DNC rules out Fox News for any primary debate


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
If it's on Fox then candidates will be given fair prep. Can't have that, better to "Give Clinton a head's up", after all, it's what the elite want, not you. They'll train you later. DNC ditches Fox News as 2020 primary debate host

Let's be honest, this is just another example where conservatives are held to a much higher and different standard. Notice a trend yet?
  • Conservatives are censored through-out the internet.

  • Our education system indoctrinates students for sake of prog opinions, and they censor those who dare to have a difference of opinion.

  • Conservatives are threatened just for their existence. Those declared con-progressive" are targeted and alienated.

  • Among others, the IRS and FBI have proved to discriminate based on party affiliation.

  • The Obama admin. spied on Trump, simply because.

  • Investigations built on false presences are progressively investigated, not because a crime was committed, but in hopes of finding a crime. If that doesn't work build one.

  • Hollywood and the media tell us white conservatives must be racist, and of course Trump is the biggest racist of all. Both have been reduced to trash.

  • US traditions and thought are old school and should become extinct. Same with gender and heterosexuality. Abortions are better than parents.

  • Statues and landmarks are being destroyed.
Hillary had the questions, was wired to receive the answers - and Trump still won the debate
Fox News has changed their name, it was done over two years ago. Try Trump News.
But as a easily manipulated Little Trumpster, who lives your life in the world of “alternative facts”. Real facts don’t matter anyway. To Little Trumpsters, facts are “fake news”.
The Making of the Fox News White House

Prog-speak projection.

There won't be much in the way of prog response to this thread. The greater the truth the easy they tuck tail and run. Hasn't stopped most of them yet though, screw loose?
Fox was caught sitting on stories the same as the Enquirer was.

And no one is complaining the Enquirer doesn't get to hold a debate.
Hillary had the questions, was wired to receive the answers - and Trump still won the debate
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, got his fat ass handed to him in all 3 debates, and nobody knows that more than you!

That’s why she lost? Liberal Death Cult Logic!

Killing babies, Killing Americans, Killing America!

Live from The DNC more Liberal Death Cult Logic!!!

I can’t make this shit up!
Hillary had the questions, was wired to receive the answers - and Trump still won the debate
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, got his fat ass handed to him in all 3 debates, and nobody knows that more than you!
That’s why she lost?
No that's why she got more votes than The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp.

Thanks to millions of illegals voting in states with no voter ID laws.
If it's on Fox then candidates will be given fair prep. Can't have that, better to "Give Clinton a head's up", after all, it's what the elite want, not you. They'll train you later. DNC ditches Fox News as 2020 primary debate host

Let's be honest, this is just another example where conservatives are held to a much higher and different standard. Notice a trend yet?
  • Conservatives are censored through-out the internet.

  • Our education system indoctrinates students for sake of prog opinions, and they censor those who dare to have a difference of opinion.

  • Conservatives are threatened just for their existence. Those declared con-progressive" are targeted and alienated.

  • Among others, the IRS and FBI have proved to discriminate based on party affiliation.

  • The Obama admin. spied on Trump, simply because.

  • Investigations built on false presences are progressively investigated, not because a crime was committed, but in hopes of finding a crime. If that doesn't work build one.

  • Hollywood and the media tell us white conservatives must be racist, and of course Trump is the biggest racist of all. Both have been reduced to trash.

  • US traditions and thought are old school and should become extinct. Same with gender and heterosexuality. Abortions are better than parents.

  • Statues and landmarks are being destroyed.

Conservatives? You managed to piss someone like me who never cared about politics and here is why.

Conservatives claim to be religious, guardians of morals, family values, Jesus teachings right?
So why the fuck are you anti helping refugees, poor desperate illegals immigrants, Muslims fleeing wars that we started?
Why did you vote for an immoral punk who is known to be a conman, womanizer, pussy grabber, who day and night is name calling people? Where are your values?

YOU LITERALLY voted for an adulterer, cheater, narcissist **** and you are mad at the liberals boycotting your bigotry and your racism.
You wanna tell me you go to church, read the bible, listen to the preacher about helping others, abstaining from bullying, name calling others and you support a bully and a dick?
Hillary had the questions, was wired to receive the answers - and Trump still won the debate
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, got his fat ass handed to him in all 3 debates, and nobody knows that more than you!
That’s why she lost?
No that's why she got more votes than The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp.
Thanks to millions of illegals voting in states with no voter ID laws.
Yet another Russian LIE!

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