports the cops. Which is why you leftards should DEFINITELY keep it up!

Great, you just keep on letting everyone know your powers of Mental Telepathy and hit the road with it. God know that cops never make mistakes and if they do they are good honest ones. :rolleyes:
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?

Um....yes actually. Racial tension was slowly slipping away. Bit by bit...we were slowly moving past all this nonsense.

Then January 20th, 2009 happened.

What happened? Were whites struck by racist lightening that day that super increased their racism? Or let me guess, you're going with the "blacks made me racist" excuse again?

Let me know Bucs, like my signature you have the best nonsensical stories in all of USMB
You will be voting for more race baiting to stir up hate on you the innocent Civilians, towns and cities being burned and stores being looted out of business. MORE of your Civilian police offices being HUNTED like animals and executed when you vote for the DEMCORAT PARTY. if that's how you want to live, then go vote for them. but don't say you weren't Warned

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter – The Next Day They Chant “Pigs in a Blanket”

Jim Hoft Aug 31st, 2015 7:22 am

** 23 police officers have been gunned down this year, so far, in the line of duty.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Minnesota this weekend chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

The panderers at the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution on Friday supporting the Black Lives Matter mob movement. The resolution also condemns police in America for shooting unarmed black men.
MSNBC reported:

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution Friday afternoon supporting the Black Lives Matter movement at the party’s summer meeting. The national party also affirmed a resolution supporting same-sex marriage in every state and another honoring the son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

It also calls for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and calls for minimizing the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful civilians in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer.

23 police officers have been killed this year in the line of duty.

652 people have been shot dead by police so far this year; 24 were black and unarmed.

DNC Passes Resolution to Support #BlackLivesMatter - The Next Day They Chant "Pigs in a Blanket" - The Gateway Pundit
So now Democrats openly support cop-killing.

Good to know.

"Now" the Dems support cop killing? They've long supported it. Obamas campaign started in the home of a terrorist cop killer.

Democrats are being more open about it though.
Unlike cops that like to kill perps..
The title should be
DNC works to advance racial tension and divide in the U.S

Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?

Um....yes actually. Racial tension was slowly slipping away. Bit by bit...we were slowly moving past all this nonsense.

Then January 20th, 2009 happened.
exactly, it started with the college professor that refused to give ID when the police were investigating a possible break in at his home. Remember?

I remember, but it seems you dont: Arrest of Harvard's Henry Louis Gates Jr. was avoidable, report says

When Crowley arrived, he found Gates in the house (the driver was gone) and asked him to step outside. Gates refused. When Crowley went into the house, Gates showed his Harvard identification card and his driver's license, which included his address. According to police, Gates then became angry and followed Crowley outside. He was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct, which was later dropped.

Maybe you lying about the incident is Obama's fault too? Right?

the police acted stupidly? then every time some black thug criminal acts up and gets shot, HNIC makes a comment about the killing of innocent blacks and send representation to the funerals. Not once has he done this for whites.

Henry Louis Gates was not a criminal...neither was Tamir Rice or Trayvon Martin. You just call them that because Obama made you lie about it!

His obamacare is basically designed for the blacks in the inner cities to get the same coverage as those that work,
Everything this stupid shoeshine boy does is aimed at stirring racial discontent

Another lie by an angry white guy who pretends his anger is Obama's fault. White people use it too! But THOSE people dont make you mad tho....Weird, huh?
Blacks in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.

just think if a white supremacist group was marching around chanting that.
How these BLM is getting away with this, that is now causing innocent people to be murdered, instigating riots and lootings. Just look at what party has control of attorney general and who is President: and you will see how

anyone supporting this behavior from them now has blood on their hands

White groups have actually killed people...but in your mind blacks chanting something is just like whites killing people

Nope.....but it may cause someone to do exactly what they're chanting.

You chose not to watch the video.....and it simply puts the reasons that black lives matter is going about protest in the wrong way into easily understandable words so anyone could see what's going on. But you used some lame excuse to ignore it.

Until you learn to listen you will forever be in the dark.
Racial Tension. Another Obama creation, thanks for Slavery OBAMA!
negro stole my bicycle when I was 14.
Im still blaming all negros for that today, all of them should die for stealing my bike.
I have had no need or desire to be around any of them since then.

Get the Fuck off the slavery kick, nobody alive today was a slave and nobody today owned one. you and your ilk can take slavery and obama and shove them up your over sensitive racist liberal pansy ass.

So? What does anyone being alive have to do with you blaming Obama for racial tension. Did Racial Tension get old and die? And the Obama brought it back?

Or is racial tension a result of the people who arent alive anymore so it doesnt count?

Um....yes actually. Racial tension was slowly slipping away. Bit by bit...we were slowly moving past all this nonsense.

Then January 20th, 2009 happened.
exactly, it started with the college professor that refused to give ID when the police were investigating a possible break in at his home. Remember?

I remember, but it seems you dont: Arrest of Harvard's Henry Louis Gates Jr. was avoidable, report says

When Crowley arrived, he found Gates in the house (the driver was gone) and asked him to step outside. Gates refused. When Crowley went into the house, Gates showed his Harvard identification card and his driver's license, which included his address. According to police, Gates then became angry and followed Crowley outside. He was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct, which was later dropped.

Maybe you lying about the incident is Obama's fault too? Right?

the police acted stupidly? then every time some black thug criminal acts up and gets shot, HNIC makes a comment about the killing of innocent blacks and send representation to the funerals. Not once has he done this for whites.

Henry Louis Gates was not a criminal...neither was Tamir Rice or Trayvon Martin. You just call them that because Obama made you lie about it!

His obamacare is basically designed for the blacks in the inner cities to get the same coverage as those that work,
Everything this stupid shoeshine boy does is aimed at stirring racial discontent

Another lie by an angry white guy who pretends his anger is Obama's fault. White people use it too! But THOSE people dont make you mad tho....Weird, huh?
You are the perfect example of how well that racist coons intentions are working.
Now, I don't use the word coon that include all blacks, but only those that act in such a manner as to earn such disrespect. and I only use that because the real word to describe him is blocked here.

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