DNC rules out Fox News for any primary debate

Hysterical that democrats are too scared to debate on Fox. That's what happens from receiving lifetime Participation Trophies

Luke Sissyfag was more of a man than any modern democrat
Hillary had the questions, was wired to receive the answers - and Trump still won the debate
The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, got his fat ass handed to him in all 3 debates, and nobody knows that more than you!
That’s why she lost?
No that's why she got more votes than The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp.
Thanks to millions of illegals voting in states with no voter ID laws.
Yet another Russian LIE!

Go fuck yourself, troll......14 of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won had NO voter ID law. Project Veritas revealed the strategy for voting "early and often" by busing "voters" from one precinct to another and that they had been doing it for years. Shall I show the undercover video proving this, buttwipe?
Liberals can't stand to be challenged on their hate and stupidity. Especially nowadays with their extreme far Left anti American Socialist agenda.

They will get their dimwit lackeys at CNN and MSNBC to feed them softball questions like "what is your favorite color". They way don't have to answer for the destruction of the country that they advocate.
It probably wold have been Fox's Chris Wallace anyway. He's a registered Democrat. And a globalist.
FOX can sponsor its own debate. They sure have enough money to do so.

Hope they tell the DNC to fuck off.
The news must be biased towards the left or they are bad!
Fox was caught sitting on stories the same as the Enquirer was.

And no one is complaining the Enquirer doesn't get to hold a debate.
But Fox wasn't caught giving questions to participants before the debate, now were they?

I personally believe the DNC refused Fox because it would have been the most legitinate of all the venues. Fox won't leak questions ahead of time.
Burning literature Vs progressive censorship on the internet. Hmm, strikes me the same.
Fox News has changed their name, it was done over two years ago. Try Trump News.
But as a easily manipulated Little Trumpster, who lives your life in the world of “alternative facts”. Real facts don’t matter anyway. To Little Trumpsters, facts are “fake news”.
The Making of the Fox News White House

Prog-speak projection.

There won't be much in the way of prog response to this thread. The greater the truth the easy they tuck tail and run. Hasn't stopped most of them yet though, screw loose?

I don’t watch hyper-partisan cable news, period. As anyone who pays attention, Groknows I am not of either party. I am not so stupid to let an ideology dictate how I think, unlike like you, who is the perfect example of a person too weak-minded, to be capable of actually coming up with an original thought, as demonstrated by your over used response.
Grow some balls, junior. Exercise some brain cells. Or are you too lazy or just plain that stupid.

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